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Prophesies Happening Now

Technology (Knowledge)

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made


Digital Slavery: 5G, Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence

5G Will Revolutionize Internet Of Things And AI Platforms

Consumer Warning: Internet Of Things Is Security Nightmare

5G And Internet Of Things To Create Unprecedented Surveillance


Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Types of AI

AI Holograms

AI in the Bible

AI Invasion

WEF - 8 Ways that AI can save out planet

AI in the Legal System

AI in Disaster Management

AI is Breeding People (Dating Apps)

AI Will Become God

Dangers of AI

AI is Developing Feelings

Killer Robots are Almost Here

Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking's Fear of AI's Possible Threat to Human Existence Coming True? Killer AI Might Be Inevitable

AI Weapons

The Third Revolution in Warfare

The Most Likely Cause of World War 3


Genetic Modification and Transhumanism (Links to another page)



The Metaverse Will Be a Full-Time Tracking and Surveillance Platform that Records Your Eye Movements, Facial Expressions and Biometric Data

It’s Not Just Facebook, Meet The 5 Other Mega-Corporations That Are Spending Billions To Enslave You In The Virtual Prison Of The Metaverse Dystopia

Facebook Spends $1 Billion Dollars To Purchase Tech Company That Will Allow You To Control Your Computer Using Only Your Thoughts

Dark Side Of Metaverse Exposed: Why Your Kids Need To Stay Away From VRChat

Meta Unveils ‘Personal Safety Bubble’ After Metaverse’s Dark Side Exposed



The Opening Ceremony of the World’s Largest Tunnel Was a Bizarre Occult Ritual

7 things you didn’t know about CERN and the strange world of particle physics (WEF)

The World Wide Web was invented at CERN

The days of Noah and Lot

Days of Noah

What was it like in the Days of Noah

Billy Crone Study - In The Days of Noah (Giants, Ancient Technology & Noah's Ark)

True Legends (Links to Truth of the Bible: Bible Archaeology)

As It Was In The Days Of Noah

"Hamas" is the same word used in Genesis 6 to describe the violence that was on the earth just before the Flood

Wickedness and Violence

See also: Lawlessness

Corrupted DNA (Nephilim) (Links to Deception: Genetic Modification and Transhumanism)


See also Extreme Earth Changes: Floods

Days of Lot


See also: Lawlessness

Sexual Immorality

See also Sexual Immorality

Promoting Sexual Immorality to our Children

Best-Selling Children's History Series Turns Drag Queens Into National Heroes

Sanctioning Sodom


God Saves the Righteous


Satan - Ruler of this world, by deception

Signs of the Times and the End of the Age – Deception


Who is Satan

What does the world say?

What does the Bible say?

Satan is the ruler of this world and he rules by deception


World Religions, Cults & The Occult - Satanism & The Rise of Devil Worship


Satanic Temple installs holiday display in Illinois capitol next to Nativity scene, menorah


6 Things to Know about 'Satan Clubs' in Public School

After-school 'Satan club' in Illinois district elicits 'concern,' superintendent response

The ‘After School SATAN CLUB’ For Kids Is Back

Residents ANNOYED At Parents Protesting SATAN CLUB For Kids

Satanic Temple SUES School After It Refused After Hours ‘Satan Club’ For Kids


Nicole Kidman’s Father: Satanist, Silenced by His Own Ninth Circle Satanic Cult


Baal (Satan) Worship

Who was Baal?

Baal Worship Resurrected? Massive Celebration Of Globalism Shows Satanists Are No Longer Hiding In The Shadows

Temple of Baal in New York

Prince Charles Opens The 2022 Birmingham Commonwealth Games With An Idol Of A Raging, Fiery Bull Prompting Comparisons To Baal Worship

Major British sporting event accused of Baal worship in opening ceremony

Balenciaga Under Fire Over Creepy Child Bondage Commercial

It's Worse Than We Thought: Balenciaga Replaces Child BDSM-Themed Ads with New Creepy Campaign that Features Belgian Painter Known for "Pedophilia, Blood Ritual, Occultism, Cannibalism, Racism"


The Satanic War on the Christian - Billy Crone Study



Halloween! A Warning to Christian Parents

Beware of the Deception

Why does God allow deception?

What Does the Bible Say About Deception?

Defining Evil

What Does the Bible Say About Good versus Evil?

God's Response to the Deception

God's Wrath on Unrighteousness

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

How Bible Truth Overcomes Deception


(Lies that the Unsaved World Believes)


“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” CIA Director

2021: A Prophetic Review

Why does God allow deception?

What is the great deception in the Bible?

Father of Liars

The Rise of Falsehood

Divide and Conquer

What does the Bible say about discrimination?

Rich vs Poor

White vs Black

Systemic Racism - The New Face of Racism

What does the Bible say about systemic racism?

“Systemic Racism” The BIG Lie​

Black Lives Matter (BLM)

Black Lives Matter Exposed

How should Christians view the Black Lives Matter movement?

BLM is the New Political Party;…the New Religion

Co-Founder of Black Lives Matter: “We Are Trained Marxists”

Black Lives Matter Blames Deadly Cuban Protests on US Government, Defends Regime

Critical Race Theory / 1619 Project / Reparations

What is the critical race theory?​

Yes, critical race theory is being taught in public schools​

North Carolina dad goes viral for anti-CRT school board speech: 'Parents are taking back the wheel'

Critical Race Theory Makes Its Way Into Mandatory Trainings at Top US Medical Schools

Help Us Stop Critical Race Theory Training in our Military!

White Supremacy / White Privilege

What is the biblical view of white privilege?

Is Christianity a white man’s religion?

Why do many white supremacists claim to be Christians?

Conservatives vs Liberals

Antifa (

What is antifa? How should a Christian view antifa?

How should a Christian view fascism?

Left Craziness / Woke Insanity

Tulsi Gabbard Leaves Democratic Party, Goes On Blistering Screed Against ‘Wokeness’

Liberal Fake News


Man vs Woman​

Toxic Masculinity

Transgender Confusion (Links to another page)

LGBTQ+ hundreds of others vs man/woman (Links to another page)

Child vs Parent

Levine legalizing transgender reassignments in minors without parental consent​

Feds form new strike force targeting ‘domestic terrorism’: Show Me the Parent and I’ll Show You the Crime?

Parents No Longer Make the Decisions for Their Children

COVID vaccinations to be added to routine pediatric immunization scheduled

Transgender surgery for kids without parental consent may become constitutional right in Michigan

Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated

Destroy the Current Systems

Abolish Constitution

Has the U.S. Constitution already been terminated?

End of free speech (1st Amendment)

Is freedom of speech a biblical concept?

What does the Bible say about censorship?

Biden FCC Nominee Presents Grave Danger To Christian/Conservative Media

World Economic Forum Calls For Merging of Human and AI Intel to Censor ‘Hate Speech’ & ‘Misinformation’

End of religious liberty (1st Amendment)

Is freedom of religion a biblical concept?

Viral Threats to Religious Liberty - Beware of Power That Corrupts Absolutely

Government is trying to take away our guns (2nd Amendment)

Illegal National Gun Registry? Fed’s ATF Has Amassed ‘1 Billion Gun Records’

Separation of Church and State

Jefferson's Letter to the Danbury Baptists

How should a Christian view the separation of church and state?

The Separation of Church and State

Were the Founding Fathers of the United States Christians?

America’s Christian Heritage - Is America based on Christian principles? 

Judeo-Christian Roots of America's Founding Ideals and Documents

Supreme Court Rulings that have removed God from the Country

Submission to Governing Authorities - What does the Bible say?

What is Happening in America

Archbishop Viganò’s Startling Warning to the American People

Erasing History - Societal Chaos

Cancel Culture

Climate Crisis (Links to Deception - Climate Crisis)

Create One-World Antichrist Kingdom

Georgia Guidestones - 10 Commandments of the Antichrist Kingdom (Links to another page)


One-World Government for United Nations (UN) and World Economic Forum (WEF)​ plans (Links to another page)


How should a Christian view socialism?

What is Christian Socialism?

The Immorality of Socialism, The Need for Common Sense

Does the Bible support Communism?

What is cultural Marxism?

Is Marxism compatible with the Christian faith?

Open borders - One World​

One-World - Rush to Globalism (Return to Babylon) (Links to another page)

One-World Government (Links to another page)

One-World Economy (Links to another page)

One-World Religion (Links to another page)

Revived Roman Empire - World broken into 10 groups (Links to another page)

The Folly Of Open Borders

What does the Bible say about illegal immigration?

How should a Christian respond to illegal immigrants?

Fentanyl Now the #1 Cause of Death Among Americans 18-45, Surpassing COVID (thanks to Biden's open borders)

Reduce Population on earth by 95%

UN Agenda 21 (Links to another page)

Georgia Guidestones (Links to another page)

Eugenics & Abortion (Links to another page)

Homosexuality and Transgender (Links to another page)

Covid vaccine (Links to another page)

Why depopulate the earth? See Transhumanism


Are there ANY good reasons to get vaccinated? No!

12 important questions and answers before considering getting vaccinated (CDC)



Watch the Water - Covid is not an Airborne Virus, It's Snake Venom in the Water

Origins of Covid, mRNA Vaccines and Remdesivir

Biblical Implications of Our DNA Being Turned Into That of the Serpent

Nuremberg Trials 2022 – Crimes Against Humanity

Day 1 - Opening Statements

You Are the Jury

Court of the Public Opinion

Our Liberty Goes Back to Natural Law

Expert Witnesses

PCR Tests (97% False Positives) - Key to Plandemic and Vaccine Mandates

Censorship of Safe and Effective Alternative Treatments

Mr. Global Orchestrated the Plandemic to Advance the Agenda of Total Control and Dominance

Closing Statements

Day 2 - Historical Background

Day 3 - PCR Test

Day 4 - Injections and Psychological Warfare

Day 5 - Economical & Financial Destruction

International Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice

The “experimental” vaccine is in violation of all 10 of the Nuremberg Codes

Important irrefutable evidence exposed via the trial

The Corona Plandemic and the International Legal Approach


Understanding What This COVID Thing is About - Billy Crone study

Part 1 - Statistics and Ingredients

Part 2 - What is the Motive?  (Money)

Part 3 - The Lies (We're Being Lied to on a Massive Scale)

Part 4 - Murder

Part 5 - Elimination of USA; Resist (Restrain) the Evil!


Covid Chaos: Conspiracy or Reality?

Second Global COVID Summit Announced: Main Goal Will Be to Vaccinate Everyone on Planet, Everywhere

The Zombie-Apocalypse Kill Switch (ZAKS)

The COVID shot (not a vaccine) is dangerous

These shots are not vaccines

The definition of 'vaccine' has been changed

Dr. Steven Hotze - Not a vaccine, but dangerous experimental gene modification

These shots are killing people

CDC VAERS (Center for Disease Control Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System)

VAERS Whistleblower: “45,000 Dead From Covid-19 Vaccines Within 3 Days of Vaccination”, Sparks Lawsuit Against Federal Government

How Many People Are the Vaccines Killing?

Dr. Vernon Coleman - Medical Proof the Covid Jab is “Murder”​

Biden’s Bounty on Your Life: Hospitals’ Incentive Payments for COVID-19

Taboo Truths about the Covid Vaccine

Government’s Own Data Proves COVID-19 Shots Are Causing Blood Clots, Heart Disease, and DEATH


Why are we Accepting Myocarditis as an Acceptable Side Effect for COVID Vaccines?​

Cardiac Problems in Athletes

Massive Cover-Up Exposed, Big Media And Fact Checkers Ignored Evidence Of Myocarditis

Famous Athlete Demands Investigation: Why Are So Many Players Collapsing on the Field

These shots are POISON

Spike protein a major health threat, warns mRNA vaccine inventor

Analysis of Pfizer vaccination confirms 99.99% graphene nanoparticles (poison)

Toxicity and Cytotoxicity of Graphene Oxide

Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles (GFN)

The connection between graphene oxide and electromagnetic fields

Magnetic Nanomaterials in the COVID Injections, Masks and Test Swabs

Graphene Hydroxine NANO-RAZORS Destroy the Vaccinated

Quantum Dots, DNA Barcoding, Nano-Razors & The Israeli State

These shots are causing AIDS

Vaccines and Boosters are Causing AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome)

Science Confirms mRNA Vaccine Causes HIV-dependent AIDS!

Breaking: HIV Confirmed in Vaccinated!

A comparison of official Government reports suggest the Fully Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome much faster than anticipated

These shots don't work (or do they?)

Dr. Harvey Risch - The shot doesn't work - 60% of new patients are vaccinated

Something Really Strange Is Happening At Hospitals All Over America (COVID cases Down, Hospitalizations Up)

Why are Americans 18-64 Dying? Nobody Knows - Does Anybody Care?

‘Israel could be completely unprotected against COVID-19 in a month’ - report

Horowitz: The vaccines are working ... exactly as they were designed

People suffering from the 'vaccines' are speaking out

Vaccine-Injured Speak Out, Feel Abandoned by Government Who Told Them COVID Shot Was Safe


The nose swabs are DANGEROUS

The Untold Truth About Nose Swabs - They are Toxic and Dangerous

COVID PCR Test Swabs are as dangerous as inhaling Asbestos


MANY doctors are risking everything to tell you the TRUTH

Many doctors warn against against it

Graphene Oxide Detox Protocols For The Vaxxed & Unvaxxed

Covid-19 Treatment Protocol

How to treat COVID, long-haul, and COVID vaccine side-effects

Where do I start to research vaccines?

Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer's former Vice President

“That’s what I would do if I wanted to get rid of 90 or 95% of the world’s population. And I think that’s what they’re doing.”

COVID-19 Vaccines to Cause “Mass Depopulation” Event Within 2 years

Dr. Zelenko Warns 75% of Vaxxed Could Be Dead in 3 Years

Flood Of Hospital Death Reports: Thousands Cry Out As Loved Ones are Murdered By Hospital Protocols

Hospitals Killing For Organs, “This is Absolutely Evil And A Crime Against Humanity!”

DECEPTION - Climate Crisis

Extreme Earth Changes are Signs of Jesus' Return


Climate Chaos - The Next Manufactured Crisis

Make Way For The Replacement Of Covid-19—a Hyped-Up Climate Change Scare

Very few scientists agree that climate change is driven by human activity

Prince Charles COP26 Climate Summit 

Climate and Prophecy

Climate Change: Truth or Fiction

Geoengineering (Weather Modification)

Weather Modification History

Geoengineering, Weather Modification and Weaponizing Nature

Ten Technologies to Own the Weather Today!

Weather Modification Corporations, Universities, and Derivative Traders

Geoengineering Watch: Weather Warfare

High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP)

“Playing God”: HAARP Weather Control – A Terrifying Look at The Control of Weather Warfare

Geoengineering Startup Company Says It’s Already Begun Releasing Particles Into Atmosphere

Religion of Mother Earth

The Georgia Guide Stones and the Ten Commandments of the Coming Antichrist

(Links to: Rush To Globalism: So, the new 10 commandments are all for the good of the earth. They are worshiping the creation and ignoring the Creator.)

The Gospel vs. the Climate Change Gospel

The New World Religion of Climate Unity

Greenfaith - Faiths 4 Climate Justice

With pointed urgency, faiths rise for climate justice


Carbon Credits

What are Carbon Credits and How Do They Work?

Get ready for a ‘carbon monitoring credit card’

Climate Lockdowns: New CO2 monitoring credit card

Climate Lockdowns

Climate Change Restrictions And Lockdowns? They Are Already Starting

Cultish Climate Agenda

Climate Lockdown Videos

Ministry of Climate Change

Trudeau installing weapons armouries, interrogation rooms for Ministry of Climate Change

What does the Bible Say?

Extreme Weather in Bible Prophecy

Birth Pains

Impending Judgment on the Earth


Hurricanes / Tornadoes (Whirlwind / Storm)






Booms/Trumpet Sounds



Eugenics, Abortion & Genocide

Eugenics, If You Think That This Ended With Hitler – Think Again

Bill Gates, His Father and Eugenics

The Hidden Agenda Of Genetic Manipulation - Genetics is the new name of Eugenics

See also: Genetic Modification and Transhumanism

Insects As Flying Syringes For Genetic Modification, Eugenics And Population Control

Canada Begins Eugenics Program

Canadian retailer Simons glamorizes assisted suicide as ‘The Most Beautiful Exit’


How Abortion and Transgenderism = Depopulation

See also: Sexual Immorality: Transgender Confusion


Is abortion murder?

Abortion: The Mass Murder of Children

What does the Bible say about abortion?

Margaret Sanger & Planned Parenthood’s Eugenic Worldview

Planned Parenthood Head Says Abortion Provider Is ‘Canceling’ Founder Margaret Sanger

Do You Know Roe? A Reflection on the Meaning of Life 

This March for Life, we’re marching Roe right out the door

How should a Christian view the Roe v. Wade decision?

Abortion: It’s Beyond Politics

The Abomination of Abortion - Are we courting the wrath of God?

A Thought about Abortion - Would you consider abortion in the following four situations?

Vatican Invites Pro Abortion “Population Bomb” Author To Speak



COVID-19 Genocide of 2020

10 Stages of Genocide

WEF Adviser Yuval Harari: ‘We Just Don’t Need the Vast Majority of the Population’ in Today’s World

Georgia Guidestones

The Georgia Guide Stones and the Ten Commandments of the Coming Antichrist

Aliens and UFOs

UFO's - The Great Last Days Deception

Are there such things as aliens or UFOs?

Could an alien deception be part of the end times?


Bible vs Science

Creation vs Evolution

Billy Crone Study

Intelligent Design

A Special Creation (Exposing The Lies of Evolution)

Stephen Meyer

Intelligent Design

Are Religion and Science in Conflict?

How Did the Universe Begin?


Science Uprising

01: Reality

02: Mind

03: DNA

04: Fine Tuning

05: Origin of Life

06: Mutations

07: Big Bang

08: Human Evolution

09: Fossils: Mysterious Origins


The National Geographic View of the Fossil Record is Wrong

Young Earth vs Old Earth


Male/Female vs Transgender

Gender Insanity - A Demented Society

Transgender Indoctrination of our Children

How Abortion and Transgenderism = Depopulation

Genetic Manipulation and Transhumanism

End of Humanity - Corrupted DNA

(like the Nephilim, unredeemable to God)

Biden signs executive order designed to unleash transhumanist hell on America and the world

“Let me read between the lines for America. Biden’s Sept. 12, 2022, executive order declares that Americans must surrender all human rights that stand in the way of transhumanism. Clinical trial safety standards and informed consent will be eradicated as they stand in the way of universally unleashing gene-editing technologies needed to merge humans with A.I. In order to achieve the societal goals of the New World Order, crimes against humanity are not only legal, but mandatory.” 

Genetic Manipulation

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) - Plants & Animals

Human Hybrids and Chimeras (Human / Animal Hybrids)

Human Hybrids

Chimeras - Human / Animal Hybrids

The Era Of Chimeras: Scientists Fearlessly Create Bizarre Human/Animal Hybrids

Russia to build Noah's Ark, the world's first DNA databank

The Hidden Agenda Of Genetic Manipulation - Genetics is the new name of Eugenics

Transhumanism (Fourth Industrial Revolution)

Transhumanism and the WEF Fourth Industrial Revolution

Klaus Schwab books - The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Elon Musk says humans must become cyborgs to stay relevant. Is he right?

Transhumanism - the new religion

Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow

Transhumanism – Will We Become Gods?

Former Google Executive Warns: "We're Creating God" via Artificial Intelligence

Transhumanism: The Plot to Control Your Life!

Transhumanists Gather In Spain To Plan Global Transformation

Transhumanism: Is it Already Here?

Humanity 2.0: 'The Fusion Of Our Physical, Digital, And Biological Identities'

Transhumanist Theorist Calls the AI-Unenhanced ‘Useless People’

WEF lead advisor Harari: Humans are now hackable animals; free will is over

The Dangers of Transhumanism

Transhumanism and the Great Rebellion

Top Ten Things Christians Should Know About Transhumanism​

Transhumanism & Nearness of the Tribulation


The Neuralink Brain Chip

Have the Great Reset Technocrats Really Thought This Through? Evil: Between Depopulation & Neuralink

Hardwired for Control – The Brain-Computer Interface Is Already Here

Is Neuralink the Future of Smartphones?


Silicon Valley’s quest for immortality – and its worrying sacrifices


Self-Replicating Xenobots

Will self-replicating ‘xenobots’ cure diseases, yield new bioweapons, or simply turn the whole world into grey goo?

Counterfeit Christianity

True Christianity vs Counterfeit Christianity

False Prophets in the Church Today

Christian Teachers Preaching False Doctrines

Silent, Useless (Pious) Christians

A Pandemic In Christendom: Calling Out Evangelical Compromise In The Church

Counterfeit Religions/Beliefs

False Religions EXPOSED! (

World Religions, Cults & The Occult

Roman Catholicism (Links to an entire page)

What is Roman Catholicism?

The Roman Catholic Cult Exposed (

Replacement Theology (Links to an entire page)

What is replacement theology / supersessionism?




Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?

What is the difference between Christianity and Islam?

Christian Palestinianism

Christian Dominionism

What is Kingdom Now teaching?

Progressive Christianity

What is progressivism?

What is the social gospel?

What is a Biblical view of social action?

What does the Bible say about social justice?

How should a Christian view being “woke”?

Seeker Sensitive Movement

Spiritual Formation movement

Charismatic Movement​​

What is holy laughter?

Pentecostal Church

What is the Latter Rain Movement?

United Pentecostal Churches EXPOSED! (

New Apostolic Church

New Apostolic Reformation

Is God restoring the offices of apostle and prophet in the church today?

What is Sozo ministry / Sozo prayer?

What is Grave Sucking, Grave Soaking or Mantle Grabbing?

What is Bethel Church, Redding CA

Emergent Church Movement (Post-modern Christianity)

What is post-modern Christianity?

What are the dangers of postmodernism?

What is contemplative spirituality?

What is contemplative prayer?

New Age movement

What is the occult?

New Age / Occult infiltrating the churches

What is the Christian view of psychics / fortune tellers?​

Should a Christian read fortune cookies?

What are tarot cards?

What is Christalignment and destiny cards?

What does the Bible say about palm reading?

What does the Bible say about astrology and the zodiac?​

Should a Christian consult horoscopes?​

What is a medium?​

What is a séance?​

What does the Bible say about channeling?​

What are spirit guides?​

Should a Christian play with Ouija boards?

Christian Wicca​

Wicca: Is It Wrong for Christians?

Christian Science


What is the Eastern Star organization, and are they related to the Free Masons?

The Maze of Masonry - Should a Christian be a Mason?​

Ex-Masons for Jesus (

Can a Christian be a Democrat?  Democratic Policies vs Christian Policies​

The Democratic Party's War on Christianity

Democrat Party Passes Resolution Against Christianity

Bible Banned and Labeled as "Hate Speech!"

Biden’s Public Enemies List: Are Christians Domestic Terrorists?

Framing Christians as Domestic Terrorists

Why do the Democratic party oppose God and the Bible?

How a Biden presidency would unleash Christian persecution

Can a Christian be a Democrat?

Can You Be Christian and a Democrat?

Should a Christian be a Republican or a Democrat?

No such thing as a ‘Christian Democrat’ - The party is now so extreme that no follower of Christ can align with it

Roman Catholicism

What is Roman Catholicism?

What is the origin of the Roman Catholic Church?

Satan’s Counterfeit Christianity

Is the Catholic Church a separate religion or a division of Christianity?

Is Catholicism a False Religion?

Jesus called the Roman Catholic church corrupt

Thyatira translates to "Continual sacrifice"

Roman Catholicism is rooted in pagan Babylonianism


Square Passover Bread vs Round IHS Communion Wafers


What does the Bible say about communion?

Communion should be symbolic, not a 'continual sacrifice'

The True Meaning of Communion

Papacy (Popes)

The Sovereign Pontiff

What does the Bible say about the pope / papacy?

Peter - Was Peter the first pope?

Spiritual Fornication



Queen of Heaven

Immaculate Conception

Lady Day

Catholic Holy Days

Indulgences – Works-Based Salvation



The Rosary


Extreme Unction

Baptismal Regeneration

The Sign of the Cross


The College of Cardinals



More Questions about Roman Catholicism

See also: Could Pope Francis be the False Prophet?

Pope Francis is a false prophet – and possible “the” False Prophet
Is Pope Francis a candidate for the False Prophet?
‘Pope Francis’ - A Wolf in Shepherd’s Clothing?
Pope Francis – An Apocalyptic Figure?
Pope Lays Out Global Marxist Agenda
Sanctioning Sodom

Catholic Archbishop Viganò calling out Pope Francis

Abp. Viganò: The Church needs an ‘official investigation’ of Benedict’s resignation

Archbishop Viganò Writes Stunning Letter on Vaccine Program


Sexual Immorality

Sexual Immorality

Sexual Immorality Being Promoted to the Children (Links to Days of Noah & Lot)

Adultery / Fornication


Homosexuality - Are Christians homophobic? 

Why Homosexuality is a Unique Sin Today - From Shame to Celebration

Transgender Confusion (Gender Dysphoria)

Pedophilia (Minor Attracted Persons)


What does the Bible say about Lawlessness?

Lawlessness Is Sin

Defining Sin / Lawlessness

Confessing Your Sins / Lawlessness

Consequences of Unconfessed Sins / Lawlessness


Lawlessness in the Last Days

Garden of Evil

Lawlessness and Other Proof

Man of Sin / Lawlessness

Rise of Wickedness - Billy Crone study

Defund the Police

How should Christians view the “defund the police” movement?

Stupidocrisy: Defunding Police is Marxism in Action

Violent Crime Is A Collapse Indicator

Abolish Local Police Departments?!

"Murderapolis": Ground Zero For 'Defund The Police' Movement Now Suffering Horrendous Crime Wave

Human Trafficking

What does the Bible teach about human trafficking?

The Heart of Human Trafficking

WOR 710 New York Covers Explosive Veritas Whistleblower Story on Exposing Human Trafficking

Disney Worker Among 160 Arrested During Human Trafficking Sting

More Disney Employees Arrested in Latest Florida Child Sex Sting

Mocking and Scoffing

What does the Bible say about scoffers?

What does it mean that there will be scoffers in the last days?

Scoffers & Mockers Then & Now

Christians Mocking Christians; You May be Surprised Why



The World Against Israel

Are we inching our way towards the fulfillment of Zechariah 12?

Is the stage being set for the prophecy of Zechariah 12:3?

Other Miscellaneous Ongoing Prophecies

Dead Sea Will Become FreshwaterEzekiel 47:6-12, Zechariah 14:8-9

Dead Sea Coming Alive with Fish & Fresh Water - Biblical prophecy being fulfilled

Fulfillment of the Dead Sea Prophecy Has Begun


Days will be Shortened – Earth is Spinning Faster Matthew 24:22, Romans 9:27-28

The Earth has been spinning faster lately

Earth is spinning faster than usual and had its shortest day ever


Nile and Euphrates Rivers will Dry Up

Ezekiel 30:12, Isaiah 19:5-8, Isaiah 11:15, Zechariah 10:10-11Revelation 16:12-14

According to prophecy the Nile River will dry up

Climate change is real – the famous Nile river is drying up


Elimination of Meat 1 Timothy 4:3-4

The Big “Take Away” from COP26 Confab is: Meat

Globalists aren’t just coming for your cars and your cash; they also want your steaks, burgers and bacon

Forbidding to Marry 1 Timothy 4:3

Forbidding to Marry, the First Commandment and Laodicea

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Disclaimer:  My notes were never meant to be published, but far too many people have pushed me to do this. 

My notes were very much copy/paste from many different sources, and I can not begin to guess where they were all from. 

If there is intellectual property that belongs to you, let me know and I will be happy to give you the credit for it.

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