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Hasten The Day!
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. 11 Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, 12 looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? 13 Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. [See Table of Contents for all End-Time Prophecies covered here, best viewed on a big screen]
Prophecies Fulfilled in OUR Generation (last 100 years)
ANTISEMITISM (Hatred of the Jews)
Hated of the Jews is so common that a word has been coined to describe it – antisemitism.
Deuteronomy 28:36-37 – Curses on Disobedience
Dt 28:36 “The Lord will bring you and the king whom you set over you to a nation which neither you nor your fathers have known, and there you shall serve other gods—wood and stone. 37 And you shall become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword among all nations where the Lord will drive you.
Astonishment – לְשַׁמָּ֔ה - Ruin; by implication, consternation
Consternation – Amazement or dismay that hinders or throws into confusion.
Why did the Jewish people become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword among all nations?
The World’s Hatred of Israel - Prophecy Fulfilled
What is the cause of all the anti-Semitism in the world?
Anti-Semitism - Its Roots and Perseverance
Replacement Theology Has Led to Rampant Antisemitism (Links to another page)
Muslim Students Association (MSA)
Punishment in US History for National Antisemitism
Antisemitism 2020: A Year in Review
Polish nationalists shout ‘Death to Jews' while burning a book at a rally
Amazon Blasted for ‘Monetizing Jew-Hatred’ by Hosting, Selling Nazi Propaganda
Boston Mapping Project: An Anti-Semitic Campaign Goes Awry
UC Berkeley blasted for creating ‘Jewish-free zones’ with pro-Israel speaker ban
Jeremiah 29:15-20 – Jeremiah’s Letter to the Captives
Jer 29:15 Because you have said, “The Lord has raised up prophets for us in Babylon”— 16 therefore thus says the Lord concerning the king who sits on the throne of David, concerning all the people who dwell in this city, and concerning your brethren who have not gone out with you into captivity— 17 thus says the Lord of hosts: Behold, I will send on them the sword, the famine, and the pestilence, and will make them like rotten figs that cannot be eaten, they are so bad. 18 And I will pursue them with the sword, with famine, and with pestilence; and I will deliver them to trouble among all the kingdoms of the earth—to be a curse, an astonishment, a hissing, and a reproach among all the nations where I have driven them, 19 because they have not heeded My words, says the Lord, which I sent to them by My servants the prophets, rising up early and sending them; neither would you heed, says the Lord. 20 Therefore hear the word of the Lord, all you of the captivity, whom I have sent from Jerusalem to Babylon.
Because the Jews’ ancestors disregarded God and refused to obey Him, they faced a great tribulation of hostility and persecution lasting many centuries.
Jeremiah 24:8-10 – The Sign of Two Baskets of Figs
Jer 24:8 ‘And as the bad figs which cannot be eaten, they are so bad’—surely thus says the Lord—‘so will I give up Zedekiah the king of Judah, his princes, the residue of Jerusalem who remain in this land, and those who dwell in the land of Egypt. 9 I will deliver them to trouble into all the kingdoms of the earth, for their harm, to be a reproach and a byword, a taunt and a curse, in all places where I shall drive them. 10 And I will send the sword, the famine, and the pestilence among them, till they are consumed from the land that I gave to them and their fathers.’ ”
Zechariah 8:13 – Jerusalem, Holy City of the Future
Zec 8:13 And it shall come to pass That just as you were a curse among the nations,
O house of Judah and house of Israel, So I will save you, and you shall be a blessing.
Do not fear, Let your hands be strong.’
Jeremiah 30:17 – Restoration of Israel and Judah
Jer 30:17 For I will restore health to you And heal you of your wounds,’ says the Lord,
‘Because they called you an outcast saying: “This is Zion; No one seeks her.” ’
Is there a lesson to us? YES!
Romans 11:22 Therefore consider the goodness and severity of God: on those who fell, severity; but toward you, goodness, if you continue in His goodness. Otherwise you also will be cut off.
The Christian Church is doing the same thing that God warned the Jews about in Jeremiah 29:19 because they have not heeded My words.
Why antisemitism now?
God is using antisemitism to bring the Jews back to Israel, fulfilling His prophetic Word (See Aliyah)
Olivier Melnick: Is Antisemitism Extinct?
(Prophecy Watchers w/ Olivier Melnick)
Most people believe that antisemitism disappeared when World War II ended…but did that really happen? Join Gary and Olivier Melnick as they discuss how the opposite might actually be the case.
Is the Church Antisemitic? Isn’t Antisemitism dead?
(Prophecy Watchers w/ Olivier Melnick)
End time prophecy shows that antisemitism will rise to intense levels during the last days. Olivier shares the ways in which many segments of the church are sadly fulfilling this prophecy.
The World’s Hatred of Israel - Prophecy Fulfilled
End time Bible prophecy focuses on the nation of Israel. One of those prophecies states that in the end times all the world will come together in its opposition to the nation of Israel and its occupation of Jerusalem (Zechariah 12:2–3):
2) “Behold, I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that causes reeling to all the peoples around; and when the siege is against Jerusalem, it will also be against Judah.”
3) “It will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it.”
In fulfillment of this prophecy, Israel is, without a doubt, the most hated nation in the world today, and I can prove it quickly and decisively.
United Nations Folly
Just consider a partial listing of condemnations issued by the United Nations Human Rights Council since it was established in 2006. Israel has been condemned 62 times, Syria 17 times, North Korea 8 times and Iran 5 times.
Of the 193 members of the United Nations, only 11 nations have been condemned, representing six percent. Of the 116 resolutions of condemnation, 53% have been aimed at Israel!
Not a one of the following states have received a single condemnation despite the fact that all of them have horrible records of human rights violations — Cuba, China, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Somalia, Nicaragua and Venezuela.
Yet Israel has been condemned 62 times.
Or consider this list of terrorist organizations — ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Fatah, Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad. The only one that has been condemned by the UN Human Rights Council is ISIS, with one condemnation!
Yet Israel has been targeted 62 times.
Israel is a democracy that provides the highest standards of freedom for all its citizens, both Jew and Arab.
Yet Israel is condemned.
There is not one Arab country in the world that will allow Jews to be citizens, and there is not one that will allow freedom of religion for Jews and Christians.
Yet it is Israel that is condemned.
In contrast, Israel allows Arabs to be citizens and to vote and serve in its parliament. It also provides freedom of speech and religion for both Christians and Muslims.
Yet it is Israel that is condemned.
Women in Arab countries throughout the Middle East are subjected to honor killings and are denied basic rights like voting and privileges like driving an auto, yet the UN Council on the Status of Women wrapped up its most recent meeting in March of 2016 by condemning only one country in the world — Israel, for supposedly violating the rights of Palestinian women!
In the same month, the latest session of the United Nations Human Rights Council issued one condemnation each for North Korea, Syria and Iran.
Israel received 4!
That means that 98% of the 193 member states of the United Nations — inhabited by 6.6 billion people — got no mention at all in the resolutions of the UN Human Rights Council.
Israel is one of the smallest nations in the world. It is only 300 miles long and 75 miles wide — about the size of the state of New Jersey. Does the United Nations really believe it is the source of all the world’s problems?
UNESCO Nonsense
The latest UN fiasco has come from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). In October of 2016 this Arab dominated wing of the UN adopted two outrageous resolutions presented by the Palestinians in which they denied any historical connection between the Jewish people and Jerusalem, the Temple Mount and the Western Wall (or “Wailing Wall” as it is often called).
Israel’s Ambassador to UNESCO called the resolutions “absurd,” and in a show of defiance, he tore them up and threw them in a trash can. Israel’s Foreign Minister declared, “UNESCO’s vote on Jerusalem is a piece of rubbish, rightly dumped in the garbage can by our Ambassador.” Israel’s Interior Minister proclaimed, “If the Jews do not have a connection to the Western Wall, then UNESCO does not have a connection to education, science and culture.”
Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, denounced the resolutions as “absurd theater.” He went on to say that if Israel has no connection to the Temple Mount and to the Western Wall, then “China has no connection to the Chinese Wall and Egypt has no connection to the Pyramids.” He then declared that “UNESCO has lost its legitimacy.”
The prime Minister also pointed to extra–biblical evidence of the Jewish connection to Jerusalem. He suggested that if the UNESCO members do not believe the Bible, they should visit the Arch of Titus in Rome because it contains a frieze showing the loot that the Romans brought back to Rome after they destroyed the Jewish Temple in 70 AD.
Part of that loot which is clearly displayed is the sevenbranched menorah that was in the Temple and which is the official symbol of Israel today. The Prime Minister then observed sarcastically, that once they see this evidence of the Jewish connection to Jerusalem, they will probably “say that the Emperor Titus engaged in Zionist propaganda!”
Anti–Semitism in Europe
Further evidence of the world’s hatred of the Jewish people is to be found in the rising wave of anti–Semitism that is currently sweeping Europe and the emigration to Israel that it is provoking. It is a phenomenon that was featured on the cover of Newsweek magazine in August of 2014.
Here’s how a feature article in US News and World Report put it in April of 2015: “Seventy years after the Holocaust, anti–Semitism is again growing more virulent in Europe. From Toulouse to Paris, London to Berlin, Brussels to Copenhagen, Jews are being harassed, assaulted and even killed.”
According to the Pew Research Center, by 2013, Jews were being harassed in 34 of 45 European countries and anti–Semitic harassment worldwide had reached a seven–year high.
All over Europe, and particularly in Greece, France and Belgium, Jews are seeing their religious freedoms violated, their cemeteries vandalized, and their synagogues desecrated. They are also experiencing increasing personal attacks that often result in death. In France, the annual number of anti–Semitic incidents is currently seven times as high as in the 1990s. In 2014, they doubled.
The elections to the European Parliament in 2014 showed a surge of support for extreme right–wing Neo–Nazi parties in France, Greece, Hungary and Germany.
The population of Europe today is 742 million. Only 1.4 million of those are Jews. That means the Jews constitute only one–tenth of one percent of the population, and yet they are the focus of hatred and persecution. And in the process, they are blamed for most of Europe’s problems.
I could extend this discussion considerably by demonstrating the ways in which our own nation has turned against Israel, particularly during the last eight years. And I could show you extensive evidence of growing anti–Semitism in America, even among Evangelicals. But I will save all this for a future article.
I want to conclude this essay by sharing with you the thoughts contained in a brilliant speech by Israel’s Ambassador to the United States, Ron Dermer. The speech was delivered this past year in May at an annual conference in New York City that is sponsored by the Jerusalem Post.
The Dermer Speech
The Ambassador focused his remarks on the difference between fact and fiction regarding the way Israel is portrayed in the world press. The full speech can be found on the Internet in many places. I am going to share only portions of it with you.
“In a world of fiction, Israeli soldiers are war criminals.
In the world of fact, the IDF deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for the efforts its commanders make and the risks its soldiers take to keep Palestinian civilians out of harm’s way.
In a world of fiction, it is Israel that has an extremist, brutal and bloodthirsty society.
In the world of fact, Hamas terrorists rule Gaza and welcome every drop of blood spilled in Jerusalem. Palestinian children are educated to hate Jews and Palestinian public squares are named after mass murderers.
In a world of fiction, there never was a Temple on the Temple Mount, and the Jewish people are foreign colonialists in the land of Israel.
In the world of fact, the Temple of Solomon was built by the son of David 3,000 years ago in Jerusalem, and what the world calls the West Bank is the same Judea and Samaria where the patriarchs of the Jewish people prayed, where our prophets preached and where our kings ruled.
In the world of fiction, Iran will seek to reconcile with the United States after the nuclear deal and become a partner for solving problems throughout the Middle East.
In the world of fact, Iran is vowing to remain an enemy of the United States and is wreaking havoc throughout the Middle East.
In a world of fiction, a richer Iran will curb its aggression, end its support for terrorism and stop trying to annihilate Israel.
In the world of fact, a richer Iran is dispatching troops and proxies throughout the region, shipping more arms to Hezbollah, hosting Holocaust denial contests and test–firing ballistic missiles inscribed with threats to wipe Israel off the map.
In a world of fiction, Prime Minister Netanyahu is not prepared to negotiate with President Abbas.
In the world of fact, President Abbas has avoided negotiations for the last seven years.
In a world of fiction, settlements are the obstacle to peace and Israel is ethnically cleansing the Palestinians.
In the world of fact, our conflict predates the building of settlements in post–1967 Israel by 50 years, the Palestinian population in the territories captured in the Six Day War has grown at least threefold, and those who allege ethnic cleansing are those who insist that a future Palestinian state be devoid of all Jews.
It is at times like this, when the world predictably rushes to defame and demonize Israel, that I am proudest to serve Israel. Because despite being the most maligned country on earth, Israel is the most remarkable country on earth.
Not perfect, but remarkable. With a people who are moral and compassionate. With soldiers who are brave and decent. With institutions that are sound and resilient. And with a Prime Minister I know is as determined as ever to secure Israel’s future.
Someone once said that if the story of Israel were submitted as a movie script, it would be rejected for being too fantastic to believe. After all, the restoration of sovereignty in our ancestral homeland after 2,000 years, the return of the exiles of our people from across the globe, the defense of Israel against implacable enemies, and the transformation of Israel from a desert backwater to a global technological power, seems to defy both history and logic.
But ladies and gentlemen, Israel is not a work of fiction. Israel is a real country. And the people in Israel are real people.
So, whether you are a citizen who lives in Israel, a soldier who defends Israel, a friend who supports Israel, or a newspaper privileged to cover Israel, let’s all remember how fortunate we are to live at a time when the Jewish people are once again writing our own story in our own land and once again determining our own future.”
What is the cause of all the anti-Semitism in the world?
Why does the world hate the Jews? Why is anti-Semitism so rampant in so many different nations? What is so bad about the Jews? History has shown that at various times over the last 1,700 years the Jews have been expelled from over 80 different countries. Historians and experts have concluded there are at least six possible reasons:
• Racial Theory – the Jews are hated because they are an inferior race.
• Economic Theory – the Jews are hated because they possess too much wealth and power.
• Outsiders Theory – the Jews are hated because they are different from everyone else.
• Scapegoat Theory – the Jews are hated because they are the cause for all the world’s problems.
• Deicide Theory – the Jews are hated because they killed Jesus Christ.
• Chosen People Theory – the Jews are hated because they arrogantly declare they are the “chosen ones of God.”
Is there any substance to these theories?
• With respect to the racial theory, the truth is that the Jews are not a race. Anyone in the world of any color, creed, or race can become a Jew.
• The economic theory citing that the Jews are wealthy doesn’t hold much weight. History has shown that during the 17th through the 20th centuries, especially in Poland and Russia, the Jews were desperately poor and had very little, if any, influence in business or political systems.
• As for the outsiders’ theory, during the 18th century, the Jews desperately tried to assimilate with the rest of Europe. They had hoped that assimilation would cause anti-Semitism to disappear. However, they were hated even more by those who claimed the Jews would infect their race with inferior genes. This was especially true in Germany prior to World War II.
• As for the scapegoat theory, the fact is that the Jews have always been hated, which makes them a very convenient target.
• As for the idea of deicide, the Bible makes it clear that the Romans were the ones who actually killed Jesus, though the Jews acted as accomplices. It wasn’t until a few hundred years later that the Jews were cited as the murderers of Jesus. One wonders why the Romans are not the ones hated. Jesus Himself forgave the Jews (Luke 23:34). Even the Vatican absolved the Jews of Jesus’ death in 1963. Nevertheless, neither statement has diminished anti-Semitism.
• As for their claim to being the “chosen people of God,” the Jews in Germany rejected their “chosen-ness” status during the later part of the 19th century to better assimilate into German culture. Nevertheless, they suffered the Holocaust. Today, some Christians and Muslims claim to be the “chosen people” of God, yet for the most part, the world tolerates them and still hates the Jews.
This brings us to the real reason why the world hates the Jews. The apostle Paul tells us, “For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brothers, those of my own race, the people of Israel. Theirs is the adoption as sons; theirs the divine glory, the covenants, the receiving of the law, the temple worship and the promises. Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry of Christ, who is God over all, forever praised!” (Romans 9:3-5). The truth is that the world hates the Jews because the world hates God. The Jews were God’s firstborn, His chosen people (Deuteronomy 14:2). Through the Jewish patriarchs, the prophets, and the temple, God used the Jews to bring forth His Word, the Law, and morality to a world of sin. He sent forth His son, Jesus the Christ, in a Jewish body to redeem the world of sin. Satan, the prince of the earth (John 14:30; Ephesians 2:2), has poisoned the minds of men with his hatred of the Jews. See Revelation 12 for an allegorical depiction of Satan’s (the dragon’s) hatred of the Jewish nation (the woman).
Satan has tried to wipe out the Jews through the Babylonians, the Persians, the Assyrians, the Egyptians, the Hittites, and the Nazis. But he’s failed every time. God is not finished with Israel. Romans 11:26 tells us that some day all Israel will be saved, and this cannot come to pass if Israel no longer exists. Therefore, God will preserve the Jews for the future, just as He has preserved their remnant throughout history, until His final plan comes to pass. Nothing can thwart God’s plan for Israel and the Jewish people.
Anti-Semitism - Its Roots and Perseverance By Dr. David R. Reagan
I recently spoke at a conference where I was assigned the topic, “Israel in the End Times.” I think I startled a lot of people when I began my presentation by asking the question, “Is there really any role for Israel in God’s plan for the end times?” I’m sure most of my audience thought it was a silly question because most of them were students of Bible prophecy and they were aware of the fact that the Jewish people are the focal point of end time Bible prophecy.
But I proceeded to assure them that the question was not a silly one. I explained that for almost 2,000 years the Church at large, both Catholic and Protestant, has maintained that due to the fact the Jews rejected Jesus as their Messiah, God poured out His wrath on them in 70 AD , destroying their nation and their temple, and that He has washed His hands of them, leaving them with no purpose whatsoever as a nation. In short, because of their rebellion against God in their rejection of Jesus, God has replaced Israel with the Church, transferring the blessings promised to Israel to the Church.
This is called “Replacement Theology,” and those who believe in it constitute the majority of professing Christians today. Accordingly, they consider modern day Israel to be an accident of history, with no spiritual significance whatsoever.
And therefore, they would deny that God has any special plans for the Jewish people in the end times. Again, to them, the regathering of the Jews and the re-establishment of Israel are simply accidents of history, with no spiritual significance.
The Origin of Replacement Theology
The roots of Replacement Theology and its fruit of anti-Semitism go back to the very beginning of Christianity.
This is ironic when you consider the fact that the Church began as a Jewish institution. It was founded in Judea by Jews who were followers of a Jewish Messiah, and all its founding documents were written by Jews.
The symbol on the right is the oldest Christian symbol that has ever been found. It clearly emphasizes the Jewish origins of Christianity. The symbol is carved into artifacts found in Jerusalem that date back to the First Century. As you can see, it shows the fish, the symbol of the Church, emerging from Jewish roots, represented by the Menorah and the Star of David. The fish became a symbol for Christians because the word for fish in Greek is icthus, and Christians used the letters of this word, ICTHUS, as an acronym for Iesous, Christos, Theos, Huios, and Soter, meaning Jesus Christ, God’s Son and Savior.
But the distinctive Jewish flavor of early Christianity was not to last long. As the Church began to spread beyond Judea, its message was embraced by more and more Gentiles who had no interest in maintaining contact with the Church’s Jewish roots. Even worse, the new Gentile leaders began to turn against the Jews by characterizing them as “Christ killers.”
Consider the following examples:
Ignatius of Antioch (ca 50-117 AD) — Taught that those who partake of the Passover are partakers with those who killed Jesus.
Justin Martyr (100-106 AD) — Claimed God’s covenant with Israel was no longer valid and that the Gentiles had replaced the Jews.
Irenaeus (ca 130-202 AD) — Declared the Jews were disinherited from the grace of God.
Tertullian (ca 155-230 AD) — Blamed the Jews for the death of Jesus and argued they had been rejected by God.
Origen (185-254 AD) — He was responsible for much anti- Semitism, all of which was based on his assertion that the Jews were responsible for killing Jesus.
The Council of Elvira (305 AD in Spain) — Prohibited Christians from sharing a meal with a Jew, marrying a Jew, blessing a Jew or observing the Sabbath.
The Council of Nicea (325 AD in Turkey) — Changed the celebration of the Resurrection from the Jewish Feast of First Fruits to Easter in an attempt to disassociate it from Jewish feasts. The Council stated: “For it is unbecoming beyond measure that on this holiest of festivals we should follow the customs of the Jews. Henceforth let us have nothing in common with this odious people…”
Eusebius (ca 275-339 AD) — Taught that the promises of Scripture were meant for the Gentiles and the curses were meant for the Jews. Asserted that the Church was the “true Israel.”
John Chrysostom (349-407 AD) — Preached a series of sermons against the Jews in which he stated, “The synagogue is not only a brothel and a theater, it is also a den of robbers and lodging place for wild beasts… Jews are inveterate murderers possessed by the Devil. Their debauchery and drunkenness gives the manners of a pig.” He denied that Jews could ever receive forgiveness. He claimed it was a Christian duty to hate Jews. He claimed that Jews worshiped Satan. And this man was canonized a saint!
Jerome (ca 347-420 AD) — Described the Jews as “… serpents wearing the image of Judas. Their psalms and prayers are the braying of donkeys… They are incapable of understanding Scripture…”
St. Augustine (354-430 AD) — Asserted that the Jews deserved death but were destined to wander the earth to witness the victory of the Church over the synagogue.”
The Middle Ages
By the Middle Ages, two erroneous concepts had become established Church doctrine:
The Jews should be considered “Christ killers” and should be mistreated accordingly.
The Church has replaced Israel, and God has no future purpose for the Jews.
These concepts were reinforced throughout the Middle Ages through the Crusades, the Inquisition, passion plays, the black plague epidemic, and blood libels.
In 1095 Pope Urban II called for a crusade to rid the Holy Land of its Muslim rulers. Although the prime goal of the crusade was to liberate Jerusalem from the Muslims, Jews were a second target. The accumulated hatreds and fears resulting from charges of deicide (the murder of God) exploded with this call to arms. The abbot of Cluny asked why Christians should travel to “the ends of the world to fight the Saracens, when we permit among us other infidels a thousand times more guilty toward Christ than the Mohammedans?” Religious passion, greed, and the vulnerability of Jews led to the rise of violent mobs who murdered thousands of Jews to the cry of “Conversion or death!” This behavior continued for eight additional crusades until the 9th in 1272.
Passion plays abounded during the Middle Ages, and they were used to cultivate hatred toward the Jewish people. Jews were depicted as demons who knew full well that Christ was the son of God. In each play, as Christ carried the cross, he was tortured by bloodthirsty, cursing devils with hooked noses, horns and tails. The Jews were made to seem as evil as Christ was divine.
Throughout the Middle Ages, professing Christians spread myths which helped to heighten popular hatred and fear of the Jewish people. As a result, it became commonplace among Christian groups to think of Jews as agents of Satan. One of the most popular anti-Jewish myths that gained widespread acceptance was the notion that Jews murdered Christians each year around the time of Passover in order to get blood needed to perform satanic rites. This became known as the charge of ritual murder or “blood libel.” Another common myth that circulated during these years was that Jews would steal the wafers used in communion and stab them with knives, thus killing Christ once again!
The Black Plague in the middle of the fourteenth century killed approximately one-third of the population of Europe. At the time, it was not known how the illness spread, but stories and rumors circulated that Jews had poisoned the wells. Although the accusation was totally unfounded, many Christians believed the myth. One reason it was easy to believe is because the Jews were not impacted by the plague as much as were the Gentiles. But this was due to the sanitary laws of the Bible which the Jews carefully followed. This accusation led to severe consequences for Jews. More than sixty Jewish communities were burned to the ground with all their occupants killed, and in some places, Jews were tortured and burned to death in bonfires.
In 1478, Pope Sixtus IV granted the monarchs of Spain, Ferdinand and Isabella, the right to establish a special inquisition in Spain to deal with baptized Jews who were suspected of remaining faithful to Judaism. Thousands were burned at the stake by order of the Spanish Inquisition. In 1492, King Ferdinand decided that all Spanish Jews should be banned from Spain. It was feared that Jews were a danger to Christianity. Approximately 150,000 Jews were forced to leave Spain.
The Impact of the Reformation
Unfortunately, the Reformation produced no changes in attitude. In fact, the hatred of the Jews was reinforced and intensified by the writings of Martin Luther, the very man who launched the Reformation.
Initially, Luther was sympathetic toward the Jews because he believed their rejection of the Gospel was due to their recognition of the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church.
But when they continued to reject the Gospel, Luther turned on them with a vengeance. In 1543 he wrote a pamphlet entitled “Concerning The Jews and Their Lies.” The document was an anti-Semitic diatribe. In it, he referred to the Jews as:
“A miserable and accursed people”
“Stupid fools”
“Miserable, blind and senseless”
“Thieves and robbers”
“The great vermin of humanity”
“Lazy rogues”
“Blind and venomous”
Having dehumanized and demonized them, Luther then proceeded to make some startling proposals for dealing with them:
Their synagogues and schools should be burned.
Their houses should be destroyed.
Their Talmudic writings should be confiscated.
Their Rabbis should be forbidden to teach.
Their money should be taken from them.
They should be compelled into forced labor.
Needless to say, the Nazis gleefully quoted Luther as they rose to power and launched the Holocaust. In his book Mein Kampf, published in 1925, Adolf Hitler referred to Martin Luther as “a great warrior, a true statesmen, and a great reformer.” Keep in mind that Hitler was a professed Christian.
In 1924 at a Christian gathering in Berlin, Hitler spoke to thousands and received a standing ovation when he made the following proclamation: “I believe that today I am acting in accordance with the will of Almighty God as I announce the most important work that Christians could undertake — and that is to be against the Jews and get rid of them once and for all.”
Hitler then proceeded to talk about the influence of Luther on his life:
Martin Luther has been the greatest encouragement of my life. Luther was a great man. He was a giant. With one blow he heralded the coming of the new dawn and the new age. He saw clearly that the Jews need to be destroyed, and we’re only beginning to see that we need to carry this work on.
At the Nuremberg trials after World War II, the Nazi leader, Julius Streicher, defended himself by saying, “I have never said anything that Martin Luther did not say.”
The terrible truth that Christians do not like to face, and which many are unaware of, is that the Holocaust was the product of 1,900 years of virulent Christian anti-Semitism.
The New Anti-Semitism
The horror of the Holocaust tended to mute the most radical forms of anti-Semitism among Christian leaders. But in reality, anti-Semitism continues today in a new sophisticated form called anti-Zionism. Whereas anti-Semitism sought to drive out the Jews from the lands where they lived, anti-Zionism refuses to accept their right to live in their own land.
A good example of the new anti-Semitism can be found in a document issued by Dr. James Kennedy’s Knox Theological Seminary in 2002. It took the form of an open letter to Evangelicals concerning the land of Israel. It has since been endorsed by hundreds of theologians and pastors, including such luminaries as R. C. Sproul.
The document begins by denouncing those who teach that the Bible’s promises concerning the land of Israel are being fulfilled today “in a special region or ‘Holy Land,’ perpetually set apart by God for one ethnic group alone.” It then proceeds to proclaim that the promises made to Abraham “do not apply to any particular ethnic group, but to the church of Jesus Christ, the true Israel” (emphasis added).
The document then specifically denies the Jew’s claim on any land in the Middle East: “The entitlement of any one ethnic or religious group to territory in the Middle East called the ‘Holy Land’ cannot be supported by Scripture.” Then, incredibly, the document asserts that “the land promises specific to Israel in the Old Testament were fulfilled under Joshua.”
Adding salt to the wounds, the document concludes with the following observation:
The present secular state of Israel… is not an authentic or prophetic realization of the Messianic kingdom of Jesus Christ. Furthermore, a day should not be anticipated in which Christ’s kingdom will manifest Jewish distinctives, whether by its location in ‘the land,’ by its constituency, or by its ceremonial institutions and practices.
And so you have it — an overview of the sad and sordid history of Christian anti-Semitism that is rooted in Replacement Theology and which continues to this day under the guise of anti-Zionism.
The Jewish Attitude
I hope now you can understand why it is so difficult to share the Gospel with Jews. Because Jews have been persecuted and killed throughout history in the name of Jesus, the Jewish people look upon Christianity as their mortal enemy.
Any Jew who converts to Christianity is considered a traitor, for he is viewed as one who has joined the enemy. That’s the reason that Orthodox Jews react so strongly to a child who becomes a Christian. They will sometimes declare the child to be dead and will even conduct a funeral service.
This is the reason that the Messianic Jewish Movement today is such a miracle. Beginning only in 1971, it has successfully shared the Gospel with over a million Jews worldwide and has established over 500 Messianic congregations. In the next issue of this magazine, the Lord willing, we will take an in-depth look at this remarkable movement.
The Response of Scripture
What does the Word of God have to say about all this? To begin with, it strongly repudiates anti-Semitism. Psalm 129:5-8 says that “all who hate Zion” will be “put to shame…” It further states that no believer should ever give a blessing to such a person.
With regard to the allegation that the Jews are “Christ killers,” the Word clearly identifies who murdered Jesus and makes it plain that they were not exclusively the Jews. In Acts 4:27 we are told that Jesus was killed through a conspiracy that involved “both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel.” In reality, all of us have the blood of Jesus on our hands, for all of us have sinned (Romans 3:23), and Jesus died for all sinners (1 Corinthians 15:3).
Regarding the idea that God has already fulfilled the land promises to the Jews during the time of Joshua, it is interesting to note that long after Joshua, David wrote in the psalms that the land promise is everlasting in nature and is yet to be fulfilled (Psalm 105:8-11). The fact of the matter is that the Jews have never occupied all the land that was promised to them in the Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 15:18-21).
Concerning the claim that the Jews have been rejected by God, there are a couple of biblical principles that need to be kept in mind. First, the Bible affirms that the Jews were called as God’s Chosen People to be witnesses of what it means to have a relationship with Him (Isaiah 43:10-12). And the Bible makes it clear that this calling is “irrevocable” (Romans 11:29).
Second, in direct contradiction of Replacement Theology, the Bible teaches that the Jews have never been rejected by God because of their unbelief. In Romans 3 Paul asserts point blank that their rejection of Jesus has not nullified God’s faithfulness to the promises He has made to them (Romans 3:1-4). Paul makes the point again in Romans 11:1 when he asks, “I say then, God has not rejected His people, has He?” He answers his own question with an emphatic statement: “May it never be!… God has not rejected His people whom He foreknew” (Romans 11:2). It is true that the Jewish people are currently under discipline because of their rejection of their Messiah. Over and over in their Scriptures the prophets said they would be disciplined if they were unfaithful, but always the promise was made that they would be preserved. An example of this type of prophetic statement can be found in Jeremiah 30:11 —
“‘For I am with you,’ declares the Lord, ‘to save you; for I will destroy completely all the nations where I have scattered you, only I will not destroy you completely. But I will chasten you justly, and will by no means leave you unpunished.'”
God has preserved them in His grace because He loves them. In Zechariah 2:8 God proclaims that the Jewish people are “the apple of His eye,” and He warns against anyone trying to harm them.
Another reason they have been preserved is because God is determined to bring a great remnant to salvation (Isaiah 10:20-22). This promise is made repeatedly throughout the Hebrew Scriptures and is confirmed by Paul in the New Testament in Romans 9-11. The salvation of this remnant is described in detail in Zechariah 12:10 where it says that at the end of the Tribulation the remaining Jews will come to the end of themselves and will turn their hearts to God in repentance and accept Yeshua as their Messiah.
That believing remnant will go into the Millennium in the flesh and will comprise the nation of Israel to whom God will fulfill all the promises He has made to the Jews (Isaiah 60-62). During the Millennium the nation of Israel will be the prime nation in the world through whom God will bless all the other nations (Zechariah 8:22-23).
In summary, the Word of God makes it clear that Israel definitely has a role and a future in the end times.
Crucial Questions
The first question most people usually ask in response to these biblical points about Israel in the end times is this: “Why would God continue to pursue such a stubborn and rebellious people?”
The answer is that they are witnesses of God, and through them God is demonstrating His unfathomable grace. Only a God of grace would put up with them! But that is true of you and me as well. God is not doing one thing for the Jewish people that He is not willing to do for all of us. He pursues us in love despite our sinfulness, and regardless of how stiff-necked we may be, He never washes His hands of us.
This brings us to a second question: What is God’s plan for the Jews in the end times? How will He bring about the salvation of a great remnant?
Let me outline the answer for you briefly:
The Jewish people will be regathered in unbelief from the four corners of the earth (Isaiah 11:11-12). This is the most prolific prophecy in the Old Testament. Incidentally, if God has no purpose left for them, why would He go to the trouble of regathering them?
Their state will be re-established (Isaiah 66:7-8).
They will once again occupy the city of Jerusalem (Zachariah 8:7-8).
All the nations of the world will come against them over the issue of the control of Jerusalem (Zechariah 12:2-3).
The Antichrist will come to their rescue by guaranteeing them peace and allowing them to rebuild their temple (Daniel 9:27).
But at the end of 3 1/2 years, the Antichrist will declare himself to be God, and the Jews will reject Him (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).
The Antichrist will then attempt to annihilate the Jews, and he will succeed in killing two-thirds of them (Revelation 12:13-17 and Zechariah 13:8-9).
At the end of the Tribulation, when the Jews have come to the end of themselves, they will turn to God and receive Jesus as their Messiah (Zechariah 12:10).
Jesus will return at this point in time, and He will regather all believing Jews to Israel where He will establish them as the prime nation in the world (Deuteronomy 30:1-9).
The blessings of God will flow out to the nations through the Jews during the Millennium (Zechariah 8:22-23).
As you can see, the Jewish people have a very central role in end time Bible prophecy.
The Perseverance of Anti-Semitism
A perversion of Christianity has been the source of most anti-Semitism in the Western world. Throughout northern Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Asia, anti-Semitism has been promoted by Islam. The Qu’ran calls Jews “the children of monkeys and pigs.”
But there are anti-Semites in this world who are neither Christian or Muslim and who have never even met a Jew. For example, several years ago five of the top ten best selling books in Japan were virulently anti-Semitic, blaming all the problems of Japan on an “international Jewish conspiracy.”
Why is anti-Semitism so widespread, so persistent, so virulent, and so irrational? It’s because it is fundamentally a supernatural phenomenon.
Satan hates the Jews with a passion. He hates them because God provided both the Bible and the Messiah through them. He hates them because God called them to be His Chosen People. He hates them because God has promised to save a great remnant of them. He hates them because God loves them.
The result is that he works overtime to plant seeds of hatred in people’s hearts toward the Jews. He is determined to destroy every Jew on planet earth so that God cannot keep His promise to save a great remnant. He tried to annihilate them in the Holocaust. He failed. He will try to destroy them once again during the last half of the Tribulation. He will fail again.
God is in control, not Satan. God has the wisdom and power to orchestrate all the evil of Satan and Mankind to the triumph of His perfect will in history.
The Jews will be preserved. A great remnant will be saved. All the promises to the Jews will be fulfilled.
And when will this occur? At the end of the Tribulation when Jesus returns to triumph over Satan. On that glorious day, the Jewish remnant will cry out “Baruch Haba Bashem Adonai!” meaning “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” (Matthew 23:39).
Muslim Students Association (MSA)
Every May chapters of the Muslim Students Association (MSA) hold programs which call for Israel’s population to be eliminated. The students do so by presenting fraudulent images and quotes to dehumanize Jews under the socially acceptable guise of “anti-Israelism” or “anti-Zionism.” Divestment campaigns which are rampant and attempt to ostracize a tiny Israel, the only secular democracy in a sea of theocratic nations, are to be expected.
Leaders from the MSA portray themselves as human rights activists, who, on one hand, denounce alleged Israeli and American atrocities, yet pay no heed to nations like Iran, whose spiritual leaders have asserted that it is perfectly acceptable to torture and execute dissidents.
Occasionally students from the MSA make their virulent contempt for Jews evident outside the now accepted rhetoric of “anti-Israelism.” Such an incident occurred on Monday, May 10, 2010 at the University of California, San Diego. A Muslim Jew-hater and supporter of genocide is flushed out by David Horowitz at a speech during "Israel Apartheid Week at the University of California San Diego.
Horowitz - "I'm a Jew. The head of Hezbollah has said that he hopes that we will all gather in Israel so he doesn't have to hunt us down globally. Are you for it or against it?"
Answer - "For it"
Horowitz - "Thank you. Thank you for coming and showing everybody what's what's here."
Pay (Palestinians) to Slay (Israelis)
The Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund is a fund operated by the Palestinian Authority (PA) which pays monthly cash stipends to the families of Palestinians killed, injured, or imprisoned while carrying out politically motivated violence against Israel. It has been pilloried by critics as incentivizing terror. But Palestinian leaders have long defended the payments, describing them as a form of social welfare and necessary compensation for victims of Israel’s callous military justice system in the West Bank.
Set to amend ‘pay to slay,’ PA hopes Biden will shun law deeming PLO ‘terrorist’
Palestinians aim to fundamentally change relationship with US when new president takes office, hope to reopen PLO office in DC, including by overcoming a US law that hinders ties.
NEW YORK — With just three weeks until US President-elect Joe Biden enters the White House, the Palestinian Authority (PA) is putting together a strategy for a reset of ties with Washington after three years of boycotting the Trump administration.
The centerpiece of the effort will be convincing the Biden administration to designate as unconstitutional congressional legislation from 1987 that labeled the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) “and its affiliates” a terror group, senior Palestinian officials told The Times of Israel.
They hope that doing so will set the stage for a renewed bilateral relationship — one in which Ramallah is viewed as a more equal partner, and that isn’t entirely tied to the peace process with Israel.
PA President Mahmoud Abbas severed relations with the Trump administration after US President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in December 2017 and moved the US embassy there from Tel Aviv in May 2018. He also preemptively rejected Trump’s January 2020 “vision” for Israeli-Palestinian peace. The administration, while repeatedly urging Abbas to reengage, drastically reduced state funding for the Palestinians.
Senior Palestinian officials told The Times of Israel that a fresh willingness to alter the way it pays stipends to Palestinian security prisoners, as well as the families of terrorists and others killed by Israelis, is aimed at laying the groundwork for the new diplomatic push.
The altered policy would base the stipends on prisoners’ financial need rather than the length of their sentence, potentially marking a shift away from what has long been a sticking point for the PA’s detractors.
The readiness to amend the stipends policy was first reported by The New York Times last month and confirmed to The Times of Israel this week by a senior Palestinian official.
The practice of paying allowances to those convicted of carrying out terror attacks and to the families of those killed while carrying out attacks — often referred to by some Israeli officials as a pay-to-slay policy — has been pilloried by critics as incentivizing terror.
Palestinian leaders have long defended the payments, describing them as a form of social welfare and necessary compensation for victims of Israel’s callous military justice system in the West Bank.
Over the past year, officials in the US and the EU have warned Ramallah that a failure to substantively change the policy would prove a major obstacle to improved relations, two sources familiar with the matter said.
The change may also usher Ramallah into compliance with the 2018 Taylor Force Act, which suspended US aid to the PA as long as it continued to implement the existing prisoner payment policy.
An effort to amend the practice would be “a step forward… if it means that the welfare allocations will be similar to those of needy families, which are less than a tenth of what the terrorists earn,” said Yossi Kupferwasser, the former research division head in the IDF Military Intelligence Directorate, and a vocal critic of the PA’s stipends policy. “If not, this is a trick.”
Highlighting his skepticism, Kupferwasser pointed to an announcement earlier this month by the PA Prisoners Affairs Commission that it would pay three months of the prisoner salaries in advance in order to avoid an Israeli military order penalizing banks that distribute them.
A means to an end
As Ramallah moves to change the controversial practice, it hopes that Biden will agree to deem the Anti-Terrorism Act of 1987 an unconstitutional constraint on his powers, said two senior Palestinian officials, insisting on anonymity.
The reality has changed dramatically since 1987, the officials said. As part of the 1993 Oslo Accords, Israel recognized the PLO as the representative of the Palestinian people. The PA governing body that was formed as part of that deal has gone on to ink bilateral anti-terrorism agreements with both the US and Israel. Also as part of the accords, PLO chairman Yasser Arafat publicly renounced violence as a means for achieving self-determination — a commitment Israeli leaders have long dismissed, with many alleging that Arafat played a direct role in orchestrating the suicide bombing onslaught of the Second Intifada.
But in a post-Oslo era where Ramallah has relations with both the US and Israel, “it is simply unfair to continue deeming the PLO a terror organization,” said a member of the PLO’s National Council. Palestinian officials declined to speak on record, saying that they feared the intended strategy would be interpreted as an ultimatum to the transition team before the US president-elect even takes office.
Snubbing the 1987 law designating the PLO a terror group, as two of Biden’s predecessors did, would allow for the reopening of the PLO mission in Washington.
Distinct from, yet affiliated with the PA, the PLO coalition of Palestinian factions had been operating a diplomatic office since the Oslo Accords until it was closed by the Trump administration in 2018.
The 1987 legislation deeming the PLO a terror group remained in place, but Congress allowed for the mission’s operation, so long as the president signed a waiver every six months stipulating that doing so was a US national interest.
In 2011, Congress began placing additional conditions on the mission’s continued presence, including one requiring the president to certify that “the Palestinians have entered into direct and meaningful negotiations with Israel.” This effectively conditioned Washington’s relations with the Palestinians on a substantive peace process.
That paradigm is one the Palestinians are desperate to change. “We’re not asking to detach the peace process from the relationship entirely, but ties shouldn’t be exclusively judged based on the outcome of it, because that punishes Palestinians regardless of whether they’re responsible for the stalemate,” said the PLO’s National Council member who spoke to The Times of Israel.
Other provisions to the Anti-Terrorism Act of 1987 added by Congress in recent years have included a ban on the Palestinians joining any UN bodies or pursuing a case against Israel at the International Criminal Court.
When Ramallah began to seek action against Israel at the ICC in 2017, filing an official complaint against Israel at The Hague, it effectively prevented Trump from signing the waiver and the PLO mission was officially shuttered in September 2018.
Nonetheless, US legal tradition gives presidents wide leeway to disregard parts of laws that they deem to be unconstitutional shackles on their powers, especially regarding foreign policy.
Biden could use that privilege to allow the mission to reopen, thus obviating the need for the waiver along the way. Otherwise, the only way to reopen the diplomatic office within the confines of the law would be to alter provisions that banned the Palestinians from Washington once they went to the ICC. Then the waiver process could be re-introduced.
The Palestinians, however, are intent on resetting relations entirely, rather than simply returning to the days where their operations in DC were limited and constantly under a microscope.
One Palestinian official who spoke to The Times of Israel on the condition of anonymity said Ramallah could no longer accept its presence in Washington being up for debate every six months. However, he recognized that the eradication of the 1987 law would take time and characterized it as an “intermediate goal” that would likely require at least a year to see through.
Biden indeed campaigned on reopening the PLO mission as well as a US consulate in East Jerusalem, but one former campaign adviser familiar with the transition’s discussions on the matter said that the president-elect has yet to decide how he would go about doing so.
In the meantime, the Palestinians may be forced to continue operating without representatives in Washington.
The PLO national council member acknowledged that the Israeli-Palestinian issue likely won’t be at the top of the Biden administration’s agenda, but said that declaring the 1987 legislation unconstitutional would prevent the further deterioration of US-Palestinian ties in the interim.
When Trump did the Palestinians a favor
While doing so might require a degree of political capital, there is in fact precedent for the move.
In a signing statement issued at the time of the passage of the 1987 legislation, US president Ronald Reagan asserted that while he had no intention of forging ties with the Palestinians, “the right to decide the kind of foreign relations, if any, the United States will maintain is encompassed by the President’s authority under the Constitution” and by not Congress through legislation aimed at handcuffing the executive’s diplomatic capabilities.
Subsequent presidents chose to ignore Reagan’s concerns, even after the Oslo Accords, deciding that they would operate within the letter of the law and sign the presidential waiver every six months.
It was Trump who ended that trend. He went further than Reagan when he allowed the PLO mission to remain open for almost a year after the Palestinians began pursuing a criminal case against Israel in the ICC in the fall of 2017, in direct violation of the Congressional provision to the 1987 law.
Instead, Trump’s State Department simply asked the Palestinians to limit their operations “to those related to achieving a lasting, comprehensive peace between the Israelis and Palestinians.”
The PA hopes that when it changes its prisoner payment practice, Biden will be prepared to similarly disregard the 1987 legislation. To justify the reopening of the PLO mission, the incoming president could simply point to the precedent set by Reagan and Trump. No further action would be needed. While the position could be challenged in court, the executive’s constitutionally granted authority to oversee diplomatic relations would be difficult to rebut.
Alternatively, Congress could simply repeal the Anti-Terrorism Act, but doing so would be a much taller order, given that the legislative branch has historically been much tougher on the Palestinians than the executive.
Mission impossible?
Even if the Biden administration grants Ramallah’s wish, the PA will still face obstacles once the PLO mission is reopened. This is because the return of its officials to Washington would trigger the 2018 Anti-Terrorism Clarification Act (ATCA), which allows American victims of terror to sue the PA for damages in US courts by deeming Ramallah’s monthly “martyr” allowances funding for terrorism.
Skirting such suits would require the US secretary of state to invoke exemptions listed in the legislation. This would be politically fraught but legally tenable and also easier to justify if the Biden administration could point to Ramallah’s reform of the prisoner payments policy.
“There are forces out there that are going to be looking to exact a political price on Biden for anything that he does that is seen as conciliatory for the Palestinians,” said Foundation for Middle East Peace president Lara Friedman. “The best thing he can do is own his policies.”
She added that heeding the PA’s request regarding the 1987 legislation “would be a powerful declaration of independence by Biden from decades of foreign policy-making shackled by logic and legal constructs [imposed by Congress] geared not to promote Israeli-Palestinian peace but to prevent it.”
“Aside from declaring the law unconstitutional, Biden has no clear path to allowing the PLO back in Washington,” Friedman said.
The Biden transition team and the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office declined a request to comment on this story.
Punishment in US History for National Antisemitism
America has faced disaster every time it went against Israel
(Start at 26:50 in Israel and the Coming Holocaust)
Genesis 12:3 - Promises to Abram
Ge 12:3 I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you;
March 22, 1979
The Carter administration chose not to veto UN resolution 446 which caused Israel to give up a tremendous amount of territory.
March 28th, the worst nuclear power plant disaster in US history - Three Mile Island
October 30, 1991
President George H.W. Bush told Israel that "territorial compromise is essential for peace."
At the exact same time, the "perfect storm" was brewing in the North Atlantic. It traveled 1,000 miles in the wrong direction, sent 35' waves, and slammed directly into President Bush's home in Kennebunkport, Maine.
August 23, 1992
The Madrid Peace Conference was moved to Washington, DC.
The very next day, Hurricane Andrew made landfall in Florida, causing $30 billion dollars in damage. It was the worst natural disaster in US history at that time.
January 16,1994
President Clinton met with President Assad of Syria to discuss the possibility Israel given up the Golan Heights
Within 24 hours, the devastating Northridge earthquake hit southern California. It was the 2nd worst natural disaster up to that time in US history.
January 21,1998
Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu arrived at the White House, but he received a very cold reception. They totally snubbed him - President Clinton and Secretary of State Madeline Albright actually refused to have lunch with him.
That exact same day, the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke out sending Clinton's presidency into a tailspin from which he would never recover.
September 28, 1998
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was working to finalize a plan that would have Israel give up 13% of Judea and Samaria.
On that precise date, Hurricane George slammed into the Gulf Coast with 175 mph winds.
May 3, 1999
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat was supposed to hold a press conference to declare the creation of a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.
On that exact day, the most powerful tornadoes ever recorded in the United States ripped through Oklahoma and Kansas. At one point, one of the tornadoes actually had a recorded wind speed of 316 mph.
April 30, 2003
The "Roadmap to Peace" was presented to Israel
Over the next 7 days, the US was hit by 412 tornadoes. It was the largest tornado cluster at that time.
August 23, 2005
George W. Bush convinced Israel that it was necessary to remove all the Jewish settlers out of Gaza and turn it over entirely to the Palestinians.
On that same day, Hurricane Katrina started forming over the Bahamas. Right after that closed, Katrina comes slamming in. It was the costliest disaster in US history at that time.
May 19, 2011
Barack Obama actually had the audacity to tell Israel they must return to the pre-1967 borders.
3 days later, a 1/2 mile wide tornado EF-5 multiple-vortex tornado ripped through Joplin, Missouri. It was the costliest single tornado disaster in US history.
Antisemitism 2020: A Year in Review – Part I
There are many topics that could be covered to punctuate the year 2020. Most of them are unusually different from previous years. The race riots, the pandemic, or the elections are just three of them. It could also be argued that 2020 will be remembered as the year when we became the Divided States of America. Nobody in America ever saw such polarization between neo-liberals and conservatives, and the chasm will probably get wider as time progresses. There is also a way to look at Jewish life through the year 2020; Antisemitism! I have been monitoring antisemitism domestically and globally for over two decades, and once a year, I review what events have made each year unique from that perspective. 2020 is no different. Events varied from wake-up calls to challenges to crimes, and they were both domestic and global. Keep in mind that even a global act of antisemitism has many ripple effects that will reach the United States. So, let’s review the year a month at a time:
January 2020: International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Every January 27, we are reminded to commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day. As multiple heads of state and key representatives gather to pay tribute to the victims and the helpers (Righteous Among the Nations), the rest of the world is also invited to post a photo of themselves with the hashtag #WeRemember. But Hashtags will not defeat Holocaust deniers, historical revisionists and antisemites. Hashtags are the bumper stickers of the twenty-first century, they make a statement in passing as they move to their eternal abode in cyberspace. Instead, people can visit one of the numerous US-based (30 states) Holocaust memorial/museums, read on the topic, share with the next generation and/or attend conferences and peaceful protests.
February 2020: The Aalst Carnival in Belgium
The city of Aalst, Belgium has officially held its carnival since 1923. Parades of that sort actually go back to the Middle Ages. Aalst almost always makes the news for its 3-Day carnival. The organizers repeatedly claim that the satirical tone of the carnival is to be remembered when one considers any of its floats. They regularly ridicule the Jewish people.
The “Aalst Jews of 2020” were wearing oversized shtreimels (fur hats), dressed in black this year, but the bottom half of their bodies were that of insects or vermin; ants to be exact (don’t miss the extermination innuendo here). Joining the crowds were dozens of people wearing caricatural orthodox Jewish garb and large fake crooked noses, not to mention the many flyers with stereotypical renditions of Jews with side curls, crooked noses and curly hair, and the many people wearing Nazi uniforms…All of it in the name of innocent satire!
March 2020: The Covid-19 Vaccine versus BDS
As of March, 149 countries had been infected. The global number of cases exceeded 150,000 and deaths were over 5,600. We thought that it was bad, but we knew nothing yet. Several countries in the world were racing against the clock to research, discover, test and manufacture a vaccine for Covid-19. At the forefront of these modern countries was Israel.
And then, there were the usual BDS movement people across the globe, selling the false idea that Israel is an occupying, colonialist and human rights violating country. They convince a plethora of uneducated people to boycott Israel. Evidently, they boycott whatever is not going to be too inconvenient. So, here is the million-dollar question: “Would BDS people refuse the vaccine if it came from Israel?” They should if they were consistent and ethical.
April 2020: A New Bible Without Israel
The Danish Bible Society published a new Bible known as “The Bible 2020.” It should be called the RTV (Replacement Theology Version.) This Bible is no Bible at all, and it is a very dangerous document. It chose to inaccurately replace or just ignore the word “Israel” (73 times in the New Testament), calling it instead “the land” or “the people.”
It is just one more proof showing us how close we are from the final chapter in the “Real Bible”, where Messiah Yeshua returns to establish his kingdom after fighting all those who went against Jerusalem (Zechariah 12:10), and establishes His messianic kingdom with His people among which the Jews will be the head and not the tail. That is the biblical truth that includes Israel AND excludes the enemies of Israel.
May 2020: Trump, Ford and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion!
In May, President Trump made a very uncomfortable comment as he was visiting a Ford factory in Michigan. As he was addressing executives about the founder of Ford Motors, Henry Ford, he said, “The company was founded by a man named Henry Ford, good bloodlines, good bloodlines. If you believe in that stuff, you got good blood.”
Ford’s antisemitism is indelibly printed in the chronicles of history. It cannot be denied, it shouldn’t be minimized and will not be forgotten. I do not believe that President Trump was promoting Eugenics or racial superiority in the way that Henry Ford did when he published The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, but his statement can be used against him by his enemies and also by those who espouse such a view, linking President Trump to a group of fringe antisemites that already are believed by some to support him.
June 2020: Black Lives Matter but BLM doesn’t
2020 saw the tragic death of George Floyd and the rise of the BLM movement. But before we blindly join and support the BLM movement based on somewhat of a knee-jerk reaction, from a mix of compassion, rightful indignation and misplaced guilt, we should investigate who the BLM movement supports and promotes.
Black Lives Matter clearly supports BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions). BDS has been pushing for a total boycott (academic, cultural and economic) of Israel and those who support Israel and Israeli products and companies. It has made great strides towards convincing people across the globe that Israel was the perpetrator of crimes against humanity, oppression, invasion and persecution. BLM is also one of more than 150 organizations within the coalition known as Movement for Black Lives (M4BL.) Let’s support all black lives, but not through a manmade movement that has a shaky foundation at best. Rather, because of our Messiah who supported all lives, enough to die for them. We all should support black lives and it definitely matters how we do it!
Antisemitism 2020: A Year in Review – Part II
As I have been monitoring antisemitism domestically and globally for over two decades, I always review what events have made each year unique from that perspective. 2020 is no different. Events varied from wake-up calls to challenges to crimes, and they were both domestic and global. Keep in mind that even a global act of antisemitism has many ripple effects that will reach the United States. In my previous post, I reviewed January to June 2020, let’s review the rest of the year now:
July 2020: Israel’s Right to the Land
When the world struggles with a pandemic and increasing racial/cultural riots, Israel takes second place on the news. Don’t quote me wrong, there is still plenty of antisemitic rhetoric to be heard, and acts against Jews still abound. But, somehow, there had been a bit of a respite. That was until the approaching deadline for Israel’s annexation of territories from the West Bank became news. The day for the move was July 1st, but Benjamin Netanyahu decided to delay it a bit. Historically and politically, the 1917 Balfour Declaration followed by the 1920 San Remo Conference really made it clear that the land then known as “Palestine” belonged to the Jewish people. I see three reasons why this is true:
Biblically, Israel owns the whole land: Going back to the book of Genesis, God made a covenant with Abraham and his descendants (Genesis 12:1-3; 15:18-21; Leviticus 25:23.)
Prophetically, Israel needs the whole land: There is an important factor that plays out in the future of the Jewish people. It is known as the Law of Return, which was passed in 1950 in the Knesset (Israeli Parliament.) The Jewish people are also promised by God that in the future they will all return to the land, even in unbelief. In other words, a Jewish person’s spiritual connection of lack of, to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, has no bearing on God’s promise to bring the Jewish people back to the land in the last days (Ezekiel 36:22-28.)
Geopolitically, Israel runs the whole land better: With their proverbial head in the sand, most people do not realize how much better life in Israel can be for all people. This tiny sliver of land in the Middle East truly is a beacon of light in a very dark place. It is recognized as the only true democracy in the whole region.
August 2020: The Abraham Accord and the Antichrist
From a human perspective, in a region that has been punctuated by wars since Israel’s birth as a modern nation on May 14, 1948, seeing peace between Israel and Arab neighbors is highly unexpected and very exciting. There has been a “proverbial” hatred between Arabs and Jews for at least 75 years. It’s complicated! But from a human perspective, peace is good. As long as we understand that humanly speaking, peace simply means the absence of war.
At the end of the day, the world is quickly getting ready for the Antichrist (Daniel 9:26-27), but the world is also ready for the Messiah. It is up to those of us who know the difference, to teach those who would be tempted to follow the Antichrist, and lead them to the only true Prince of Peace known as Yeshua of Nazareth
September 2020: It’s All the Jews’ Fault
As 2020 went on, just about everything has been blamed on the Jews. This is nothing new, as we have been the scapegoats of humanity for centuries.
Covid-19: The Jewish people have been accused of creating, causing and even spreading the virus to the world for two reasons: To “take over the world” and to “monetize” the vaccine/cure that they have developed. This hardly explains how Israel has been suffering from two huge spikes of new cases of Covid-19.
The Protests/Riots: Some people found it interesting to spread the rumor that American police officers were being trained by IDF officers in using methods that include the way George Floyd was choked to death. The group known as US Campaign for Palestinian Rights came up with that unfounded accusation.
October 2020: A Jewish Cabal!
QAnon: The strange attraction that people have for the mysterious group known as QAnon is also leading people to blame the Jews. It is supposed to ANONymously expose the international Jewish cabal to destroy Donald Trump and take over the world. The fact that it is based on a hoax from 1904–The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion- that has been debunked over and over, doesn’t seem to stop QAnon adherents. They claim that the Rothschilds are behind the whole agenda of controlling the USA behind the scenes.
November/December 2020: Hope Only in God’s Word
Bible Prophecies are directed by God Himself for the benefit of mankind. From that perspective, almost 30% of the Tenach (Old Testament) is prophetic, and almost 22% of the B’rit Hadashah (New Testament) is prophetic.
Now, let’s look at the one world event that we are living through today that is a guarantee that we are in the last days. I am speaking of the regathering of the Jewish people to the land of Eretz Yisrael. God promised to restore the land of Israel and He did when He allowed for the birth of the modern state of Israel on May 14, 1948. Beyond the restoration of the land, He also promised in Ezekiel that the Jewish people would return to it in the end times. Ezekiel 36:24 is clear, “For I will take you from the nations, gather you from all the lands and bring you into your own land.” This speaks of the physical restoration of Israel and it has literally been happening in front of our very eyes for the last few decades. Additionally, In Ezekiel 37, the prophet is given a vision known as “the vision of the valley of dry bones”, in which he is told that Jewish people will return to Israel. This is about Israel’s national restoration, which is controlled by the God of Israel.
But the national physical restoration is only part of this world event because we will also see the spiritual rebirth of Israel as we read in Ezekiel 36:25-27. There are still some unknown elements to the end times, but, what we need to know, is that as we see the Jewish people repopulating their ancestral biblical land, we are living in these end times for sure, and this should encourage us and motivate us to share the Gospel with our people.
In 2021, let us all commit to learning more about the Bible, Israel, end-times and antisemitism so that we can make a better difference in our fight against the oldest hatred!
Polish nationalists shout ‘Death to Jews' while burning a book at a rally
Polish nationalists shouted “death to Jews” as they burned a book representing a historic pact protecting the rights of Poland’s Jews.
The book burning Thursday at a rally in Kalisz, a city of about 100,000 inhabitants situated 120 miles southwest of Warsaw, was part of a series of nationalist events on November 11, National Independence Day, which is the anniversary of when Poland regained its sovereignty in 1918.
Videos and eyewitness accounts on social media show that Wojciech Olszański, a far-right activist, lit a red-covered book that was meant to symbolize the Statute of Kalisz. The document issued in 1264 by Prince Bolesław the Pious regulated the legal status of Jews living in Poland and afforded some protection through penalizing attacks on them. The statute served as the legal foundation for relations between non-Jews and Jews in Poland for centuries later.
Olszański poured a flammable liquid on the book that had been skewered on a sharp metal object, and lit the book on fire as the crowd cheered and shouted, “Death to Jews.” Some also chanted: “No to Polin, yes to Poland.” “Polin” is both the Hebrew-language name for Poland and the name of the main Jewish museum in Warsaw.
“This is a scary and symbolically important event,” said Rafal Pankowski, a leader of Poland’s Never Again anti-racism group. He compared the rally to the burning of books in Nazi Germany, including on the Kristallnacht pogroms in 1938. The pogroms’ 83rd anniversary was Wednesday. “Having monitored antisemitism for more than 25 years, I have never seen anything like that,” Pankowski told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.
Police are studying the footage, the PAP news agency reported.
“These pictures send shivers down the spine,” Katharina Von Schnurbein, the European Union coordinator for fighting antisemitism, wrote on Twitter.
Other large nationalist events took place across major Polish cities in the past few days. One of the main themes in the marches concerned the current crisis in relations between Belarus and Poland. In recent days, Belarus’ dictator, Alexander Lukashenko, has been encouraging immigrants to cross from his country into Poland and the European Union, allegedly to punish Poland and other countries for harboring Belarussian dissidents.
Poland’s right-wing government is refusing to let in the immigrants, who include Afghan asylum seekers.
Amazon Blasted for ‘Monetizing Jew-Hatred’ by Hosting, Selling Nazi Propaganda
After the recent revelation of the sale of original Nazi propaganda films on Amazon, prominent voices slammed the e-commerce giant, accusing it of engaging in “hate-for-profit schemes” and “dangerous” monetization of antisemitism.
Following a recent publication by Americans Against Antisemitism (AAA) which slammed Amazon for hosting “horrific” Nazi propaganda films and declared its intention to implore the multinational tech company to remove the hateful content from its site, a slew of groups and individuals joined in the condemnation of the Big Tech behemoth.
Former New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D), founder of the AAA advocacy group that combats hate, posted a clip on Monday stating, “We at @AmericansAA uncovered the latest of @amazon’s hate-for-profit schemes: selling more than 30 original version Nazi propaganda films!”
“I haven’t heard back from Amazon despite their recognizing having made the same error repeatedly,” he added.
In the two-minute clip, Hikind is seen speaking before a screen displaying scenes of specific propaganda films.
“I can’t believe what I came across on Amazon,” he began, slamming the availability of Triumph of the Will — a 1935 Nazi propaganda film commissioned by Adolf Hitler which contains excerpts from speeches by Nazi leaders interspersed with footage of Nazi troops.
“Can you imagine how proud [Nazi propaganda minister Joseph] Goebbels is to think that the work that he was involved in is being celebrated by people all over the world thanks to Amazon?” he asked. “Is this insane? It makes no sense.”
Slamming “Amazon in 2022” for featuring “films that glorify the Nazis,” Hikind noted that, unlike with other such films, none of these contain any disclaimers or content advisory notices.
“All of these films — there is no explanation; there’s no commentary; there is nothing,” he said.
Noting the recent increase in antisemitism, Hikind then asks, “Why would Amazon be making money off Nazis?” and concludes by calling on the site to end the sales.
“Shame on you, and put an end to this right now,” he says.
Hikind also spoke with Breitbart News on Tuesday, blasting the “incompetent” tech company for not keeping to its own policy after previous statements made by Amazon executives declared such content unfit for their site.
“And yet, they’ve chosen to ignore our communications while turning a blind eye to the hate they’re actively helping spread,” he said.
Claiming we are at a “turning point in post-Holocaust history,” he suggested we “decide if we would be, as a collective in America, entirely fine with strolling about our neighborhoods and seeing [antisemitic Nazi propaganda films] ‘Der Ewige Jude’ or ‘Jud Suss’ featured on the local cinema’s marquee, or not.”
“If not,” he added, “then we must register a loud and unequivocal rejection of such accursed offerings at one of the world’s largest retailers, otherwise the slope only gets slipperier from here.”
Addressing arguments that such content possesses “educational value,” Hikind sought to distinguish between education and “indoctrination.”
“It’s true, all Nazi films can be instructive but no one would sit children in a classroom and have them watch two straight hours of vile racist content without any warning and disclaimer as well as sufficient context to help them understand and properly situate what they’re watching and why,” he said. “Otherwise, it’s not education but indoctrination.”
“If these Nazi films on Amazon were the sort designed for educational purposes their product descriptions would specify that aspect rather than reading like they were copied verbatim from the press releases of the Third Reich’s Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment,” he added.
On Wednesday, following the publication of AAA’s report, Amazon appeared to have removed access to Triumph of the Will from their streaming platform. In response, Hikind called it an “important victory,” while still noting, “there are a number of obviously hateful Nazi films still for sale.”
After Hikind’s clip gained considerable attention — receiving over 55,000 views as of Wednesday — others joined him and his group in condemning Amazon.
“The availability of Nazi propaganda films is deplorable and serves to propagate antisemitism,” stated Dani Dayan, head of Yad Vashem — Israel’s premiere Holocaust museum and research center.
The Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Jewish human rights organization that researches the Holocaust and contemporary antisemitism, also slammed the “dangerous” monetization of “Jew-hatred” today.
“Is it legal to peddle Nazi propaganda that set the stage for the genocide of 6 million innocent Jews?” the center tweeted. “Probably but shame on @Amazon @PrimeVideo for monetizing Jew-hatred at a time of surging #Antisemitism. Dangerous.”
“@JeffBezos should put a stop to it now,” it added.
Republican Congressman Lee Zeldin (NY), too, joined in the calls to end the sales of such content.
“Amazon should neither be drawing profit nor providing a platform for Nazi propaganda,” he wrote. “These products need to be immediately removed from inventory.”
“Grateful to @hikinddov & Americans Against Anti-Semitism for leading the charge to raise awareness & call for these sales to END!” he added.
In addition, Rep. Nicole Malliotakis called for every “hateful film” on the platform to be removed.
“I stand with @RepLeeZeldin, @HikindDov & @AmericansAA in calling for @amazon to remove this horrific Nazi propaganda,” she wrote.
“They have removed one film, but that’s simply not enough,” she added. “Every hateful film should be removed from its platform immediately.”
Follow Joshua Klein on Twitter @JoshuaKlein.
The Boston Mapping Project, an initiative by anti-Israel BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) activists in Massachusetts, targets Jewish organizations in the area and others who accept or uphold the Jewish state. The targeted organizations are falsely accused of being complicit in “the colonization of Palestine and harms that we [the BDS activists] see as linked.” The mapping website alleges malevolent connections to policing, universities and industry and publishes many organizations’ street addresses, explaining its mission as follows:
“Our goal in pursuing this collective mapping was to reveal the local entities and networks that enact devastation, so we can dismantle them. Every entity has an address’ every network can be disrupted.”
The mapping project appears to be an expansion of an earlier BDS campaign that ties allegations of racist policing in the US with Israeli training and with Jewish American organizations.
That original campaign, called “Deadly Exchange” was launched in 2017 by Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) to target both Israelis in Israel and Jews living outside Israel who support the Jewish state. In this way, it seeks to deny Jews and Jewish organizations their freedom of speech and freedom of association – and is typical of BDS campaigning in general. Singling out exchange programs between American police, the FBI, ICE, and Israeli law enforcement agencies, among all other police exchange programs – for example, those with Mexico and European countries – “Deadly Exchange” attacks Israel alone for allegedly advancing racist policies in the US. According to the campaign, the Jewish state serves as the evil role model for Americans. It demands exchange programs with Israel be cancelled and calls on people to “hold accountable the Jewish institutions that run and fund the deadly exchange.” A visual graph that accompanies the campaign shows the mainstream Jewish organizations that are allegedly “complicit” in promoting racism in America — AIPAC, Taglit Birthright, JINSA, the ADL and the AJC.
The campaign evoked the standard anti-Semitic trope of Jews spreading their tentacles to encompass the world and corrupt others with their evil. It’s classic anti-Semitism.
The Boston mapping project’s launching point echoes the “Deadly Exchange” campaign with its first item cited being “policing” — to demonstrate the “institutional support for the colonization of Palestine.” And beyond those allegations, the mapping project connects the Jewish community to “white supremacy,” “colonization,” “US imperialism,” and “vast theft” – the central crimes of Marxist ideology that echo the most radical themes of today’s turbulent politics. With its stated goal of “visualizing connections,” the mapping project expands the Deadly Exchange graph to include a wider range of Jewish targets — a council of synagogues, schools, a disability group, an artist collaborative, unions, and others associated with being Jewish or with incorporating Jewish belief, history or culture, of which the Land of Israel has always been a central component. It names communal leaders, philanthropies, and board members of some groups.
Most chillingly, the BDS activists behind the map appear to encourage violence against those on the list – the allegedly evil Jewish students, artists, worshipers, philanthropists, and disabled people. The map authors state: “These entities exist in the physical world and can be disrupted in the physical world” And “We hope people will use our map to help figure out how to push back effectively.” They explain that their maps should be used as “a resource for gathering intelligence on the agents of oppression” and they encourage “disruption of the network” through “non-cooperation, community self-defense, and resistance in all its forms” – the latter widely understood to be violent confrontation. It is no wonder that the Goyim Defense League, a white supremacist group that peddles in virulent anti-Semitism, has lauded the mapping project as “super, duper, ooper important.”
“Just look at the domination of these Jews, and how infested they are all over," he says.
The BDS activists who created the Boston Mapping project have taken pains to hide their identities. They appear to have connections to the BDS Boston group, which brought the project to light and continues to promote it, as well as to an entity called the JISR Collective, whose website is the most vociferous supporter of the project. JISR (“bridge” in Arabic) is a radical group with ideological links to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a foreign designated terrorist organization. JISR describes itself as “an Anti-Imperialist Arab Diaspora Media Collective.” Its motto on Twitter is “No to normalization. Yes to resistance.” Like the mapping project, JISR hides its activists’ identity by presenting themselves as “a multi-generational collective” and like the mapping project, JISR is driven by ferocious animus towards Israel and Jews whose aim it is to disrupt normalization of Israel in the Middle East and to de-normalize Jewish life in America – which includes normalizing antisemitism.
The Boston mapping project is far from the first example of classic anti-Semitism by BDS activists. (For earlier examples, see “The Intrinsic Bigotry of BDS”). It’s just the latest example that shines the light on the anti-Jewish bigotry of the BDS movement and its adherents. It reveals how BDS is a magnet for Jew haters to express their anti-Jewish sentiments under the cloak of righteous activism.
BDS groups – like JVP that immediately endorsed the project, urging that it be expanded to other cities — were likely prepared for the reaction from local Jewish organizations that were targeted, as well as from Jewish individuals calling out the antisemitic nature of the maps. Their M.O. is to go on the offensive, to accuse their critics of trying to suppress criticism of Israel and deflect attention from Israel’s supposed misdeeds. They use it as an opportunity to repeat falsehoods that further demonize the Jewish state as genocidal and apartheid.
But they probably had not anticipated the fierce outcry from American politicians and representatives, especially those on the progressive side politically with whom BDS activists seek to align themselves. The governor of Massachusetts, both senators, and a significant portion of the congressional delegation denounced the mapping project. The FBI opened an investigation. US Attorney Rachel Rollins also condemned it and said the Justice Department and FBI are closely monitoring and leaving no stone unturned in preventing harm to the Jewish community. Thirty-seven Members of Congress sent a letter urging the U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the FBI to investigate the use of the map by violent extremist organizations and terrorists, boost security for targets listed in the Project, and work with social media companies and internet service providers to prevent the map’s further distribution. At a local level, the mayor of Newton – a heavily Jewish city whose schools were targeted as well as citizens part of local institutions – denounced the mapping and the Newton City Council issued a powerful statement condemning it.
The strong response of elected and other government officials soon prompted tensions in the BDS movement. After about two weeks of sustained criticism of the project, the BDS National Council sent a letter to the BDS Boston group, telling them to desist from endorsement of the mapping project or cease using the BDS name. It also put out a statement distancing itself from the project. But the BNC statement included just a perfunctory disclaimer before immediately reverting to its M.O. of turning on the Jewish groups that exposed and criticized BDS anti-Semitism. It opposed the mapping project because it believed it was a tactical mistake that provides “a pretext for repressive attacks on the Palestine solidarity movement by anti-Palestinian racists and apologists for Israeli apartheid, especially AIPAC and the ADL.”
According to leaked excerpts of the BNC letter to the Boston BDS group, the BNC reaffirmed its support for “armed resistance” against the Israeli occupation which it falsely claimed was in accordance with international law but criticized the mapping project for being nonstrategic in its call for “resistance in all forms.” That, it claimed, opens the door for the “eager Israeli lobby” to intensify its attacks on the movement and its activists. The fear was that the BDS guise as a non-violent, human rights movement would be compromised, and the distancing tactic was a strategic ploy to maintain the pretense that the movement is a positive rather than a negative force.
The result was that rifts and fissures within the movement were created or deepened. Some, like JVP and its former executive director Rebecca Vilkomerson (under whose helm the Deadly Exchange campaign was launched and who urged the Boston mapping project be introduced in other cities as well) removed their tweets and posts promoting the project. Others condemned the BNC statement, accusing them of collaborating with Zionists. The BNC was accused of trying to “police the actions of BDS groups” and undermine those openly calling for resistance.
The BNC Arabic website did not include the disclaimer that was posted on the English-language website. Nor did many of the BNC constituents in the Middle East weigh in on the matter one way or the other, likely seeing the mapping project as a local diaspora issue. So it is noteworthy that the PFLP (whom JISR ideologically aligns with) put out a statement in Arabic, as well as in English, expressing appreciation and support for the project.
Among the BDS groups that publicly oppose the BNC statement and have re-endorsed the Mapping project are: Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition; Africa for Palestine Boycott and Anti-Normalization Campaign; the Campaign to Boycott Supporters of “Israel” in Lebanon; Canada Palestine Association; the Canadian BDS Coalition; the Center for the Study and Preservation of Palestine; Collectif Palestine Vaincra; DecolonizePalestine; the Democratic Socialists of America’s BDS and Palestine Solidarity Working Group; Falastiniyat; Just Peace Advocates/Mouvement Pour Une Paix Juste; Masar Badil – Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement; National Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP); Normalization Resistance Movement; Palestine Action; Palestine House – Palestinian Canadian Community Centre; Palestinian American Women’s Association; Palestinian and Jewish Unity; the Palestinian Youth Movement; Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network; the U.S. Palestinian Community Network; and Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine.
Iran’s Press TV also joined the chorus of mapping project supporters. It urged the Boston BDS group to intensify the targeting of pro-Israel groups. “It is perfectly legitimate to target Jewish groups that support Zionist crimes” a reporter declared and called for the Mapping Project to be “rolled out in all 50 states and internationally.”
The mapping project is thus proving to be a liability for those in the BDS movement who prefer to present themselves to a diaspora audience as anti-racist and non-violent. Not only have progressive politicians recognized the antisemitic nature of the project, but it is shining a light on the antisemitic nature of the movement itself – and the danger it presents to Jews all over the world.
UC Berkeley blasted for creating ‘Jewish-free zones’ with pro-Israel speaker ban
The University of California, Berkeley, was slammed Friday for creating “Jewish-free zones” after nine student groups adopted a rule forbidding pro-Israel speakers at events.
The controversial bylaw, updated for the new academic year by a pro-Palestinian group on campus, says it aims to stop the spread of Zionist beliefs.
“[The organizations] will not invite speakers that have expressed interest and continue to hold views, host, sponsor or promote events in support of Zionism, the apartheid state of Israel and the occupation of Palestine,” states the bylaw, written by the Berkeley Law Students for Justice in Palestine.
But the policy — which also effectively bans the school’s Jewish dean from speaking — was promptly slammed as an anti-Semitic attack on free speech in an environment that’s supposed to welcome diverse voices.
“Berkeley develops Jewish-free zones,” writer Kenneth Marcus wrote in an opinion column for the Jewish News Syndicate.
“If it wasn’t so frightening, one might be able to recognize the irony in the sight of campus progressives trying so hard to virtue signal that they fall victim to a deep moral shame,” he fumed.
The school’s dean Erwin Chemerinsky, who himself is Jewish, criticized the rule — saying it stops him from speaking at the events.
“It is troubling to broadly exclude a particular viewpoint from being expressed,’ he told the Jewish News of Northern California. “Taken literally, this would mean that I could not be invited to speak because I support the existence of Israel, though I condemn many of its policies.”
The bylaw notes the goal of banning pro-Israel speakers is “protecting the safety and welfare of Palestinian students.”
Campus groups that adopted the rule include the Berkeley Law Muslim Student Association, Middle Eastern and the North African Law Students Association.
The Womxn of Color Collective, Queer Caucus, Asian Pacific American Law Students Association and other groups also adopted it.
Berkeley’s Jewish-Free Zones Are Worse Than You Think
Berkeley Law’s students have institutionalized an ancient ideology of hate, incorporating it into the legal DNA of their major identity groups.
For all the resistance that Berkeley’s enablers have generated, the facts are undisputed and indisputable. Berkeley Law’s students have institutionalized an ancient ideology of hate, incorporating it into the legal DNA of their major identity groups. In doing so, they have embodied this bigotry in a dangerous new form of silencing and exclusion.
As Berkeley’s administration has conceded, nine Berkeley Law student groups amended their bylaws this academic year to prohibit Zionist speakers. It is important to be perfectly clear about what this means. An expert on real estate law would not be permitted to impart real estate expertise to any of these groups if they also support the existence of one Jewish state among 22 Arab countries in the Middle East. An expert in Title IX could not come speak to the women’s law group if they also support the right for Jewish liberation after thousands of years of anti-Jewish persecution and annihilation. An expert in the legality of gay marriage or gender discrimination employment law could not speak to the LGBTQ+ group.
More than 80% of Jews support the existence of Israel as the Jewish homeland. They might also strongly object to Israel’s policies on settlements, they might firmly advocate for improved Palestinian rights, but if they so much as support a two-state solution, they would be banned by these groups. Make no mistake, these are Jew-free zones, i.e., platforms or podia forbidden to Jews.
It is absurd to defend this, as Chancellor Christ and Dean Chemerinsky have done, as “less than ten groups out of 100.” Yes, nine is less than ten. These groups, however, represent wide swaths of the law school, including Berkeley Law’s women, Asian and Pacific Islander, African American, LGBTQ, and Middle Eastern student populations. To insinuate that this is less than ten percent, now that is misleading.
Berkeley’s administration rationalizes, rather obscenely, that Jewish students can join these groups as members even if not as speakers. If the first nine rows of the bus are barred to Jews, it shouldn’t matter that Jews get to sit in the back.
The truth, in fact, is the opposite of what Berkeley’s administration maintains. I have understated the case, not overstated it. To begin with, most of these groups incorporated the discriminatory provisions into their constitutions, not only their bylaws. That is to say, they baked anti-Zionism into their most basic charters. It is now as fundamental to their operations as, say, how they select officers.
Worse, they did this to advance the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement. They are not only banning pro-Israel speakers. Their new constitutional provision dedicates these groups to “wholly boycotting, sanctioning, and divesting funds from institutions, organizations, companies, and any entity that participates in or is directly/indirectly complicit in the occupation of the Palestinian territories and/or supports the actions of the apartheid state of Israel.”
They are not, however, boycotting only Israel. They are boycotting American Jews.
But it gets even worse.
These nine groups’ constitutions and bylaws now place anti-Zionists in an entirely different position than any other group, no matter how vile.
Consider, for example, Berkeley’s Asian Pacific American Law Student Association. Their constitution tackles no other current controversies. They are clear, however about one issue: they will “not invite speakers that have expressed and continue to hold views … in support of Zionism, the apartheid state of Israel, and the occupation of Palestine.” Their constitution does not ban people who have assaulted Asian Americans, despite the surge in such crimes during COVID. Only people who support Israel are constitutionally banned – and they are banned from addressing any subject, not just Israel.
Berkeley’s Law Students of African Descent have done the same. Their constitution and bylaws do not ban white supremacists, neo-Nazis, or other anti-Black racists. They would not preclude an invitation to David Duke. Like other leaders of the Ku Klux Klan, Duke is a racist. This is not constitutionally disqualifying for Berkeley’s black law student organization, because Duke, like many other white supremacists, shares their view of Zionism.
Berkeley Law’s Queer Caucus is similar. Aside from Zionists, the Queer Caucus does not ban any other category of speaker. They do not, for example, ban homophobic or transphobic speakers. Whoever murdered Ahmad Abu Maria, the gay 25-year old Palestinian, would face no constitutional bar on speaking to Berkeley Law’s Queer Caucus, because they were not Zionists. During his lifetime, Ahmad Abu Maria would probably have been subject to the bar, since he sought asylum in Israel.
The Women of Berkeley Law do not, in their constitution and bylaws, ban sexist, misogynistic, or heterosexist speakers. They do not constitutionally ban rapists, child abusers, or those who engage in any form of sexual misconduct. Just Zionists. If an anti-Zionist misogynist were to sexually assault a Jewish woman under Sather Gate at the university’s entrance, the constitution of the Women of Berkeley Law would not ban the perpetrator from publicly addressing them. The victim, by contrast, would likely be banned.
Daniel Pearl, a Zionist victim of beheading, would have been constitutionally banned during his lifetime from speaking to any of these groups. His anti-Zionist murderers would not have been.
This behavior must be inexplicable to anyone who listens to Berkeley’s administration. It makes no sense if you believe Chancellor Christ’s recent message describing these actions as “nuanced thoughts and feelings” generated by a “crisis in the Middle East.” It is impossible to reconcile with Erwin Chemerinsky’s demonstrably false (not just misleading) claimthat “all some student groups have done is express their strong disagreement with Israel’s policies.”
To understand what is happening at Berkeley we need to grasp two things. First, this is no mere criticism of Israel. It is the newest iteration of an ancient ideology that places the Jew at the center of all evil. Jew-hatred has always been more the criticism of Jews. It is a worldview that explains all of the world’s pain as byproduct of Jewish criminality. This central fact, and only this central fact, can explain the behavior of these law students.
These groups have taken action, not merely expressed viewpoints. Constitutions and bylaws are not opinion pieces, not policy papers, not public fora. They are concise governance documents that establish fundamental rules, such as membership classifications, officers, and voting procedures.
And now, at Berkeley Law, they also bar Israel’s supporters from speaking to these organizations, not only about the Middle East, but about any topic. This includes the great majority of Jews. Chemerinsky concedes that he would be banned, as would 90% of Berkeley’s Jewish law students. No other group is banned in this way. Not rapists. Not axe murderers. Only Zionists are banned.
Second, these law students are pioneers, but not in a good way. They are pioneering a new form of Judeophobia which silences and excludes any Jew who does not adequately condemn the Jewish state.
Just as anti-Semites long excluded Jews from polite society, Berkeley’s future lawyers – many of whom will one day be our legislators, mayors, and judges – are now expelling Jews from progressive spaces.
Just as German Jews during the 19th century had to convert to Christianity to be allowed to participate in civil society and government office, American Jews in the 21st century are being forced to convert to anti-Zionism in order to participate in Berkeley’s civil society organizations, an ignominious process, which if not stopped, will only spread further.
This is an effort to strip all Jews of something basic: the trappings of normality that have secured Jewish safety and security in America.
While this is a story about Berkeley, it is not only a story about Berkeley. Berkeley is not Las Vegas. What happens there does not stay there. What begins there, and succeeds there, spreads elsewhere. And make no mistake: silencing Jews is the way such stories begin, not the way they end.
Some in the Jewish community say that we are too alarmed over this. The real problem is that we are not alarmed enough.
Kenneth L. Marcus is founder and chairman of the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law. He served as the 11th Assistant U.S. Secretary of Education for Civil Rights.