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Prophecies Fulfilled in OUR Generation (last 100 years)


Cedars of Lebanon Will Burn

Zechariah 11:1-2, Ezekiel 47:6-12, Zechariah 14:8-9

Zechariah 11:1-2 – Desolation of Israel

Zec 11:1 Open your doors, O Lebanon, That fire may devour your cedars.
2 Wail, O cypress, for the cedar has fallen, Because the mighty trees are ruined.

Psalm 29:3-11 – Praise to God in His Holiness and Majesty

Ps 29:3 The voice of the Lord is over the waters; The God of glory thunders; The Lord is over many waters.
4 The voice of the Lord is powerful; The voice of the Lord is full of majesty.

5 The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars, Yes, the Lord splinters the cedars of Lebanon.
6 He makes them also skip like a calf, Lebanon and Sirion like a young wild ox.

7 The voice of the Lord divides the flames of fire.

8 The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness; The Lord shakes the Wilderness of Kadesh.
9 The voice of the Lord makes the deer give birth, And strips the forests bare; And in His temple everyone says, “Glory!”

10 The Lord sat enthroned at the Flood, And the Lord sits as King forever.
11 The Lord will give strength to His people; The Lord will bless His people with peace.

Cedars of Lebanon Burn
Climate Change Closes In On Lebanon's Iconic Cedar Trees

Climate Change Closes In On Lebanon's Iconic Cedar Trees

Khaled Taleb steps out of his vehicle high on a mountainside in northern Lebanon, and surveys the charred remains of the cedar forest he fought to save. A black carpet of the trees' burned needles crunches underfoot.

Armed with only gardening tools and cloth masks, Taleb and four friends spent the night of Aug. 23 on this mountainside battling a wildfire that swept up from the valley and engulfed this high-altitude woodland of cedars and juniper trees.

"The fear we felt for ourselves was nothing compared to the fear we had for the trees," recalls Taleb, who played under these boughs as a child, and who has worked for their protection since he was 16. Now 29, he runs an ecotourism and conservation group he founded called Akkar Trail.

The cedar tree is a source of national pride in Lebanon. Its distinctive silhouette of splayed branches graces the national flag. The forests here have furthered empires, providing Phoenicians with timber for their merchant ships, and early Egyptians with wood for elaborately carved sarcophagi.

But now the very survival of these ancient giants is in question. Scientists say rising temperatures and worsening drought conditions brought about by climate change are driving wildfires in this Middle Eastern country to ever higher altitudes, encroaching upon the mountains where the cedars grow.

Changing weather patterns in Lebanon, defined by its long Mediterranean coastline and mountain ranges, are also upsetting the ecology of the cedar forests. Warming temperatures have spawned infestations of the web-spinning sawfly, which has decimated entire tracts of forest.

Climate scientists predict average annual temperatures in the Middle East to increase by as much as 4 degrees Celsius by the end of the century, compared to the mid-1800s. The changes could mean heatwaves lasting some 200 days per year, with temperatures reaching an unbearable 122 degrees Fahrenheit (50 degrees C) by the end of the century. The projections show prolonged droughts, air pollution from dust storms, and rising sea levels. In order to avoid the worst effects of climate change, the world must keep average temperatures from rising more than 1.5 degrees Celsius, climate scientists say.

"Worst fire season"

The fire that Taleb and his friends fought this summer marked the first time on record that wildfires have reached Lebanon's cedar trees.


Starting in the low plains of Wadi Jhannam or the "Valley of Hell," Taleb says the fire burned through almost 100 acres of woodland, damaging some 100 prized cedar and juniper trees. This might seem slight, but it's a significant area in tiny Lebanon, a country many times smaller than every American state, except Delaware and Rhode Island.

Across Lebanon, wildfires have been more frequent and intense. George Mitri, a scientist and director of the land and natural resources program at the Lebanese University of Balamand, says the fires this year burned through an area seven times larger than the annual average. At one point in October, his team counted 150 wildfires in just 48 hours.

Mitri says the fires reached record altitudes too, burning as high as 6,500 feet above sea level. The fires came within just 7.5 miles of Lebanon's densest cedar forest in the Tannourine Nature Reserve. "This was the worst fire season on record," Mitri says. "It's a national disaster."

Mitri has warned of these dangers for years. In 2012, he and his team used climatic data and modeling to show how climate change would affect wildfires in Lebanon over the next 30 years.

"Our main finding for this study was that high mountains will be more prone to increasing drought, which in turn affect fire spread," he says. "We noticed back then a significant worsening in drought conditions in 2020."


Specifically, the study predicted a much greater fire risk in the mountains of the Akkar region of northern Lebanon, where the cedars burned this year.

The sawfly threat

In the Tannourine Nature Reserve, climate change is killing cedars in a different way.

Beneath the thick forest canopy, dangling from the branches of trees, some of which are more than 1,000 years old, are sticky yellow sheets covered with captured insects. This is just one of the ways conservationists are trying to fight the sawfly infestation they say is a "direct consequence" of warming temperatures.

The sawfly is native to this forest and used to coexist with the cedars. "This insect used to sleep under the soil, hibernating, for six to seven years," says Nabil Nemer, an entomologist who identified the sawfly as the cause of a new destruction of the trees in Tannourine forest. "Now, with warmer temperatures it has changed its life cycle to emerge every year." The insects now lay eggs on the cedar buds, which the larvae then eat, killing the tree.

The changing weather has also affected the forest's microbiome. "There used to be a balance in which other microorganisms would cause disease in the sawfly, controlling its population," says Nemer. But these microorganisms survive only in a humid environment. As these forests dry out, the sawfly population soars. Now, Nemer says, the insect has been identified as a cause of blight in most of Lebanon's cedar reserves.

Budget crunch

The Lebanese government has long recognized the dangers facing the cedar trees, but has so far failed to address them. In 2009, it endorsed a national strategy for preventing wildfires that Mitri helped draft. But the plan was never put into action. "No budget was ever allocated," says Mitri.

In 2019, wildfires broke out around the country with unprecedented ferocity. Dozens of blazes took hold in scrublands and protected areas up and down Lebanon driving families from their homes. But Lebanon's three firefighting helicopters remained grounded. The government ministries in charge of them, it emerged, had let them fall into disrepair years before.

For Lebanese already wrestling with a national economic collapse and the state's failure to provide basic services, including continuous electricity, trash collection and potable water, the news of the grounded helicopters symbolized the ineptitude and corruption driving the population into squalor.

This brought even more people to the streets, joining the massive anti-government protests in October 2019 that decried everything from the government's failures to provide basic services to the collapse of the national economy. In a rare show of unity in deeply divided Lebanon, the young and old, from all religious sects, marched together to call for the removal of the entire political class. They shouted a traditional chant of the Arab Spring, "the people demand the fall of the regime," and then one just for Lebanon, "the country is burning."

Trees of hope

Because the cedar tree grows on high rocky outcrops and has outlasted thousands of years of plunder, it has come to symbolize resilience for many Lebanese, who have themselves survived decades of occupation and civil war.

On Aug. 4, a massive explosion at Beirut's port wreaked destruction across the capital city. Caused by some 2,750 metric tons of improperly stored ammonium nitrate, it destroyed the homes of hundreds of thousands of residents and, in an instant, turned the city's wealthiest neighborhoods into seas of twisted metal and shattered glass.

In the weeks that followed, Alice Mogabgab, who owns an art gallery in Beirut, decided to make the first exhibition after the explosion about cedar trees and Lebanese forests. Today, the cedar tree is "the only shelter in which Lebanese can find peace," she says.


"We have nothing left," Mogabgab says. "The only hope to heal our souls is that we still have the tree in this land, and nothing else. Nothing at all."

Nemer says the last two years of wildfires are a "wake-up call" for Lebanese citizens to take action to protect their forests. Many are answering the call. Nemer describes projects around the Tannourine cedars, funded by charities and run by local volunteers, to plant cedars at higher altitudes where, in the new climate, they might survive, and to clear vegetation to form firebreaks around the forests.

Mishmish, the home of ecotourism expert Khaled Taleb, is one of several municipalities to get funding from a Swedish charity, SKL International, to train local residents in firefighting.

"A huge number of people applied," says Firas Khodr, 35, an organizer. "We held interviews and eventually chose 85 people."


Khodr spoke beside the town's gray municipal building on a bright and clear Saturday earlier this month. Inside, dozens of men sat in a large room, wearing masks to protect from the coronavirus and watching a presentation by a firefighter on how to use extinguishers and tackle fires in vegetation.

"This area is mostly forest, and the forests here are part of people's lives. They have meaning," says Khodr, explaining why so many residents volunteered for work that is both dangerous and unpaid.

Taleb has also received help in his mission to protect the cedars. Realizing that the roads in the mountain range's upper reaches are impassable for regular fire engines, he started a GoFundMe page to raise money to adapt a four-wheel-drive pickup truck to fight fires.


Even amid a dire economic crisis, Lebanese inside and outside the country were moved by the pictures of burning cedars Taleb had posted on social media. "We raised $17,000," he says.

Today, Taleb's pickup is customized with a winch on the front and a fiberglass water tank that can hold about 300 gallons of water.

"It feels amazing," he says. "We've gone from being forced to stand by and watch trees burn to being able to save an entire woodland."


Taleb knows it won't be enough to stop all the damage caused by climate change. But little by little, he hopes, Lebanese citizens will work to protect their beloved cedar forests, as best they can.

Lebanon's cedar trees burn as wildfires reach record altitudes

Lebanon's cedar trees burn as wildfires reach record altitudes

BEIRUT: Growing in the woodlands of Lebanon’s mountains, ancient cedar trees have for the first time fallen victim to wildfires, as increasing drought and rising temperatures have pushed flames to ignite at record altitudes of up to 1,900 meters.

The cedar tree graces the nation’s flag with its majestic horizontal branches and is a source of great pride in the small Mediterranean country.

The ideal altitude for the Lebanon cedar – scientifically known as Cedrus Libani – has historically been between 1,400 and 1,800 meters. Some of the oldest cedars in the country date back to 1,000 years, thriving in the moist and cool environment offered by Lebanon’s highlands.

But these legendary forests have come under increased threat in 2020, with wildfires burning for the first time at altitudes as high as 1,900 meters due to extreme weather patterns.

Chouf Biosphere Reserve director Nizar Hani told The Daily Star that in previous years wildfires typically stopped burning at 1,500 meters, extinguished by the cool conditions that allow water to stay within the soil for longer.

But because of climate change, longer heat waves and fewer cumulative days of consistent rainfall have put elevated forests at higher risk of burning.

“This year there is no limit. In Akkar, fires reached 1,900 meters and in the Chouf, fires reached 1,800 meters,” Hani said. “This is the first time that forest fires ignite at this altitude.”

In early September, fires engulfed Akkar’s Qammouaa forest in north Lebanon, known for its abundance of cedar and juniper trees. The forest stands at an altitude of 1,650 meters. In early October, two massive fires in the Chouf region, burning at an altitude of 1,800 meters, destroyed 120 hectares of pristine oak and pine forests.

“The ecological damage from forest fires is much worse this year than last year,” said George Mitri, director of the land and natural resources program at the University of Balamand.“If we look at the recorded history of fires in Lebanon we don’t have any recorded in cedar forests. This is the first time fires in cedar forests have been recorded,” Mitri said.

“Around 68 percent of fires occurred in forests and grasslands [in 2020]. Of these, 10 percent of fires this year affected high altitude cedars and juniper trees,” he explained.

The burning of cedar trees is particularly concerning because they do not regenerate naturally after fires, Mitri said. Cedars grow slowly and it can take a tree up to 45 years to bear seeds. Around 17 square kilometers of cedars currently remain in a few scattered woods across the country.

Damage to forests caused by wildfires in 2020 has almost equaled last year’s destruction. Over 2,000 hectares (4,942 acres) of land – including forests and agricultural land – have been damaged by wildfires so far in 2020, compared to 3,000 hectares (7,413 acres) by the end of 2019, according to Mitri’s assessment.

Wildfires that tore through the country’s mountains in October 2019 caused irreparable damage that could take upward of 20 or 30 years to undo. Temperatures recorded at the time were at least 3 to 4 degrees higher than the maximum average temperatures in October over the past 150 years.

The increasing devastation caused by wildfires is the result of various factors including Lebanon’s economic crisis, which limits resource to prevent and manage them effectively, and more frequent extreme weather events such as heatwaves and longer dry seasons.

In previous years, Lebanon’s mountains typically received up to 105 days of consistent rainfall, according to Hani. “Over the last few years we have only been getting 40 to 50 rainy days,” Hani explained. “The rain can be heavy but we are only getting half the number of rainy days, putting the forests at higher risk of wildfires.”

Hotter and longer summer periods associated with climate change cause vegetation that grows over winter to dry out and stay dry for longer periods of time, providing ample kindling for any spark.

Most causes of wildfires have been linked to human activity. Lebanon’s economic crisis and coronavirus lockdown have pushed many Lebanese to move from expensive cities to cheaper, rural areas, increasing human activity in these regions, Mitri told The Daily Star in June.

“Increased human activity in rural areas with lots of forests increases the chance of fires,” Mitri said.

This, in conjunction with the continued lack of management of Lebanon’s forests and underequipped Civil Defence teams, makes uncontrollable fires in the country an even bigger risk.

During wildfires last October, three Sikorsky S-70 firefighting helicopters donated to the Lebanese government in 2009 were grounded because they had been unmaintained and left out of service for years.

Lebanon’s forests also lack the proper maintenance and pruning required to thin the density of trees in the forest, which would make forests less prone to fires, Mitri said.

“The government and municipalities have a responsibility to clean up the areas and remove flammable material,” said Michel Afram, head of Lebanon's Agricultural Research Institute. “Every year we have the same problem, I don’t know why we haven’t learned from last year and the year before that.”

Massive Animal Deaths
Hosea 4:1-3, Zephaniah 1:2-3

Hosea 4:1-3

Hos 4:1 Hear the word of the Lord, ye children of Israel: for the Lord hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land. 2 By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood. 3 Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.

Zephaniah 1:2-3 – The Great Day of the Lord

Zep 1:2 “I will utterly consume everything From the face of the land,” Says the Lord;
3 “I will consume man and beast; I will consume the birds of the heavens, The fish of the sea,
And the stumbling blocks along with the wicked.
I will cut off man from the face of the land,”
Says the Lord.

Massive Animal Deaths
Mysterious mass animal deaths

Mysterious mass animal deaths

The death of an animal can be a heartbreaking event. So, when thousands of them die seemingly at once, people across the globe are left saddened and stunned, searching for answers. And unfortunately, due to disease, climate change and a range of other factors, these sorts of horrific and puzzling mass animal die-offs have actually been on the rise.

In July 2010, for example, about 500 dead Magellan Penguins washed up on the shores of Brazil over the course of just 10 days. Autopsies on the animals revealed that their stomachs were entirely empty, indicating that they likely starved to death. While there was much speculation over what caused such a mass starvation -- strong currents? colder-than-normal waters? overfishing of their food? -- the exact reason may never be known.

Fungus kills over six million bats

Over six million North American bats have been killed since 2007 by a mysterious fungus, known as white-nose syndrome, which fatally affects bats in two ways. It destroys the fragile tissue of their wings, making it impossible for them to fly and hunt insects. And it causes so much discomfort while they're hibernating that it wakes them up, burning precious calories and forcing them outside in the dead of winter, where they die of starvation after a fruitless search for food.

Bats on the brink

Experts in the U.S. are desperately racing to get to the bottom of the deadly fungus, before it causes the complete extinction of the species, known as little brown bats. They are tagging the bats with tiny transmitters, even running blood tests and infrared light analyses on the animals' immune systems. But so far, little is known, and white-nose syndrome remains one of the most devastating mysteries in the natural world.

Hundreds of pilot whales beach

In November 2004, 115 pilot whales and bottlenose dolphins died after swimming onto beaches on two southern Australian islands. A year earlier, 110 pilot whales and 10 bottlenose dolphins died when they were stranded on Tasmania's remote west coast in a similar mass casualty event.

In November 2008, the tragic mass deaths continued, when 150 long-finned pilot whales died after inexplicably beaching on a rocky coastline in Tasmania. Then, in 2009, it happened again. Nearly 200 whales and several dolphins beached in Tasmania, as rescue workers raced to save as many as they could.

Billions of honey bees disappear

In 2006, billions of American honey bees started mysteriously disappearing, and no one really knows why. Is it because of a fungal infection? Widespread pesticide use? Climate change? Scientists deemed the mysterious disease that claims about a third of the U.S. honey bee population each year, colony collapse disorder, and they have been desperately trying to get to the bottom of it for years.


If they don't soon, the nation's food supply could be severely impacted, since bees are so crucial to pollination.

Mongolian livestock die in freeze

In 2010, for the second year in a row, the poor landlocked country of Mongolia was hit with a devastating dzud, a slow natural disaster in which extreme summer drought is followed by extreme winter.

By March 2010, the sustained cold had claimed the lives of 1.7 million livestock; a crisis not only because of its inherent tragedy, but because more than one-third of the Mongolian people depend on livestock for a living. Many attribute the bitter freeze to climate change, and predict that Mongolia is headed for another devastating dzud in 2015.

Southern blackbirds fall from the sky

At around 11pm on December 31, 2010, approximately 2,000 red-winged blackbirds fell dead out of the sky over a small Arkansas town about 40 miles northeast of Little Rock. There were so many that it took workers two days to remove all the birds' carcasses from the town's streets, sidewalks and lawns. The deaths were all the more mysterious because the birds in question don't normally fly at night. So, they should have been asleep in their roost.

None of the dead birds were found on the ground of the wooded area where they roosted, so officials ruled out disease or poisoning as the cause of their deaths. Instead, it was assumed a weather-related event caused the mysterious mass die-off. Despite that assumption, however, workers cleaning up the birds' carcasses wore environmental-protection suits just in case.

Raining dead birds in Louisiana

Three days later, on January 2, 2011, a mix of 500 red-winged blackbirds and starlings fell out of the sky dead over a quarter-mile stretch of highway in Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana. Exams showed that the birds had suffered internal injuries that led to deadly blood clots.


Experts concluded that the birds were likely hit by celebratory fireworks, which fatally bruised them. Many on the internet, however, speculated that the mysterious mass animal deaths in Arkansas were signs of the apocalypse.

100,000 drum fish die in AR river

While birds were mysteriously falling out of the sky in Arkansas during the first week of 2011, 100,000 drum fish turned up dead in a river in the northwestern section of the state. Officials couldn't determine for sure what killed the fish, but they noted that contaminated water likely wasn't the cause because that would have affected more than just one species.

60,000 antelope die in four days

In May 2015, 60,000 saiga antelope died in just four days, and no one really knows why.

Saiga -- a species of dog-sized antelope with Gonzo-like noses, native to central Asia -- are critically endangered. So, when nearly half their numbers died off practically simultaneously, representatives from Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia and China held an emergency meeting to figure out why.

Half an endangered species gone

The best they could determine, however, was that the animals died from some combination of disease coupled with changes in weather or vegetation... another mysterious mass animal death for the books.

Uganda's hippos poisoned

In 2004, 194 of Uganda's hippos and 14 of the country's buffalos died over the course of just a few months. After months of testing, it was determined that the animals died after drinking water contaminated with anthrax.

6 million piglets die in less than a year

In May 2013, a virus never before seen in the U.S., called porcine epidemic diarrhea, quickly spread to 27 states and claimed the lives of six million piglets in less than a year.

Scientists think the virus, which does not infect humans or other animals, came from China, but it's unclear how it got into the country and wiped out at least three percent of the nation's pig herd.


Virus kills 6 million pigs

Farmer and longtime veterinarian Craig Rowles, seen here, did all he could to prevent PED from spreading to his farm in Iowa, the top U.S. pork producer and the state hardest hit by the disease. He trained workers to spot symptoms, had them shower and change clothing before entering barns, and limited both deliveries and visitors.

Despite his best efforts, the deadly diarrhea spread to his farm in November 2013, killing 13,000 animals in a matter of weeks, most of them less than 2 weeks old.

Millions of sardines wash up in CA

In March 2011, boaters awakened to find millions of dead anchovies and sardines washed up around their vessels in a Southern California marina. The fish were so thick in some places that boats couldn't get out of the marina.

While there's really no way for experts to know for sure, it's believed the fish either moved into the harbor to escape a red tide, or swam there to take shelter from larger fish and marine animals. High winds then apparently trapped them there, and the fish suffocated after using up all the available oxygen in the water.

200 endangered turtles found dead

In late 2005 and January 2006, 200 endangered sea turtles were found dead along beaches on the coast of El Salvador. Scientists' best guess at to the cause of this mysterious die-off is that the turtles fell victim to harmful algal blooms, known as a red tide. According to NOAA, climate change can affect the occurrence, severity, and impacts of such algal bloom events.

Hundred of Pelicans die in CA

In January 2009, hundreds of Brown Pelicans were found dead or acting peculiar along the California coast. Though researchers were unclear as to what exactly triggered the birds' illness, the mysterious mass die-off may have been due to unseasonable weather patterns that threw off the Pelicans' eating habits.

Here, a sick Brown Pelican is examined at the International Bird Rescue Research Center in Fairfield, California.

337 sei whales beach in Chile

In June 2015, scientists on an observation flight over the fjords in Chile's southern Patagonia region discovered 337 sei whales beached on the coast in one of the biggest whale strandings ever recorded. The animals' cause of death is still unknown, but human intervention has been ruled out.


Dead starfish washing ashore

In April 2014, thousands of dead and dying starfish began washing ashore in Alabama and Florida. While no one really knows for sure, marine experts believe the deaths were most likely caused by rough surf associated with strong storms that may have pushed the starfish over sandbars and onto the beaches.

Common murres seabird

Federal scientists in Alaska are looking for the cause of a massive die-off of one of the Arctic's most abundant seabirds, the common murre. More than 8,000 of them were found dead on a beach in Whittier, Alaska, in January 2016. "That's unprecedented, that sheer number in one location is off the charts," said John Piatt, research wildlife biologist at the U.S. Geological Survey's Alaska Science Center.

Scientists believe warmer water surface temperatures, possibly due to global warming or the El Nino weather pattern, may have made the birds' prey scarce, leading to starvation.

Where have all the birds gone? 

Where have all the birds gone?  Bill Tinsley

I have often risen before dawn to sit outside under the stars listening as the birds announce the coming day. It starts with a tweet or a chirp and then, as a crimson glow streaks the gray sky, their songs rise to a chorus as the sun breaks above the horizon. But lately, there have been no songs. The pre-dawn darkness is shrouded in an eerie silence. The first shadows stretch across the landscape where there is no movement. The birds are absent. Where have they gone?

Probably it is a matter of seasonal migration. But this is the first year I remember watching the sun rise without a single bird to signal the day. There are no sparrows, no juncos, no finches, no blackbirds, no geese. Where are they? 

According to a study out of Cornell University, birds are, in fact, disappearing. Since 1970, the bird population in North America has plummeted by 29%, from 10 billion to 7.1 billion. Almost 3 billion birds are gone. Scientists point toward climate change and the destruction of natural habitats as the primary reasons for the decline. Imagine a world without birds to greet the sunrise, geese to fill the skies, trees without songs. Imagine the natural world replaced with concrete, steel, plastic and virtual reality.

Years ago, I visited the abandoned coal mines near Birmingham, England, an area known as the “Black Country” due to its early industrial pollution. We toured the caverns where men labored to extract the coal. As we descended the guide pointed out the cage where they placed a canary to detect the build-up of dangerous gases. As long as the air was good, the canary sang. But when the canary stopped singing, and eventually dropped dead, the miners knew it was imperative they evacuate the shafts. Perhaps the birds are sending us a warning. Perhaps like the canary in the coal mine, the silence of their song signals the imperative that we take climate change seriously. 

Birds play an important role in the Bible’s redemption story. When Noah emerged from the catastrophic flood he sent out a dove that returned with an olive leaf, the first sign the waters were receding, (Genesis 8). When Elijah hid from Ahab by the brook Cherith, God sent ravens to feed him bread and flesh in the morning and evening, (1 Kings 17).  When Jesus was baptized by John in the Jordan the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in the bodily form of a dove, (Luke 3:22). Jesus urged us to consider the birds as an example of God’s provision and care.

Our planet is a marvelous, mysterious and miraculous place. There is nothing else like it in the known universe. We share our space with the myriad of other living species. At the dawn of creation God gave his first commandment, “Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth,” (Genesis 1:28).   

Fox at Temple Mount
Lamentations 5:5-21

Lamentations 5:5-21 – Prayer for Restoration

Lam 5:15 The joy of our heart has ceased; Our dance has turned into mourning.
16 The crown has fallen from our head. Woe to us, for we have sinned!
17 Because of this our heart is faint; Because of these things our eyes grow dim;
18 Because of Mount Zion which is desolate, With foxes walking about on it.

19 You, O Lord, remain forever; Your throne from generation to generation.
20 Why do You forget us forever, And forsake us for so long a time?
21 Turn us back to You, O Lord, and we will be restored; Renew our days as of old,

Fox at Temple Mount
Foxes seen walking near the Western Wall, fulfilling biblical promise

Foxes seen walking near the Western Wall, fulfilling biblical promise

According to the biblical prophecy, now that the barren Temple has become a walking ground for foxes, so it will be rebuilt.

As the Jewish world is counting the days to the ninth of Av (Tisha Be'Av), the date on which Jews mourn the destruction of the two Temples in Jerusalem following its destruction by the Romans, foxes have been spotted walking near the Western Wall, a press release reported on Thursday. 

It is written in the Book of Lamentations (5:18), which is read on Tisha Be'Av, that Mount Zion – where the Temples stood – will be so desolate that “foxes will walk upon it.” The understanding, according to the Talmud in the tractate Makkot (24b), is that if the prophecies of destruction have been fulfilled, so will be the ones by the prophet Zechariah about the Temple being rebuilt. 

Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz, the Rabbi of the Western Wall and Holy Sites, referred to photos of the foxes and commented, “One cannot refrain from crying at the site of the fulfillment of the prophecy of 'foxes will walk on it.'”

Jackals in Northern Israel
eremiah 10:22, Michah 1:8


Jeremiah 10:22 – The Coming Captivity of Judah

Jer 10:22 Behold, the noise of the report has come,
a great commotion out of the north country,
To make the cities of Judah desolate, a den of jackals.

Micah 1:8 Mourning for Israel and Judah

Mic 1:8 Therefore I will wail and howl, I will go stripped and naked;
I will make a wailing like the jackals And a mourning like the ostriches,

Jackals in Northern Israel


Hark, a noise! It is coming, A great commotion out of the north, That the towns of Yehuda may be made a desolation, A haunt of jackals. Jeremiah 10:22 (The Israel BibleTM)

Northern Israel and especially the city of Nahariya is suffering from an infestation of jackals. Though jackals are fairly common in the Israeli wild, they rarely enter cities. The current wave includes attacks leaving at least nine people being treated in the last few days for bites. Jackals can carry rabies which is the major concern from their attacks. They live in proximity of human populations, feeding on food that is improperly disposed of. This is believed to be the cause of the current infestation and wave of attacks. 


Israel’s Nature and Parks Authority said in a statement that the jackals behind the attacks are most likely infected with rabies, thus explaining their unusual behavior. Dan Alon, an ecologist at the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel, attributed the attacks to the sheer numbers of jackals in the country.

“The jackal population in Israel as a whole and in the north of the country, in particular, is very large, and it is a direct result of all the surplus food available to them,” said Alon.

Tannim (תנים)The jackal is mentioned roughly 14 times in the Bible. It is frequently used as a literary device to illustrate desolation, loneliness, and abandonment, with reference to its habit of living in the ruins of former cities and other areas abandoned by humans. Most biblical references associate jackals with desert ruins. For a city or nation to be made the haunt or lair of jackals is for it to be utterly destroyed. It is inaccurately called “wild dog” in several translations of the Bible.

In the Bible, their distinctive, nighttime wailing is described as being the model for mourning for the Temple.

Because of this I will lament and wail; I will go stripped and naked! I will lament as sadly as the jackals Micah 1:8


Nine people treated in hospitals for jackal bites

All nine of the victims were reported to have experienced only mild bites • increase in jackal population is due to surplus food not disposed of properly in populated areas

Nine people have been treated in hospitals for jackal bites in the past two days, in what has been described as an "epidemic" according to an N12 report. 

Most of the jackal attacks occurred in the Nahariya area of northern Israel, where most of the victims were evacuated to the Galilee Medical Center. In a video sent to N12, a man was attacked after a jackal suddenly emerged at the distribution center where he works, and bit him in the leg. He stumbled to the floor while chasing the animal away.

All nine of the victims were reported to have experienced only mild bites to their limbs. 


"I work at one of the businesses on Lohamei Haghetaot Street in Nahariya," one of the bitten people told N12. 

"This morning I was sitting in the office and suddenly a jackal jumped on me, bit me in the leg and escaped." 

The risk of being bitten by a jackal is in being infected by rabies, along with scarring where the bite occurred. 

Discussing the phenomenon, Dan Alon, a representative of the Society for the Protection of Nature, said that "the size of the jackal population in Israel as a whole and in the north of the country in particular is very high, and it is a direct product of surplus food available to them." 

The rise of the population of jackals was also said to be due to food not properly being disposed of, attracting the canines to areas populated by people. 

Nine people treated in hospitals for jackal bites
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