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Hasten The Day!
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. 11 Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, 12 looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? 13 Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. [See Table of Contents for all End-Time Prophecies covered here, best viewed on a big screen]
Table of Contents
What are the signs of the last days
Are we living in the end times?
What is going to happen according to end times prophecy?
What are the end-time prophecies?
A Very High Level of Prophetic Excitement
2 in 5 Americans, nearly half of Christians, believe 'we are living in the end times': poll
The Challenge of the Scientific Viewpoint - Can the Bible pass the test?
Did The Bible Really Come From God?
Thousands of pastors blast law that calls Bible a 'myth'
What are the Dead Sea Scrolls and why are they important?
The Archaeology of the Tribulation
How much of the Bible is prophecy?
10 Reasons Why Bible Prophecy (Eschatology) is Important
Evangelical Leaders Urge Pastors Not To Forsake Teaching Bible Prophecy
Five reasons pastors don’t teach Bible prophecy
Parable of the Fig Tree = Israel
How long is a generation in the Bible?
What did Jesus mean when He said, "this generation will not pass"?
The Three "Trees" of Israel: Olive, Fig and Vine (Judges 9)
Behold the Fig Tree And All The Trees
What does it mean to watch and pray?
What does it mean that Jesus will return like a thief in the night?
12 Signs the World is Running out of Normal
Recognize the Signs of the Times
What signs indicate that the end times are approaching?
11 Compelling Signs of the Last Days
Concerning the Times and Seasons
The Top 3 Prophetic News Headlines Of 2021
Dark Storm Clouds Are Approaching
Where Is The World Going? — The Future Is Not Obscure To God
What are the promises of God?
How do I know which of God’s promises are for me?
What are some of the exceedingly great and precious promises mentioned in 2 Peter 1:4?
Rapture (Links to Pre-Tribulation Rapture)
5 Reward Crowns (Links to Resurrection and Judgment: BEMA Judgment)
1) Imperishable (Incorruptible) Crown
2) Crown of Rejoicing (Soul Winner’s Crown)
God is faithful to FORGIVE the sins of those who repent and turn to Jesus
What is forgiveness?
What is the relationship between salvation and forgiveness?
What does the Bible say about forgiveness?
Will God forgive me?
Got Forgiveness? How to be forgiven by God
I have committed *** sin. Will God forgive me?
Do Christians have to keep asking for forgiveness for their sins?
In regards to forgiveness, is there a difference between willful sin and ignorant sin?
What does the Bible say about forgiving yourself?
If I do not forgive others, does that mean my sins are not forgiven?
Since God withholds forgiveness, can we?
Will are under the PROTECTION of God
Understand What You Need Protection From – This is a Spiritual War
The LORD Will Protect HIS People
The Battle Belongs to the Lord
Angels Protect Us
Biblical History of Divine Intervention & Protection
What does the Bible say about protection?
How can I receive the protection of God?
We will be the BRIDE OF JESUS (Believers before the rapture)
What does it mean that the church is the bride of Christ?
What were common marriage customs in Bible times?
Are there parallels between Jewish wedding traditions and our relationship to Christ?
What does it mean to be a child of God?
How can I become a child of God?
New Heaven and New Earth
New Jerusalem
These promises are for those that TRUST in Jesus by FAITH!
Dual Fulfillment in Bible Prophecy
Types of Dual Prophecy Fulfillment
Why is Dual Fulfillment Important
The Principle of Double Fulfillment in Interpreting Prophecy
Fulfilled Prophesies through the Ages
Dispersion & Persecution of the Jews
What does the Bible mean when it refers to Diaspora?
The Dispersion of the Jews - Israel in Bible Prophecy
The Preservation of the Jewish People - A Great Miracle
The Reclamation of the Land - Israel in Bible Prophecy
Fulfilled Prophesies in Our Generation (Last 100 Years)
Antisemitism (Hatred of the Jews)
The World’s Hatred of Israel - Prophecy Fulfilled
What is the cause of all the anti-Semitism in the world?
Anti-Semitism - Its Roots and Perseverance
Replacement Theology Has Led to Rampant Antisemitism (Links to another page)
Muslim Students Association (MSA)
Punishment in US History for National Antisemitism
Antisemitism 2020: A Year in Review
Polish nationalists shout ‘Death to Jews' while burning a book at a rally
Amazon Blasted for ‘Monetizing Jew-Hatred’ by Hosting, Selling Nazi Propaganda
Boston Mapping Project: An Anti-Semitic Campaign Goes Awry
UC Berkeley blasted for creating ‘Jewish-free zones’ with pro-Israel speaker ban
Berkeley’s Jewish-Free Zones Are Worse Than You Think
Revival of the Hebrew Language
The Revival of the Hebrew Language - Israel in Bible Prophecy
Aliyah (Jews return to Israel)
The Regathering of the Jewish People - The Most Important Prophetic Development of the 20th Century
Reestablishment of Israel (May 14, 1948)
The Miracle of Israel
Ezekiel’s 2520 Prophecy – Date of Israel’s Return Revealed in Bible Prophecy
What is the Big Deal with Israel?
Israel as Proof of God’s Existence
Israel in Bible Prophecy
The Resurgence of the Israeli Military
The War of Independence (November 1947 – March 1949)
The Yom Kippur War (October 1973)
Operation Thunderbolt (July 1976)
Operation Opera (June 1981)
The Yom Kippur War - God’s Miraculous Delivery from Near Disaster
Reoccupation of Jerusalem (June 6, 1967)
Jerusalem in History and Prophecy
Prophecy of 10 Jubilees – Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel (1217 AD)
Ezekiel’s 2520 Prophecy – Date of Jerusalem's Return Prophesized
4 Israeli inventions feature in TIME magazine’s 100 Best Inventions for 2021
Reclamation of the Land of Israel
The Reclamation of the Land - Israel in Bible Prophecy
Natural Resources Found in Israel
Israel’s Natural Resources
Dead Sea Minerals
Mining and Quarrying (Gold and Diamonds)
Israel to start pumping gas from Leviathan, making country an energy powerhouse
Israel’s Big Gusher - Forget olive oil. Israel’s offshore drilling is about to make it the Middle East’s next energy exporter
Israel’s Water Revolution and Its Overflow for the World
Waters Wars How Aquatic Scarcity sparks Conflicts between States
The Abundant Wealth of the Dead Sea
Dead Sea Minerals
Israeli–Palestinian Conflict (World Politics Focused on Jerusalem)
The Origin of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict
Who are the ‘Palestinians’?
The Middle East Crisis in Biblical Perspective
The Land of Israel - To whom does it belong?
Exposing the Lie of Israel Apartheid
Jerusalem in History and Prophecy
Crisis in the Holy Land Discussion
A New US Assistant Secretary of State with Ties to Hamas
Will There Ever Be Peace in the Middle East?
Peace Treaties with Israel
United Nations (1945)
Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty (1979)
Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty (1994)
Abrahamic Accords (2020)
Rumors of Peace - The Elusive Hope of Man
Will There Ever Be Peace in the Middle East?
UN Headquarters: Statue of lion with wings as described in Daniel's dream erected
A guardian for international peace and security sits on the Visitor’s Plaza outside UN Headquarters.
Signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars
God Made Signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars for Signs and Seasons
Signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars that Have Already Happened
Signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars that Will Happen in the Future
Is an eclipse a sign of the end times?
Jonah and the Eclipse in Ancient Nineveh
Is God’s Judgment Coming on America?
Aug. 21 eclipse could be prophetic sign
X Marks The Spot - Two Solar Eclipses Will Mark Giant "X" Across The US
A Warning from God or Coincidences
2024 Solar Eclipse: Coincidence or Final Warning?
Prophecy Update: Do They Know Something We Don’t?
Planet Killer' asteroid hidden in sun's glare
Solar Cycle 25
The Sun Has Been in Lockdown Right Along With Us
Healing wings of the sun (shemesh)
Geomagnetic storm blamed for the loss of 40 Starlink satellites
Solar Cycle 25: Is a termination event imminent?
New Sunspot Cycle Could Be One of the Strongest on Record
Other Miscellaneous Fulfilled Prophecies in Our Generation
Cedars of Lebanon Will Burn – Zechariah 11:1-2, Ezekiel 47:6-12, Zechariah 14:8-9
Climate Change Closes In On Lebanon's Iconic Cedar Trees
Lebanon's cedar trees burn as wildfires reach record altitudes
Massive Animal Deaths – Hosea 4:1-3, Zephaniah 1:2-3
Mysterious mass animal deaths
Where have all the birds gone?
Fox at Temple Mount – Lamentations 5:5-21
Foxes seen walking near the Western Wall, fulfilling biblical promise
Jackals in Northern Israel – Jeremiah 10:22, Micah 1:8
Jeremiah's Vision of Jackals Appearing in Northern Israel
Nine people treated in hospitals for jackal bites
Partially Fulfilled, but Still Ongoing, Prophecies
Aliyah – Jews return in unbelief
Anti-Semitism - Its Roots and Perseverance
Muslim Students Association (MSA)
Replacement Theology Has Led to Rampant Antisemitism
(Links to another page)
Punishment in Government for Antisemitism
Antisemitism 2020: A Year in Review
Polish nationalists shout ‘Death to Jews' while burning a book at a rally
Signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars that Will Happen in the Future
Convergence of Escalating Birth Pains
Christians, This Is Not A Drill… Examining Our World Through The Lens Of Matthew 24End Times Prophecy - How Close Are We?
A Convergence of Calamities - Sane and Sensible Perspectives on the Last Days
Prophesies Happening Now (Cont)
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Digital Slavery: 5G, Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence
5G Will Revolutionize Internet Of Things And AI Platforms
Consumer Warning: Internet Of Things Is Security Nightmare
5G And Internet Of Things To Create Unprecedented Surveillance
WEF - 8 Ways that AI can save out planet
AI in the Legal System
AI in Disaster Management
AI is Breeding People (Dating Apps)
AI Will Become God
The Third Revolution in Warfare
The Most Likely Cause of World War 3
Genetic Modification and Transhumanism (Links to another page)
Dark Side Of Metaverse Exposed: Why Your Kids Need To Stay Away From VRChat
Meta Unveils ‘Personal Safety Bubble’ After Metaverse’s Dark Side Exposed
The Opening Ceremony of the World’s Largest Tunnel Was a Bizarre Occult Ritual
7 things you didn’t know about CERN and the strange world of particle physics (WEF)
The World Wide Web was invented at CERN
What was it like in the Days of Noah
Billy Crone Study - In The Days of Noah (Giants, Ancient Technology & Noah's Ark)
True Legends (Links to Truth of the Bible: Bible Archaeology)
"Hamas" is the same word used in Genesis 6 to describe the violence that was on the earth just before the Flood
See also: Lawlessness
Corrupted DNA (Nephilim) (Links to Deception: Genetic Modification and Transhumanism)
See also Extreme Earth Changes: Floods
See also Sexual Immorality
Promoting Sexual Immorality to our Children
Best-Selling Children's History Series Turns Drag Queens Into National Heroes
Prophesies Happening Now (Cont)
Satan - Ruler of this world, by deception
Signs of the Times and the End of the Age – Deception
Who is Satan
What does the world say?
What does the Bible say?
Satan is the ruler of this world and he rules by deception
World Religions, Cults & The Occult - Satanism & The Rise of Devil Worship
Satanic Temple installs holiday display in Illinois capitol next to Nativity scene, menorah
6 Things to Know about 'Satan Clubs' in Public School
After-school 'Satan club' in Illinois district elicits 'concern,' superintendent response
The ‘After School SATAN CLUB’ For Kids Is Back
Residents ANNOYED At Parents Protesting SATAN CLUB For Kids
Satanic Temple SUES School After It Refused After Hours ‘Satan Club’ For Kids
Nicole Kidman’s Father: Satanist, Silenced by His Own Ninth Circle Satanic Cult
Baal (Satan) Worship
Major British sporting event accused of Baal worship in opening ceremony
Balenciaga Under Fire Over Creepy Child Bondage Commercial
The Satanic War on the Christian - Billy Crone Study
Halloween! A Warning to Christian Parents
What Does the Bible Say About Deception?
What Does the Bible Say About Good versus Evil?
God's Response to the Deception
God's Wrath on Unrighteousness
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
Prophesies Happening Now (Cont)
(Lies that the Unsaved World Believes)
What is the great deception in the Bible?
What does the Bible say about discrimination?
Systemic Racism - The New Face of Racism
What does the Bible say about systemic racism?
“Systemic Racism” The BIG Lie
How should Christians view the Black Lives Matter movement?
BLM is the New Political Party;…the New Religion
Co-Founder of Black Lives Matter: “We Are Trained Marxists”
Black Lives Matter Blames Deadly Cuban Protests on US Government, Defends Regime
Critical Race Theory / 1619 Project / Reparations
What is the critical race theory?
Yes, critical race theory is being taught in public schools
North Carolina dad goes viral for anti-CRT school board speech: 'Parents are taking back the wheel'
Critical Race Theory Makes Its Way Into Mandatory Trainings at Top US Medical Schools
Help Us Stop Critical Race Theory Training in our Military!
White Supremacy / White Privilege
What is the biblical view of white privilege?
Is Christianity a white man’s religion?
Why do many white supremacists claim to be Christians?
Conservatives vs Liberals
What is antifa? How should a Christian view antifa?
How should a Christian view fascism?
Left Craziness / Woke Insanity
Tulsi Gabbard Leaves Democratic Party, Goes On Blistering Screed Against ‘Wokeness’
Man vs Woman
Transgender Confusion (Links to another page)
LGBTQ+ hundreds of others vs man/woman (Links to another page)
Levine legalizing transgender reassignments in minors without parental consent
Parents No Longer Make the Decisions for Their Children
COVID vaccinations to be added to routine pediatric immunization scheduled
Transgender surgery for kids without parental consent may become constitutional right in Michigan
Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated
Abolish Constitution
Has the U.S. Constitution already been terminated?
End of free speech (1st Amendment)
Is freedom of speech a biblical concept?
What does the Bible say about censorship?
Biden FCC Nominee Presents Grave Danger To Christian/Conservative Media
End of religious liberty (1st Amendment)
Is freedom of religion a biblical concept?
Viral Threats to Religious Liberty - Beware of Power That Corrupts Absolutely
Government is trying to take away our guns (2nd Amendment)
Illegal National Gun Registry? Fed’s ATF Has Amassed ‘1 Billion Gun Records’
Separation of Church and State
Jefferson's Letter to the Danbury Baptists
How should a Christian view the separation of church and state?
The Separation of Church and State
Were the Founding Fathers of the United States Christians?
America’s Christian Heritage - Is America based on Christian principles?
Judeo-Christian Roots of America's Founding Ideals and Documents
Supreme Court Rulings that have removed God from the Country
Submission to Governing Authorities - What does the Bible say?
Archbishop Viganò’s Startling Warning to the American People
Erasing History - Societal Chaos
Climate Crisis (Links to Deception - Climate Crisis)
Create One-World Antichrist Kingdom
Georgia Guidestones - 10 Commandments of the Antichrist Kingdom (Links to another page)
One-World Government for United Nations (UN) and World Economic Forum (WEF) plans (Links to another page)
How should a Christian view socialism?
The Immorality of Socialism, The Need for Common Sense
Does the Bible support Communism?
Is Marxism compatible with the Christian faith?
Open borders - One World
One-World - Rush to Globalism (Return to Babylon) (Links to another page)
One-World Government (Links to another page)
One-World Economy (Links to another page)
One-World Religion (Links to another page)
Revived Roman Empire - World broken into 10 groups (Links to another page)
What does the Bible say about illegal immigration?
How should a Christian respond to illegal immigrants?
Fentanyl Now the #1 Cause of Death Among Americans 18-45, Surpassing COVID (thanks to Biden's open borders)
Reduce Population on earth by 95%
UN Agenda 21 (Links to another page)
Georgia Guidestones (Links to another page)
Eugenics & Abortion (Links to another page)
Homosexuality and Transgender (Links to another page)
Covid vaccine (Links to another page)
Why depopulate the earth? See Transhumanism
Prophesies Happening Now (Cont)
Are there ANY good reasons to get vaccinated? No!
12 important questions and answers before considering getting vaccinated (CDC)
New Nuremberg Trials – Crimes Against Humanity
Our Liberty Goes Back to Natural Law
PCR Tests (97% False Positives) - Key to Plandemic and Vaccine Mandates
Censorship of Safe and Effective Alternative Treatments
Mr. Global Orchestrated the Plandemic to Advance the Agenda of Total Control and Dominance
Day 4 - Injections and Psychological Warfare
Day 5 - Economical & Financial Destruction
International Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice
The “experimental” vaccine is in violation of all 10 of the Nuremberg Codes
Important irrefutable evidence exposed via the trial
The Corona Plandemic and the International Legal Approach
Understanding What This COVID Thing is About - Billy Crone study
Part 1 - Statistics and Ingredients
Part 2 - What is the Motive? (Money)
Part 3 - The Lies (We're Being Lied to on a Massive Scale)
Part 5 - Elimination of USA; Resist (Restrain) the Evil!
Covid Chaos: Conspiracy or Reality?
Second Global COVID Summit Announced: Main Goal Will Be to Vaccinate Everyone on Planet, Everywhere
The COVID shot (not a vaccine) is dangerous
These shots are not vaccines
The definition of 'vaccine' has been changed
Dr. Steven Hotze - Not a vaccine, but dangerous experimental gene modification
These shots are killing people
CDC VAERS (Center for Disease Control Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System)
How Many People Are the Vaccines Killing?
Dr. Vernon Coleman - Medical Proof the Covid Jab is “Murder”
Biden’s Bounty on Your Life: Hospitals’ Incentive Payments for COVID-19
Taboo Truths about the Covid Vaccine
Government’s Own Data Proves COVID-19 Shots Are Causing Blood Clots, Heart Disease, and DEATH
Why are we Accepting Myocarditis as an Acceptable Side Effect for COVID Vaccines?
Massive Cover-Up Exposed, Big Media And Fact Checkers Ignored Evidence Of Myocarditis
Famous Athlete Demands Investigation: Why Are So Many Players Collapsing on the Field
These shots are POISON
Spike protein a major health threat, warns mRNA vaccine inventor
Analysis of Pfizer vaccination confirms 99.99% graphene nanoparticles (poison)
Toxicity and Cytotoxicity of Graphene Oxide
Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles (GFN)
The connection between graphene oxide and electromagnetic fields
Magnetic Nanomaterials in the COVID Injections, Masks and Test Swabs
Graphene Hydroxine NANO-RAZORS Destroy the Vaccinated
Quantum Dots, DNA Barcoding, Nano-Razors & The Israeli State
These shots are causing AIDS
Vaccines and Boosters are Causing AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome)
Science Confirms mRNA Vaccine Causes HIV-dependent AIDS!
Breaking: HIV Confirmed in Vaccinated!
A comparison of official Government reports suggest the Fully Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome much faster than anticipated
These shots don't work (or do they?)
Dr. Harvey Risch - The shot doesn't work - 60% of new patients are vaccinated
Something Really Strange Is Happening At Hospitals All Over America (COVID cases Down, Hospitalizations Up)
Why are Americans 18-64 Dying? Nobody Knows - Does Anybody Care?
‘Israel could be completely unprotected against COVID-19 in a month’ - report
Horowitz: The vaccines are working ... exactly as they were designed
People suffering from the 'vaccines' are speaking out
Vaccine-Injured Speak Out, Feel Abandoned by Government Who Told Them COVID Shot Was Safe
The nose swabs are DANGEROUS
The Untold Truth About Nose Swabs - They are Toxic and Dangerous
COVID PCR Test Swabs are as dangerous as inhaling Asbestos
MANY doctors are risking everything to tell you the TRUTH
Many doctors warn against against it
Graphene Oxide Detox Protocols For The Vaxxed & Unvaxxed
How to treat COVID, long-haul, and COVID vaccine side-effects
Where do I start to research vaccines?
Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer's former Vice President
“That’s what I would do if I wanted to get rid of 90 or 95% of the world’s population. And I think that’s what they’re doing.”
COVID-19 Vaccines to Cause “Mass Depopulation” Event Within 2 years
Dr. Zelenko Warns 75% of Vaxxed Could Be Dead in 3 Years
Flood Of Hospital Death Reports: Thousands Cry Out As Loved Ones are Murdered By Hospital Protocols
Hospitals Killing For Organs, “This is Absolutely Evil And A Crime Against Humanity!”
COVID-19 is a Bioweapon of Mass Destruction / Genocide
Transmission to those who have not had the shot makes it a bioweapon
Urgent! 5 Doctors Agree that COVID-19 Injections are Bioweapons and Discuss What To Do About It
COVID Protein transmission detox bath
Shedding is Real But Is It Dangerous?
Weaponization of Coronavirus - When Nature Is Conscripted To Harm
Shedding is Real But Is It Dangerous?
Small percent of vaccine batches responsible for large number of adverse reactions, analysts claim
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko calls COVID-19 vaccines the worst crime in human history
COVID-19 vaccines are genocide, legendary doctor says
Nobel Prize Virologist Dr. Luc Montagnier: “I’ll Refuse the Mandatory Vaccine”
This Vaccine is the Biggest Risk to the Genocide of Humanity in all of Human History
Can you grow COVID-19 vaccine-lettuce? UC Riverside scientists think so!
Scientists now developing mRNA vegetables so that grocery stores can sell “vaccines” hidden in food
Vaccines in the Air & Relentless Poisoning of Humanity
Bill Gates and George Soros join buyout of Covid test developer Mologic
Planned Event
1992 Exposed: Klaus Schwab's School For Covid Dictators, Plan for 'Great Reset'
2002 Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - Patents Prove SARS-CoV-2 Is a Manufactured Virus
2005 FunVax - Bill Gates Proposes a Virus/Vaccine to Inhibit the 'Religious' Gene
Evidence of the Plan - J.D. Farag
Evidence of the Plan - God's Roadmap to the End
Propaganda - Why is the Truth Being Silenced?
Plandemic Videos - Dr. Judy Mikovits
World Economic Forum and the Great Reset -
The Plan, Vaccine Passport Implants
The Prepping of Society for the Antichrist
Pope Francis Says Global Reset Is Real: No ‘Return to Normality’ After the Pandemic
COVID Lockdowns and the Great Reset
1992 Exposed: Klaus Schwab's School For Covid Dictators, Plan for 'Great Reset'
COVID-19 lockdowns are in lockstep with the ‘Great Reset’
Johns Hopkins Analysis Explodes COVID Lockdown Narrative: Little or No Impact Reducing Deaths
Why Are Globalists & Governments So Desperate For 100% Vaccination Rates?
Why the extreme push for an experimental vaccination? It's more than just a vaccine
The connection between graphene oxide and electromagnetic fields
Magnetic Nanomaterials in the COVID Injections, Masks and Test Swabs
Shocking Glimpse Into Life After The Great Reset - WEF's Sinister Plans
Vaccine mandate is Part 2 of Cloward-Piven plan
Take Legal Action Against Vaccine Mandates
Commoner Law Group
Liberty Council Action
Vaccine Passports - 'Vaccines' already required to buy and sell
Microchips embedded in the body
Covid Passport Microchip Developer Says There Is No Stopping Human Chipping
"Haunting parallels" in Germany between the current COVID-19 crisis and the 1930s
Bill Gates Patent: Blockchain Will Track Vaxx Status, Prohibit Purchasing, Travel to Unvaxxed
Shadowy military-intel outfit at center of push for globalized digital health passport system
City hiring people-hunters to pursue and fine the unvaxxed
Biden creating database of people and their religious beliefs
Watchdog Warns Biden Admin Looks to Be Creating a Database of Americans Who Asked for Religious Exemption
US State Department requires Americans fleeing Ukraine to show proof of vaccination to enter Poland despite Poland not requiring vaccination for travelers
State Dept blocking private rescue flights from leaving Afghanistan
Bible Prophecy - Covid and the Rise of the Antichrist Kingdom
Covid and the Rise of the Antichrist
Origins of Covid, mRNA Vaccines and Remdesivir
Biblical Implications of Our DNA Being Turned Into That of the Serpent
Deception - Pharmakeia
Pharmakeia: Sorcery? Drugs? Both?
Covid-19 Injections - A Gateway to Transhumanism
mRNA ‘Vaccines’, Eugenics & the Push for Transhumanism
Transhumanism: Is it Already Here?
Prophesies Happening Now (Cont)
Extreme Earth Changes are Signs of Jesus' Return
Climate Chaos - The Next Manufactured Crisis
Make Way For The Replacement Of Covid-19—a Hyped-Up Climate Change Scare
Very few scientists agree that climate change is driven by human activity
Prince Charles COP26 Climate Summit
Climate Change: Truth or Fiction
Geoengineering (Weather Modification)
Geoengineering, Weather Modification and Weaponizing Nature
Ten Technologies to Own the Weather Today!
Weather Modification Corporations, Universities, and Derivative Traders
Geoengineering Watch: Weather Warfare
High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP)
“Playing God”: HAARP Weather Control – A Terrifying Look at The Control of Weather Warfare
Geoengineering Startup Company Says It’s Already Begun Releasing Particles Into Atmosphere
The Georgia Guide Stones and the Ten Commandments of the Coming Antichrist
(Links to: Rush To Globalism: So, the new 10 commandments are all for the good of the earth. They are worshiping the creation and ignoring the Creator.)
The Gospel vs. the Climate Change Gospel
The New World Religion of Climate Unity
Greenfaith - Faiths 4 Climate Justice
With pointed urgency, faiths rise for climate justice
Carbon Credits
What are Carbon Credits and How Do They Work?
Get ready for a ‘carbon monitoring credit card’
Climate Lockdowns: New CO2 monitoring credit card
Climate Lockdowns
Climate Change Restrictions And Lockdowns? They Are Already Starting
Ministry of Climate Change
Trudeau installing weapons armouries, interrogation rooms for Ministry of Climate Change
Extreme Weather in Bible Prophecy
Impending Judgment on the Earth
Prophesies Happening Now (Cont)
Eugenics, Abortion & Genocide
Eugenics, If You Think That This Ended With Hitler – Think Again
Bill Gates, His Father and Eugenics
The Hidden Agenda Of Genetic Manipulation - Genetics is the new name of Eugenics
See also: Genetic Modification and Transhumanism
Insects As Flying Syringes For Genetic Modification, Eugenics And Population Control
Canada Begins Eugenics Program
Canadian retailer Simons glamorizes assisted suicide as ‘The Most Beautiful Exit’
How Abortion and Transgenderism = Depopulation
See also: Sexual Immorality: Transgender Confusion
Abortion: The Mass Murder of Children
What does the Bible say about abortion?
Margaret Sanger & Planned Parenthood’s Eugenic Worldview
Planned Parenthood Head Says Abortion Provider Is ‘Canceling’ Founder Margaret Sanger
Do You Know Roe? A Reflection on the Meaning of Life
This March for Life, we’re marching Roe right out the door
How should a Christian view the Roe v. Wade decision?
Abortion: It’s Beyond Politics
The Abomination of Abortion - Are we courting the wrath of God?
A Thought about Abortion - Would you consider abortion in the following four situations?
Vatican Invites Pro Abortion “Population Bomb” Author To Speak
WEF Adviser Yuval Harari: ‘We Just Don’t Need the Vast Majority of the Population’ in Today’s World
Georgia Guidestones (Reduce population to 500 million, 94% reduction)
The Georgia Guide Stones and the Ten Commandments of the Coming Antichrist
Aliens and UFOs
UFO's - The Great Last Days Deception
Are there such things as aliens or UFOs?
Could an alien deception be part of the end times?
Bible vs Science
Billy Crone Study
A Special Creation (Exposing The Lies of Evolution)
Are Religion and Science in Conflict?
09: Fossils: Mysterious Origins
The National Geographic View of the Fossil Record is Wrong
Gender Insanity - A Demented Society
Transgender Indoctrination of our Children
How Abortion and Transgenderism = Depopulation
Genetic Manipulation and Transhumanism
End of Humanity - Corrupted DNA (like the Nephilim), Unredeemable to God
Biden signs executive order designed to unleash transhumanist hell on America and the world
“Let me read between the lines for America. Biden’s Sept. 12, 2022, executive order declares that Americans must surrender all human rights that stand in the way of transhumanism. Clinical trial safety standards and informed consent will be eradicated as they stand in the way of universally unleashing gene-editing technologies needed to merge humans with A.I. In order to achieve the societal goals of the New World Order, crimes against humanity are not only legal, but mandatory.”
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) - Plants & Animals
Human Hybrids and Chimeras (Human / Animal Hybrids)
Chimeras - Human / Animal Hybrids
The Era Of Chimeras: Scientists Fearlessly Create Bizarre Human/Animal Hybrids
Russia to build Noah's Ark, the world's first DNA databank
The Hidden Agenda Of Genetic Manipulation - Genetics is the new name of Eugenics
Transhumanism (Fourth Industrial Revolution)
Transhumanism and the WEF Fourth Industrial Revolution
Klaus Schwab books - The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Elon Musk says humans must become cyborgs to stay relevant. Is he right?
Transhumanism - the new religion
Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow
Transhumanism – Will We Become Gods?
Former Google Executive Warns: "We're Creating God" via Artificial Intelligence
Transhumanism: The Plot to Control Your Life!
Transhumanists Gather In Spain To Plan Global Transformation
Transhumanism: Is it Already Here?
Humanity 2.0: 'The Fusion Of Our Physical, Digital, And Biological Identities'
Transhumanist Theorist Calls the AI-Unenhanced ‘Useless People’
WEF lead advisor Harari: Humans are now hackable animals; free will is over
Transhumanism and the Great Rebellion
Top Ten Things Christians Should Know About Transhumanism
Transhumanism & Nearness of the Tribulation
The Neuralink Brain Chip
Have the Great Reset Technocrats Really Thought This Through? Evil: Between Depopulation & Neuralink
Hardwired for Control – The Brain-Computer Interface Is Already Here
Is Neuralink the Future of Smartphones?
Silicon Valley’s quest for immortality – and its worrying sacrifices
Self-Replicating Xenobots
Will self-replicating ‘xenobots’ cure diseases, yield new bioweapons, or simply turn the whole world into grey goo?
Prophesies Happening Now (Cont)
DECEPTION - Apostasy (Deception Within the Church)
Apostasy (Deception Within the Church)
Signs of the End of the Age
Last Day Churches
What is apostasy and how can I recognize it?
Will there be a great apostasy during the end times?
2 Thessalonians Apostasy - Departure, Falling Away
Physical Departure
Spiritual Falling Away
Wheat, Tares and Chaff
Wheat and Tares
Wheat and Chaff
Wheat – Saved
Chaff – Ungodly, wicked traits that are removed from the true Christian
Tares (False Wheat, weeds, darnels) – Fake Christians, False Teachers, Unsaved
Tares and Jerusalem
Tares and End Times
Tares among the Wheat
Supernatural: Good and Evil
How can I recognize a false teacher / false prophet?
5 Ways to Recognize "A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing"
False Gospel Gaslighting: How Manipulation Is Dividing the Church
See also: One World - False Prophet (Links to another page)
The Book of James - How to Spot a Fake Christian
The Rise of Apostasy - Billy Crone Study
Jan Markell - A Voice Denouncing Apostasy
The ‘Europeanisation’ of the United States: 1% less Christians per year
If our salvation is eternally secure, why does the Bible warn so strongly against apostasy?
Separation of the Wheat and the Tares - Time of the Harvest
Understanding High-Profile Departures from the Faith
26 Million Americans Stopped Reading the Bible Regularly During COVID-19
True Christianity vs Counterfeit Christianity
False Prophets in the Church Today
Christian Teachers Preaching False Doctrines
Silent, Useless (Pious) Christians
A Pandemic In Christendom: Calling Out Evangelical Compromise In The Church
Counterfeit Religion
False Religions EXPOSED! (jesus-is-savior.com)
World Religions, Cults & The Occult
Roman Catholicism (Links to an entire page)
The Roman Catholic Cult Exposed (jesus-is-savior.com)
Replacement Theology (Links to an entire page)
What is replacement theology / supersessionism?
Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?
What is the difference between Christianity and Islam?