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Prophecies Happening NOW

True Christianity vs Counterfeit Christianity

False Prophets in the Church Today

Christian Teachers Preaching False Doctrines

Silent, Useless (Pious) Christians

A Pandemic In Christendom: Calling Out Evangelical Compromise In The Church

False Religions

  • Anything that does not teach the Old Testament

  • Anything that does not teach Bible prophecy (1/3 of the Bible)

  • Anything that does not support Israel

  • False Religions EXPOSED! (

  • Amillennialism

  • Postmillennialism

    • Sees Christ’s second coming as occurring after the “millennium,” a golden age or era of Christian prosperity and dominance

    • What is postmillennialism?


  • Christian Palestinianism

    • Inverted mirror image of Christian Zionism.  All the basic elements of a Christian Zionist eschatology are reversed

      • The Bible is seen to be Christian, not Jewish

      • The land of the Bible is Palestine not Israel

      • The Son of God is a Palestinian not a Jew

      • The Holocaust is resented not remembered

      • 1948 is a catastrophe not a miracle

      • The Jewish people are illegal occupiers not rightful owners

      • Biblical prophecy is a moral manifesto and not a signpost to the Second Coming

    • Christian Palestinianism


  • Seeker Sensitive Movement

  • Charismatic Movement

Can a Christian be a Democrat?  Democratic Policies vs Christian Policies​

The Democratic Party's War on Christianity

Democrat Party Passes Resolution Against Christianity

Bible Banned and Labeled as "Hate Speech!"

Biden’s Public Enemies List: Are Christians Domestic Terrorists?

Framing Christians as Domestic Terrorists

Why do the Democratic party oppose God and the Bible?

How a Biden presidency would unleash Christian persecution

Can a Christian be a Democrat?

Can You Be Christian and a Democrat?

Should a Christian be a Republican or a Democrat?

No such thing as a ‘Christian Democrat’ - The party is now so extreme that no follower of Christ can align with it

True Christianity vs Counterfeit Christianity


About 20 years ago a survey of 7,000 Protestant youths from many denominations asked whether they agreed with the following statements:

  • “The way to be accepted by God is to try sincerely to live a good life.” More than 60% agreed.

  • “God is satisfied if a person lives the best life he can.” Almost 70% agreed.

  • (Reported by Paul Brand & Philip Yancey, Fearfully & Wonderfully Made [Zondervan], p. 108.)


I have found that many church-going people, like these young people, are confused on the most important question in life: “How can I be right with God?” Many think that sincerity is a big factor. If you’re sincere, God will let you into heaven even if you’re a bit fuzzy on the truth. But that’s like saying that a man who swallows deadly poison, sincerely thinking that it is medicine, will get better. All the sincerity in the world is fatal if it is not in line with the truth.

Many also think that human effort plays a big role. If you try your best, even though you aren’t perfect, God will say, “I’ll let you into heaven because you tried so hard.” If that is what the Bible teaches, then it is so. But if it is contrary to what the Bible teaches, then trying your best to get into heaven is like trying your best to broad jump across the Grand Canyon. You’re not going to make it!


Have you ever been stuck with a counterfeit bill? You thought it was legal tender, but when you took it somewhere and offered it as money, the teller or clerk said, “I’m sorry, but this is counterfeit money. It’s no good.” The Bible teaches that Satan is a master counterfeiter, trying to pass off on unsuspecting people a version of Christianity that looks pretty good, but it is not going to be accepted by the bank of heaven. It’s traumatic to get stuck with a counterfeit bill; it would be far more traumatic to stand before God someday and hear Him declare that your Christianity is counterfeit!

In Philippians 3:1-3, the apostle Paul contrasts true and counterfeit Christianity. To understand this section of Philippians, you must know a bit of history. Soon after the gospel began to spread among the Gentiles, some Jewish men who claimed also to believe in Christ began teaching the Gentile converts that they could not be saved unless they also were circumcised according to the law of Moses (see Acts 15:1). They did not deny that a person must believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, but they added to faith in Christ the keeping of the Jewish law, especially circumcision, as necessary for salvation.

The issue was debated and resolved in Jerusalem at a council of the church leaders where it was decided that Gentiles do not have to become Jews or be circumcised to be saved; but that every person, Jew or Gentile, is saved by grace through faith in Christ alone (Acts 15:1-29). But that decision did not cause Satan to give up his efforts to pervert the truth of the gospel. He continued to work through a group of men known as Judaizers who followed Paul on his missionary journeys, infiltrating the new churches and teaching their subtle error, that faith in Christ was not sufficient if a person did not also keep the Law, especially circumcision. Paul wrote Galatians to refute this error. He contends there that these men were preaching a false gospel and he calls down damnation on those who so pervert the true gospel (Gal. 1:6-9). The Judaizers are the men Paul is warning the Philippian church about in our text. The three terms in 3:2, “dogs, evil workers, and false circumcision,” all refer to one group, the Judaizers, who were promoting a counterfeit Christianity.


While the Judaizers no longer exist under that name, the core of their teaching is still quite prevalent. Thus our text is extremely important in helping us to discern what true Christianity is and to reject any counterfeit version. Paul is teaching that ...

To be true Christians we must put off all confidence in human merit and trust in Christ alone for salvation.

True Christianity relies totally on the person and work of Christ; counterfeit Christianity adds to this reliance on human worth or works.


Concerning counterfeit Christianity, Paul warns us:

1. Beware of counterfeit Christianity which adds human merit to the person and work of Christ!

The severity of Paul’s warning is underscored by his threefold repetition: “Beware ... beware ... beware ...!” Counterfeit Christianity is a strong danger for all of us because we’re all prone to pride and self-reliance. We all want to take for ourselves at least some of the credit for our salvation. We’ll be generous and grant that most of the credit goes to the Lord, but we still want to reserve a bit of the honor for ourselves. People will say, “I was saved by my own free will,” which implies, “I was smart enough or good enough to make the right choice.” But the Bible knocks our pride out from under us by clearly stating that our salvation does not depend on our will, but on God’s sovereign mercy (Rom. 9:16). Or, people will say, “Christ died for me because I was worthy.” But Scripture is clear that He died for us when we were unworthy sinners (Rom. 5:8).

Counterfeit Christianity glories in the flesh, which means, human worth or merit. The names Paul calls these false teachers reveal three common forms such human merit takes:


Paul sarcastically calls these Judaizers “dogs.” He is taking a slur that the Jews used against the Gentiles and turning back against these false teachers. It referred to the packs of wild dogs that used to raid the garbage and eat anything they could find. Since the Gentiles were not concerned about clean and unclean foods, or about purifying themselves according to the Jewish rituals, the Jews viewed them as unclean dogs. Just beneath the surface was ethnic pride, as if being a Jew by birth made one right with God.

Much of the strife in the world today stems from racial or religious pride. The Catholic-Protestant violence in Ireland, the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia, the Arab-Jewish conflicts in the Holy Land, Iraq’s persecution of the Kurds, the recent civil war in Rwanda, the racial tension in South Africa, and many more conflicts are due to people mistakenly thinking that their racial status puts them in God’s favor. Here in America, many of the white supremacy groups justify their ethnic pride and hatred of blacks and Jews on a mistaken understanding of the Bible.

Scripture is clear that while God chose the nation Israel as His people and still has a special purpose for the Jews, He is no respecter of persons when it comes to granting salvation through Jesus Christ (Acts 10:34-47). As Paul writes in Romans 10:12, 13, “For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call upon Him; for ‘Whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved.’”


Paul calls these men, who prided themselves on their good works, “evil workers.” They thought they were obeying God’s law. Outwardly they were good, moral people, zealous for religious activities. But their religious works were evil in God’s sight, because they took pride in their own achievements and trusted in their good deeds as the means of making themselves right before God. Such trust in human works brings glory to man and nullifies what Christ did for us on the cross.

The Bible is clear that while we are saved by grace through faith apart from any works, genuine saving faith always results in a life of good works (Eph. 2:8-10Titus 2:11-14; 3:4-8James 2:14-26). But the order of faith and works is essential! No human efforts can commend us to God. A true Christian never glories in his good works, but glories in Christ alone, as we will see.


Paul calls these men “the false circumcision,” which is a play on words. In Greek, circumcision is peritome; Paul calls these men katatome, which means “mutilators.” Just as the pagan priests of Baal in Elijah’s day cut themselves in a religious frenzy, so these false teachers were mutilating people through their emphasis on circumcision. They wrongly thought that the ritual of removing the male foreskin somehow gained them favor with God. But as Paul argues in Romans 4, even Abraham, to whom God first gave the rite of circumcision, was not made right with God through circumcision, but through faith.

Today there are many professing Christians who mistakenly think that religious rituals such as baptism or communion or attending church services or going through prescribed liturgies will get them into heaven. But, as Jesus told the religious Nicodemus, “... unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3).

Thus Paul is strongly warning us to beware of trusting in any form of human goodness, human worth, human merit, or good works as the basis of our standing with God. Salvation is clearly shown in Scripture to be due to God’s choice, not due to our being worth it, “that no man should boast before God” (see 1 Cor. 1:27-31).

These verses also show us that it is the job of faithful pastors to warn the flock of such dangerous teachings. We live in a day marked by tolerance and positive thinking. Many Christians say, “Why attack those who teach error? Just preach the positives.” I have often been criticized because I preach against popular errors that have flooded into the church, such as the self-esteem teaching that runs counter to the heart of the gospel. There is also a strong movement toward unity, where doctrine is viewed as divisive and against love. Anyone who points out doctrinal error is labeled a “heresy hunter” who is against unity. But notice that even though Paul is exhorting the Philippian church to unity, it is not a unity devoid of doctrinal truth. If you didn’t need pastors to warn you of such subtle errors, verses like these would not be in the Bible.

2. Embrace true Christianity which relies totally on the person and work of Jesus Christ for salvation.

Note that Paul is reminding the Philippians of something they already knew (3:1). When he says “Finally,” he isn’t necessarily being like some preachers, who say that half way through their sermon! It can mean simply that he is turning to a new section. Although scholars differ on it, I believe that by “the same things” Paul is referring to his emphasis on rejoicing. He has mentioned “rejoicing” (1:18 [2x], 2:17 [2x], 18 [2x], 28) and “joy” (1:4, 25; 2:2, 29) eleven times already in chapters one and two! But, he’s going to remind them again, because it is such an important, central part of the genuine Christian life. He will hit it again in 4:4. It is no trouble to him to hammer on it, and it is a safeguard against the subtle danger of trusting in human merit. Rejoicing in the Lord is the great antidote to rejoicing in self-reliance or achievement. It takes our focus off ourselves, it humbles our pride, and it fills us with great hope to rejoice in the Lord.


I understand “rejoice in the Lord” (3:1) to be a summary of true Christianity, while the three phrases in 3:3, “worship in the Spirit of God,” “glory in Christ Jesus,” and “put no confidence in the flesh” are simply other ways of saying the same thing. Test yourself by this measure: True Christians rejoice in the Lord.

What does this mean? It means that the Lord Jesus Christ is everything to a true Christian. Christ, and Christ alone, is our salvation. Without Him, we would be lost and without hope. In Him we are saved and have hope! As Paul puts it (1 Cor. 1:30-31), “But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption, that, just as it is written, ‘Let him who boasts, boast in the Lord.’”

Also he wrote (Col. 2:10-11), “In Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority; and in Him you were also circumcised with a circumcision made without hands, in the removal of the body of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ.” This is what Paul is referring to when he calls true Christians “the circumcision” (Phil. 3:3). It is a spiritual, inner work performed on us by Christ. So when Paul tells us to rejoice in the Lord, he means that the Lord is everything to us and we are in Him. So we are to focus our thoughts on Him and what He has graciously done for us through the cross. We will be filled with joy in the Holy Spirit as we daily walk with our eyes on the Lord Jesus and what He is to us.

“Rejoice in the Lord” also means that true Christianity is not just a matter of the head, but also of the heart. It involves and is built on sound doctrine which is grasped by the intellect. Our minds must appropriate the great truths of who Christ is and what He did for us on the cross and what He has promised to those who believe in Him. But, if it stops there, you are not a true Christian. A true Christian is marked by what Jonathan Edwards called “religious affections.” His emotions or heart is affected, so that he rejoices in the inner person as he thinks on the blessedness of what Jesus is to him.

A Christian leader and seminary professor, who has been in ministry for over 20 years, told me that his wife, due to her “dysfunctional” upbringing, had never felt God’s love and that she did not understand His grace. In spite of all the teaching and training to which she had been exposed, he said that when she heard me preach on God’s grace and love, it just went right past her. He attributed this to the fact that her father had been a cold, unemotional, unloving man. I shocked him and made him angry when I responded, “If your wife has never felt God’s love in Christ and has never been moved by the great truth that Christ died for her sin, she isn’t saved.” True Christianity is not merely a matter of subscribing to the great doctrinal truths of the Bible, although it is built on that. It is a matter of God changing our hearts, so that we rejoice in the Lord. This summarizes true Christianity. But, also,


Jesus said, “God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:24). True worship is the inner sense of awe, gratitude, and love for God that stems from an understanding of who God is and who we are in His presence. The false teachers were making worship a matter of outward ritual. Paul is saying that true Christians are marked by inner worship prompted by the indwelling Holy Spirit. The Spirit works submission in our hearts so that we bow before God, caught up in love and praise, giving all glory to Him for His great salvation!


The King James Version inaccurately translates, “rejoice in Christ Jesus.” The word is “boast” or “glory.” Paul is basing this on Jeremiah 9:23-24: “Thus says the Lord, ‘Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast of his might, let not a rich man boast of his riches; but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord who exercises lovingkindness, justice, and righteousness on earth; for I delight in these things,’ declares the Lord.”

Have you ever been around a boaster? He goes around telling everyone how wonderful he is, how smart he is, how much he knows. Christians should go around telling people how wonderful Christ is, how great He is, how merciful, how kind, how powerful, how awesome, how righteous, etc. Boasting in ourselves is sinful pride; boasting in the Lord deflates our pride and gives all the glory to Him. True Christians confess, “The only thing I’m great at is being a great sinner; but Christ Jesus is a great Savior!”


Counterfeit Christianity builds a person’s self-esteem: “You’re great, you’re worthy, you’re somebody!” True Christianity humbles all pride and confidence in self. As Jeremiah 17:5, 7, 8 puts it, “Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind and makes flesh his strength, and whose heart turns away from the Lord.... Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and whose trust is in the Lord. For he will be like a tree planted by the water, that extends its roots by a stream and will not fear when the heat comes; but its leaves will be green, and it will not be anxious in a year of drought nor cease to yield fruit.”


Why do people ignore strong warnings? I guess they think that somehow it doesn’t apply to them or that it isn’t to be taken seriously. On our vacation, we went to the Columbian icefields in Jasper National Park in Canada. You can walk to the edge of one of the glaciers, but there are signs in several languages warning of the extreme danger of walking onto the glaciers. The signs even explain why it is dangerous: there are hidden crevasses, covered by recent snowfalls, where you can easily fall to your death. A ranger told us that a year to the day before we were there, a man had gone about 60 feet out onto the glacier and had fallen through the snow into a crevasse where he died before rescuers could free him. Yet in spite of the clear warnings, dozens of people were wandering hundreds of yards out onto the glacier!

Paul warns us, “Beware of counterfeit Christianity!” You could fall into it if you disregard his warning! Just as you would examine a suspect bill to see whether it is true or counterfeit, so you should examine your heart: True Christians put off all confidence in human merit and trust completely in Christ Jesus for salvation. They rejoice in Him and all that He is to them. Beware of any false substitutes!

True vs Counterfeit

False Prophets in the Church Today

Following is a list of the false prophets in the Church today that have been critiqued on this site. Their prophecies have been compared with scripture to show that they are not speaking for God, as they claim. Instead they are false shepherds leading the sheep astray, saying things that tickle the ears of those who have not fully understood the Bible.

A lot of these prognosticators also preach another gospel, or replacement theology, or deny the trinity and other sound bible doctrines. The Bible tells us that we will know other Christian's by their fruit, but these false prophets in the Church today have sour fruit. Most of them live in mansions, eat rich food, drive the most expensive cars (unlike the prophets in the Bible) and have no sympathy for the poor. Also see a list of False Teachers that have been critiqued on this site.

Jesus warned us that:

For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. (Matthew 24:24)

It is my sincerest wish that after reading these critiques that you also will be able to discern who is speaking for God and who is distorting the scriptures.

Other False Teachings of the Manifest Sons of God (MSOG), Latter Rain, Five Fold, Apostolic, Manchild, Kingdom Now, Dominionist, Restoration Theology, etc.

Michael Brown Warning is a video published by Moriel TV, Jacob Prasch, exposing Michael Brown as a false prophet who mixes error with truth and is a member of the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation):

The increase of apostasy is evident as false prophets are looking anywhere but the Bible for God’s Word and spouting Gnosticism, which is evident in Beware of the New "prophets"

Nathan Leal: When dreams overtake scripture

Rodney Howard Brown: A plethora of articles exposing Rodney Howard Brown as a false teacher: Articles about "Joel's Bartender," Rodney Howard-Browne.

Nostradamus: The Facts About Nostradamus and His Prophecies by Dan Corner.

Joel's Army by Let Us Reason Ministries--explains why Joel's army may be called Gods army but they are not his people. Joel's army is the raising up of a devouring army of locusts, (destroyers) to bring judgement upon the land and they will be destroyed.


Another good article exposing the Manifest Sons of God/Latter Rain/Five Fold/Apostolic/Restoration/Dominionist, etc. movements and giving a much more indepth analysis of their history is Doctrine of Demons by Tricia Tillin. This is a very long book-sized article, packed full of information. In part one she lists the progression of this heretical phenomonon through history.


The Deception in the Church web site has a plethora of articles exposing false prophets.

False Prophets in the Church Today

Christian Teachers Preaching False Doctrines

Religious doctrines are beliefs based on Scriptures in the Bible that have been accepted and taught by church leaders through the centuries. A false doctrine occurs when those beliefs have been distorted by false teachers twisting what the Bible says.

Too many false teachers in the church today distort the Trinity, the divinity of Christ, his sinless death on the cross, the gospel of Grace vs Works, eternal salvation, teachings on baptism, God's plan for Israel, when the rapture occurs, who God will punish during the Great Tribulation and more.

Paul said: "For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths." (2 Timothy 4:3-4)

How to Recognize Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

Today's end times false teachers often seem to know their bible better than most Christians. However, you won't recognize when they are misinterpreting the Scriptures unless you understand the Bible yourself. They will pretend to be one of the sheep but are cleverly hiding the fact they are actually wolves in sheep's clothing, like the wolf in the Red Riding Hood fable. They will tell you what you want to hear so you will follow them and do what they say (buy their books, send them money, attend their conferences, etc).

Paul said: "Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood. I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them." (Acts 20:28-30)


Destructive Doctrines In The End Times Church Today

False teachers in the Church today pick and choose scriptures to fit their beliefs, instead of following what the Bible says. In fact too many them don't even believe the Bible to be inspired by God. They deem it to be incomplete, so they add their own interpretation, boldly defying what Scripture says about not adding to the Word of God.

John said: "I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll." (Revelation 22:18-19)


Recognizing False Teachers in The Church Today

We can recognize those that teach false doctrine during the end times, not just by what they teach, but also by their fruit, because a healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit (Luke 6:43-44). This bad fruit usually manifests itself in the desire for money, sinful sexual activity and power over others. How many of the most popular Christian teachers live in mansions, drive expensive cars and ignore the needs of the poor?

The best thing you can do to recognize false teachers is to read your Bible, not just once but several times:

Paul said: "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16)

Following is a list of Christian False Teachers that have been critiqued on this website with their teachings compared with Scripture:


  • Philip B. Brown - The Bride of Christ must get out of sin before Christ returns or they will miss the Rapture.

  • Anthony Buzzard is an Anti-Trinitarian (Jesus was not God) and confuses the church with the Kingdom promised to Israel.

  • Kenneth Copeland claims Christians are destined to be blessed with financial wealth and good health

  • J. Preston Eby uses scriptures speaking on Christ's 2nd coming to refer to the Rapture and that the gift of the Holy Spirit isn't given when one first believes.

  • Billy Graham promoted ecumenicalism. He believes new believers should return to the Catholic Church. He also believed that Islam and Christianity were similar.

  • Bill Hamon A proponent of the Manifest Son's of God theory (MSOG) now known as the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) where they claim Christ won't come back until the Church is purified.

  • Jonathan Hansen preaches a gospel of Works, Replacement Theology, Kingdom Now Theology and a lot more.

  • Benny Hinn False Teacher exposes his beliefs that he is a little messiah, that we are devine and we are gods.

  • Benny Hinn's Selective Healing is a review of one of Hinn's television programs on healing.

  • Benny Hinn Crusade this is a testimony by someone who attended one of Hinn's healing crusades and expressed his concerns about it.

  • Clarence McClendon preaches on the "all breasted God" who will give you anything you want.

  • Joyce Meyer on Jesus Descended into Hell claims that she is not a sinner and Christ left his work on the cross undone.

  • Joyce Meyer on Believers Judged She preaches that believers will be judged at the white throne judgment.

  • Joel Osteen Jesus spent 3 days in hell fighting Satan

  • Lyn Mize believes our souls (as well as our spritis) need to be saved or we will miss the Rapture.

  • Brother Stair an Anti-Pre-Tribber, encouraged people to not go to a doctor, or go to church and don't watch TV.

  • Rick Warren teaching Chrislam which denies Christ's deity and wants to merge Islam with Christianity

  • David Wilkerson and his faulty teaching on "the river of life".

  • Sollog False Prophet is a New Age prophet claiming that all religions are from the same god.

Christian Teachers Preaching False Doctrines

Silent, Useless (Pious) Christians

1-26-22 Pietism: The Heresy That Silences the Church

Rock Harbor Church Prophecy Update

Silent, Useless (Pious) Christians

A Pandemic In Christendom: Calling Out Evangelical Compromise In The Church

As we started the year with the theme, “Waking up the Church,” I want to end the year with some shocking quotes that one would think would help wake up the church! Consider this question: are you totally sure of the virgin birth?

Did you know one well-known academic in the Christian world is only “reasonably confident” that Jesus was born of a virgin? This same person rejects a literal Adam and Eve, that Adam was made from dust, that Eve was made from Adam, that there was a literal tree of the knowledge of good and evil, a literal fruit, and a literal serpent. He also says it’s not important to insist on the inerrancy of Scripture! Oh, and yes, this person believes in millions of years and evolutionary ideas. Yet he is considered by many to be in the mainstream of evangelical Christianity! Would you consider this person to be in the mainstream of evangelical orthodoxy?

Well, I certainly don’t. In fact, what this person believes and disseminates throughout the Christian world is false teaching that undermines the authority of the Word of God. Yet many in the church highly respect him as a supposed orthodox Christian. Sadly, he has great impact on Christian colleges, seminaries, and churches. Such shocking compromise is rampant throughout Christian academia and is a major contributing factor to why there is an exodus of the younger generations from the church. I will share some exact quotes from this person later on.

Discipled To Reject Compromise

I hate compromise in regard to God’s Word. In the Old Testament, the prophets called God’s people out time and time again for compromising God’s Word with the pagan religion of the age. And we read how God judged them because of this compromise.

My father set the example for our family. He would never knowingly compromise God’s Word. He hated such compromise. When I was a teenager, the church we were attending distributed a daily devotional book to the congregation. One of the devotions was on Noah’s flood, and the writer stated the flood was just a local event. My father met with the pastor and elders and told them firmly they should not be distributing this booklet because it undermined the Word of God. While many in the church and in leadership didn’t want to “rock the boat,” my father was always willing to call out error and stand up for what was right and do his best to stop the authority of God’s Word from being undermined. For those who know me and the AiG ministry, you can see how this greatly impacted my life and the ministry God called me to.

My father also taught me to look out for those who take man’s fallible ideas and use them to reinterpret Scripture. He taught me the difference between eisegesis and exegesis. I learned from him how to “smell liberal theology a million miles away.”

I learned that Genesis 1–11 is literal history (after all, Jesus and various writers through the Old and New Testaments quoted from or referred to Genesis as literal history!). I also learned that all the different positions on Genesis (other than the position of taking it as written) have one thing in common—trying to fit millions of years into the Bible. And such compromise with millions of years undermines biblical authority and unlocks a door to place those doing this on a slippery slide of unbelief. There is no doubt one can see this has happened to the academic I referenced above. Years ago, this person was adamant one has to accept what he called “mainstream science” in reference to supposed billions of years for the age of the earth. And now consider where he is.

Craig: “I don’t want the young earth creationist interpretation to be true”!

The person I am referring to is William Lane Craig. He heads up his own ministry called Reasonable Faith, is a visiting professor at Talbot School of Theology at Biola University, and is a Professor of Philosophy at Houston Baptist University. He is considered by many to be a great apologist because of his defense of the existence of the Creator God and the resurrection.

Now read the following quotes and weep. I think you will be shocked at not only what Craig says but also how he says it.

“Now, I would be disingenuous, Sean, if I were to say that I don’t want the young earth creationist interpretation to come out true. To me that is a nightmare, my greatest fear is that the young earth creationist might be right in his hermeneutical claim that Genesis does teach those things that I described earlier. And I say that would be a nightmare because if that’s what the Bible teaches, it puts the Bible into massive, I think irredeemable, conflict with modern science, history and linguistics and I don’t want that to happen.”

“I think it should prompt us not to be over literalistic in the way we read these narratives. And once you begin to look at them in terms of mytho-history, it’s difficult to look at them any other way. I mean, when you read a story about two people in an arboretum with these magical trees whose fruit, if you eat it, will grant you immortality or the knowledge of good and evil, and then there is this talking snake who comes along and tempts them into sin, and then you have this anthropomorphic God walking in the cool of the garden, calling out audibly to Adam in his hideout, you think, well, of course, this is figurative and metaphorical language. This isn’t meant to be read in this sort of literalistic fashion. And so once you begin to see these narratives this way, you begin to think, how can I have read them any other way? It would be like reading Aesop’s fables literalistically as really about talking animals, for example, rather than as figurative or metaphorical in order to teach some moral lesson.”

“Assuming then, for the sake of argument, the truth of evolutionary biology concerning human origins, we can imagine sometime prior to 750,000 years ago a group of hominins, maybe a few thousand, and through a biological and spiritual renovation, perhaps divinely induced, a miracle that caused a genetic regulatory mutation in a pair of these hominins, they were lifted to fully human status and capable of supporting a rational soul through their brain and nervous system. And they would then begin to have children, and I think given their full humanity, they would naturally tend to isolate themselves from their nonhuman contemporaries. In time they and their descendants would supersede all of the nonhuman descendants and eventually give rise to different species of human beings like Neanderthals, Homo sapiens, and Denisovans.”

Licona [interviewer]: “What about the matter of Adam being made from dirt and Eve being formed from one of Adam’s ribs? Are those elements part of the myth in the mytho-history or do you think they are historical?”

Craig: “I think that is part of the figurative language of myth. I have long been suspicious of things such as the creation of Eve from a rib out of Adam’s side as though God performed some sort of literal surgery on the man and built a woman out of it or that God shaped this figurine out of dirt and breathed into its nose the breath of life and the statue came alive. It seemed to me that this was clearly figurative language, but I didn’t have a reason for thinking that until I became acquainted with this genre called mytho-history.”

“Did God stoop so low in condescending to become a man that he took on such cognitive limitations that Jesus shared false beliefs typically held by other ordinary first century Jews? Since I have good reason to believe in his deity, as explained above, I would sooner admit that Jesus could hold false beliefs (that ultimately don’t matter) rather than deny his divinity.”

In answer to the question, “Are you actually confident that Jesus was born to a virgin?” Craig’s answer: “I’m reasonably confident.”

“I don’t insist on the inerrancy of Scripture.”

“It really is true that a solid, persuasive case for Jesus’ resurrection can be made without any assumption of the Gospels’ inerrancy. By contrast, the case for Jesus’ belief that the Old Testament Scriptures are inerrant is much weaker.”

You can view the video clips where Craig made some of these statements and more at this link: It’s important for you to watch the videos if you can (they are all short clips).

Craig vs New Testament authors

William Lane Craig mocked the idea that the first man was made from dust. But what does the apostle Paul state? “The first man was from the earth, a man of dust” (1 Corinthians 15:47). Paul obviously took the account in Genesis as literal history. God himself in Genesis said to the man, “till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return” (Genesis 3:19).


Craig mocked at the first woman being made from the first man.

What does the apostle Paul state? “For man was not made from woman, but woman from man” (1 Corinthians 11:8).

When Craig was asked if he believed Jesus was born of a virgin, he said, “I’m reasonably confident.”

Matthew records the following: “All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet: ‘Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel’” (Matthew 1:22–23).

Now there are many Christian academics and leaders who compromise Genesis, not just William Lane Craig. And why do they do this? Well, as we sinned in Adam, Genesis 3:1 really sums up the problem we have. We would rather believe man’s fallible word than the Word of the infallible God. To put it another way, “for they loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God” (John 12:43).

Hearing some of these latest statements from Craig burdened me greatly. The ministry of Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and the Ark Encounter could never compromise God’s Word with man’s fallible beliefs like the religion of millions of years/evolution. As my father taught me, a Christian should never put fallible man’s word in authority over God’s infallible Word.

More than ever, we need to challenge people with the truth of God’s Word and the saving gospel. As we celebrate the birth of the God-man Jesus at this Christmas time, let’s remember that it was in Genesis 3:15 that God first promised the Savior. Yes, the account of a literal Adam, a literal tree, a literal fruit, a literal serpent, and a literal fall is why Adam’s race needed a Savior, the last Adam (1 Corinthians 15:45), to save us from our sin.

A Pandemic In Christendom: Calling Out Evangelical Compromise In The Church

World Religions, Cults & The Occult (Series in Progress)​

World Religions

There's a lot of confusion in the world about religion, and what the right path is. Whether it's Judaism, Christianity, Islam, etc., there must be an absolute path to take since all religions are diametrically opposed to each other. Is it one God? Or many gods? Are all the names equating to the same spirit? Or is it all a mixed bag of confusion? Since God is not the author of confusion, this series will make it absolutely clear by unraveling the truth behind each and answering the hard questions.


With so many belief systems and the heart of man trying to fill a void that only God can fill, some people find themselves involved in strange spiritual groups that sometimes lead to awful consequences. Some of these cults are ran by people who really believe that they are God. Could you be involved in a cult? Have you been deceived by a pseudo form of Christianity? Have you been told that you can become your own god? Well this series also covers the controversial topics of cults and why there are so many in the world today.


The Occult

Satanism, witchcraft, sorcery and so on. We've all heard of these from one time to another. With the continuing rise of Neo-Paganism, it should be no surprise that the occult is flourishing in these last days. If you want a better understanding of this dark belief system then this series is for you. The war in the spirit realm is very real and you need to be equipped to deal with the realities. We'll go behind the secret teachings, history and practices, leaving you totally informed.

Introduction                       Parts 1-5

Judaism                              Parts 1-7

Islam                                   Parts 1-8

Hinduism                            Parts 1-6

Buddhism                           Parts 1-6

New Age                            Parts 1-6      Parts 7-12

Roman Catholicism           Parts 1-6      Parts 7-12 

Mormonism                       Parts 1-6       Parts 7-10

Jehovah's Witnesses         Parts 1-4       Parts 5-8

Seventh Day Adventist     Parts 1-4       Parts 5-8

Christian Science               Parts 1-6  

Scientology                        Parts 1-4        Parts 5-8       Parts 9-12

Charismatic Movement    Parts 1-6        Parts 7-12     Parts 13-18     Parts 19-24     Parts 25-30     Parts 31-36     Parts 37-42   

Witchcraft                          Parts 1-5        Parts 7-12     Parts 13-16     Parts 17-20

Satanism                            Parts 1-5        Parts 7-12     Parts 13-16

Voodoo & Vampires          Parts 1-6        Parts 7-8

World Religions, Cults & The Occult

What is Roman Catholicism?

The Roman Catholic Church portrays itself as the one legitimate heir to New Testament Christianity, and the pope as the successor to Peter, the first bishop of Rome. While those details are debatable, there is no question that Roman church history reaches back to ancient times. The apostle Paul wrote his letter to the Romans about AD 55 and addressed a church body that existed prior to his first visit there (but he made no mention of Peter, though he greeted others by name). Despite repeated persecutions by the government, a vibrant Christian community existed in Rome after apostolic times. Those early Roman Christians were just like their brethren in other parts of the world—simple followers of Jesus Christ.

Things changed drastically when the Roman Emperor Constantine professed a conversion to Christianity in AD 312. He began to make changes that ultimately led to the formation of the Roman Catholic Church. He issued the Edict of Milan in 313, which granted freedom of worship throughout the empire. When doctrinal disputes arose, Constantine presided over the first ecumenical church council at Nicaea in AD 325, even though he held no official authority in the churches. By the time of Constantine’s death, Christianity was the favored, if not the official, religion of the Roman Empire. The term Roman Catholic was defined by Emperor Theodosius on February 27, 380, in the Theodosian Code. In that document, he refers to those who hold to the “religion which was delivered to the Romans by the divine Apostle Peter” as “Roman Catholic Christians” and gives them the official sanction of the empire.

The fall of the Roman Empire and the rise of the Catholic Church are really two branches of the same story, as the power was transferred from one entity to the other. From the time of Constantine (AD 312) until the fall of the Roman Empire in 476, the emperors of Rome claimed a certain amount of authority within the church, even though it was disputed by many church leaders. During those formative years, there were many disputes over authority, structure, and doctrine. The emperors sought to increase their authority by granting privileges to various bishops, resulting in disputes about primacy within the churches. At the same time, some of the bishops sought to increase their authority and prestige by accusing others of false doctrine and seeking state support of their positions. Many of those disputes resulted in very sinful behavior, which are a disgrace to the name of Christ.

Just like today, some of those who lived in the leading cities tended to exalt themselves above their contemporaries in the rural areas. The third century saw the rise of an ecclesiastical hierarchy patterned after the Roman government. The bishop of a city was over the presbyters, or priests, of the local congregations, controlling the ministry of the churches, and the Bishop of Rome began to establish himself as supreme over all. Though some historians tell these details as the history of “the church,” there were many church leaders in those days who neither stooped to those levels nor acknowledged any ecclesiastical hierarchy. The vast majority of churches in the first four centuries derived their authority and doctrine from the Bible and traced their lineage directly back to the apostles, not to the church of Rome. In the New Testament, the terms elder, pastor, and bishop are used interchangeably for the spiritual leaders of any church (see 1 Peter 5:1–3 where the Greek root words are translated “elders,” “feed,” and “oversight”). By the time Gregory became pope in AD 590, the empire was in shambles, and he assumed imperial powers along with his ecclesiastical authority. From that time on, the church and state were fully intertwined as the Holy Roman Empire, with the pope exercising authority over kings and emperors.

What are the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church that distinguish it from other Christian churches? Whole books have been written on this subject, but a sampling of the doctrines will be outlined here.


Roman Catholicism teaches:

Bible teaches:

The bishops, with the pope as their head, rule the universal Church.

Christ, the head of the body, rules the universal church (Colossians 1:18).

God has entrusted revelation to the bishops.

God has entrusted revelation to the saints (Jude 3).

The pope is infallible in his teaching.

God alone is infallible (Numbers 23:19Acts 17:11).


Scripture and Tradition together are the Word of God.

Scripture alone is the Word of God (John 10:352 Timothy 3:16,172 Peter 1:20,21Mark 7:1-13).

Mary is the co-redeemer, for she participated with Christ in the painful act of redemption.

Christ alone is the Redeemer, for He alone suffered and died for sin (1 Peter 1:18,19).

Mary is the co-mediator, to whom we can entrust all our cares and petitions.

Christ Jesus is the one mediator to whom we can entrust all our cares and petitions (1 Timothy 2:5John 14:13,141 Peter 5:7).

Initial justification is by means of baptism.

Justification is by faith alone (Romans 3:28).

Adults must prepare for justification through faith and good works.

God justifies ungodly sinners who believe (Romans 4:5). Good works are the result of salvation, not the cause (Ephesians 2:8-10).

Grace is merited by good works.

Grace is a free gift (Romans 11:6).


Salvation is attained by cooperating with grace through faith, good works, and participation in the sacraments.

Salvation is attained by grace through faith apart from works (Ephesians 2:10).


No one can know if he will attain eternal life.

The believer can know that he has eternal life by the Word of God and the testimony of the Holy Spirit who indwells believers (1 John 5:13Romans 8:16).

The Roman Catholic Church is necessary for salvation.

There is salvation in no one but the Lord Jesus Christ, “for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).

Christ’s body and blood exist wholly and entirely in every fragment of consecrated bread and wine in every Roman Catholic church around the world.

The bread and wine are symbols of the body and blood of Christ, and He is bodily present in heaven (1 Corinthians 11:23-25Hebrews 10:12,13).

The sacrifice of the cross is perpetuated in the sacrifice of the Mass.

The sacrifice of the cross is finished (John 19:30).

Each sacrifice of the Mass appeases God’s wrath against sin.

The once-for-all sacrifice of the cross fully appeased God’s wrath against sin (Hebrews 10:12-18).

The sacrificial work of redemption is continually carried out through the sacrifice of the Mass.

The sacrificial work of redemption was finished when Christ gave His life for us on the cross (Ephesians 1:7Hebrews 1:3).


These doctrines don’t date back all the way to Constantine, except for perhaps in seed form, but were slowly adopted over many years as various popes issued decrees. In many cases, the doctrines are not even based on Scripture but on a document of the church. Most Roman Catholics consider themselves to be Christians and are unaware of the differences between their beliefs and the Bible. Sadly, the Roman Catholic Church has fostered that ignorance by discouraging the personal study of the Bible and making the people reliant on the priests for their understanding of the Bible.

What is Roman Catholicism?
What is replacement theology / supersessionism?

What is replacement theology / supersessionism?

Replacement theology (also known as supersessionism) essentially teaches that the church has replaced Israel in God’s plan. Adherents of replacement theology believe the Jews are no longer God’s chosen people, and God does not have specific future plans for the nation of Israel. Among the different views of the relationship between the church and Israel are the church has replaced Israel (replacement theology), the church is an expansion of Israel (covenant theology), or the church is completely different and distinct from Israel (dispensationalism/premillennialism).

Replacement theology teaches that the church is the replacement for Israel and that the many promises made to Israel in the Bible are fulfilled in the Christian church, not in Israel. The prophecies in Scripture concerning the blessing and restoration of Israel to the Promised Land are spiritualized or allegorized into promises of God’s blessing for the church. Major problems exist with this view, such as the continuing existence of the Jewish people throughout the centuries and especially with the revival of the modern state of Israel. If Israel has been condemned by God and there is no future for the Jewish nation, how do we explain the supernatural survival of the Jewish people over the past 2,000 years despite the many attempts to destroy them? How do we explain why and how Israel reappeared as a nation in the 20th century after not existing for 1,900 years?

The view that Israel and the church are different is clearly taught in the New Testament. Biblically speaking, the church is distinct from Israel, and the terms church and Israel are never to be confused or used interchangeably. We are taught from Scripture that the church is an entirely new creation that came into being on the day of Pentecost and will continue until it is taken to heaven at the rapture (Ephesians 1:9–111 Thessalonians 4:13–17). The church has no relationship to the curses and blessings for Israel. The covenants, promises, and warnings of the Mosaic Covenant were valid only for Israel. Israel has been temporarily set aside in God’s program during these past 2,000 years of dispersion (see Romans 11).

Contrary to replacement theology, dispensationalism teaches that, after the rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:13–18), God will restore Israel as the primary focus of His plan. The first event at this time is the tribulation (Revelation chapters 6–19). The world will be judged for rejecting Christ, while Israel is prepared through the trials of the great tribulation for the second coming of the Messiah. Then, when Christ does return to the earth at the end of the tribulation, Israel will be ready to receive Him. The remnant of Israel who survive the tribulation will be saved, and the Lord will establish His kingdom on this earth with Jerusalem as its capital. With Christ reigning as King, Israel will be the leading nation, and representatives from all nations will come to Jerusalem to honor and worship the King—Jesus Christ. The church will return with Christ and will reign with Him for a literal thousand years (Revelation 20:1–5).

Both the Old Testament and the New Testament support a premillennial/dispensational understanding of God’s plan for Israel. The strongest support for premillennialism is found in the clear teaching of Revelation 20:1–7, where it says six times that Christ’s kingdom will last 1,000 years. After the tribulation the Lord will return and establish His kingdom with the nation of Israel, Christ will reign over the whole earth, and Israel will be the leader of the nations. The church will reign with Him for a literal thousand years. The church has not replaced Israel in God’s plan. While God may be focusing His attention primarily on the church in this dispensation of grace, God has not forgotten Israel and will one day restore Israel to His intended role as the nation He has chosen (Romans 11).

What is amillennialism?

What is amillennialism?

Please note, as a ministry, rejects amillennialism. We truly and fully believe in premillennialism, that Christ will return to establish His kingdom, over which He will reign for 1,000 years. However, we believe that amillennialism is a valid viewpoint that a Christian can hold. In no sense is amillennialism heresy and in no sense should amillennialists be shunned as not being brothers and sisters in Christ. We thought it would be worthwhile to have an article that positively presents amillennialism, as it is always good for our viewpoints to be challenged, motivating us to further search the Scriptures to make sure our beliefs are biblically sound.

Amillennialism is one of four views of the end times regarding the 1,000-year reign of Christ. Each of the four views differs in the placement, or the timing, of the 1,000-year reign mentioned in Revelation 20.

An amillennialist sees the 1,000 years as spiritual and non-literal, as opposed to a physical understanding of history. Although the prefix a- would typically signify a negation of a word, the amil position sees the millennium as “realized,” or better explained as “millennium now.” To simplify, amillennialism sees the first coming of Christ as the inauguration of the kingdom, and His return as the consummation of the kingdom. John’s mention of 1,000 years thus points to all things that would happen in the church age.

The amil position sees the book of Revelation as having numerous “camera angle” approaches. For instance, chapter 19 ends with Christ returning to destroy His enemies, making chapter 20 difficult to understand in that enemies arise to attack Him again (what enemies are these, if they’ve already been destroyed?). However, if we see chapter 20 as a different “angle” for the end of the age, then the 1,000-year reign isn’t necessarily physical/earthly history, but symbolic. It speaks of the spiritual realm. John is giving a “replay” of what he saw.

Scripture uses the number 1,000 many times as a generic term to mean “immensity,” “fullness of quantity,” or “multitude” (e.g., Psalm 84:10Job 9:31 Chronicles 16:15). With the repeated symbolic use of 1,000, it is difficult to see its use in Revelation as literal, especially in a book as heavily symbolic as Revelation is.

There are many arguments against the amillennial position, but they can be refuted through exegesis of Scripture. Careful hermeneutics (the study of the principles of interpretation), proves the amil position has legitimacy. Most passages of Scripture used to try to refute the position actually make it more viable, based on the words of our Lord Himself: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them” (Matthew 5:17). In light of the words of our Savior, prophetic passages like Daniel 7 and Jeremiah 23 are to be understood as fulfilled in Christ Jesus and His first coming, especially since all of the prophets are talking about the coming Messiah in the first place.

Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies concerning Him, including, for example, the prophecy that Christ’s feet will touch the Mount of Olives prior to the establishment of His kingdom (Zechariah 14). This was clearly fulfilled in Matthew 24 when Jesus went to the Mount of Olives to teach what is known as the Olivet Discourse.

In amillennialism, the “1,000 years” is happening right now. Christ’s work in this world—His life, death, resurrection, and ascension—greatly hindered the works of Satan so that the message of the gospel could leave Israel and go out to the ends of the earth, just as it has done. The 1,000 years spoken of in Revelation 20, in which Satan is “bound,” is figurative and fulfilled in a spiritual sense. Satan is “bound” in that he is restricted from implementing all his plans. He can still perform evil, but he cannot deceive the nations until the final battle. Once the “1,000 years” are over, Satan is released to practice his deception for a little while before the return of Christ.

When we study the Olivet Discourse, along with the accounts of the “Day of the Lord” in 2 Peter 3 and 1 Thessalonians 4, we see that the return of our Lord comes quickly, visibly, and with the sound of a trumpet. In other words, all alive at that time will experience the return of our Lord, and then will come the end. There is no mention in these texts about a literal 1,000-year earthly reign. Rather, Christ’s return is heard, seen, and realized. In fact, the apostle Peter says that, at the Day of the Lord, the heavens and earth will be burned up and the new heavens and new earth will be created. This leaves no room for a supposed physical and earthly kingdom lasting a literal 1,000 years.

The amillennial view, along with premillennialism, is one of the oldest in church history, being held since the first century. In the 5th century, Augustine settled on the amillennial view as his understanding of eschatology. Additionally, amillennialism was the primary view of most of the Reformers in the 16th century.

What is postmillennialism?

Postmillennialism is an interpretation of Revelation chapter 20 which sees Christ’s second coming as occurring after the “millennium,” a golden age or era of Christian prosperity and dominance. The term includes several similar views of the end times, and it stands in contrast to premillennialism (the view that Christ’s second coming will occur prior to His millennial kingdom and that the millennial kingdom is a literal 1,000-year reign) and, to a lesser extent, amillennialism (no literal millennium).

Postmillennialism is the belief that Christ returns after a period of time, but not necessarily a literal 1,000 years. Those who hold this view do not interpret unfulfilled prophecy using a normal, literal method. They believe that Revelation 20:4-6 should not be taken literally. They believe that “1,000 years” simply means “a long period of time.” Furthermore, the prefix “post-” in “postmillennialism” denotes the view that Christ will return after Christians (not Christ Himself) have established the kingdom on this earth.

Those who hold to postmillennialism believe that this world will become better and better—all evidence to the contrary notwithstanding—with the entire world eventually becoming “Christianized.” After this happens, Christ will return. However, this is not the view of the world in the end times that Scripture presents. From the book of Revelation, it is easy to see that the world will be a terrible place during that future time. Also, in 2 Timothy 3:1-7, Paul describes the last days as “terrible times.”

Those who hold to postmillennialism use a non-literal method of interpreting unfulfilled prophecy, often interpreting prophetic passages allegorically. The problem with this is that when the normal meaning of a passage is abandoned, its meaning can become entirely subjective. All objectivity concerning the meaning of words is lost. When words lose their meaning, communication ceases. However, this is not how God has intended for language and communication to be. God communicates to us through His written word, with objective meanings to words, so that ideas and thoughts can be communicated.

A normal, literal interpretation of Scripture rejects postmillennialism and holds to a normal interpretation of all Scripture, including unfulfilled prophecy. We have hundreds of examples in Scripture of prophecies being fulfilled. Take, for example, the prophecies concerning Christ in the Old Testament. Those prophecies were fulfilled literally. Consider the virgin birth of Christ (Isaiah 7:14Matthew 1:23). Consider His death for our sins (Isaiah 53:4-91 Peter 2:24). These prophecies were fulfilled literally, and that is reason enough to assume that God will continue in the future to literally fulfill His Word. Postmillennialism fails in that it interprets Bible prophecy subjectively and holds that the millennial kingdom will be established by the church, not by Christ Himself.

What is postmillennialism?

What is Chrislam?

Chrislam is an attempt to syncretize Christianity with Islam. While it began in Nigeria in the 1980s, Chrislamic ideas have spread throughout much of the world. The essential concept of Chrislam is that Christianity and Islam are compatible, that one can be a Christian and a Muslim at the same time. Chrislam is not an actual religion of its own, but a blurring of the differences and distinctions between Christianity and Islam.

Advocates of Chrislam point to facts such as Jesus being mentioned 25 times in the Qur’an, or Christianity and Islam having similar teachings on morals and ethics, or the need for the two largest monotheistic religions to unite to fight against the rise of atheism and alternative spirituality. Chrislam is viewed by some as the solution for the ongoing conflict between the Western world, which is predominantly Christian, and the Middle East, which is predominantly Muslim.

While it is undeniable that there are many similarities between Christianity and Islam (and Judaism, for that matter), Chrislam ultimately fails because Christianity and Islam are diametrically opposed on the most important of issues – the identity of Jesus Christ. True Christianity declares Jesus to be God incarnate. For Christians, the deity of Christ is a non-negotiable, for without His deity, Jesus’ death on the cross would not have been sufficient to be the atoning sacrifice for the sins of the entire world (1 John 2:2).

Islam adamantly rejects the deity of Christ. The Qur’an declares the idea that Jesus is God to be blasphemy (5:17). Belief in the deity of Christ is considered shirk (“polytheism”) to Muslims. Further, Islam denies the death of Christ on the cross (4:157–158). The most crucial doctrine of the Christian faith is rejected in Islam. As a result, the two religions are absolutely not compatible, making Chrislam a concept both Christians and Muslims should reject.

What is Chrislam?

Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?

The Muslim and Christian views of God have some similarities. Christians believe in one eternal God Who created the universe, and Muslims apply these attributes to Allah. Both view God as all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-present.

A vital difference between the Islamic and Christian views of God is the biblical concept of the Trinity. In the Bible, God has revealed Himself as one God in three Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. While each Person of the Trinity is fully God, God is not three gods but three in one.

God’s Son came in the form of man, a truth called the incarnation (Luke 1:30-35John 1:14Colossians 2:91 John 4:1-3). The Lord Jesus Christ conquered the penalty and power of sin by dying on the cross (Romans 6:23). After rising from the dead, Jesus went back to heaven to be with His Father and sent the Holy Spirit to believers (Acts 1:8-11). One day, Christ will return to judge and rule (Acts 10:4243). Those who have trusted in the Lord Jesus will live with Him, but those who refuse to follow Him must be separated in hell from the holy God.

“The Father loves the Son and has given all things into his hand. Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him” (John 3:35-36). Either Jesus bears the wrath of God for your sin on the cross or you bear the wrath of God for your sin in hell (1 Peter 2:24).

The Trinity is essential to the Christian faith. Without the Trinity, there would be no incarnation of God’s Son in the Person of Jesus Christ. Without Jesus Christ, there would be no salvation from sin. Without salvation, sin would condemn all to an eternal hell.

So, do Christians and Muslims worship the same God? A better question is, “Do Christians and Muslims both have a correct understanding of who God is?” To this question, the answer is definitely no. Because of crucial differences between the Christian and Muslim concepts of God, the two faiths cannot both be true. The biblical God alone addresses and solves the problem of sin by giving His Son.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son” (John 3:16-18).

Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?

(Got Questions Ministries)

Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God? Is Allah the same god as the God of the Bible?

Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?

What is the difference between Christianity and Islam?

While some similarities exist between Islam and Christianity (they are both monotheistic religions, for example), their differences are clear-cut, significant, and irreconcilable. For this article, we will survey four key areas: the founders of the two religions, the contrasting views of God, the sacred literature, and the means of salvation. We will see that Islam differs from Christianity in each of those four areas.

Islam and Christianity: Founders of the Religions

Islam was founded by an Arab merchant named Muhammed about AD 622. Muhammed claimed to have received a revelation from an angel of God, and, although he initially feared his revelation had come from Satan, Muhammed later claimed to be the last and greatest of all of God’s prophets. Muhammed had fifteen wives (although he limited other men to four wives apiece) and sanctioned the beating of wives (Sura 4:34). Muhammed was well known for spreading his new religion by force. He commanded, “Fight and slay the Pagans wherever you find them” (Sura 9:5), and he specified the proper way to execute an unbeliever was to cut his throat (Sura 47:4). Muhammed led raids against caravans to plunder their goods, broke oaths, ordered the murder of those who mocked him, and wiped out the last Jewish tribe in Medina—he killed all the men and enslaved the women and children. Interestingly, Muhammed acknowledged his own need to seek God’s forgiveness on occasion (Sura 40:55).

In stark contrast to the moral depravity of Muhammed, Jesus Christ was above reproach in every way (2 Corinthians 5:21). Jesus never married, He defended and honored women (John 8:1–11), and His law was “love one another” (John 13:34). Accordingly, Jesus never assassinated anyone, never beat a woman, never enslaved a child, never broke a promise, and never plundered a caravan. On the cross, when Jesus was mocked by those nearby, His response was, “Father, forgive them” (Luke 23:34).

Islam and Christianity: Views of God

Islam teaches that Allah, or God, is the sovereign Creator and Ruler of all that is. Muslims emphasize God’s absolute unity, which will admit of no division, and God’s will. In fact, the will of God is more basic to who He is than His love or mercy. God could choose not to be merciful, and He can choose not to love; thus, Allah’s mercy and love are not intrinsic to His nature but are choices He makes. More important than loving God—or even knowing Him—is submitting to His will. The word Islam means “submission.” According to Islam, God cannot be considered a “father” and He has no son. Allah does not love sinners (Surah 3:140).

Similar to Islam, Christianity teaches that God is the sovereign Creator and Ruler of all that is—but that is about where the similarity ends. Christians believe in one God who exists in three eternal, co-equal Persons (Father, Son, and Spirit) who share the same indivisible essence. According to Christianity, God loves because His very nature is love (1 John 4:8)—not just because He happens to choose to love. God’s essence includes the attribute of mercy, so divine displays of mercy are more than choices God makes; they are extensions of His character. God is knowable and desires a relationship with us based on love (Mark 12:30). Obeying God is important, but obedience without a relationship based on love is worthless (1 Corinthians 13:3). According to Christianity, God the Father has an eternal relationship with God the Son. God does love sinners (Romans 5:8).

Islam and Christianity: Sacred Literature

Islam holds that the Torah (the first five books of the Old Testament), the Psalms, and the Gospels were given by God—with this caveat: Jews and Christians have corrupted God’s Word and therefore Bibles cannot be fully trusted. Muslims believe that God’s final Word, the Qur’an, was miraculously given to Muhammed over a period of twenty-three years. The Qur’an, which is perfect and holy, is divided into 114 chapters called suras. In addition to the Qur’an, the Muslims have the Hadith, a collection of Muhammed’s sayings, opinions, and actions as reported by those close to him.

Biblical Christianity holds that the Old and New Testaments of the Bible are God’s inspired Word and the only authoritative rule of faith and practice. The Bible warns against adding to God’s Word (Revelation 22:18); Christians reject the Qur’an as an attempted addition to God’s Word and as a document that contradicts the Bible in many ways.

Islam and Christianity: Means of Salvation

Islam teaches a works-based salvation and in this way is similar to other man-made religions. A Muslim must keep the five pillars of Islam: he must confess the shahadah (“there is no God but Allah, and Muhammed is his prophet”); he must kneel in prayer toward Mecca five times a day; he must fast during the daylight hours one month of the year (Ramadan); he must give money to the poor; and he must make a pilgrimage to Mecca sometime in his lifetime. Islam teaches that the day of judgment will involve a person’s good and bad deeds being weighed in a balance—so the standard for judgment is one’s own actions (Surah 7:8-9; 21:47). The Qur’an forbids anyone from bearing another’s burden of sin (Surah 17:15; 35:18) and pointedly denies the death of Jesus (or Isa) on the cross (Surah 3:55; 4:157–158). If you will be saved, you must save yourself.

Christianity teaches a grace-based salvation. A person is saved by the grace (the undeserved blessing) of God, through faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8–9Romans 10:9–10). The standard for judgment is absolute perfection—the righteousness of Christ. No one can measure up to perfection (Romans 3:23), but God in His grace and mercy has given His Son as the substitute for our sin: “When you were dead in your sins . . . God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross” (Colossians 1:13–14). We cannot save ourselves, so we turn to Christ, our sinless Savior and the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2).

Islam and Christianity, having different beliefs on essential doctrines such as God, Jesus, Scripture, and salvation, are irreconcilable. Both religions cannot be true. We believe that Jesus Christ, as presented in the Bible, is the true Son of God and Savior of mankind. “Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ” (John 1:17).

What is the difference between Christianity and Islam?

Christian Palestinianism


Since the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 there has been a growing movement of Christians who are opposed to the alleged ‘occupation’ of Palestine by the Jews.  Their opposition to Israel and her Christian allies is expressed in their outspoken support of the Palestinian agenda.


By 1994 the movement became institutionalised by the founding of ‘Sabeel’ by Naim Ateek.  This Palestinian Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center based in Jerusalem now spearheads the movement and is a co-ordinated voice with which to marshal its troops.  One of the key ways in which support is mustered is by identifying Jesus as ‘a Palestinian living under an occupation.’  Sadly, as Bat Ye’or remarks:

This Islamisation of the Jewish sources of Christianity, disseminated through European Islamophile church networks, plays into the hands of Muslims eager to co-opt Christianity and instrumentalise Christians as partners in their struggle against Israel.

Agreements between Evangelicals and Muslims

One of the most disturbing developments within what we refer to as ‘Christian Palestinianism’ is the alliance Evangelicals have forged with the Muslim world.  The champion of this inter-faith dialogue is Dr Stephen Sizer, a UK Anglican minister.  For example, in 2007 Sizer defended President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (who has been quoted as insisting that Israel should be wiped off the map).  Sizer laid the blame for the conflict in the Middle East at the feet of Israel and her Christian allies.

Stephen Sizer

Sizer, a member of the Evangelical Alliance and of the Willow Creek Association, has promoted his distorted version of Christian Zionism across the Middle East and has been warmly welcomed by Islamic clerics and scholars – an indication that his stance serves to affirm Muslims in their hatred of Israel.

At the meeting of the World Islamic Call Society in Toronto in 2010, Sizer endorsed their vision, as expressed on the Bridges to Faith website:

The ultimate goal of the Evangelical Christian-Muslim Dialogue is to commit ourselves to a dialogue that will build a deep and lasting trust that will remain despite any obstacles that may arise . . . It is our intention to endeavour sincerely to discover our common values and systems of ethics so that we may agree on a common set of shared spiritual values and moral precepts.

Our concerns

This is of great concern to us here at Christian Spectrum, because it is a denial of the unique and on-going role of Israel in God’s purposes, particularly as the End Times unfold.  From other pages on this website you will see that we do not view Israel through rose-coloured spectacles, but we are convinced that she always has had, and still has, a strategic prophetic task to fulfil.  Her presence in the land, along with the events of 1948 and 1967 in particular, are prophetic signs to the church and the world that Jesus’ return is imminent.


The Bridges to Faith agenda may eventually bring about a temporary peace in the Middle East, if Israel is coerced, but it won’t be the world peace mankind is seeking.  Rather, it could serve to shunt the world into the chaotic tribulation years immediately preceding Jesus’ return.


It appears that those Evangelical leaders who are dialoguing with Islamic clerics and scholars are doing so purely over the issue of their common enemy – Israel.  Certainly Israel is the enemy of ecumenism.  The World Council of Churches was calling for member churches to help end ‘the illegal occupation of Palestine’ back in 2002.  Seven years later it called for ‘an international boycott of goods produced in the illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied territories.’  More recently the PIEF (Palestine-Israel Ecumenical Forum) stated as one of its goals: ‘challenge Christian Zionist and millennialism theologies or other theologies which support the occupation.’

Concurrently Sizer conducted an interview with Naim Ateek at the ‘Christ at the Checkpoint’ conference in Bethlehem, where Ateek was delighted that US Christians were supporting BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) against Israel.

Zionism and racism

In order to propagate the anti-Zionist view, Christian Palestinianists accuse Israel and her Christian allies of playing the ‘Holocaust guilt-card.’  For instance, Kenneth Cragg denounces what he calls ‘the awful authority of the Holocaust’ which ‘unjustifies all Palestinian protest’ and gives Israel ‘a warrant of innocence.’  Michael Prior wrote that Auschwitz had become for the Jewish people ‘a place where they can hide their accountability in the present’ and ‘a symbol that makes them untouchable.’  Marc Ellis portrays Arab Palestinians living in Israel today as ‘the last victims of the Holocaust.’

In Hank Hanegraaff’s book endorsed by Sizer,’ The Apocalypse Code’ (2007) he speaks of ‘the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians’ thus equating Zionism with racism.  Sizer reinforces this view in his own book, ‘Christian Zionism: Road-map to Armageddon?’  He quotes Norman Finkelstein to back up his belief that the Holocaust has been exploited by both Jewish and Christian Zionists to immunise Israel from censure.

Fulfilment Theology

Christian Palestinianists adhere to Fulfilment Theology, which, in a nutshell, sees everything spoken of by the prophets in relation to the land and people of Israel fulfilled spiritually by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.  The nation of Israel therefore holds no prophetic significance now, since the church is the new Israel.   Many theologians agree with this view, the most influential of whom is N T Wright, former Bishop of Durham.  He clearly states that the Old Testament promises relating to the restoration of Zion are now transferred to Jesus and his people (meaning the church).  John Stott, Rector Emeritus of All Souls Church, London, another eminent theologian, is quoted as saying:

I myself believe that Zionism, both political and Christian, is incompatible with biblical faith.  Stephen Sizer’s books have helped to reinforce that conviction.

Reinterpreting scripture

In our articles on the dangers of the Emerging Church we address the issue of holding a low view of the authority of scripture.  Since those involved in the Emerging Church movement tend to support Christian Palestinianism, it’s not surprising that this group also hold a low view of scripture.  Since they deny any future prophetic role for the nation of Israel, a ‘new hermeneutic’ has had to be found in order to reconcile the scriptures which clearly indicate that there is a future role for Israel.  Naim Ateek talks of ‘de-Zionising these texts.’  Sizer also wages war with Christians such as us here at Christian Spectrum, who believe in a plain reading and understanding of scripture.


Palestinianist propaganda

Emotive terms such as ‘ethnic cleansing’, ‘apartheid’, and ‘occupation’ serve the Palestinianist cause by twisting the opinions of many Christians against the Jewish people and the state of Israel.  Sizer is one scholar who has adopted ‘apartheid’ terminology, and he endorses the writings of Ben White, who brands Zionism as a worse form of Apartheid than existed in South Africa.  Sizer also applauds the works of both Ilan Pappé and Mark Braverman, who both claim that Israel has consistently pursued a policy of ethnic cleansing towards the Palestinians.

Identifying the Palestinian people with Jesus on the cross has become a powerful propaganda weapon for Christian Palestinianists.  Back in 2001 Naim Ateek declared:

Here in Palestine Jesus is again walking the via dolorosa.  Jesus is the powerless Palestinian humiliated at a checkpoint . . . It seems to many of us that Jesus is on the cross again with thousands of Palestinians around him . . . The Israeli government crucifixion system is operating daily.

The 2009 Kairos Palestine Document made the following statements:

The Israeli occupation of Palestinian land is a sin against God. The aggression against the Palestinian people, which is the Israeli occupation, is an evil that must be resisted.  It is an evil and a sin that must be resisted and removed.

The document provides a list of various oppressive Israeli measures taken against Palestinians and presents the real nature of the conflict as ‘an Israeli occupation faced by Palestinian legal resistance.'  There is no mention however of censure of Palestinian suicide bombers, Palestinian terrorist groups such as Hamas and other Islamic fundamentalist groups!


Ben White, mentioned above, an anti-Israel campaigner and journalist but keen not to be thought an anti-Semite, wrote in Punch:


Comparisons between the Israeli government and the Nazis is unwise and unsound, since the Israelis have not (at the time of going to press) exterminated in a systematic fashion an enormous percentage of the Palestinians.  Cold-blooded killings, beatings, house demolitions, vandalism, occupation, military assaults, and two historical pushes at ethnic cleansing – yes.  Fully fledged genocide – no.


He also admits that while he wouldn’t call himself an anti-Semite he can understand why others are.  Sadly,he’s not alone in this opinion.


Champions of the Palestinian cause

Amongst those who are willing to align themselves with the Christian Palestinian stance are South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu and former American president Jimmy Carter.  Both are recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize.  Tutu, who has met with Ismail Haniyeh, a senior Hamas leader who was elected Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority in 2006 has said this:

Now, alas, we see apartheid in Israel . . . The apartheid government (in South Africa) was very powerful, but today it no longer exists.  Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Pinochet, Milosevic and Idi Amin were all powerful, but in the end, they bit the dust.

Sizer and others had high-profile meetings with Yasser Arafat, expressing solidarity with the Palestinian cause, a cause which Arafat referred to as ‘the peace of the brave.’

The Lausanne Movement

The vision of ‘the whole church taking the whole Gospel to the whole world’ was encapsulated in the covenant produced at the first Lausanne Conference in 1974, hosted by Billy Graham and John Stott.  The third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelism in Cape Town in 2010 produced a statement with Replacement Theology at its heart:

. . . while there are multiple ethnicities within the one church by God’s clear intention, no single ethnic group holds privileged place in God’s economy of salvation or God’s eschatological purpose.  Thus, we strongly believe that the separate and privileged place given to the modern Israeli state, in certain forms of dispensationalism or Christian Zionism, should be challenged.

The Emerging Church

‘With God on our Side’ is a documentary film released in 2010, produced by Porter Speakman Jr.  It challenges Christian Zionism, offering ‘a better way, a way of justice, peace and love for Jews and Palestinians.  One that is inclusive, not exclusive.’  The film has been widely shown in the US and in the UK and is endorsed by Tony Campolo and Brian McLaren, both key players in the Emerging Church movement and the Christian-Left (left-wing Christian political groups and individuals).  In relation to the pro-Palestinian thrust of this film, McLaren comments on his internet blog:

The need to confront the terrible, deadly, distorted, yet popular theologies associated with Christian Zionism and deterministic dispensationalism which use a bogus end-of-the-world scenario to create a kind of death-wish for World War III, which – unless it is confronted more robustly by the rest of us – could too easily create a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Tony Campolo was one of 84 Evangelical signatories on the letter to President Bush which attempted to counter traditional Evangelical support for Israel and called for Bush to implement the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  Another signatory was Jim Wallis, part of the Christian-left, founder of Sojourners magazine and an advocate of Progressive Christianity, which challenges traditional conservative Evangelicalism and champions human diversity, environmental stewardship, ecumenism, inter-faith dialogue and social justice.

We recommend ‘The Destiny of Britain’ and ‘The Cyrus Call’ - documentary films produced in 2008 by The Hatikvah Film Trust charting the history of Evangelical belief in the restoration of the Jews.  Our web pages on the history of the modern State of Israel are based on information included in these films.

In summary

To sum up, we quote from a paper produced by Paul Wilkinson: ‘Prophets who Prophesy Lies in my Name (Christian Palestinianism and the anti-Israel Crusade.)  Much of the information in this article was gleaned from his paper:

Christian Palestinianism is an inverted mirror image of Christian Zionism.  All the basic elements of a Christian Zionist eschatology are reversed, so that the Bible is seen to be Christian, not Jewish, the land of the Bible is Palestine not Israel, the Son of God is a Palestinian not a Jew, the Holocaust is resented not remembered, 1948 is a catastrophe not a miracle, the Jewish people are illegal occupiers not rightful owners, and Biblical prophecy is a moral manifesto and not a signpost to the Second Coming.  Despite enlisting support from the theological community and seeking validation through academia, the overriding thrust of Christian Palestinianism is political not Biblical.  As we have seen, this reactionary movement, spearheaded by Sabeel, is a one-issue coalition of strange bedfellows whose diverse, ideological perspectives are held in tension as they unite against a common enemy.

For further reading, we recommend David Pawson’s book: ‘Defending Christian Zionism.'

Christian Palestinianism

What is Christian dominionism?

Dominionism, or Christian Dominionism is a term coined by social scientists and popularized by journalists to refer to a subset of American Christianity that is conservative, politically active, and believes that Christians should, and eventually will, take control of the government. The term is sometimes used as a “catch-all” by bloggers to describe any politically active Christian, but not every conservative, politically minded Christian is a Dominionist.

Christian Dominionists believe that God desires Christians to rise to power through civil systems so that His Word might then govern the nation. The belief that “America is a Christian nation” is sometimes called “soft dominionism”; the idea that God wants only Christians to hold government office and run the country according to biblical law is called “hard dominionism.”

Dominion theology’s beliefs are based on Genesis 1:28, which says, "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth" (emphasis added).

This verse is taken by Christian Dominionists as a divine mandate to claim dominion over the earth, physically, spiritually, and politically. However, this is taking a large step away from the text, which only says to have dominion over the creatures of earth, and to “subdue” the earth. It is likely that this verse simply means for humanity to a) multiply and expand over the face of the earth instead of staying in one place and b) keep and take care of all other living things. There were no political entities in Genesis 1.

However, dominion theology goes even further with this verse, leading to two other philosophies: Christian Reconstructionism and Kingdom Now theology. Christian Reconstructionism is an intellectually high-minded worldview, most popular among the more conservative branches of Christian faith. Reconstructionism says that dominion will be achieved by each Christian excelling in his or her individual field (Christian artists taking dominion of the art world, Christian musicians taking dominion of the music world, Christian businessmen taking dominion of the business world, etc., until all systems and fields are “subdued”).

Kingdom Now theology, most popular among Charismatic and Pentecostal groups, focuses on taking dominion of the earth by way of spiritual battle. Kingdom Now adherents believe that long ago Satan stole the “keys of spiritual dominion” when he deceived Adam and Eve. Then, when Christ gave the “keys of the kingdom” to Peter in Matthew 16:19, it was a sign that dominion had been returned to man. Now it is our job to “take back” what is rightfully ours – that is, to claim dominion over the earth and spiritually subdue it for Christ. Proponents of Kingdom Now theology believe that the capturing of this dominion includes having Christians in political office, plus a return of spiritual power, manifested by signs, miracles, and healing. Kingdom Now theology is taught in the book When Heaven Invades Earth by Bill Johnson of Bethel Church.

While many well-meaning Christians are attracted to these philosophies, Christian Dominionism and its offshoots are unbiblical. Although these systems of thought are nominally based on biblical principles, both Christian Reconstructionism and Kingdom Now theology veer away from the heart and message of the gospel. It is understandable that Christians, troubled by abortion and the general moral chaos of a relativistic society, want to take control of the culture and steer it back towards sanity. But holding to Dominionism is not a biblically viable option.

In a way, the disciples were of a “kingdom now” mindset. They thought that Jesus was going to immediately usher in the kingdom and wipe out Roman rule (see Luke 19:11). But that wasn’t what Jesus was about then, and it isn’t what He is about now. We belong to a heavenly kingdom that is not of this world (John 8:23). We are seeking another home, a city “with foundations” (Hebrews 11:101413:14). The world is passing away (1 Corinthians 7:311 John 2:17Colossians 3:2-5).

It is right and good to want to see justice done and biblical principles upheld (Psalm 33:5Amos 5:15Micah 6:8). And we are to do everything as unto the Lord (1 Corinthians 10:31). We are salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16), and it is perfectly reasonable for Christians to hold jobs in government and all other areas of society. But “bringing the kingdom of heaven to earth” is not our commission. Our commission is to tell people about the wonderful news that, despite the sick, sinful condition of our souls, God has provided salvation by sacrificing His own Son on our behalf (Romans 5:6-8). By grace, through faith, we become citizens of a perfect world that will last eternally (Ephesians 2:8-9). Our job is to “rescue those who are perishing; to hold back those stumbling towards slaughter” (Proverbs 24:11). Christian Dominionism seeks to perfect this world by political clout, but it is the Spirit who must bring change (Zechariah 4:6). One day, Jesus will bring His kingdom to earth, in justice and true righteousness, and it will signify the end of this world’s system.

What is Christian dominionism?

What is Kingdom Now teaching?

Kingdom Now theology is a theological belief within the Charismatic movement of Protestant Christianity, mainly in the United States. Kingdom Now proponents believe that God lost control over the world to Satan when Adam and Eve sinned. Since then, the theology goes, God has been trying to reestablish control over the world by seeking a special group of believers—known variously as "covenant people," "overcomers," or "Joel’s army"—and that through these people, social institutions (including governments and laws) would be brought under God’s authority. The belief is that, since believers are indwelt by the same Holy Spirit that indwelt Jesus, we have all authority in heaven and on the earth; we have the power to believe for and speak into existence things that are not, and thus we can bring about the Kingdom Age.

Among the most controversial tenets of the theology is the belief that secular or non-Christian society will never succeed. Hence, Kingdom Now opposes a separation of church and state. Other beliefs include the idea that, as the Body of Christ, we are Christ. In other words, we have His divine nature. Proponents of Kingdom Now teaching also don’t believe in the rapture, which is explained away as a feeling of rapture or excitement when the Lord returns to receive the kingdom from our hands. In other words, everyone will be "caught up" emotionally when He returns. Also among the unbiblical beliefs is the idea that all prophecies regarding future Israel—both in the Old and New Testaments—actually apply to the church.

Kingdom Now theology sees the second coming of Jesus in two stages: first through the flesh of the believers (and in particular the flesh of today’s apostles and prophets), and then in person to take over the kingdom handed to Him by those who have been victorious (the "overcomers"). Prior to the second coming, overcomers must purge the earth of all evil influences. Kingdom Now claims that Jesus cannot return until all His enemies have been put under the feet of the church (including death, presumably).

Although there are people who only partially hold to Kingdom Now teachings, they still share the beliefs outlined above, all of which are outside of mainstream Christianity and all of which deny Scripture. First, the idea that God has “lost control” of anything is ludicrous, especially coupled with the idea that He needs human beings to help Him regain that control. He is the sovereign Lord of the universe, complete and holy, perfect in all His attributes. He has complete control over all things—past, present and future—and nothing happens outside His command. Everything is proceeding according to His divine plan and purpose, and not one molecule is moving on its own accord. “For the LORD Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?” (Isaiah 14:27). As for men having “the power to believe for and speak into existence things that are not,” that power belongs to God alone, who doesn’t take kindly to those who would attempt to usurp it from Him. “Remember this, and be a man; return it on your heart, O sinners. Remember former things from forever; for I am God, and no other is God, even none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from the past things which were not done, saying, ‘My purpose shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure’; calling a bird of prey from the east, the man of my purpose from a far country. Yes, I have spoken, I will also cause it to come; I have formed; yes, I will do it” (Isaiah 46:8–11).

Kingdom Now’s denial of the rapture of the church is also unbiblical. The explanation that the rapture is nothing more than the people of God being caught up in rapturous feelings ignores the fact that such an application of the term "caught up" is strictly an idiomatic expression peculiar to English, not Greek. "I was all 'caught up' in the movie (or other excitement)” is not the equivalent of harpazo, used to describe the catching up bodily into heaven in 1 Thessalonians 4:172 Corinthians 12:2-4; and Revelation 12:5. The word is also used in Acts 8:39, where Phillip is bodily "caught away" by the Spirit to another location.

As for our being Christ and having divine nature, we are not Christ, although we do partake of His divine nature at salvation with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:4). But Christ is the second Person of the Godhead, and no one becomes God. This is a lie from the father of lies, Satan, who first told it in the Garden of Eden when he tempted Eve with “you shall be as God” (Genesis 3:5).

The idea that the church has replaced Israel and that the fulfillment of the prophecies to Israel pertain to the church is known as Replacement theology, and it is unbiblical. The promises to Israel will be fulfilled in Israel, not in the church. God’s blessings to Israel are eternal, and they are without recall.

Finally, the second coming of Christ will be when He, not men, defeats His enemies and puts all things under His feet. The description of the second coming in Revelation 19 is the description of a mighty warrior who comes to put all things to right, not of one who comes to an earth already cleaned up and ready for Him to rule. Verse 15 is clear: “And out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, so that with it He should strike the nations. And He will shepherd them with a rod of iron. And He treads the winepress of the wine of the anger and of the wrath of Almighty God.” If the earth has been “purged of all evil influences,” as the Kingdom Now-ers believe, why does Christ need a sharp sword to strike the nations, and why does the anger and wrath of God still exist against them?

Kingdom Now theology is another in a long line false, unbiblical, and misleading philosophies of men whose vain imaginations seek to humanize God and deify man. It is to be avoided.

What is Kingdom Now teaching?
What is Progressive Christianity, and is it biblical?

What is Progressive Christianity, and is it biblical?

Progressive Christianity is a recent movement in Protestantism that focuses strongly on social justice and environmentalism and often includes a revisionist (or non-traditional) view of the Scriptures. Since the movement entails a number of different beliefs and views on various topics, it is difficult to label the whole movement decisively as “biblical” or “unbiblical.” Each claim and belief of any movement should be filtered through the Word of God, and whatever does not line up with Scripture should be rejected.

The Bible is replete with instructions to “visit orphans and widows in their distress” (James 1:27, NASB) and to protect the environment that God has entrusted to us (Genesis 1:28). Insofar as Progressive Christianity is a movement that seeks to emphasize and honor these principles, it certainly lines up with Scripture. However, there are some aspects of Progressive Christianity that contradict a biblical worldview. In general, members of this movement do not ascribe to the biblical doctrine of the inerrancy of Scripture, and, again, in general, do not believe that the Bible is the literal Word of God. Progressive Christianity also tends to emphasize what is known as “collective salvation” over the biblical concept of personal salvation. The Bible is clear that God redeems those individuals who believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and rescues them from an eternity of being separated from Him in torment. Collective salvation, by contrast, emphasizes the restoration of whole cultures and societies to what progressive Christians believe is the correct socioeconomic structure, namely, Marxism. Marxism, in turn, is a theory of economics and politics developed by an atheist (Karl Marx) from unbiblical assumptions.

In this sense, then, the views of many progressive Christians do not fit with biblical principles. In the end, however, discretion is needed in evaluating a particular claim or belief in terms of Scripture; the whole spectrum of beliefs identified by the term “Progressive Christianity” is too broad to permit an unequivocal conclusion as to whether or not it can be labeled unbiblical. As with all uncertain issues, the Christian would do well to compare each claim of those in the Progressive Christianity movement with Scripture, asking God for the wisdom to discern truth from error. He has promised wisdom to all who seek it (James 1:5).

What is progressivism?

Progressivism is a multi-faceted philosophy advocating progress and change (as opposed to maintaining things as they are). Progressives work toward what they hope will be better conditions, implement what they consider more enlightened ideas, and try new or experimental methods to facilitate change. In politics and religion, progressivism is often called “liberalism.”

Progressivism originated in Western Europe during the Age of Enlightenment. People believed that progress in science, economics, and technology would result in the improvement of the human condition. Gaining empirical knowledge was thought to be foundational to a progressive society. Sociology defines five main ideas, or values, that contributed to progressivism in Western Europe: valuing the past, considering the nobleness of Western thought and civilization, the value of economic and technological growth, the intrinsic value of life on earth, and the use of reason and scholarly/scientific knowledge.

Much of the motive behind progressivism is a desire for social justice and equality, which progressives equate with a departure from barbarism. Progressivism can be used for good or ill. The end of child labor, the rise of free education, and prison reform were all aided by progressivism. But so also were modernism, radical feminism, abortion-on-demand, and the gay-rights movement. Change is not always a change for the better, and what’s called “progress” may in fact be a regress.

Inherent in the philosophy of progressivism is the idea that mankind is naturally progressive; that is, he longs to advance and learn and improve himself and that, when unfettered by oppressive systems, he will continue to improve and grow and become better.

The Bible supports the idea that man is a naturally progressive creature, and that he was indeed created to thirst for knowledge and to expand his own understanding and improve himself. Satan’s temptation in the Garden of Eden is the first proof. Satan told Eve that if she ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil she would become like God, with her eyes opened to knowledge. Satan placed God in the role of “oppressor” holding man back from his full potential (Genesis 3:1–5). This temptation would not have worked if man had not been a progressive creature. Eve’s failure was that she tried to advance herself through disobedience to God’s command.

Another example of mankind’s tendency toward progressivism is found in the story of the Tower of Babel. After the flood, mankind tried to build a tower to heaven, and God said, “Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do. And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them” (Genesis 11:5). Again, mankind was seeking progress through disobedience to God’s command, and again we see that progressivism, unheedful of God’s law, leads in the wrong direction. God confused human language to put a stop to man’s proud endeavor, and their monument to “social progress” was halted (Genesis 11:7).

Because mankind is made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), he has the desire and the capacity to create what is progressively good and helpful. But, because of our fallen, sinful nature, we also have the tendency to create what is progressively evil and harmful (see Genesis 6:5). We have an insatiable appetite for more knowledge as a result of eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and that is our lasting legacy.

Throughout history, God has been mercifully keeping us from fully realizing that legacy. He has worked in many unseen ways and in a few that we can see: by confusing man’s language at the Tower of Babel, by providing the Law for a definition of sin and an understanding of punishment (Exodus 20), and by providing the Holy Spirit as a guide, dwelling in those who have faith in Christ (John 14:26).

Political progressives push for socio-political change, and their interpretation of the Constitution is broad and loose. In the same way, modern religious progressives push for change within the church, and their interpretation of Scripture is just as broad and loose. Many ignore large portions of the Bible in favor of a “social gospel,” a “historical Jesus,” or “gay churches.” The problem with religious progressivism is that God’s Word does not change: “Your word, LORD, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens” (Psalm 119:89).

Progress can be good or bad, depending on the direction it’s headed. Becoming progressively godly is good: “The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day” (Proverbs 4:18). Becoming progressively ungodly is bad: “Evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:13). Left to himself, man’s tendency is to slip further downhill; thankfully, the Holy Spirit slows down that negative progressivism: “For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way” (2 Thessalonians 2:7). When the Antichrist is revealed, “he will speak against the Most High and oppress his holy people and,” quite progressively, “try to change the set times and the laws” (Daniel 7:25).

What is progressivism?

What is the social gospel?

The term social gospel is usually used to refer to a Protestant Christian intellectual movement that came to prominence in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Promoters of the social gospel sought to apply Christian principles to social problems, with a focus on labor reform. Other issues, such as poverty, nutrition and health, education, alcoholism, crime, and warfare, were also addressed as part of the social gospel. However, as social needs were emphasized, the doctrines of sin, salvation, heaven and hell, and the future kingdom of God were downplayed. Theologically, the social gospel leaders were liberal and overwhelmingly postmillennialist, asserting that Christ’s second coming would not happen until humanity rid itself of social evils. According to the social gospel, Christians need to concentrate on the world now, not the world to come.

The social gospel is related to theological liberalism. A theologian who lived during the peak of the social gospel movement described the message of the social gospel this way: “A God without wrath brought men without sin into a kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a cross” (Niebuhr, H. Richard, The Kingdom of God in America, Harper & Row, 1937, p. 193). According to the social gospel, the betterment of society equals salvation. People are basically good, as seen by the social gospel, and society is gradually becoming more moral. If we feed enough people, educate enough children, dig enough wells, and redistribute enough wealth, then we will see God’s kingdom manifest. If we preach enough love, justice, brotherhood, and goodwill toward men, then the remnants of greed and selfishness in mankind will be overwhelmed and give way to goodness.

For a Christian perspective on the social gospel, we need to look to Jesus, who lived in one of history’s most corrupt and unjust societies. Jesus never issued a call for political change, even though many of His followers yearned for political action (see John 6:15). Jesus did not work for social change, per se. His mission was spiritual. He came not to wipe out poverty but to wipe out sin (John 1:29); His cause was not to ensure that all laborers are treated justly but to justify people before God (Romans 4:25). Jesus said that poverty would be a continual problem in this world (Mark 14:7), but money is not the most important thing (Matthew 6:24); we should pursue being rich toward God (Luke 12:21). Jesus did not come to earth to be a political or social reformer. He preached the necessity of faith, the need to be born again, and total reliance on God. His gospel changes people’s hearts through the transforming work of the Holy Spirit, and, as hearts change, society will change.

Jesus showed deep compassion for the poor, the sick, the dispossessed, and the outcasts of society. He healed countless people of their physical ailments. His own summary of His public work was that “the blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor” (Matthew 11:5). He caused much rejoicing among the deprived of society. But, always, Jesus focused on spiritual needs. When He healed the paralytic brought to Him on a pallet, He first told him, “Friend, your sins are forgiven” (Luke 5:20). After He healed the lame man at the pool, He told him, “Stop sinning” (John 5:14). The problem Jesus most wanted to solve was not immobility but iniquity.

The Bible consistently promotes aiding the poor and the afflicted, the orphans and widows, and people unable to support themselves. “The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern” (Proverbs 29:7; see also Proverbs 31:8–9Isaiah 1:17Matthew 25:34–40James 1:27). At the same time, the Bible is clear that mankind’s basic problem is spiritual. We are sinners estranged from God, and we need a Savior. Jesus fed the multitudes a lunch, but He then proceeded to offer Himself as the food they really needed—the Bread of Life (John 6).

The social gospel is most concerned about circumstances here on earth. The true gospel, while not ignoring physical circumstances, is most concerned about the state of people’s souls and their eternal destiny. We can dig a well in an arid region and improve the life of a village, and this is good and right to do; but if that same village never hears of the water that Jesus gives, the living water that “will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life,” they are no better off eternally (John 4:13–14).

What is the social gospel?

What is a biblical view of social action?

In recent years Christians have stepped more boldly into the social arena and made their voices heard. Both Christians and non-Christians alike have taken another look at the Bible’s emphasis on helping the poor and speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves (Leviticus 25:35Exodus 22:25James 2:14–16). Whereas a few decades ago religion was thought to be best practiced behind church doors on Sundays, today’s Christians are realizing that was never Jesus’ intent.

One fact that is often overlooked in our post-Christian culture is that most major humanitarian efforts, such as hospitals, orphanages, and universities, were initiated by Christians seeking to make a difference in the world. The abolitionist movements in England and the United States were spearheaded by followers of Christ. Christians are one of the most socially active groups in existence because our Leader, Jesus Christ, taught us to love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:39). Organizations such as Samaritan’s Purse, Compassion International, Focus on the Family, the A21 Campaign, Open Doors, and countless others exist because Christians saw a need and took action.

It’s when Christians use their influence to try to correct moral and ethical issues that the objections begin. Some argue that “separation of church and state” requires all religion to stay out of the public square. Although the idea of separation of church and state has been used to silence the timid, it appears nowhere in the Constitution of the United States, and Christians need not fear that by expressing a biblically based opinion that they are somehow violating a fundamental aspect of our nation’s freedom.

Despite His lifestyle of always doing good (Acts 10:38), Jesus did not come into the world to be a social reformer. His miracles, healing, and teachings were not efforts to right all wrongs or to permanently relieve suffering. If that had been His purpose in coming, why would He have waited until that period of history? There had been eons of suffering prior to the birth of Christ. If Jesus had come to address social issues, why spend only three years doing so? Why not start at age 12 when He realized He was to be about His Father’s business (Luke 2:49)? Why not avoid crucifixion at age 33 so that He could spend decades reforming?

Jesus’ kindness to the oppressed and ostracized was well-known, but He was clear that His purpose in coming to earth was not humanitarian; it was spiritual. Jesus said, “The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10). He came to preach the good news of the kingdom (Mark 1:36–38). He came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets (Matthew 5:17). He came “to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45; cf. John 12:27) and “to destroy the devil’s work” (1 John 3:8).

Jesus’ major objective in coming to earth was the salvation of mankind. He brought God to fallen Man (John 10:1014:9), and then He died for the sins of the world (Matthew 16:2120:28Mark 8:31John 10:18). After His resurrection, Jesus left the good news of salvation with a handful of followers who used it to change the world (see Acts 17:6). Earlier, Jesus had told them of the difference they would make in society: “You are the salt of the earth. . . . You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:13–16).

Salt brings out the flavor of any food. It also preserves, cleans, and helps heal infection. In order for Christians to be “salt” in the world, we must maintain those distinct properties that come from abiding in God’s Word. When we assimilate the world’s way of thinking and behaving, we lose our saltiness. Our presence on social issues adds balance to an otherwise out-of-control system controlled by Satan (see 2 Corinthians 4:4).

Light banishes darkness. But a light hidden under a basket cannot illuminate anything. When we hide inside our churches and refuse to bring that light into the community, we are spiritually useless. But when, with Holy Spirit boldness, we speak up, run for office, and illuminate social issues with the truth of God’s Word, we are letting His light shine through us. When we see culture praising the murder of unborn children, we must let God’s light shine brightly on the scene and speak His truth in contrast to the neutral words used to defend the indefensible (see Psalm 82:4Proverbs 24:11). When we learn of poverty-stricken people, we must apply God’s truth to our lives and do what we can to help (Isaiah 58:6–7James 2:15–17). When injustice rules, we must speak out on behalf of the oppressed, like the Lord Jesus did (Luke 20:46–47Mark 7:9–13).

Christians should be socially active to the extent God would have them do so. The responsibility of every Christian is to know God’s Word and apply it. James 4:17 says, “If anyone . . . knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.” Social action will look different for different individuals because God has gifted us differently. For some, social action will mean holding political office and working to bring truth and justice to a broad arena. For others, social action means using the material wealth God has provided to eliminate hunger and other effects of poverty at home and around the world.

Social action for Christians means we live our faith 24/7 whether at home, at our jobs, or at our places of worship. There is no switch to flip off our “light” whenever we feel like it. As believers, we take the Holy Spirit with us wherever we go (1 Corinthians 6:19–20). And, because we live in communities and have connections available like never before, God expects us to be salt and light in those communities, flavoring, challenging, and illuminating everywhere we can.

What is a biblical view of social action?

What does the Bible say about social justice?

Before discussing the Christian view of social justice, we need to define terms. Social justice is such a politically charged concept that it can’t really be divorced from its modern-day context. Social justice is often used as a rallying cry for many on the left side of the political spectrum. This excerpt from the “Social Justice” entry on Wikipedia is a good definition of this concept:

“Social justice is also a concept that some use to describe the movement towards a socially just world. In this context, social justice is based on the concepts of human rights and equality and involves a greater degree of economic egalitarianism through progressive taxation, income redistribution, or even property redistribution. These policies aim to achieve what developmental economists refer to as more equality of opportunity than may currently exist in some societies, and to manufacture equality of outcome in cases where incidental inequalities appear in a procedurally just system.”

The key word in this definition is the word “egalitarianism.” This word, coupled with the phrases “income redistribution,” “property redistribution,” and “equality of outcome,” says a great deal about social justice. Egalitarianism as a political doctrine essentially promotes the idea that all people should have the same (equal) political, social, economic and civil rights. This idea is based on the foundation of inalienable human rights enshrined in such documents as the Declaration of Independence.

However, as an economic doctrine, egalitarianism is the driving force behind socialism and communism. It is economic egalitarianism that seeks to remove the barriers of economic inequality by means of redistribution of wealth. We see this implemented in social welfare programs where progressive tax policies take proportionately more money from wealthy individuals in order to raise the standard of living for people who lack the same means. In other words, the government takes from the rich and gives to the poor.

The problem with this doctrine is twofold: first, there is a mistaken premise in economic egalitarianism that the rich have become wealthy by exploiting the poor. Much of the socialist literature of the past 150 years promotes this premise. This may have been primarily the case back when Karl Marx first wrote his Communist Manifesto, and even today it may be the case some of the time, but certainly not all of the time. Second, socialist programs tend to create more problems than they solve; in other words, they don’t work. Welfare, which uses public tax revenue to supplement the income of the underemployed or unemployed, typically has the effect of recipients becoming dependent on the government handout rather than trying to improve their situation. Every place where socialism/communism has been tried on a national scale, it has failed to remove the class distinctions in society. Instead, all it does is replace the nobility/common man distinction with a working class/political class distinction.

What, then, is the Christian view of social justice? The Bible teaches that God is a God of justice. In fact, “all his ways are justice” (Deuteronomy 32:4). Furthermore, the Bible supports the notion of social justice in which concern and care are shown to the plight of the poor and afflicted (Deuteronomy 10:1824:1727:19). The Bible often refers to the fatherless, the widow and the sojourner – that is, people who were not able to fend for themselves or had no support system. The nation of Israel was commanded by God to care for society’s less fortunate, and their eventual failure to do so was partly the reason for their judgment and expulsion from the land.

In Jesus’ Olivet Discourse, He mentions caring for the “least of these” (Matthew 25:40), and in James’ epistle he expounds on the nature of “true religion” (James 1:27). So, if by “social justice” we mean that society has a moral obligation to care for those less fortunate, then that is correct. God knows that, due to the fall, there will be widows, fatherless and sojourners in society, and He made provisions in the old and new covenants to care for these outcasts of society. The model of such behavior is Jesus Himself, who reflected God’s sense of justice by bringing the gospel message to even the outcasts of society.

However, the Christian notion of social justice is different from the contemporary, secular notion of social justice. The biblical exhortations to care for the poor are more individual than societal. In other words, each Christian is encouraged to do what he can to help the “least of these.” The basis for such biblical commands is found in the second of the greatest commandments—love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:39). Today’s politicized notion of social justice replaces the individual with the government, which, through taxation and other means, redistributes wealth. This policy doesn’t encourage giving out of love, but resentment from those who see their hard-earned wealth being taken away.

Another difference is that the Christian worldview of social justice doesn’t assume the wealthy are the beneficiaries of ill-gotten gain. Wealth is not evil in a Christian worldview, but there is a responsibility and an expectation to be a good steward of one’s wealth (because all wealth comes from God). Today’s social justice operates under the assumption that the wealthy exploit the poor. A third difference is that, under the Christian concept of stewardship, the Christian can give to the charities he/she wants to support. For example, if a Christian has a heart for the unborn, he can support pro-life agencies with his time, talent and treasure. Under the contemporary form of social justice, it is those in power within the government who decide who receives the redistributed wealth. We have no control over what the government does with our tax money, and, more often than not, that money goes to charities we might not deem worthy.

Basically, there is a tension between a God-centered approach to social justice and a man-centered approach to social justice. The man-centered approach sees the government in the role of savior, bringing in a utopia through government policies. The God-centered approach sees Christ as Savior, bringing heaven to earth when He returns. At His return, Christ will restore all things and execute perfect justice. Until then, Christians express God’s love and justice by showing kindness and mercy to those less fortunate.

What does the Bible say about social justice?

(Got Questions Ministries)

What does the Bible say about social justice? What is a social justice warrior (SJW)? Should Christians support the political movement for social justice?

What does the Bible say about social justice?

How should a Christian view being “woke”?

Woke is a fairly modern term that has come to mean “conscious of injustice in society.” A “woke” person is especially attentive to racial discrimination and the issues surrounding it. Although the word woke has been closely linked to the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement, the term goes back further than that and can be found in the 2008 song “Master Teacher” by Erykah Badu and in an 1962 essay published in the New York Times called “If You’re Woke You Dig It” by William Melvin Kelley.

When it comes to being “woke,” Christians should keep three things in mind:

First, Christians must acknowledge that racism in America has resulted in shame, injustice, and, at some points in history, terrible violence. Moreover, no clear-thinking person thinks that all remnants of racism were erased by the American civil rights movement of the mid-twentieth century. For as far as we’ve come since the Civil War, there is still work to be done.

Second, Christians should understand that, while laws and legislation guard the principle of equal rights for all Americans legally, no law can change the heart. Someone who is filled with prejudice and racial hatred will not suddenly be filled with love simply because a new law is passed. Unlike some who pursue change only at the legislative level, Christians know the evil of the human heart (Jeremiah 17:9). Real justice is possible only when individuals have been justified in Christ. Only when we are saved can we live out the mandate “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” in the way taught by Christ (Mark 12:31). Jesus addressed racial divides, among other things, in the parable of the good Samaritan (Luke 10:25–37).

Third, a Christian must realize that real racial reconciliation in the Church occurs when we prioritize our identity in Christ over our belonging to a racial category or ethnicity. Members of the body of Christ should feel more at home in their Christian family than even in their own ethnicity: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28).

As Christians, we should be “woke” to the love of God for our family in Christ: “Anyone who hates a brother or sister is in the darkness and walks around in the darkness. They do not know where they are going, because the darkness has blinded them” (1 John 2:11). We should be “woke” to the light of the gospel (2 Corinthians 4:4). We should be “woke” to the fact of temptation in the world (Matthew 26:41). We are reconciled with God and united to Christ (2 Corinthians 5:18), allowing us to be truly reconciled with one another. Real change and real answers to the problems of racism, injustice, other societal evils are found in God’s Word and in the peace He gives.

How should a Christian view being “woke”?

Should a church be seeker sensitive?

In recent years a new movement within the evangelical church has come into vogue, commonly referred to as "seeker sensitive." Generally, this movement has seen a great deal of growth. Many “seeker” churches are now mega-churches with well-known pastors who are riding a wave of popularity in the evangelical world. The seeker-sensitive movement claims millions of conversions, commands vast resources, continues to gain popularity, and seems to be attracting millions of un-churched people into its fold.

So, what is this movement all about? Where does it come from? And, most importantly, is it biblical? Basically, the seeker-sensitive church tries to reach out to the unsaved person by making the church experience as comfortable, inviting, and non-threatening to him as possible. The hope is that the person will believe in the gospel. The idea behind the concept is to get as many unsaved people through the door as possible, and the church leadership are willing to use nearly any means to accomplish that goal. Theatrics and musical entertainment are the norm in the church service to keep the unsaved person from getting bored as he does with traditional churches. State-of-the-art technology in lighting and sound are common components of the seeker-sensitive churches, especially the larger ones.

Expertly run nurseries, day care, adult day care, community programs such as ESL (English as a Second Language), and much more are common fixtures in the larger seeker churches. Short sermons (typically 20 minutes at most) are usually focused on self-improvement. Supporters of this movement will say that the single reason behind all the expense, state-of-the-art tech gear, and theatrics is to reach the unsaved with the gospel; however, rarely are sin, hell, or repentance spoken of, and Jesus Christ as the exclusive way to heaven is rarely mentioned. Such doctrines are considered “divisive.”

The seeker-sensitive church movement has pioneered a new method for founding churches involving demographics studies and community surveys that ask the unsaved what they want in a church. This is a kind of “if you build it they will come” mentality. The reasoning is that if you give the unsaved better entertainment than they can receive elsewhere, or “do church” in a non-threatening way, then they will come, and hopefully, they will accept the gospel. The mindset is to hook the un-churched person with great entertainment, give him a message he can digest, and provide second-to-none services. The focus of the seeker church then is not Christ-centered, but man-centered. The main purpose of the seeker church’s existence is to give people what they want or meet their felt needs.

Further, the seeker-friendly gospel presentation is based on the idea that if you will believe in Jesus, He will make your life better. Relationships with your wife or husband, coworkers, children, etc., will be better. The message the seeker church sometimes passes on to the unsaved person is that God is a great cosmic genie, and if you stroke Him the right way, you will get what you want. In other words, if you profess to believe in Jesus, God will give you a better life, better relationships and purpose in life. So, for all intents and purposes, the seeker-sensitive movement is a type of system based on giving unbelievers whatever they want. What too often happens in such a system is that people make a profession of faith, but when the circumstances of their lives don’t immediately change for their material good, they forsake Christ, believing He has failed them.

How are people responding to the “seeker” movement? Many people have responded and begun attending seeker-sensitive churches. Many people, indeed, have come to faith in Christ as a result of a seeker-sensitive church. But the bigger question is, “What does God have to say about all this?” Is it possible for a movement to be successful from a human perspective, but be unacceptable to God?

The basic premise in the seeker-sensitive movement is that there are many people out there who are seeking God and want to know Him, but the concept of the traditional church scares them away from faith in Christ. But is it true that people are truly seeking God? Actually, Scripture teaches the exact opposite! The apostle Paul tells us that “there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God” (Romans 3:11). This means there is no such thing as an unbeliever who is truly seeking for God on his own. Furthermore, man is dead in his sin (Ephesians 2:1), and he can’t seek God because he doesn’t recognize his need for Him, which is why Paul says that there is no one who understands. Romans 1:20-23 teaches us that all unbelievers reject the true God. They then go on to form a god that is what they want (a god in their image or the image of something else). This is a god they can tame and control. Romans 1:18-20 says they knowingly suppress what they know about God through His creation and that they are subject to God’s wrath, another doctrine studiously avoided by the seeker churches.

God’s invisible attributes are clearly seen in creation, but unbelievers take that clear knowledge and revelation God has graciously provided and flatly reject it. This leads to Paul’s statement in Romans 1:20 that they are “without excuse.” What man finds when he seeks on his own is nothing more than a god of his own creation. Man does not seek for God; it is God who seeks for man. Jesus said that plainly in John 15:16, and John 6:44. The idea of thousands or even millions of unbelievers really searching for the true God is an utterly unbiblical notion. Thus, this movement is based on an unbiblical concept of the nature of the unsaved person, which is spiritually dead. A spiritually dead person does not seek God, nor can he. Therefore, there is no such thing as a seeking unbeliever. He does not understand the things of God until he is made alive by the Spirit of God (1 Corinthians 2:14).

Until the Father draws him (John 6:44) and the Spirit awakens the heart so he can believe and receive the gift of faith (Ephesians 2:8), an unsaved person cannot believe. Salvation is completely the act of God whereby He draws and empowers the dead sinner with what is necessary to believe (John 6:3739-40). What part do we play in the salvation of others? God has commanded that we are the instrumentality through which the gospel is proclaimed. We share the gospel, but it is not our responsibility to make people believe, or even to try to be persuasive or manipulate them into believing. God has given us the message of the gospel; we are to share it with gentleness and reverence, but we are to share it, offensive parts and all. Nobody believes the gospel because a speaker is persuasive. People believe because of the work of God in their hearts.

God has not been vague on what His church is to be like. He didn’t leave us guessing. He has given us direction on how men are to lead His church (Acts 6:1-614:23Titus 1:5-91 Timothy 3:1-13Ephesians 4:11), the ordinances of the church (1 Corinthians 11Matthew 28:19), and the worship in the church—it is to be on the “Lord’s Day” (Acts 20:7), and is to consist of preaching and teaching, prayer, fellowship (Acts 2:42) and the taking of an offering (Colossians 3:16). Here, the seeker movement has missed the mark completely with its man-centered focus. When an unsaved person enters church, should our goal be to make him feel as comfortable as possible? When it comes to issues like our kindness, speaking respectfully, or even physical comfort, all who enter the church should be treated well. But the unsaved person should never feel “at home” in church, which is the body of Christ. The preaching and teaching of truth should make him feel very uncomfortable as he, hopefully, realizes the state of his soul, comes to know the existence of hell, and recognizes his need for the Savior. This discomfort is what brings people to Christ, and those who attempt to circumvent discomfort are not being loving. In fact, just the opposite is true. If we love someone, we want him to know the truth about sin, death, and salvation so we can help him avoid an eternity in hell. According to Paul, when an unbeliever enters the church and the Word of God is preached expositionally (taught directly from the Scriptures), he will be convicted and called into account for his sin. The secrets of his heart are disclosed as he confesses and repents of his sin; this leads him to humble himself and worship the God who has provided the sacrifice for his salvation.

If we apply the standards of the seeker-sensitive movement to evaluate Jesus’ ministry, we get some interesting results. At one time, Jesus was preaching to thousands, and He clearly offends nearly all of those who heard Him. They desert Him, and “from this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him” (John 6:66). The Greek words in this verse mean they left and never came back. Jesus warned us that, far from healing our relationships with others, Christians will experience rifts in their closest relationships because of Him (Matthew 10:34-37). It is true that once we are saved life is better because we are reconciled to God and have a right relationship with Him. This provides the deepest peace that can be known. However, the rest of our lives will almost certainly be more difficult than before. God has said that we will experience persecution (Matthew 10:25), the rest of the world will look upon us as fools (1 Corinthians 1:1823), and we may even experience deep divisions in our own families all because of Christ (Luke 12:53). Jesus never intended for us to be popular with unbelievers, saying instead that He came to bring not peace, but a sword (Matthew 10:34).

The basic philosophy, theology, purpose, and end of the seeker-sensitive movement are entirely man-centered. However, some would say that regardless of the purpose, motive, and outcome of the movement being wrong, we can’t argue with the principle of getting the unsaved through the doors to hear the gospel. Certainly, any exposure we can give the unsaved to the gospel is a great thing. However, the seeker-sensitive movement sometimes doesn’t have the real gospel. Rather, it is a shell of the truth; it is hollow and void of the truths of sin, hell, and the holiness of God.

How is the rest of the body of Christ to respond to the seeker-sensitive movement? We are to “contend earnestly for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). We are to be all the more vigilant to model our churches after the instruction of Scripture. Eventually, this movement, like all others which have come and gone over the years, will run its course and fizzle out. The seeker movement is large and well accepted, but it will eventually give way to the next fad, and in some ways that has already happened with the Emerging Church movement. Oddities within the church come and go, but the biblical church, like her Lord, endures forever.

Should a church be seeker sensitive?
What is the spiritual formation movement?

What is the spiritual formation movement?

The spiritual formation movement is very popular today. It is, however, in many ways a move away from the truth of God’s Word to a mystical form of Christianity, and it has infiltrated, to some degree, nearly all evangelical denominations. This idea of spiritual formation is based on the premise that if we do certain practices, we can be more like Jesus. Proponents of spiritual formation erroneously teach that anyone can practice these mystical rituals and find God within themselves.

Too often, adherents of the current spiritual formation movement believe the spiritual disciplines transform the seeker by his or her entering an altered realm of consciousness. The spiritual formation movement is characterized by such things as contemplative prayercontemplative spirituality, and Christian mysticism.

True biblical spiritual formation, or spiritual transformation, begins with the understanding that we are sinners living apart from God. Our faculties have been corrupted by sin so that we cannot please God. True spiritual transformation occurs as we yield ourselves to God so that He may transform us by the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit. At least half of every New Testament epistle is geared toward how to live a life well pleasing to God—by obedience and submission to the Holy Spirit in all things. Scripture does not only call us the redeemed, saved, saints, sheep, soldiers, and servants, but teaches us that only through the power of the Spirit we can live up to what the names mean.

The following passages address various aspects of spiritual formation, the work of God in the life of the believer.

"For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren" (Romans 8:29). Here is the aim of transformation: that we may be like Christ.

"But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord" (2 Corinthians 3:18). This is part of a passage that teaches that we are changed into the image of Christ not by following rules and laws, but by following the leading of the Spirit by faith.

"At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life" (Titus 3:3-7).

Here, Paul reminds us of our before-and-after life. We have responded to the "kindness and love of God" shown to us by the death of Christ for our sins, repented of our sins, and now respond to the Spirit’s continual prompting and empowerment to live differently as God’s children. As a result, we have been transformed by the "rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit" (v. 5). This, then, is true spiritual formation—the reforming of our spirits by His Spirit into the image of Christ.

What is the Charismatic movement?

What is the Charismatic movement?

The Charismatic movement is an interdenominational Christian renewal movement and is one of the most popular and fastest-growing forces within the Christian world today. The movement traces its roots to 1906, at the Azusa Street mission in Los Angeles, California, a Methodist-sponsored revival. It was there that people claimed to have been “baptized by the Holy Spirit” in the manner recorded in Acts chapter 2 during the celebration of Pentecost. People speaking in tongues and miracles of healing roused people to a spiritual frenzy. The people who attended those meetings spread their enthusiasm throughout the United States, and the Pentecostal/Charismatic movement began.

By the early 1970s, the movement had spread to Europe, and during the 1980s the movement expanded, with a number of new denominations evolving from it. It is not unusual to see its influence in many other denominations such as Baptists, Episcopalians, and Lutherans, as well as non-denominational churches.

The movement takes its name from the Greek words charis, which is the English transliteration of the Greek word for “grace,” and mata, which is the Greek word meaning “gifts.” Charismata, then, means “grace gifts.” It emphasizes the manifestations of the gifts of the Holy Spirit as a sign of the presence of the Holy Spirit. These gifts are also known as the biblical “charisms,” or spiritual gifts which supposedly give an individual influence or authority over large numbers of people. The prominent gifts among these “charisms” are speaking in tongues and prophesying. Charismatics hold that the manifestations of the Holy Spirit given to those in the first-century church may still be experienced and practiced today.

The Charismatic movement is most known for its acceptance of speaking in tongues (also known as glossolalia), divine healing, and prophecies as evidence of the Holy Spirit. Most meetings are for praying and spirited singing, dancing, shouting “in the spirit,” and raising hands and arms in prayer. Also, anointing the sick with oil is often part of the worship service. These are the primary reasons for the movement’s growth and popularity. While growth and popularity are certainly desirable, they cannot be used as a test for truth.

The question remains: is the Charismatic movement scriptural? We can best answer that question this way: we know that since the creation of mankind Satan’s insidious master plan has been simply to put a veil between God’s children and God’s inerrant Word. It began in the Garden of Eden when the serpent asked Eve, “Did God really say . . .?” (Genesis 3:1), thereby raising doubt as to the authority and authenticity of what God had said. Ever since that day, he continues to attack the inerrancy and sufficiency of the Bible. Without question, we know that Satan has stepped up the pace of this strategy (1 Peter 5:8).

Today, we are witnessing a growing menace of demonic activity in the realm of the miraculous. Where Satan does not succeed in taking the Bible from us, he works hard at taking us from the Bible. He does this simply by getting Christians to focus their attention on the claims of men and women to some supernatural experience. As a result, those who seek after the experiences of others have neither time nor interest in searching the Scriptures for God’s truth.

There is no denying that God performs miracles. Some of what occurs in the Charismatic movement very well may be a true work of the Holy Spirit. However, the core truth is this: the Body of Christ does not need new apostles, nor new faith healers, nor self-styled miracle workers. What the Church needs is to return to the Word of God and proclaim the whole counsel of God in the power and love of the Holy Spirit.

What is holy laughter?

The term "holy laughter" was coined to describe a phenomenon during which a person laughs uncontrollably, presumably as a result of being filled with the Holy Spirit’s joy. It is characterized by peals of uncontrollable laughter, sometimes accompanied by swooning or falling down to the floor. Firsthand accounts from those who have had this experience vary somewhat, but all seem to believe it to be a sign of a "blessing" or "anointing" of the Holy Spirit.

The experience of holy laughter is, by nature, a subjective one. Therefore, in an effort to find the truth of the matter, we must try to be objective. When our definition of truth depends upon our experience of the world, we are a very short way from becoming entirely relative in our thinking. In short, feelings do not tell us what is true. Feelings are not bad, and sometimes our feelings are aligned with scriptural truth. However, they are more often aligned with our sin nature. The fickle nature of the heart makes it a very unreliable compass. "The heart is more deceitful than all else, and is desperately sick; who can understand it?" (Jeremiah 17:9). This deceitful-heart principle is specifically applicable to the phenomenon known as "holy laughter." There is no doubt that people have indeed begun to laugh uncontrollably at revival meetings. That is a fact. But what does it really mean?

Laughter is addressed a number of times in the Bible. Often it is used to describe a mocking or scornful response, as was the case with Abraham and Sarah who laughed when God told them they would bear a child in their old age. Some verses use it as a sign of derision (Psalm 59:8Psalm 80:6Proverbs 1:26), and still others make pointed statements about the nature of laughter itself. Solomon, for example, made the following observation in Ecclesiastes 2:2: "I said of laughter, ‘It is madness,’ and of pleasure, ‘What does it accomplish?’" He then goes on to say, in 7:3, "Sorrow is better than laughter, for when a face is sad a heart may be happy." Proverbs 14:13 says the reverse: "Even in laughter the heart may be in pain, and the end of joy may be grief." Both of these verses are true: a sad person may laugh to cover his sadness, and a person may cry although he is inwardly happy. So, not only does emotion fail to give us truth, but we also see that laughter is not always indicative of joy. It can mean anger, sadness, or derision. Likewise, the lack of laughter does not automatically mean sadness. Laughter is clearly subjective.

The most convincing scriptural argument against what is called "holy laughter" is found in Galatians 5:22-23. It says, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law." If self-control is a fruit of the Spirit of God, how can uncontrollable laughter also be a fruit of His Spirit? Revival leaders claim that being filled with the Spirit means that we are sort of "tossed about" by His whims. But the idea that God would make people act drunk or laugh uncontrollably or make animal noises as a result of the Spirit’s anointing is directly opposed to the way the Spirit acts, according to Galatians 5:22-23. The Spirit described in Galatians 5 is one who promotes self-control within us, not the opposite. Finally, there was no one in the Bible more filled with the Holy Spirit than Jesus, and not once does the Bible ever record Him laughing.

In light of these things, it is profitable to take a look at the following passage from 1 Corinthians 14, where Paul talks about speaking in tongues: "But now, brethren, if I come to you speaking in tongues, what will I profit you unless I speak to you either by way of revelation or of knowledge or of prophecy or of teaching?" (v.6).

"For if the bugle produces an indistinct sound, who will prepare himself for battle? So also you, unless you utter by the tongue speech that is clear, how will it be known what is spoken? For you will be speaking into the air” (vv. 8-9).

"What is the outcome then, brethren? When you assemble, each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification. If anyone speaks in a tongue, it should be by two or at the most three, and each in turn, and one must interpret; but if there is no interpreter, he must keep silent in the church; and let him speak to himself and to God" (vv. 26-28).

"...for God is not a God of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints" (v. 33).

In those days, many people in the churches were speaking in languages that were unrecognizable to others, and, therefore, Paul says they were useless in the church because the speaker could not edify others with his speech. The same could be applied to holy laughter. What does it profit (Paul asks) unless we speak to one another with revelation, teaching, knowledge and truth? Again, he says, "Let all things be done for edification." He caps off his argument by saying, "God is not a God of confusion, but of peace," which makes it clear that he does not want the atmosphere within the church to be one of confusion and meaninglessness, but one of knowledge and edification.

It seems, from what Paul is saying, that which is called "holy laughter" would fall under the category of what is "not edifying" to the body of Christ, and should therefore be avoided. We have recognized that a) laughter is an unreliable emotional response; b) it can be a sign of several different emotions; and c) it does not accomplish anything useful. Furthermore, uncontrollable spasms of emotion are contrary to the nature of the Holy Spirit. It is advisable, therefore, not to look to "holy laughter" as a means of growing nearer to God or as a means of experiencing His Spirit.

What is holy laughter?

What is the Pentecostal Church and what do Pentecostals believe?

Pentecostalism is a fairly modern movement within Christianity that can be traced back to the Holiness movement in the Methodist Church. A major focus of Pentecostal churches is Holy Spirit baptism as evidenced by speaking in tongues. There are approximately 170 different denominations that identify themselves as Pentecostal.

Toward the end of the 19th century, there was a dramatic rise in religious fervor as various groups anticipated the end of history and the return of Christ in 1900. Much of this fervor was driven by the revival meetings held by those in the Holiness movement, and there were occasional reports of people speaking in tongues. The first widespread use of tongues was at a revival in Topeka, Kansas, in January 1900, led by Charles Parham. Agnes Ozman, a Methodist, began to speak in tongues, and others in the meeting eventually followed suit. In 1906, a series of revival meetings on Azusa Street in Los Angeles led to a widespread experience of tongues-speaking, which spread to many parts of the country. The meetings were led by William Seymour, one of Charles Parham’s students. Parham and Seymour eventually parted ways, because Parham believed many of the manifestations of Azusa Street were of the flesh, or perhaps even demonic. By 1909, Seymour had excluded all but African-Americans from holding office in the mission, and the ministry eventually faded into history.

Though the Azusa Street mission had a brief life, its impact on the Pentecostal movement has been a lasting one. Many new churches and missions were founded across America which carried the new emphasis on seeking the baptism of the Spirit as evidenced by speaking in tongues. Today, there are over 200,000,000 denominational Pentecostals and another 200,000,000 who identify themselves as Pentecostal or charismatic in mainline churches.

There are three main divisions within the Pentecostal movement. The original group which came out of the Holiness churches (Methodist and Nazarene), sees three progressive steps in the life of a believer which indicate growth and blessing. The first step is justification, which is the forgiveness of sins that comes from putting faith in Jesus Christ. The second step is sanctification, or the second blessing, which was first taught by John Wesley in his “A Plain Account of Christian Perfection” (1766). The essence of this doctrine is an inner purity of heart and an infusion of power, whereby the believer no longer practices sin. This is sometimes followed by the third step, the “baptism of the Spirit,” as evidenced by speaking in tongues or other signs. The Church of God in Christ and the Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee, are two major denominations in this group.

The second division is comprised of those who came out of a Baptist background, but were heavily influenced by the Holiness revivals of the late 1800s. The Assemblies of God was founded in 1914 under the leadership of Eudorus N. Bell, who had been a Southern Baptist pastor. The key difference in doctrine for this group is that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is available for anyone, regardless of attaining sanctification.

The third division is the Oneness Pentecostals. At the meeting which formed the Church of God in Christ (1914), there was intense debate over Trinitarian doctrine. While the majority of Holiness believers held to the traditional belief in the Trinity, there was a growing group which held to a modalist belief and affirmed that baptism should be done in Jesus’ name only. Another tenet of this group is the necessity of speaking in tongues as evidence of salvation. This group was to form the United Pentecostal Church and the Apostolic Pentecostal Church, among others.

What are we to make of this movement? The early Holiness believers recognized that Christianity ought to result in visible changes in a person’s life. The focus of many early prayer meetings was to “throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles” (Hebrews 12:1). These earnest believers wanted to run their race faithfully and were seeking God’s help to do so. As that earnestness gave way to emotional religious fervor, doctrines were developed to explain and support the emotions and experiences. For many today, the emphasis is on the excitement, the experience, or the new word of prophecy. Some of the questionable foundations laid by John Wesley (e.g., a second blessing of perfection) paved the way for later Pentecostal doctrines of new works of the Spirit. Some Pentecostals allow experience to trump scriptural teaching and attempt to conform Scripture to what they “know by experience.” But fervent experience, even when it involves miracles, is not the test of true faith (see Matthew 7:22–23). Peter affirmed the value of Scripture over experience when he said, “We also have a more sure Word of prophecy, to which you do well to take heed, as to a light that shines in a dark place” (2 Peter 1:19).

What is the Pentecostal Church and what do Pentecostals believe?

What is the Latter Rain Movement?

The Latter Rain Movement is an influence within Pentecostalism which teaches that the Lord is pouring out His Spirit again, as He did at Pentecost, and using believers to prepare the world for His Second Coming. The Latter Rain Movement is anti-dispensational and amillennial, and many leaders of the movement embrace aberrant teachings.

The term “latter rain” was first used early in the history of Pentecostalism, when David Wesley Myland wrote a book called Latter Rain Songs in 1907. Three years later, Myland wrote The Latter Rain Covenant, a defense of Pentecostalism in general.

The name comes from Joel 2:23, “Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your God: for He hath given you the former rain moderately, and He will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month.” Pentecostals interpreted the “rain” in this verse as an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The “latter rain” (the end-times outpouring) would be greater than the “former rain.”

In 1948, a “revival” broke out in Saskatchewan, Canada, and the teachings of the Latter Rain movement were clarified. Those involved in the revival were convinced that they were on the verge of a new era, one in which the Holy Spirit would demonstrate His power in a greater way than the world had ever seen. Not even the age of the apostles, they said, had witnessed such a movement of the Holy Spirit.

Latter Rain teaching is characterized by a highly typological hermeneutic. That is, the Bible is interpreted in a symbolic, extremely stylized manner. An emphasis is placed on extra-biblical revelation, such as personal prophecies, experiences, and directives straight from God. Latter Rain doctrine includes the following beliefs:

- the gifts of the Spirit, including tongues, are received through the laying on of hands

- Christians can be demonized and require deliverance

- God has restored all the offices of ministry to the Church, including apostle and prophet

- divine healing can be administered through the laying on of hands

- praise and worship will usher God into our presence

- women have a full and equal ministry role in the Church

- denominational lines will be destroyed, and the Church will unify in the last days

- the “latter rain” will bring God’s work to completion; the Church will be victorious over the world and usher in Christ’s kingdom

Many “apostles” in the Latter Rain Movement also teach the doctrine of “the manifest sons of God.” This is a heretical doctrine which says that the Church will give rise to a special group of “overcomers” who will receive spiritual bodies, becoming immortal.

It is important to note that the Assemblies of God deemed the Latter Rain Movement to contain heresy from the very beginning. On April 20, 1949, the Assemblies of God officially denounced Latter Rain teaching, nearly splitting the denomination in the process. Other established Pentecostal groups have passed similar resolutions.

Today, the term “latter rain” is rarely used, but the theology of Latter Rain continues to exert an influence. Most branches of the Charismatic Movement adhere to Latter Rain teaching. Modern movements such as the Brownsville/Pensacola Revival, the Toronto Blessing, and the “holy laughter” phenomenon are a direct result of Latter Rain theology.

What is the Latter Rain Movement?

What is the New Apostolic Church, and what do they believe?

The New Apostolic Church (NAC) is a religious group that perverts Christian doctrine, teaches the existence of modern-day apostles and prophets, and promotes a works-based salvation.

Like Mormonism, the New Apostolic Church was founded in the 19th century with the claim that all other Christian denominations were in error. Also like the Mormons, the New Apostolic Church claims to base its doctrines on Scripture, but twists it to suit their own heresies. They actually have some very good teaching on church history, the trinity, and other mainstream Christian doctrines—mixing truth and error is a Satanic tactic that makes error harder to spot (see Matthew 4:5–6).

The New Apostolic Church imbues their “apostles” with cult-like authority, teaching that no one has access to God’s forgiveness, sacraments, or salvation except through them. The New Apostolic Church began as an offshoot of the Catholic Apostolic Church, founded in England in the 1830s as the result of a prophecy that “restored” apostolic succession, making their founders the first apostles called by God since the death of the apostle John. This is an astonishing claim considering they also believe that the grace of God does not operate apart from God’s apostles. According to the Eighth Article of Faith in the New Apostolic Church catechism, “those baptised with water must, through an Apostle, receive the gift of the Holy Spirit to attain the childhood in God.” So, apparently, God neglected to bring anyone into His kingdom for eighteen centuries until the New Apostolic Church came along. The New Apostolic Church claims some ten million members in 60,000 locations worldwide, mostly in Europe, with perhaps 250 congregations in the U.S.

Other errors of the New Apostolic Church include these teachings: 1) water baptism is necessary for the forgiveness of sins; 2) baptism is only the first of several steps toward becoming a “child of God”; 3) legitimate Christian baptism can only be administered by an apostle (i.e., a New Apostolic Church apostle, since they do not recognize apostles of other denominations); 4) the gift of the Holy Spirit is received only through a New Apostolic Church apostle, and only after water baptism; 5) it is through New Apostolic Church apostles that God forgives sins; and 6) prayers and sacramental rites for the dead are effectual for the salvation of the dead.

These teachings make the New Apostolic Church a works-based cult. They require works that clearly involve a lifetime of obedience to the teachings and leadership of the New Apostolic Church to reach the highest spiritual levels. Here also from The Eighth Article of Faith:

“‘Childhood in God’ is that condition of a human being before God which is characterised by receiving all the sacraments and aligning one’s life by the return of Christ, in accordance with the proper proclamation of the gospel. The future effect of receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit is to attain the status of firstling. However, the sealed believer has not yet acquired the status of firstling, but through the baptism of the Spirit, he has received the prerequisite for attaining it. If the believer strives for the day of Christ, he can belong to the bridal congregation, or the 'community of the saints'. Sealed believers have been assigned the task of following Christ continually and allowing themselves to be prepared for the return of Jesus Christ through word and sacrament.”

As with many Christian-based heretical groups, the New Apostolic Church requires a multi-step hierarchy of deeds, all of which must be done properly under the continual guidance and authority of the cult, in the vague hope of eventually, maybe, reaching the highest level—in this case, the “community of saints.” Also we notice their use of obscure terms such as firstling not found in Scripture.

Contrast the requirement of sacraments with the clear gospel promises: “To all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:12). “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17). “Those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified” (Romans 8:29–30). “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1).

One of the false doctrines of the New Apostolic Church is baptismal regeneration. Regarding baptism, the New Apostolic Church teaches, “Holy Baptism with water is the first step to a renewal of a human being in the Holy Spirit, and that the person baptised is adopted into the fellowship of those who believe in Jesus Christ and profess Him as their Lord.” Also, “Original sin is washed away through Holy Baptism with water and that the baptised is now incorporated into the church of Christ. He thereby becomes a Christian” (New Apostolic Church Catechism, Sixth Article of Faith).

In contrast, water baptism in the Bible always comes after saving faith in Christ. Baptism for believers is a public, symbolic expression of their acceptance by faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Romans 3:23–25). For example, the evangelist Philip explained the gospel to the Ethiopian eunuch, who believed and was then baptized (Acts 8:34–38). The apostle Peter was called by God to go to the house of a Gentile and preach the gospel to that household. While Peter was preaching, they believed and received the Holy Spirit. So Peter said, “Can anyone keep these people from being baptized with water? They have received the Holy Spirit just as we have” (Acts 10:44–47). The order in Scripture could not be clearer: become a Christian by faith first, be baptized second.

Members of the New Apostolic Church need to be freed from a false gospel taught by false prophets. Freedom is found in the simple message of saving grace contained in the true gospel of Jesus Christ (John 3:16Acts 4:121 Corinthians 2:2Galatians 1:6–9).

What is the New Apostolic Church, and what do they believe?

What is the New Apostolic Reformation?

The New Apostolic Reformation, or NAR, is an unbiblical religious movement that emphasizes experience over Scripture, mysticism over doctrine, and modern-day “apostles” over the plain text of the Bible. Of particular distinction in the New Apostolic Reformation are the role and power of spiritual leaders and miracle-workers, the reception of “new” revelations from God, an over-emphasis on spiritual warfare, and a pursuit of cultural and political control in society. The seeking of signs and wonders in the NAR is always accompanied by blatantly false doctrine.

Growth in the New Apostolic Reformation is driven primarily through small groups and church planting, often completely independent of a parent congregation. The movement is not centrally controlled, and many of its followers will not self-identify as part of it or even recognize the name. All the same, thousands of churches and millions of believers adhere to the teachings of the New Apostolic Reformation. Popular teachers associated with the New Apostolic Reformation include Bill Johnson, Rick Joyner, Kim Clement, and Lou Engle.

The New Apostolic Reformation teaches that God’s intended form of church governance is apostles and prophets, holding leadership over evangelists, pastors, and teachers. However, this has not been the case for the vast majority of Christian history. So, according to the New Apostolic Reformation, God began to restore prophets and apostles over the last thirty to forty years. Only now, as the church is properly guided by the appropriate spiritual leaders, can it fulfill its commission. This commission is seen as more than spiritual, as it includes cultural and political control.

In the New Apostolic Reformation, apostles are seen as the highest of all spiritual leaders, being specially empowered by God. True maturity and unity, per the New Apostolic Reformation, is only found in those who submit to the leadership of their apostles. According to this teaching, as the church unifies behind the apostles, these leaders will develop greater and greater supernatural powers. Eventually, this will include the ability to perform mass healings and suspend the laws of physics. These signs are meant to encourage a massive wave of converts to Christianity. These apostles are also destined to be recipients of a great wealth transfer (in the end times), which will enable the church to establish God’s kingdom on earth.

Prophets in the New Apostolic Reformation are almost as important as apostles. These people have been empowered to receive “new” revelations from God that will aid the church in establishing dominion. According to the New Apostolic Reformation, only prophets, and occasionally apostles, can obtain new revelations. Evangelists, pastors, and teachers cannot. The prophets’ new revelations are crucial to overcoming the world, and the success of the church depends on the apostles following through on the information prophets provide. Most of their prophecies are extremely vague and easy to re-interpret, and the New Apostolic Reformation is willing to modify them, since they set no standard of infallibility for themselves.

According to New Apostolic thinking, mankind lost its dominion over earth as part of the fall of Adam. So Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross not only resolved our sin debt, but it empowered mankind—specifically, Christians—to retake control of the earth. The New Apostolic Reformation sees seven areas in which believers are supposedly empowered and expected to dominate: government, arts, finances, education, religion, family, and media. Of these, the New Apostolic Reformation sees government as the most important because of its ability to influence all of the other facets of life. As a result, the New Apostolic Reformation overtly encourages Christian control over politics, culture, and business. In some ways, this is nothing unusual, as people should be expected to vote and lobby according to their convictions. The New Apostolic Reformation, however, is often accused of pushing for outright theocracy.

Spiritual warfare, according to the New Apostolic Reformation, is meant to resolve worldly concerns. For example, economic troubles or health problems in a particular city are seen as the result of a demonic spirit’s influence. Prayer, research into the specific name of that demon, and other spiritual disciplines are then applied in an effort to combat this presence. This is necessary not only for the health of the region, but also because the church cannot take “dominion” over that area until the demonic control has been lifted.

Biblically, there are major problems with the New Apostolic Reformation. Claiming that Christians have access to certain spiritual gifts is one thing, but their distinctive approach to the role of apostles and prophets is a stretch from what is found in the Bible. More to the point, the office of apostle requires traits that are impossible today. For example, true apostles must be personal eyewitnesses of the risen Christ (1 Corinthians 9:115:7–8), specifically designated as apostles by Jesus (Galatians 1:1Acts 1:2Luke 6:13), and already verified by miraculous signs (Matthew 10:12 Corinthians 12:2Acts 5:12).

The idea of new revelations from God, especially those that come in the form of vague, easily reinterpreted mysteries, runs counter to the idea of a faith delivered “once for all” to mankind (Jude 1:3). The fact that New Apostolic Reformation prophecies frequently turn out to be false suggests a false spirit behind those predictions (Deuteronomy 18:22). The tendency of the New Apostolic Reformation to treat spiritual warfare as a type of Christianized voodoo is not only unbiblical, but dangerous.

Likewise, the emphasis on an earthly kingdom contradicts Jesus’ own declaration that the Kingdom of God was spiritual, not political (John 18:36). It places an unhealthy emphasis on political and worldly approval, rather than Christlike influence.

Though it uses the word new, the New Apostolic Reformation is actually a reworking of a very common, very old approach. Since the beginning of Christianity, various groups have claimed to have a “new revelation” from God to correct all of the errors of the present world. These movements contend that “real” spirituality or maturity or truth is found only by those who listen to their leadership. Some of these sects, such as the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormonism, endure and become religions in their own right. Others fade away.

Much of what the New Apostolic Reformation teaches has at least some basis in Scripture, albeit carried much further than the Bible intends. That, however, still makes those doctrines unbiblical, and Christians should flatly reject the New Apostolic Reformation’s teachings and those who choose to be associated with it.

What is the New Apostolic Reformation?

(Got Questions Ministries)

What is the New Apostolic Reformation? What does the NAR teach? Who are some of the NAR False Prophets of the New Apostolic Reformation heresy? In this video, Pastor Nelson with Bible Munch answers the question, “What is the New Apostolic Reformation?”

What is the New Apostolic Reformation?

Is God restoring the offices of apostle and prophet in the church today?

The movement to restore the offices of apostle and prophet bases the claim that apostles and prophets are to be a part of the church on Ephesians 4:11-12. These verses say, "And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ."

During the first century of the church, there was an office of apostle and there was a spiritual gift of apostle. The office or position of apostle was held by the 12 disciples of Jesus plus Matthias, who took Judas’ place, and Paul. Those who held the office or position of apostle were chosen specifically by Christ (Mark 3:16-19). The replacement for Judas is seen in Acts 1:20-26. Note in this passage that Judas' position was called an office. It should also be noted that Paul was chosen by Christ (1 Corinthians 15:8-9Galatians 1:12:6-9). These men were given the task of setting up the foundation of the church. It should be understood that it was for the universal church that these men were a part of the foundation (Ephesians 2:20). The foundation of the church (universal church) was laid in the first century. This is why the office of apostle is no longer functioning.

There was also a spiritual gift of apostle (this is not to be confused with the office—they are separate). Among those who had the spiritual gift were James (1 Corinthians 15:7Galatians 1:19), Barnabas (Acts 14:4141 Corinthians 9:6), Andronicus and Junias (Romans 16:7), possibly Silas and Timothy (1 Thessalonians 1:12:7), and Apollos (1 Corinthians 4:69). This latter group had the gift of apostleship but not the apostolic "office" conferred upon the Twelve and Paul. Those who had the gift of apostle, then, were those who carried the gospel message with God’s authority. The word "apostle" means "one sent as an authoritative delegate." This was true of those who held the office of Apostle (like Paul) and those who had the spiritual gift (like Apollos). Though there are men like this today, men who are sent by God to spread the gospel, it is best NOT to refer to them as apostles because of the confusion this causes since many are not aware of the two different uses of the term apostle.

The gift of prophet was a temporary gift given by the Christ for the laying of the foundation of the universal church. Prophets also were foundational to the universal church (Ephesians 2:20). The prophet proclaimed a message from the Lord for the believers of the first century. These believers did not have the advantage we have of having a complete Bible. The last book of the New Testament (Revelation) was not completed until late in the first century. So the Lord provided gifted men called prophets who proclaimed messages from God to the people until the canon of Scripture was complete.

It should be noted that the current teaching of the restoration of prophet and the office of apostle is far from what Scripture describes of the men who held the gift of prophet and the office of apostle. Those who teach the restoration of the office teach that the men who claim to be apostles and prophets should never be spoken against, should never be questioned, because the person who speaks against them is speaking against God. Yet, the Apostle Paul commended the people of Berea for checking what he said against the Word of God to make sure he spoke the truth (Acts 17:10-11). The Apostle Paul also stated to those in Galatia that if anyone, including himself, should teach another Gospel, that person should be "accursed" (Galatians 1:8-9). In everything, Paul kept pointing people to the Bible as the final authority. The men who claim to be apostles and prophets today make themselves the final authority, something Paul and the Twelve never did.

It should also be noted that Scripture refers to these men in the past tense. 2 Peter 3:2 and also Jude 3-4, state that the people should not stray from the message the apostles gave (past tense). Hebrews 2:3-4 also speaks in the past tense of the those who performed (in the past) signs, wonders, miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Is God restoring the offices of apostle and prophet in the church today? (Got Questions Ministries)

What does the Bible say about the offices of Apostle and Prophet in the Church today? Are there new Apostles and Prophets? Should we listen to those who claim be an Apostle or Prophet, or should we write them off as false apostles and false prophets? Lastly, does the Lord offer us a new prophetic word for the church today? In this video, Pastor Nelson with Bible Munch answers the question, “Is God restoring the offices of apostle and prophet in the church today?”.

Is God restoring the offices of apostle and prophet in the church today
What is Sozo ministry / Sozo prayer?

What is Sozo ministry / Sozo prayer?

Sozo ministry, or Sozo prayer (from the Greek word for “save” or “deliver”), is defined as “a unique inner healing and deliverance ministry in which the main aim is to get to the root of those things hindering your personal connection with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” Sozo has its roots in the Charismatic movement, being created by a group of people from the Bethel Church in Redding, California, and modeled after spiritual practices observed at revivals in Argentina. The group that originated Sozo is tied to such aberrant movements as the Toronto Blessing and the New Apostolic Reformation.

A Sozo session is designed to provide Holy Spirit-led wholeness and freedom for the Sozoee (the one seeking deliverance). Sozo requires the presence of a mediator or guide who is trained to walk Sozoees through a time of prayer and reflection to facilitate intimacy with God. The facilitator guides the Sozoee through an ascent of the “Father Ladder,” in which the Sozoee is encouraged to “visualize” God and speak to the image of the Lord created in the mind’s eye. This is followed by identifying various “doors” that have allowed sin to enter one’s life, closing them, and “sealing” them by the blood of Jesus. Obstacles to the process are identified as “walls” that must be torn down. When a “door” is closed or a “wall” is demolished, the Sozoee is told to give a single clap of the hands to help disengage the lie that had taken root in his or her mind. Past hurts are explored as various “rooms” of the mind are opened and searched—some Sozo practitioners even claim to track down spiritual wounds acquired in the womb.

According to the Bethel Sozo website, one of the goals of Sozo is to enable participants to “heal your relationship with God to enable you to fulfill your destiny.” Sozo aims for the complete healing of body, soul, and spirit. Sozoees will know their deliverance is complete when they are able to discern that the “strong man” has been defeated (based on Mark 3:27).

One of the emphases of Sozo is extending forgiveness to those who have wounded or in some way committed an offense against the Sozoee. Forgiveness is granted in order to bring about certain blessings:

– forgiveness relieves one of a burden he had carried
– forgiveness frees one from a “prison of torment”
– forgiveness closes a “door” that was allowing Satan access to one’s life
– forgiveness allows one to “step out of the way” and let God have a “direct line” to the offender

Sozo ministry, like any other process, should be evaluated according to the Bible. Intimacy with God is definitely something we should seek, and forgiveness of others is a biblical command; however, the methodology of Sozo is questionable. Attaining intimacy with God via a facilitated mental journey through visualizations and new spiritual experiences is nowhere taught in Scripture. With its visualization techniques, guided meditation, and “soaking prayer,” Sozo is, in many ways, closer to New Age mysticism than to Christian practice.

Our motivation for forgiveness should be more than reaping the blessings that come from “letting go.” Biblically, we forgive in obedience to God and because we have been forgiven (Colossians 3:13). Maturity in Christ comes with the exercise of the spiritual gifts within the church and “speaking the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:11–16). Sanctification comes through the Word of God (John 17:17).

A Christian’s destiny is to be conformed to the image of God’s Son (Romans 8:29), and God will complete His work in him (Philippians 1:6). A Christian has already been blessed with “every spiritual gift in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 1:3). A Christian has the written Word of God and needs not seek further messages from God or new experiences in the spiritual realm. This truth, coupled with the link between Sozo ministry and the New Apostolic Reformation, should make us cautious about engaging in Sozo prayer.

What is Grave Sucking, Grave Soaking or Mantle Grabbing?

Grave sucking, also known as grave soaking or mantle grabbing, is the act of lying across the physical grave of a deceased preacher or evangelist for the purpose of “pulling out” the power of the Holy Spirit, a power that was purportedly “trapped” within the body upon the person’s death. The aberrant practice of grave sucking was initiated within the Charismatic movement and Word of Faith teachings, which are an amalgamation of orthodox Christianity and mysticism. Videos and images across the internet show grave suckers kneeling at or lying across the grave plots or gravestones of famous figures such as C. S. Lewis, John Calvin, or Charles Finney in hopes of “grabbing” the abandoned spiritual mantle or “soaking up” an anointing like a sponge.

Grave sucking or mantle grabbing is based upon the idea that the spiritual calling of an individual who has died may be reclaimed and used by another person. The theory is that God uses the Holy Spirit to “anoint” certain believers with a specific purpose, such as healing or prophecy, but, when the person dies, God’s work is thwarted. Thus, the Holy Spirit is “wasted,” lying upon the bones and unable to continue the calling. Unrecovered anointing is apparently available to anyone who would physically come and claim it. This superstitious practice is blatantly unbiblical, spiritually dangerous, and tremendously misleading for uninformed believers.

All power comes from God (Job 26:14Matthew 19:26)—not from gravesites. Our individual life’s purpose is given by God Himself (1 Corinthians 7:17); another believer’s empowerment cannot be “sucked out” or “grabbed” from a corpse. To ascribe spiritual power to the bones of the dead, no matter how godly the deceased was in life, is idolatry (Exodus 20:3Isaiah 42:8John 4:24). The Holy Spirit resides in every believer (John 14:16–171 Corinthians 6:19–20)—not just “anointed saints.” The Holy Spirit cannot be trapped by the death of a human being; the teaching of grave sucking objectifies the Holy Spirit and limits His power to certain locales.

A possible “proof text” for grave sucking is 2 King 13:21, in which a dead man is thrown into an open grave, and, when his body touches the bones of Elisha, the man is resurrected. This biblical account could be used to show that power or “anointing” is still present in a prophet’s bones after death. However, there is a major difference between the biblical event and the modern concept of grave sucking, namely, the recipient of the power was dead. No one was seeking a mantle or an anointing; God simply chose to perform a resurrection, honoring the memory of His prophet in the process.

At its root, grave sucking is founded upon a misunderstanding of the mantle or cloak the prophets of the Bible sometimes wore as a sign of their calling from God (1 Kings 19:131 Samuel 15:27). Most well-known is the story of the prophet Elijah passing his mantle on to his protégé Elisha. The Bible shows Elijah using his cloak as a symbol of his ministry and God’s authority (1 Kings 19:15–16192 Kings 2:1–11). After Elijah was translated into heaven, Elisha picked up the mantle and became Israel’s new prophet (2 Kings 2:14). The passing of the mantle was a symbolic act, however; a physical object has no inherent spiritual power. Like many Old Testament objects and events, the mantle was “a shadow of the good things that are coming—not the realities themselves” (Hebrews 10:1).

The grave sucking phenomenon originated in Bill Johnson’s Bethel Church in Redding, California, an organization associated with other unconventional practices such as Sozo prayer and heretical movements such as the Toronto Blessing and the New Apostolic Reformation. Conflicting sources claim grave sucking is an ongoing joke among students from the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, which, if true, would be a tragic mishandling of biblical truth (2 Timothy 2:15). Even Charismamag, a Charismatic magazine, condemns grave sucking in no uncertain terms. Yet Bill Johnson says in the book Physics of Heaven, “There are anointings, mantles, revelations and mysteries that have lain unclaimed, literally where they were left, because the generation that walked in them never passed them on. I believe it’s possible for us to recover realms of anointing, realms of insight, realms of God that have been untended for decades simply by choosing to reclaim them and perpetuate them for future generations” (quoted by Judy Franklin and Ellyn Davis in The Physics of Heaven: Exploring the Mysteries of God in Sound, Light, Energy, Vibrations, and Quantum Physics, Chapter 4: “Recovering Our Spiritual Inheritance,” Shippensburg, Penn.: Destiny Image Publishers, Inc., 2012). Whether sincere or facetious, the practice of grave sucking, grave soaking, or mantle grabbing has led many believers astray.

To visit the grave of a departed man or woman of God could certainly be a blessing or offer encouragement of faith through personal reflection, but any positive effects would come from God Himself (James 1:17)—not from the bones of the dead or some kind of mystical power trapped therein. All believers are already anointed, chosen for a specific purpose in furthering God’s Kingdom (2 Corinthians 1:21–221 John 2:20). We need go no further than on our knees to find true purpose from God (Romans 12:2). We walk by faith, not by sight, and not by sucking.

What is Grave Sucking, Grave Soaking or Mantle Grabbing?

What is Bethel Church, Redding CA?

Bill Johnson and Bethel Church (Redding, California) and the churches that follow the lead of Bethel Redding are firmly within the New Apostolic Reformation movement, which is unbiblical and spiritually dangerous. The Bethel Church can be characterized as promoting Word of Faith teaching, the prosperity gospeldominionism, “grave sucking,” and other aberrant doctrines and practices.

Bethel Redding has also become associated with certain phenomena that are interpreted by the leadership and the congregation as manifesting the presence and glory of God. The phenomena include the appearance of “glory clouds” and gold dust and “angel feathers” falling from the ceiling (or perhaps from the ventilation system). Some of the phenomena, such as the “angel feathers,” are easy to critique. Nowhere does the Bible say that angels have feathers. Rather, angels are spiritual beings and most often appear as men. To assert that feathers falling from the ceiling must be evidence of angels nearby is absurd. Likewise, in the Bible, whenever the glory of God was manifest, the universal response was fear and conviction (see Isaiah 6). The response of those in the Bethel movement is usually wonder mixed with excitement, dancing, and recording it with cell phone cameras. While these particular phenomena are never mentioned in the Bible and are somewhat eccentric, they are not the main problem at Bethel.

The bigger problem stems from the theology of the Bethel Church and Bill Johnson, who was influenced by the likes of John Wimber and the false teachers of the Toronto Blessing. Consistent with others in the New Apostolic Reformation, Johnson teaches that people today are receiving direct words from God and that the offices of apostle and prophet have been restored to the church. In this way, Johnson presents a low view of Scripture: the Bible must be either incomplete or insufficient, if we must keep adding to it with the words of modern-day prophets.

At Bethel Church, healing and deliverance are the evidence of “real” gospel ministry. There must be demonstrations of power. Signs and wonders are evidence of salvation. Bethel teaches that we can speak things into existence by faith or that we can even command God to speak them into existence. According to Bethel, physical healing was purchased in the atonement of Christ, and God wants to heal. Christians should not pray for healing by saying, “If it is Your will,” because by faith we know that it is His will to heal. (Bethel Church claims to have experienced incredible instances of healing and even resurrections, but, as usual, these accounts are difficult to independently verify.)

Bill Johnson also criticizes Christians who rely more on the Bible than on the Holy Spirit. He states that most Christians operate under a Trinity of “Father, Son, and Holy Bible.” According to Johnson’s own testimony, early in his ministry he knew correct doctrine but did not have any power, and he did not experience the presence of God. When he finally did experience that presence, after seeking the experience by faith, he knew that this was the missing key to effective Christian living and ministry. According to Johnson, what Christians need is not doctrine but the manifest presence of God, and Bethel Redding is committed to seeking and experiencing this. “Bethel Redding’s mission is to create a vibrant family of hope-filled believers who deeply experience the love and presence of God and partner with Jesus to express the joy and power of His kingdom in every area of life” (from the church’s official website, accessed 5/13/19).

While there is much on Bethel’s website about spiritual experiences, there is precious little doctrine. Under the “We Believe” heading are the following points of doctrine:
– There is only one true God who is the eternal King, Creator and Redeemer of all that is.
– He is perfectly holy, just, loving and truthful.
– He has revealed Himself to be eternally self-existent—one being in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
– The Bible is the inspired and only infallible and authoritative Word of God.

Revival is emphasized on Bethel’s website, and there are hints of the gospel there (“We believe Jesus Christ’s sacrifice of Himself made grace available that has the power to transform any individual’s life”). However, the gospel is never clearly defined. Rather than speak of repentance and faith, there is an emphasis upon an “encounter with Christ,” which is understood in physical and emotional terms. In addition to visceral encounters with Jesus, there is a consistent emphasis upon the power that Christians should display, especially in the area of healing. Through the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, Bethel Redding conducts training on how to begin a “lifestyle of healing and miracles.”

Bill Johnson’s teachings are misguided and imbalanced. At the very least, we can conclude that Bill Johnson and Bethel Redding omit discussion of vitally important issues at the heart of the gospel and elevate other issues to a place they do not deserve. In the process, they teach a lot of things that are biblically inaccurate. “I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who . . . put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them” (Romans 16:17).

What is Bethel Church, Redding CA
What is the emerging / emergent church movement?

What is the emerging / emergent church movement?

The emerging, or emergent, church movement takes its name from the idea that as culture changes, a new church should emerge in response. In this case, it is a response by various church leaders to the current era of post-modernism. Although post-modernism began in the 1950s, the church didn’t really seek to conform to its tenets until the 1990s. Post-modernism can be thought of as a dissolution of "cold, hard fact" in favor of "warm, fuzzy subjectivity." The emerging / emergent church movement can be thought of the same way.

The emerging / emergent church movement falls into line with basic post-modernist thinking—it is about experience over reason, subjectivity over objectivity, spirituality over religion, images over words, outward over inward, feelings over truth. These are reactions to modernism and are thought to be necessary in order to actively engage contemporary culture. This movement is still fairly new, though, so there is not yet a standard method of "doing" church amongst the groups choosing to take a post-modern mindset. In fact, the emerging church rejects any standard methodology for doing anything. Therefore, there is a huge range of how far groups take a post-modernist approach to Christianity. Some groups go only a little way in order to impact their community for Christ, and remain biblically sound. Most groups, however, embrace post-modernist thinking, which eventually leads to a very liberal, loose translation of the Bible. This, in turn, lends to liberal doctrine and theology.

For example, because experience is valued more highly than reason, truth becomes relative. Relativism opens up all kinds of problems, as it destroys the standard that the Bible contains absolute truth, negating the belief that biblical truth can be absolute. If the Bible is not our source for absolute truth, and personal experience is allowed to define and interpret what truth actually is, a saving faith in Jesus Christ is rendered meaningless.

Another area where the emerging / emergent church movement has become anti-biblical is its focus on ecumenism. Unity among people coming from different religious backgrounds and diversity in the expression of corporate worship are strong focuses of the emergent church movement. Being ecumenical means that compromise is taking place, and this results in a watering down of Scripture in favor of not offending an apostate. This is in direct opposition to passages such as Revelation 2:14-17, Jesus’ letter to the church of Pergamum, in which the Church is warned against tolerating those who teach false doctrine.

False doctrine seems to abound within the emerging / emergent church movement, though, as stated previously, not within every group espousing emerging / emergent church beliefs. Because of this, care must be taken when deciding whether or not to become involved with an emergent church group. We all need to take heed of Matthew 7:15-20, "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them."

While seeking new ways to witness to a changing culture is admirable, utilizing ways which compromise the Truth of the Gospel in any way is nothing more than promoting false doctrine and leading others away from Christ instead of to Him.

Emergent Church MovementEric Barger
00:00 / 01:04
The Emergent ChurchCaryl Matrisciana
00:00 / 01:04

The Emergent Church 

(Lamb & Lion Ministries w/ Caryl Matrisciana)

How is the Emergent Church Movement really Eastern mysticism?

What is post-modern Christianity?

Post-modern Christianity is just as difficult to lock down in a concise definition as post-modernism itself. What started in the 1950s in architecture as a reaction to modernist thought and style was soon adopted by the art and literary world in the 1970s and 1980s. The Church didn’t really feel this effect until the 1990s. This reaction was a dissolution of "cold, hard fact" in favor of "warm, fuzzy subjectivity." Think of anything considered post-modern, then stick Christianity into that context and you have a glimpse of what post-modern Christianity is.

Post-modern Christianity falls into line with basic post-modernist thinking. It is about experience over reason, subjectivity over objectivity, spirituality over religion, images over words, outward over inward. Are these things good? Sure. Are these things bad? Sure. It all depends on how far from biblical truth each reaction against modernity takes one’s faith. This, of course, is up to each believer. However, when groups form under such thinking, theology and doctrine tend to lean more towards liberalism.

For example, because experience is valued more highly than reason, truth becomes relative. This opens up all kinds of problems, as this lessens the standard that the Bible contains absolute truth, and even disqualifies biblical truth as being absolute in many cases. If the Bible is not our source for absolute truth, and personal experience is allowed to define and interpret what truth actually is, a saving faith in Jesus Christ is rendered meaningless.

There will always be "paradigm shifts" in thinking as long as mankind inhabits this present earth, because mankind constantly seeks to better itself in knowledge and stature. Challenges to our way of thinking are good, as they cause us to grow, to learn, and to understand. This is the principle of Romans 12:2 at work, of our minds being transformed. Yet, we need to be ever mindful of Acts 17:11 and be like the Bereans, weighing every new teaching, every new thought, against Scripture. We don’t let our experiences interpret Scripture for us, but as we change and conform ourselves to Christ, we interpret our experiences according to Scripture. Unfortunately, this is not what is happening in circles espousing post-modern Christianity.

What is post-modern Christianity?

What are the dangers of postmodernism?

Simply put, postmodernism is a philosophy that affirms no objective or absolute truth, especially in matters of religion and spirituality. When confronted with a truth claim regarding the reality of God and religious practice, postmodernism’s viewpoint is exemplified in the statement “that may be true for you, but not for me.” While such a response may be completely appropriate when discussing favorite foods or preferences toward art, such a mindset is dangerous when it is applied to reality because it confuses matters of opinion with matters of truth.

The term “postmodernism” literally means “after modernism” and is used to philosophically describe the current era which came after the age of modernism. Postmodernism is a reaction (or perhaps more appropriately, a disillusioned response) to modernism’s failed promise of using human reason alone to better mankind and make the world a better place. Because one of modernism’s beliefs was that absolutes did indeed exist, postmodernism seeks to “correct” things by first eliminating absolute truth and making everything (including the empirical sciences and religion) relative to an individual’s beliefs and desires.

The dangers of postmodernism can be viewed as a downward spiral that begins with the rejection of absolute truth, which then leads to a loss of distinctions in matters of religion and faith, and culminates in a philosophy of religious pluralism that says no faith or religion is objectively true and therefore no one can claim his or her religion is true and another is false.

Dangers of Postmodernism - #1 – Relative Truth

Postmodernism’s stance of relative truth is the outworking of many generations of philosophical thought. From Augustine to the Reformation, the intellectual aspects of Western civilization and the concept of truth were dominated by theologians. But, beginning with the Renaissance the 14th – 17th centuries, thinkers began to elevate humankind to the center of reality. If one were to look at periods of history like a family tree, the Renaissance would be modernism’s grandmother and the Enlightenment would be its mother. Rene Descartes’ “I think, therefore I am” personified the beginning of this era. God was not the center of truth any longer – man was.

The Enlightenment was, in a way, the complete imposition of the scientific model of rationality upon all aspects of truth. It claimed that only scientific data could be objectively understood, defined, and defended. Truth as it pertained to religion was discarded. The philosopher who contributed to the idea of relative truth was the Prussian Immanuel Kant and his work The Critique of Pure Reason, which appeared in 1781. Kant argued that true knowledge about God was impossible, so he created a divide of knowledge between “facts” and “faith.” According to Kant, “Facts have nothing to do with religion.” The result was that spiritual matters were assigned to the realm of opinion, and only the empirical sciences were allowed to speak of truth. While modernism believed in absolutes in science, God’s special revelation (the Bible) was evicted from the realm of truth and certainty.

From modernism came postmodernism and the ideas of Frederick Nietzsche. As the patron saint of postmodernist philosophy, Nietzsche held to “perspectivism,” which says that all knowledge (including science) is a matter of perspective and interpretation. Many other philosophers have built upon Nietzsche’s work (for example, Foucault, Rorty, and Lyotard) and have shared his rejection of God and religion in general. They also rejected any hint of absolute truth, or as Lyotard put it, a rejection of a metanarrative (a truth that transcends all peoples and cultures).

This philosophical war against objective truth has resulted in postmodernism being completely averse to any claim to absolutes. Such a mindset naturally rejects anything that declares to be inerrant truth, such as the Bible.

Dangers of Postmodernism - #2 – Loss of Discernment

The great theologian Thomas Aquinas said, “It is the task of the philosopher to make distinctions.” What Aquinas meant is that truth is dependent upon the ability to discern – the capability to distinguish “this” from “that” in the realm of knowledge. However, if objective and absolute truth does not exist, then everything becomes a matter of personal interpretation. To the postmodern thinker, the author of a book does not possess the correct interpretation of his work; it is the reader who actually determines what the book means – a process called deconstruction. And given that there are multiple readers (vs. one author), there are naturally multiple valid interpretations.

Such a chaotic situation makes it impossible to make meaningful or lasting distinctions between interpretations because there is no standard that can be used. This especially applies to matters of faith and religion. Attempting to make proper and meaningful distinctions in the area of religion is no more meaningful than arguing that chocolate tastes better than vanilla. Postmodernism says that it is impossible to objectively adjudicate between competing truth claims.

Dangers of Postmodernism - #3 – Pluralism

If absolute truth does not exist, and if there is no way to make meaningful, right/wrong distinctions between different faiths and religions, then the natural conclusion is that all beliefs must be considered equally valid. The proper term for this practical outworking in postmodernism is “philosophical pluralism.” With pluralism, no religion has the right to pronounce itself true and the other competing faiths false, or even inferior. For those who espouse philosophical religious pluralism, there is no longer any heresy, except perhaps the view that there are heresies. D. A. Carson underscores conservative evangelicalism’s concerns about what it sees as the danger of pluralism: “In my most somber moods I sometimes wonder if the ugly face of what I refer to as philosophical pluralism is the most dangerous threat to the gospel since the rise of the Gnostic heresy in the second century.”

These progressive dangers of postmodernism – relative truth, a loss of discernment, and philosophical pluralism – represent imposing threats to Christianity because they collectively dismiss God’s Word as something that has no real authority over mankind and no ability to show itself as true in a world of competing religions. What is Christianity’s response to these challenges?

Response to the Dangers of Postmodernism

Christianity claims to be absolutely true, that meaningful distinctions in matters of right/wrong (as well as spiritual truth and falsehood) exist, and that to be correct in its claims about God any contrary claims from competing religions must be incorrect. Such a stance provokes cries of “arrogance” and “intolerance” from postmodernism. However, truth is not a matter of attitude or preference, and when closely examined, the foundations of postmodernism quickly crumble, revealing Christianity’s claims to be both plausible and compelling.

First, Christianity claims that absolute truth exists. In fact, Jesus specifically says that He was sent to do one thing: “To testify to the truth” (John 18:37). Postmodernism says that no truth should be affirmed, yet its position is self-defeating – it affirms at least one absolute truth: that no truth should be affirmed. This means that postmodernism does believe in absolute truth. Its philosophers write books stating things they expect their readers to embrace as truth. Putting it simply, one professor has said, “When someone says there is no such thing as truth, they are asking you not to believe them. So don’t.”

Second, Christianity claims that meaningful distinctions exist between the Christian faith and all other beliefs. It should be understood that those who claim meaningful distinctions do not exist are actually making a distinction. They are attempting to showcase a difference in what they believe to be true and the Christian’s truth claims. Postmodernist authors expect their readers to come to the right conclusions about what they have written and will correct those who interpret their work differently from what they have intended. Again, their position and philosophy proves itself to be self-defeating because they eagerly make distinctions between what they believe to be correct and what they see as being false.

Finally, Christianity claims to be universally true in what it says regarding man’s lost condition before God, the sacrifice of Christ on behalf of fallen mankind, and the separation between God and anyone who chooses not to accept what God says about sin and the need for repentance. When Paul addressed the Stoic and Epicurean philosophers on Mars Hill, he said, “Therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance, God is now declaring to men that all people everywhere should repent” (Acts 17:30). Paul’s declaration was not “this is true for me, but may not be true for you”; rather; it was an exclusive and universal command (that is, a metanarrative) from God to everyone. Any postmodernist who says Paul is wrong is committing an error against his own pluralistic philosophy, which says no faith or religion is incorrect. Once again, the postmodernist violates his own view that every religion is equally true.

Just as it is not arrogant for a math teacher to insist that 2+2=4 or for a locksmith to insist that only one key will fit a locked door, it is not arrogant for the Christian to stand against postmodernist thinking and insist that Christianity is true and anything opposed to it is false. Absolute truth does exist, and consequences do exist for being wrong. While pluralism may be desirable in matters of food preferences, it is not helpful in matters of truth. The Christian should present God’s truth in love and simply ask any postmodernist who is angered by the exclusive claims of Christianity, “So have I become your enemy by telling you the truth?” (Galatians 4:16).

What are the dangers of postmodernism?

What is contemplative spirituality?

Contemplative spirituality is an extremely dangerous practice for any person who desires to live a biblical, God-centered life. It is most commonly associated with the emerging church movement, which is riddled with false teachings. It is also used by many different groups that have little, if any, connection with Christianity.

In practice, contemplative spirituality is primarily centered on meditation, although not meditation with a biblical perspective. Passages such as Joshua 1:8 actually exhort us to meditate: “Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” Notice what the focus of meditation should be—the Word of God. Contemplative spirituality-driven meditation focuses on nothing, literally. A practitioner is exhorted to completely empty his/her mind, to just “be.” Supposedly, this helps one to open up to a greater spiritual experience. However, we are exhorted in Scripture to transform our minds to that of Christ’s, to have His mind. Emptying our minds is contrary to such active, conscious transformation.

Contemplative spirituality also encourages the pursuit of a mystical experience with God. Mysticism is the belief that knowledge of God, spiritual truth, and ultimate reality can be gained through subjective experience. This emphasis on experiential knowledge erodes the authority of Scripture. We know God according to His Word. “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). God’s Word is complete. There is no reason to believe that God adds additional teachings or truths to His Word through mystical experiences. Instead, our faith and what we know about God is based on fact.

The website for the Center for Contemplative Spirituality sums it up well: “We come from a variety of secular and religious backgrounds and we each seek to enrich our journey through spiritual practice and study of the world’s great spiritual traditions. We desire to draw closer to the loving Spirit which pervades all creation and which inspires our compassion for all beings.” There is absolutely nothing biblical about such goals. Studying the world’s “spiritual traditions” is an exercise in futility because any spiritual tradition other than that which exalts Christ is falsehood. The only way to draw closer to God is through the path He has ordained—Jesus Christ and the Word.

Contemplative spirituality

What is contemplative prayer?

It is important to first define “contemplative prayer.” Contemplative prayer is not just “contemplating while you pray.” The Bible instructs us to pray with our minds (1 Corinthians 14:15), so, clearly, prayer does involve contemplation. However, praying with your mind is not what “contemplative prayer” has come to mean. Contemplative prayer has slowly increased in practice and popularity along with the rise of the emerging church movement—a movement which embraces many unscriptural ideas and practices. Contemplative prayer is one such practice.

Contemplative prayer begins with “centering prayer,” a meditative practice where the practitioner focuses on a word and repeats that word over and over for the duration of the exercise. The purpose is to clear one’s mind of outside concerns so that God’s voice may be more easily heard. After the centering prayer, the practitioner is to sit still, listen for direct guidance from God, and feel His presence.

Although this might sound like an innocent exercise, this type of prayer has no scriptural support whatsoever. In fact, it is just the opposite of how prayer is defined in the Bible. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (Philippians 4:6). “In that day you will no longer ask me anything. I tell you the truth, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete” (John 16:23-24). These verses and others clearly portray prayer as being comprehendible communication with God, not an esoteric, mystical meditation.

Contemplative prayer, by design, focuses on having a mystical experience with God. Mysticism, however, is purely subjective, and does not rely upon truth or fact. Yet the Word of God has been given to us for the very purpose of basing our faith, and our lives, on Truth (2 Timothy 3:16-17). What we know about God is based on fact; trusting in experiential knowledge over the biblical record takes a person outside of the standard that is the Bible.

Contemplative prayer is no different than the meditative exercises used in Eastern religions and New Age cults. Its most vocal supporters embrace an open spirituality among adherents from all religions, promoting the idea that salvation is gained by many paths, even though Christ Himself stated that salvation comes only through Him (John 14:6). Contemplative prayer, as practiced in the modern prayer movement, is in opposition to biblical Christianity and should definitely be avoided.

What is contemplative prayer?
What is the New Age movement?


What is the New Age movement?

The expression “New Age” came into existence in the 1970s and 1980s. It was promoted by the circulation of the New Age Journal and a book by Mark Satin called New Age Politics. Marilyn Ferguson’s best-selling Aquarian Conspiracy was a presentation of the social agenda and philosophical vision of the New Age. Ferguson’s writing attained status as the unofficial scripture of the movement. As Russell Chandler, a writer for the Los Angeles Times, wrote in Understanding the New Age, “If Ferguson wrote the New Age ‘Bible,‘ Shirley MacLaine is its high priestess.”

Shirley MacLaine’s book, Out on a Limb, chronicles her reluctant conversion to New Age belief. This book describes her travels and studies, which include science fiction-like dimensions, out-of-body travel, contact with extraterrestrial beings, “trance channeling” (séances), and a “guided tour” of the unseen world. MacLaine’s second book, Dancing in the Light, tells about her reach into the world of yoga, reincarnation, crystal power, Hindu mantras, and past-life recall experiences mediated through acupuncture. Her spirit guides informed her that each individual is God, and she passed along the “wisdom” that the person is unlimited. One only has to realize it (Chandler, page 6-2).

New Age thinking has its roots, then, in Eastern mysticism, which attempts to bypass the mind. There is a new organ of perception—the third eye—which gives spiritual light. One needs to get to the “psychic self” by training one’s self to ignore messages from the mind or to see that the mind is actually achieving “cosmic consciousness.” The mind can create reality.

Neil Anderson in his book, Walking Through the Darkness, writes this: “The New Age movement is not seen as a religion but a new way to think and understand reality. It’s very attractive to the natural man who has become disillusioned with organized religion and Western rationalism. He desires spiritual reality but doesn’t want to give up materialism, deal with his moral problems, or come under authority” (page 22). Anderson goes on to summarize New Age thinking (pages 22–24) as follows:

(1) It is monism. The belief that all is one and one is all. History is not the story of humanity’s fall into sin and its restoration by God’s saving grace. Rather, it is humanity’s fall into ignorance and the gradual ascent into enlightenment.

(2) All is God. If all is one, including God, then one must conclude that all is God. It is pantheism—trees, snails, books, and people are all of one divine essence. A personal God who has revealed Himself in the Bible and in Jesus Christ is completely rejected. Since God is impersonal, the New Ager doesn’t have to serve Him. God is an “it,” not a “He.”

(3) There is a change in consciousness. If we are God, we need to know we are God. We must become cosmically conscious, enlightened, or attuned to the cosmic consciousness. Some who reach this enlightened status will claim to be “born again”—a counterfeit of biblical conversion. The essential is not whether we believe or meditate, but whom we believe in and what we meditate upon. Christ is the true, personal, objective reality, as He said that He is the way, the truth and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through Him (John 14:6).

(4) A cosmic evolutionary optimism is taught. There is a New Age coming. There will be a new world order, a new world government. New Age thinkers believe that there will eventually be a progressive unification of world consciousness. This, according to the Bible, is a counterfeit kingdom led by Satan himself. Christ has the true kingdom, and He will one day rule on earth with peace for all who accept Him as Savior and King (Revelation 5:13).

(5) New Agers create their own reality. They believe they can create reality by what they believe, and, by changing what they believe, they can change reality. All moral boundaries have been erased. There are no absolutes because there is no distinction between good and evil. Nothing has reality until one says that it is reality or says that it is truth. If finite man can create truth, we are in desperate trouble in our society. Unless there are eternal absolutes from the eternal God, man will eventually be his own destruction.

(6) New Agers make contact with the kingdom of darkness. Calling a medium a “channeler” and a demon a “spirit guide” has not changed the reality of what they are. This is the kingdom of darkness of which Satan is the head. Those involved in this kind of activity are in contact with a world that is totally opposed to the biblical God revealed to us in Jesus Christ, who defeated Satan (Matthew 4:1–11Colossians 2:15Hebrews 2:14–18).

The New Age movement is a counterfeit philosophy that appeals to the feelings of individuals, leading them to think that that they are God and can enhance their lives through their own person. The reality is that we are born, grow up, live a while on planet Earth, and die. Humans are finite. We can never be God. We need someone greater than we who can provide us forgiveness and life eternal. Praise the Lord for the God-man, Jesus Christ. Through His death and bodily resurrection, He has won for us what we desperately need: forgiveness from God, a life of purpose and meaning in this life, and eternal life beyond the grave. Don’t miss out on who Jesus Christ is and what He has done for you. Read John chapter 3. Ask Christ to be your Savior. Your life will be transformed, and you will know who you are, why you are here, and where you are going.

What is the occult?

The dictionary defines occult as “hidden, secret and mysterious, particularly pertaining to the supernatural.” Examples of occult practices are astrologywitchcraft (Wicca), the black arts, fortune telling, magic (both black and white), Ouija boards, Tarot cards, spiritism, parapsychology, and Satanism. Human beings have always been interested the occult, from ancient times until today. Occult practices and psychic phenomena have captivated millions of people worldwide, and this is not limited to the ignorant or uneducated. There are several factors that make the occult fascinating to everyone, even in our age of technological and scientific advances.

For one thing, occult practices appeal to our natural curiosity. Many people who get involved in the occult begin with “harmless” practices such as playing with a Ouija board out of simple curiosity. Many who have experimented this way have found themselves going deeper and deeper into the occult. Unfortunately, this type of involvement is akin to quicksand—easy to get into and difficult to get out of. Another fascination of the occult is that it appears to offer quick and easy answers to life’s questions. The astrologer gladly charts your future, the Ouija board and Tarot cards give you direction, and the psychic gets you in touch with your Aunt Esther who tells you all is fine in the afterlife. Occult practices are controlled by demons, who offer just enough information to keep their victims intrigued, while exerting more and more control over gullible hearts and minds.

The danger of occult practices cannot be overstated. God strictly warned the Israelites against being involved with the occult (Leviticus 20:6). The pagan nations that surrounded Israel were steeped in divination, sorcery, witchcraft, and spiritism, and this is one reason why God gave His people the authority to drive them out of the land (Deuteronomy 18:9–14). The New Testament says that the rise of interest in the occult is a sign of the end of the age: “The [Holy] Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons” (1 Timothy 4:1).

How are we to recognize the occult and those who promote it? An incident involving Paul and Barnabas in the early days of the church is a good place to start. They “traveled through the whole island until they came to Paphos. There they met a Jewish sorcerer and false prophet named Bar-Jesus, who was an attendant of the proconsul, Sergius Paulus. The proconsul, an intelligent man, sent for Barnabas and Saul because he wanted to hear the word of God. But Elymas the sorcerer (for that is what his name means) opposed them and tried to turn the proconsul from the faith. Then Saul, who was also called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked straight at Elymas and said, ‘You are a child of the devil and an enemy of everything that is right! You are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery. Will you never stop perverting the right ways of the Lord?’” (Acts 13:6–10).

In this account, we see several characteristics of those involved in the occult. They are false prophets (verse 6) who deny the basic doctrines of Christianity: the deity of Christ, the fall of man into sin, heaven, hell, salvation and the atoning work of Christ on the cross. Second, they seek to influence other people, particularly those in positions of power, to turn them from the faith (verses 6-7). Third, they do everything in their power to keep the true gospel of Christ from being spread, opposing His ministers at every turn (verse 8). When the truth of the gospel is curtailed, watered down, or flatly rejected, Satan and his demons rejoice.

There is no mistaking the fact that the occult in all its forms should be avoided. We are to “be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). Part of being self-controlled and alert is being wise to Satan’s schemes, but not to delve into the details of every occult practice and phenomenon. We are to understand the devil’s ultimate goal—the destruction of our souls—and take the offense by putting on the “full armor of God” (Ephesians 6:10–18). Only then can we stand firm and extinguish the “flaming arrows” of the evil one.

What is the occult?
New Age / Occult infiltrating the churches

New Age / Occult infiltrating the churches

Notes from James, Terry . LAWLESS: End Times War Against the Spirit of Antichrist. Kindle Edition.


An occult practice is any attempt to access the spiritual realm without God—as this will inherently involve interaction with fallen angels and demons.

Deuteronomy 18:9-14 – Avoid Wicked Customs

Dt 18:9 “When you come into the land which the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominations of those nations. 10 There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, 11 or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. 12 For all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord, and because of these abominations the Lord your God drives them out from before you. 13 You shall be blameless before the Lord your God. 14 For these nations which you will dispossess listened to soothsayers and diviners; but as for you, the Lord your God has not appointed such for you.

Isaiah 8:19-20 – Fear God, Heed His Word

Is 8:19 And when they say to you, “Seek those who are mediums and wizards, who whisper and mutter,” should not a people seek their God? Should they seek the dead on behalf of the living? 20 To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.

6 in 10 U.S. Christians Hold New Age Beliefs

The past decade has seen a shocking rise in society’s fascination with the occult, pagan, and new age practices.  About 6 in 10 Christians overall (61%) hold at least one of the four New Age beliefs included in the survey:

  • belief that spiritual energy can be located in physical things, such as mountains and trees

  • belief in psychics

  • belief in reincarnation

  • belief in astrology.


This is setting the stage for the brazen spiritual rebellion during the Great Tribulation. Despite God’s supernatural punishments on the unbelieving, deceived people, they will still not repent of their worship of devils and idols and of their practice of sorceries. Witchcraft, sorcery, and demon worship will be the dominant religions of the end times.

2 Thessalonians 27-12 – The Great Apostasy

2Th 2 :7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. 9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Revelation 9:20-21 – Sixth Trumpet: The Angels from the Euphrates

Rev 9:20 But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, silver, brass, stone, and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk. 21 And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts.


The mystery of iniquity, the deception of the nonbelieving world that will ultimately lead to the global worship of the Antichrist, is already permeating the world. In America and Western society, what were once considered fringe, bizarre pagan practices have become commonplace and trending parts of spiritual life. As the preaching of sound biblical Christianity wanes, there has been a massive increase in the mystical practices the Bible teaches are in fact directly connected to the demonic world and Satan.

Energy and Healing Crystals

Today, the “psychic healing” industry has exploded with millions of willing customers seeking to use spiritual means to help their physical and mental well-being. One of the greatest examples of this new societal fascination with the mystical healing craze is energy or healing crystals. These stones are said to be imbued with physical, emotional, spiritual, and metaphysical powers. Do you have an aching back? There is a quartz crystal that is the best remedy. Suffering from anxiety? Amethyst or agate are the best recommendations. There are even crystals for recovering from a broken heart or loss of a loved one. This has all helped fuel a billion-dollar industry as a broad segment of society—from Wall Street executives to Hollywood celebrities touting their healing crystals on social media.

The Devil Imitates and Distorts Divine Use of Stones – He who was a liar and murderer from the beginning has been most successful in his deceptions by being an imitator of God. You often see this in Scripture. God has wise virgins; Satan has virgins also—false. Christ sows good seed—wheat; Satan sows seed too—tares. God has a vine—“the true vine”; Satan has a vine also—“the vine of the earth.” Christ has a bride; Satan has a harlot. God has a city—the new Jerusalem; Satan has also a city—Babylon.

Exodus 28:30 – The Breastplate

Ex 28  30 And you shall put in the breastplate of judgment the Urim and the Thummim, and they shall be over Aaron’s heart when he goes in before the Lord. So Aaron shall bear the judgment of the children of Israel over his heart before the Lord continually.

The Urim and Thummim were essential elements of the breastplate of the high priest of God in the Old Testament. Aaron, as high priest, wore the breastplate on his chest to “bear the judgment of the children of Israel upon his heart before the Lord continually” (Exodus 28:30). Urim (אוּרִים in Hebrew) means “lights” and Thummim (תֻּמִּים in Hebrew) means “perfection.” The high priest was the only member of the nation permitted to enter the tabernacle on Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement, when the presence of God would manifest above the ark of the covenant. This was a high holy day for the high priest to perform sacrifices to atone for the sins of the nation. The Lord wanted the tribes of Israel to be symbolically on Aaron’s heart as he bore the precious stones on his breastplate. This is all a beautiful type and foreshadow of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the true High Priest for all believers. Jesus Christ is the Light and it is His perfection that allowed Him to be a sacrifice for all of humanity. He is the true Urim and Thummim. In the Old Testament account, these very special stones had supernatural, divine properties and were used to determine God’s will for important decisions by a leader.

Pharmakeia: Drug Use and Demon-Possession

Sorceries [pharmakeia or φαρμακεία]

The Greek word pharmakeia is where the English word “pharmacy” is derived from. It was synonymous with sorcery in the Bible. “Sorceries” means “the use of drugs” which denotes the magic rites of the heathen. Mystics and witches alike have long touted narcotics for their ability to help access the spiritual realm. In ancient times, mixtures of herbs and animal parts were concocted to assist an occult practitioner in casting spells or summoning spirits.

  • In the Septuagint (LXX, the oldest extant version of the Old Testament), pharmakeia was used to describe the “enchantments” that the Egyptians sorcerers used to mimic Moses turning the Nile river to blood (Exodus 7:22 and of Babylon Isaiah 47:9, 12).  

  • A form of the word is used to describe the “witchcrafts” of Jezebel

    • 2Ki 9:22 Now it happened, when Joram saw Jehu, that he said, “Is it peace, Jehu?” So he answered, “What peace, as long as the harlotries of your mother Jezebel and her witchcraft are so many?”

  • In Galatians 5:20 it is placed next to idolatry; elsewhere in the NT the word occurs only in [Revelation 18:23; 21:8; and 22:15] both of which texts are cognate to this verse. Suicer connects the word with the use of drugs in causing abortion and infanticide, and thus its connection here with idolatry on the one hand; and with murder and fornication on the other, (i.e. with carnal and spiritual fornication) can be accounted for.


In modern times, as government officials push to legalize drugs, the use of narcotics has become more acceptable and normalized in society. So, to no surprise, they have exploded in use for those seeking to use them for spiritual enlightenment or to commune with the spirit realm.


Revelation 9:21 – Sixth Trumpet: The Angels from the Euphrates

Rev 9:21 And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts.

Rev 18:23 – Finality of Babylon’s Fall

Rev 18:23 The light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore, and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you anymore. For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your sorcery all the nations were deceived.


From the days of the Exodus, the use of herbs and drugs has been connected to the occult. Johannes and Jambres, the two Egyptian sorcerers who attempted to mimic the wonders performed by Moses, used “enchantments” to boost their access to the spiritual realm: And Moses and Aaron did so, as the Lord commanded; and he lifted up the rod, and smote the waters that were in the river, in the sight of Pharaoh, and in the sight of his servants; and all the waters that were in the river were turned to blood. And the fish that was in the river died; and the river stank, and the Egyptians could not drink of the water of the river; and there was blood throughout all the land of Egypt. And the magicians of Egypt did so with their enchantments [pharmakeia]: and Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, neither did he hearken unto them; as the Lord had said. (Exodus 7:20–22, LXX)

What is the Christian view of psychics / fortune tellers?

The Bible strongly condemns spiritism, mediums, the occult, and psychics (Leviticus 20:27Deuteronomy 18:10-13). Horoscopes, tarot cards, astrology, fortune tellers, palm readings, and séances fall into this category as well. These practices are based on the concept that there are gods, spirits, or deceased loved ones that can give advice and guidance. These “gods” or “spirits” are demons (2 Corinthians 11:14-15). The Bible gives us no reason to believe that deceased loved ones can contact us. If they were believers, they are in heaven enjoying the most wonderful place imaginable in fellowship with a loving God. If they were not believers, they are in hell, suffering unending torment for rejecting God’s love and rebelling against Him.

So, if our loved ones cannot contact us, how do mediums, spiritists, and psychics get such accurate information? There have been many exposures of psychics as frauds. It has been proven that psychics can gain immense amounts of information on someone through ordinary means. Sometimes by just using a telephone number through caller ID and an internet search, a psychic can get names, addresses, dates of birth, dates of marriage, family members, etc. However, it is undeniable that psychics sometimes know things that should be impossible for them to know. Where do they get this information? The answer is from Satan and his demons. “And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve” (2 Corinthians 11:14-15). Acts 16:16-18 describes a fortune teller who was able to predict the future until the apostle Paul rebuked a demon out of her.

Satan pretends to be kind and helpful. He tries to appear as something good. Satan and his demons will give a psychic information about a person in order to get that person hooked into spiritism, something that God forbids. It appears innocent at first, but soon people can find themselves addicted to psychics and unwittingly allow Satan to control and destroy their lives. Peter proclaimed, “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). In some cases, the psychics themselves are deceived, not knowing the true source of the information they receive. Whatever the case and wherever the source of the information, nothing connected to spiritism, witchcraft, or astrology is a godly means of discovering information. How does God want us to discern His will for our life? God’s plan is simple, yet powerful and effective: study the Bible (2 Timothy 3:16-17) and pray for wisdom (James 1:5).

What is the Christian view of psychics / fortune tellers?

(Got Questions Ministries)

What does the Bible say about psychics / fortune tellers / soothsayers / clairvoyants / being clairvoyant? If not God, from where do psychics get their information?Show less

What is the Christian view of psychics / fortune tellers?

Should a Christian read fortune cookies?

Fortune cookies are crispy, U-shaped cookies folded around a printed piece of paper containing a proverb, fortune, or other statement. Fortune cookies are offered with the bill in most Chinese restaurants or otherwise available at the end of the meal. The diner must crack open the fortune cookie to retrieve the statement, which is usually a prosaic saying or random prediction, such as “You will encounter success today,” “The one you love is closer than you think,” or “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” Many fortune cookies also contain “lucky numbers.” Since reading a fortune implies special prophetic knowledge, some Christians wonder whether it is wrong to read fortune cookies.

Ironically, fortune cookies are not Chinese. No one is sure exactly where the fortune cookie originated. Some claim fortune cookies were invented by David Jung, founder of the Hong Kong Noodle Factory in Los Angeles, California, in 1918. Interestingly, the fortune cookies Jung passed out contained Bible verses. Other reports trace the fortune cookie to Japan. For Christians, the real question is whether reading the proverb in the fortune cookie is in some way participating in divination or witchcraft, similar to consulting a 

One major difference between fortune cookies and horoscopes is that fortune cookies are never presented as serious prophecies. They are handed out at random and can in no way have any connection to the person who opens them. Horoscopes, on the other hand, are presented as serious astrology and are supposedly connected to the person’s birth date and certain planetary alignments. This type of fortune-telling is strictly forbidden in Scripture (Deuteronomy 18:10–15). In fact, when Paul preached the gospel in Ephesus, many who had previously engaged in astrology and divination responded positively to his message. “A number who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly” (Acts 19:19). They knew instinctively that the gospel of Jesus Christ could not coexist with magic arts, astrology, or divination of any kind.

Fortune cookies are simply traditional desserts offered in most Chinese restaurants as part of the dining experience. They are never presented as authentic fortune-telling devices. If eating and reading a fortune cookie does not carry any spiritual overtones for a person, then Christians are free to enjoy them. However, Romans 14 gives wisdom about matters of conscience such as this. If a Christian’s conscience condemns him when he opens a fortune cookie, then he should abstain. Or, if we are dining with Christians who are offended by the idea of fortune cookies, we should also defer to their weaker consciences. Romans 14:22–23 summarizes the New Testament teaching on activities not directly addressed in Scripture: “So whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the one who does not condemn himself by what he approves. But whoever has doubts is condemned if they eat, because their eating is not from faith; and everything that does not come from faith is sin.”

Should a Christian read fortune cookies?
What are tarot cards?

What are tarot cards?

Tarot cards are associated with divination—unlocking the secrets of the future by occult, supernatural means. Divination is strictly prohibited in the Bible.

Tarot cards come in a deck of 78 individual cards. They were developed about 600 years ago for gaming. However, some mystics, psychics, and occultists began to use the cards for divination, and today the cards and the ability to “read” them are seen as elements of fortune-telling. To receive a tarot reading is to attempt to find out things about one’s life or future through the occult.

Usually, the practice of reading tarot cards starts with the questioner cutting the pack of cards or sometimes just touching it. The psychic or card reader then deals out some cards, face down, into a pattern, called a “spread,” on the table. As the cards are overturned, the psychic or reader constructs a narrative based on the cards’ meanings and their position on the table. Obviously, reading tarot cards places a heavy emphasis on fate, “hidden knowledge,” and superstition.

God warned His people, the Israelites, against divination when they were on the verge of entering the Promised Land. He lists divination among such evils as child sacrifice and casting spells in Deuteronomy 18:9–12Leviticus 19:26 puts is succinctly: “Do not practice divination or seek omens.” Tarot card reading definitely falls within the scope of this prohibition. In some cases, tarot card reading can be guided by demons. In Acts 16, Paul meets a fortune teller, a slave, who earned her masters a lot of money by fortune-telling (verse 16). The Bible attributes her ability to having a demonic spirit, which Paul was able to cast out of her by the name of Jesus Christ (verse 18). The Bible does not mention the tools the slave girl used to tell the future, but, whether tea leaves or dice or lots or cards of some type, the items used in that context brought honor to demonic spirits.

The spiritual dimension of our world is real, and it is not to be taken lightly. The Bible tells us that Satan seeks to destroy us. “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). Lions are not to be toyed with.

Solomon, the wisest person ever, offered this wisdom about knowing the future in Ecclesiastes 7:14:


“When times are good, be happy;
but when times are bad, consider this:
God has made the one
as well as the other.
Therefore, no one can discover
anything about their future.”


And in Ecclesiastes 8:7 he writes this:

“Since no one knows the future,
who can tell someone else what is to come?”


Only God holds the future, and only He truly knows what will happen (Isaiah 46:10).

If you desire to have peace about your future, turn to the Lord Jesus Christ. The future is bright for those who know Him (Romans 8:17).

What is Christalignment and destiny cards?

What is Christalignment and destiny cards?

Christalignment (destiny cards) is a New Age practice that uses a form of tarot cards, called destiny cards, to obtain a spiritual reading. It is an occult practice and is spiritually very dangerous. These cards have pictures on them, some with biblical themes, and they’re used in a prophetic sense. The practitioners seek to learn about a person’s future; hence, the term destiny cards. It is not biblical and should be avoided by all true Christians. On the Christalignment website, there are plenty of pictures depicting people in mystical-type garb, sitting at tables, cards between people, getting readings, etc.  I’ve been to many New Age conventions to do research and their appearance and vocabulary are identical to New Age thought.

Typical of many New Age-type philosophies are spiritual realms, heavenly realms, levels of consciousness, spiritual cleansing, Christ consciousness, dream interpretations, meditation, etc. The practitioners of Christalignment are involved with many of these practices such as dream interpretation, mind-body festivals, third heaven encounters, spiritual cleansing, physical healing, relationship recovery, and henna art.

  • “We call our artists prophetic. That means that as intuitive readers themselves and artists able to connect with spirit, their artwork carries meaning and power to change lives. Each painting has been done through connection to the third heaven realm.”(

  • “We do not interpret black and white dreams as these are coming to you from a much lower realm.”

  • (ibid. /what-we-offer-at-dandenong)

  • “All Christalignment team members operate only out of the third heaven realm. That means that we are all hearing from Christ spirit. This ensures safety for you and a way higher level of accuracy.” (ibid. /what-we-offer-at-dandenong)


The Christalignment movement uses what is called destiny cards.

  • “Our unique destiny cards, which we have developed, are so accurate, that even if your life circumstances change dramatically, on your return to do them again years later, you will find the results identical, such is their accuracy. They are able to give profound insight into relationships, career, and spiritual life.” (ibid. /destinyreadingcards)

  • “Destiny Cards are for guidance, advice, and information to make your journey through life happier, more peaceful, and more productive. They will help you get an answer to problems, guidance on decisions, advice on which way to turn, or lessons for the year, month, week, day, or just the moment.” (  This website may or may not be related to the christalignment movement since the card pictures are different. Nevertheless, it teaches the same principle.)


But there are other cards that they use.

  • Colour Card Readings

    • Colour cards are used to enhance reading using colored agate stones. They believe the colors have meaning, especially when they are in dreams.

  • Animal Card Readings

    • In this process, there are methods to visualize encounters with various animals which are supposed to have special meanings to the individual practicing this method.

  • Psalm Card Readings

    • Only three cards are used in this reading method that are intended to represent the past, present, and future of individuals.


Christian churches and destiny cards


Unfortunately, because many Christian churches do not have good discernment, they often dabble in occult practices in order to achieve a higher spiritual reality-whatever that might mean. Following is a list of some of the articles dealing with the infiltration of destiny cards into Bethel Church in Redding.


No Christian church should have anything to do with Christalignment or destiny cards.



Christalignment, along with destiny cards, is a form of witchcraft.  It is an occult practice that must be avoided by all Christians since it is a form of fortune-telling that is condemned by Scripture.

Deuteronomy 18:10–11, “There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, 11 or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead.”

What does the Bible say about palm reading?

Palm reading, also known as “palmistry” or “chiromancy,” has its roots in Greek mythology. Chiromancy, from the Greek kheiro, meaning “hand,” and mantia, meaning “divination,” essentially means “divination from the palm of the hand.” Practitioners believe they can interpret one’s character, fortunes, and possible future events by “reading” the lines, marks, and bumps on the palm of a person’s hand.

Although palm reading is not mentioned in the Bible, divination is, and it was specifically forbidden by the Mosaic Law (
Leviticus 19:26
). Moses warned his people before entering the Promised Land against divination and other practices: “Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD” (Deuteronomy 18:10–12). The penalty for engaging in these practices was death (Exodus 22:18Leviticus 20:27). The Israelites were also forbidden to look for help from those engaging in divination: “I will set my face against the person who turns to mediums and spiritists to prostitute himself by following them, and I will cut him off from his people” (Leviticus 20:6).

Divination was also condemned by the prophets (Isaiah 44:25;Jeremiah 27:929:8Ezekiel 13:9). Such occult practices were very common among the pagan nations of the ancient world. And it was, in part, because of these detestable practices that God threw out the people of Canaan and replaced them with the Israelites (Deuteronomy 18:1214).

Christians can be confident in the knowledge that our sovereign God is in control of our unseen future. The answers we seek are not in our hands but in God’s. Anyone who is anxious about the future need only hear the words of our Lord: “Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear . . . for the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself” (Matthew 6:2532–34).

What does the Bible say about palm reading?

What does the Bible say about astrology and the zodiac?

The Bible has much to say about the stars. Most basic to our understanding of the stars is that God created them. They show His power and majesty. The heavens are God’s “handiwork” (Psalm 8:319:1). He has all the stars numbered and named (Psalm 147:4).

The Bible also teaches that God arranged the stars into recognizable groups that we call constellations. The Bible mentions three of these: Orion, the Bear (Ursa Major), and “the crooked serpent” (most likely Draco) in Job 9:926:1338:31-32; and Amos 5:8. The same passages also reference the star group Pleiades (the Seven Stars). God is the One Who “fastens the bands” of these constellations; He is the One who brings them forth, “each in its season.” In Job 38:32, God also points to the “Mazzaroth,” usually translated “constellations.” This is thought by many to be a reference to the twelve constellations of the zodiac.

The constellations have been tracked and studied for millennia. The Egyptians and Greeks knew of the zodiac and used it to measure the beginning of spring centuries before Christ. Much has been written of the meaning of the zodiacal constellations, including theories that they comprise an ancient display of God’s redemptive plan. For example, the constellation Leo can be seen as a celestial depiction of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah (Revelation 5:5), and Virgo could be a reminder of the virgin who bore Christ. However, the Bible does not indicate any “hidden meaning” for these or other constellations.

The Bible says that stars, along with the sun and moon, were given for “signs” and “seasons” (Genesis 1:14); that is, they were meant to mark time for us. They are also “signs” in the sense of navigational “indicators,” and all through history men have used the stars to chart their courses around the globe.

God used the stars as an illustration of His promise to give Abraham an innumerable seed (Genesis 15:5). Thus, every time Abraham looked up at the night sky, he had a reminder of God’s faithfulness and goodness. The final judgment of the earth will be accompanied by astronomical events relating to the stars (Isaiah 13:9-10Joel 3:15Matthew 24:29).

Astrology is the “interpretation” of an assumed influence the stars (and planets) exert on human destiny. According to astrology, the sign you were born under, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, or Capricorn, impacts your destiny. This is a false belief. The royal astrologers of the Babylonian court were put to shame by God’s prophet Daniel (Daniel 1:20) and were powerless to interpret the king’s dream (Daniel 2:27). God specifies astrologers as among those who will be burned as stubble in God’s judgment (Isaiah 47:13-14). Astrology as a form of divination is expressly forbidden in Scripture (Deuteronomy 18:10-14). God forbade the children of Israel to worship or serve the “host of heaven” (Deuteronomy 4:19). Several times in their history, however, Israel fell into that very sin (2 Kings 17:16 is one example). Their worship of the stars brought God’s judgment each time.

The stars should awaken wonder at God’s power, wisdom, and infinitude. We should use the stars to keep track of time and place and to remind us of God’s faithful, covenant-keeping nature. All the while, we acknowledge the Creator of the heavens. Our wisdom comes from God, not the stars (James 1:5). The Word of God, the Bible, is our guide through life (Psalm 119:105).

What does the Bible say about astrology and the zodiac?

(Got Questions Ministries)

What does the Bible say about astrology? Is it ok for Christians to read their horoscope? Does the Zodiac have any influence on human destiny? In this video, Pastor Nelson with Bible Munch answers the question, "What does the Bible say about astrology and the zodiac?”

Astrology and the zodiac?

Should a Christian consult horoscopes?

The purpose of a horoscope is to gain insight into a person’s character and foretell the future. The basic belief of astrology is that planets and stars exert an influence upon our lives. Those with special knowledge—astrologers—can predict events in a person’s life. It is distressing that most major newspapers have a horoscope column, and even more distressing that many Christians read their horoscopes.

The Bible expressly forbids divination, sorcery, and hidden arts (
Deuteronomy 18:10-14
). God’s people are to heed God only (Deuteronomy 18:15). Any other source of guidance, information, or revelation is to be rejected outright. (See also Acts 16:16-18.) The Bible points to Jesus Christ as the only proper focus of faith (Acts 4:12Hebrews 12:2). Our trust is in God alone, and we know that He will direct our paths (Proverbs 3:5-6). Faith in anything besides God is misplaced.

Astrology, then, opposes biblical teaching in at least two ways: it advocates faith in something other than God, and it is a form of divination. We cannot determine God’s will for our lives through horoscopes. As Christians, we are to read the Bible and pray to God in order to gain wisdom and guidance. Consulting a horoscope is a violation of God’s means of communicating with His children. We strongly believe that horoscopes should be rejected by Christians.

Should a Christian consult horoscopes?

What is a medium?

In both modern and ancient times, a medium is a person who communicates with spirits, usually apart from the use of witchcraft. A medium is, literally, an “intermediary” between the spirit world and ours. The Bible condemns the practice of mediumship, and attempting to speak to the dead, through séances or other means, is expressly forbidden.

Sometimes mediums are called “channelers,” as they allegedly “channel” communication from the dead to the living. A medium might only communicate with one or more specific spirits (called “familiars” or “familiar spirits”), or the communication may be spread across many different spirits. The messages may come audibly, visually, or through physical sensations. Modern mediums distinguish themselves from psychics, who only read the “energies” of a person or place and do not communicate with actual spirits. (The term “psychic medium” can confuse the issue.) Also, a medium is not necessarily a witch, wizard, sorcerer, or necromancer, since mediums believe that their communication with the spirit world is an inherent ability. The fictional character Cole Sear in the movie The Sixth Sense would be considered a medium.

Mediums are referenced in several passages of the Old Testament. In Leviticus 20:27 mediums are condemned along with “spiritists.” Deuteronomy 18:10–11 echoes Leviticus and expands it, including diviners, sorcerers, witches/wizards, anyone who casts spells, and anyone who practices child sacrifice.

King Saul’s sinful use of a medium is recorded in 1 Samuel 28. The prophet Samuel was dead, and King Saul was frustrated that God had ceased telling him what to do through prophets or dreams. So the king, in direct violation of God’s Law and his own previous command, told his men to find a medium who could communicate with Samuel (1 Samuel 28:3). This medium conjured Samuel, and Saul communicated with the dead prophet. Theologians discuss whether this conjuring was a physical reappearance of Samuel or merely an image of him. There is also some question whether or not the medium actually meant to conjure Samuel, as she seems to have been the most surprised at his appearance—“When the woman saw Samuel, she cried out at the top of her voice” (verse 12). Perhaps she was a fraud who did not expect to actually see a spirit, or perhaps she was expecting to communicate with her “familiar” and not with Samuel directly. Either way, God seems to have allowed Samuel’s conjuring in order to drive home His point to Saul. The prophet’s message to Saul was one of doom (verses 17–19), and he died the next day. First Chronicles 10:13–14 reveals that Saul’s interaction with the medium was an important part of why he was dethroned and his dynasty cut short.

In the New Testament, sorcery and other associated practices are considered inappropriate, sinful activities for any Christian (Acts 8:9ff and 19:19). Since the primary purpose of these activities is to communicate with spirits, it is correct to include mediumship in these New Testament warnings.

It should be noted that the spirit a medium conjures is not the spirit of a deceased person (the case of Samuel speaking to Saul was a rare exception). Jesus’ story of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16:18–31 gives strong evidence that, once a person is dead, his soul remains in either heaven or hell. Thus, the spirits who communicate with mediums are lying spirits (see 1 Kings 22:23) who deceive people into believing their lost loved ones are communicating to them. When grieving parents seek out a medium to put them in touch with their dead child, they don’t realize the spirit who speaks to them is actually a demon pretending to be their child. Any involvement with such practices, including asking mediums for guidance, is strongly warned against in the Bible.

What is a medium?

What is a séance?

The word séance comes from a French verb meaning “to sit,” and the word is often used in the French language to refer to a session where people gather together, seated, to enjoy a show or some other entertainment. In English since the mid-19th century the word has become specifically associated with the occult. A séance is a gathering of people, among them a spiritualist or medium, to attempt to connect with the spirits of the dead. Oddly enough, people at séances do not always sit.

Séances are nothing new. The practice of attempting to communicate with the dead is by no means particular to modern Western culture. The Old Testament mentions mediums and spiritists (1 Samuel 28:32 Chronicles 33:6Isaiah 8:1919:3), and the New Testament also mentions occult practices (Acts 8:9). Throughout the Bible, the practice of communication with the spirits of dead people is strictly forbidden (Leviticus 19:31Galatians 5:20). An example in the Bible of someone practicing the occult and holding a “séance” is the medium of Endor, who contacted the departed spirit of Samuel on behalf of King Saul. Amazingly, the séance was a success—Samuel was summoned, and he even chided Saul for “calling him up” (1 Samuel 28:7–15).

A séance is a serious thing. Modern culture often discounts the supernatural, saying that, since it cannot be explained scientifically, it must not exist. But cultures throughout the world report the effectiveness of occult practice—demons jump at the chance to fool the ungodly. Since the Bible forbids contacting the dead, we should have nothing to do with séances. We should also be very careful not to treat the occult flippantly or as a source of entertainment. Personal, demonic forces are real, and they actively wish us harm (John 8:441 Peter 5:8). Instead of running toward the occult, we should put on the armor of God and stand against the powers of darkness (Ephesians 6:11).

What is a séance?
What does the Bible say about channeling?

What does the Bible say about channeling?

Channeling is the practice of relaying messages from some type of spiritual guide; usually, channeling is done while in a trance-like state. The Bible is clear that channeling and attempting to contact the dead are wrong. Seeking advice from mediums, necromancers, and fortune-tellers is strictly forbidden. Leviticus 19:31 states, “Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them.” Leviticus 20:6 says, “I will set my face against the person who turns to mediums and spiritists to prostitute himself by following them, and I will cut him off from his people.” Deuteronomy 18:12 says that consulting mediums or channeling the dead is “detestable.” Clearly, God sees these practices as sinful and completely without benefit.

Saul, a powerful king of Israel, finally reached the end of his tragic fall away from God when he involved himself in channeling. Saul chose to seek answers from a medium when God didn’t provide him the answers he wanted. In 1 Samuel 28:6–20, Saul asks a psychic to summon the spirit of the prophet Samuel. His grave error is mentioned later in 1 Chronicles 10:13–14, which emphasizes that Saul’s involvement in witchcraft was wrong: “He [Saul] was unfaithful to the Lord, he did not keep the word of the Lord, and even consulted a medium for guidance, and did not inquire of the Lord.”

As Christians, we ought to seek God’s answers to our questions. Praying to or “channeling” any other being is idolatry. Praying to any dead person, including the apostles, Mary, and so forth, is not so very different than holding a séance and asking a dead relative to help us. Most so-called mediums are actually frauds who use memory tricks, planted accomplices, and special effects to fool people. Those that are not frauds are cooperating with dangerous spiritual beings. Satan’s henchmen are adept at appearing as helpful spirits (2 Corinthians 11:14), making it easy for them to confuse and corrupt people who open themselves up through channeling.

What are spirit guides?

If you do an internet search for “spirit guides,” you get a variety of responses, including statements like these:

“Spirit guides are incorporeal beings that are assigned to us before we are born that help nudge and guide us through life.”

“Some may be highly ascended masters (such as Jesus), and others might be your average spirit who just happens to be a master in a certain area.”

“An ancestral guide is one who can claim some sort of kinship with you, such as your dear Aunt Tillie who died when you were ten.”

“A typical spirit guide is archetypical, symbolic or representative of something else.”

“A true spirit guide is an evolved being who has agreed to support your spiritual evolution. Real spirit guides are wise, compassionate and often amusing.”

The general idea is that there exist benevolent spirits who desire to help people or “guide” them through life. Belief in spirit guides is commonly associated with New Age, pagan, and spiritualistic belief systems. The term spirit guide is not always used, as they are also called “ascended masters” or “unseen helpers.” Automatic writing, dream states, hypnotism, and meditation are all practices related to spirit guides. Also terms such as magic circles, centering, iridology, crystals, self-actualization, and positive affirmation are often associated with spirit guides. The goal of contacting a spirit guide is usually to discover some secret wisdom and rise to a higher level of consciousness.

Despite the claims of New Age practitioners, spirit guides are anything but benevolent. They are not the spirits of dear, departed loved ones, nor are they ascended masters who have crossed over some mystical plane. They are what the Bible calls “
familiar spirits
” (Leviticus 20:27, NKJV). They don’t announce their evil nature but portray themselves as beneficial. Second Corinthians 11:14–15 says, “Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness.” Satan’s lies are most effective when they look and sound like the truth, when they seem helpful. Spirit guides are actually demonic spirits who masquerade as helpers in order to trap and destroy people with false teachings and occult practices.

According to spirit guides, man’s purpose is to be transformed through spiritual awareness, realize his inner divinity, and connect with the cosmos. According to the Bible, man’s purpose is to glorify God and be conformed to His image. Spiritualism teaches that man is inherently good, with unlimited potential for power and advancement. The Bible says that man is inherently sinful, and no one is truly good. Spirit guides assert that truth is relative and there are many paths to God. The Bible declares that God is truth, and Jesus Christ is the only way to a right relationship with Him. Spirit guides represent a worldview that is diametrically opposed to what the Bible says.

In the Bible, God warned His people repeatedly about the dangers of dabbling in the spirit world. Leviticus 19:31 says, “Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits; do not seek after them, to be defiled by them.” Deuteronomy 18:11–12 says that those who consult with familiar spirits are an abomination to God. In 1 Chronicles 10:13 we read that King Saul died because he “asked counsel of one that had a familiar spirit, to enquire of it; and enquired not of the Lord.” We are told in 1 John 4:1, “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.”

How do you escape these spiritual enemies? By resisting them through faith in God (James 4:7). God is greater than any spirit (1 John 4:4), and He alone is able to deliver from their power. Jesus exercised authority over unclean spirits, commanding them to come out of people (Matthew 17:18Mark 5:8–9), and they had to obey. Paul wrote in Ephesians 6:10–18 that we must put on God’s armor and use His strength to battle our spiritual enemies. This can only be done by someone who has received God’s salvation through Jesus Christ. Confession and repentance is the starting point. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

What are spirit guides?

Should a Christian play with Ouija boards?

The modern Ouija board was created in the late 1800s as interest in spiritualism grew. A Ouija board, also called a spirit board or talking board, is simply a game board that has the alphabet, numerals, and “yes” and “no” printed on its face. A planchette, or pointer, is used to spell out words and answer simple questions. Supposedly, the Ouija board named itself—when asked what the makers should call it, the board spelled out “o-u-i-j-a,” which the board then interpreted to mean “good luck.”

Many people see Ouija boards as harmless entertainment. Others believe Ouija boards are magic tools, portals to other dimensions, or divining oracles that allow spirits of the dead to communicate with the living. They are often considered to be communication gateways to those who have “passed over,” and those who sit around a Ouija board are participating in a séance. Of course, this is based on the supposition that spirits, or ghosts, exist in the first place and that they can, or even want to, communicate with the world of the living.

The Bible does not mention Ouija boards specifically, but it does have a few things to say about divination and attempting to contact the dead:

Leviticus 19:31 – “Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God.”

Deuteronomy 18:10–12 – “Let no one be found among you who . . . practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD.”

Isaiah 8:19 – “When men tell you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living?”

Galatians 5:19–20 – “The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft. . . . I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.”

Occultists will insist that the Ouija boards work by allowing spirits to move the pointer in answer to queries. Scientists have yet to prove that the pointer is moved by anything other than the living people touching the pointer. In fact, spirits of the dead seem to get extremely confused when participants are blindfolded, at which point the Ouija board suddenly ceases to work correctly.

“Playing” with a Ouija board is engaging in occultism and definitely not an option for a Christian. Seeking wisdom apart from God, especially when it involves calling upon familiar spirits or the spirits of the departed, is clearly forbidden in the Bible. No matter how innocent Ouija boards may seem, playing with Ouija boards can be an opening for demons to invade our hearts and minds. Satan is a liar (John 8:44), and he masquerades as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). The enemy of our souls has fooled many people into thinking they are communicating with spirits of friends or family members, when in fact they are in contact with demons.

Playing with Ouija boards should be avoided as one should avoid a physical threat: “Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). The scriptural example for dealing with items that pertain to the occult (books, music, jewelry, occult games, Ouija boards, and other occult objects) is to confess involvement with them as sin and burn the items (see Acts 19:18–19).

Should a Christian play with Ouija boards?

Christian Wicca

To my knowledge,  there is a single book and website written by a Christian Wiccan. That website has changed multiple times, rendering my original footnotes useless.  As of May 25, 2014, the website’s domain is expired, leaving nothing at all to be referenced.  This is why most quotes here have no source notations.

There is also an article about it at, which lists my original article on the matter among others as “Essays, covering a wide range of viewpoints — a few are quite negative.”

My opinion on this topic is absolutely negative, but it is informed opinion, built upon the words of author-founder Nancy Chandler Pittman and experience with others who follow it.  I’ve yet to meet one who can offer a sophisticated explanation of their beliefs (instead getting things like “I believe in Jesus and nature”) or solid understanding of how diverse concepts are being coherently united.  Rather than pursuing a truth, Christian Wiccans seem primarily interested in straddling two religions without making profound choices on how they understand the world, and that is what I criticize.

Defining Christianity and Wicca

The first issue is the name Christian Wicca.  Every believer I’ve encountered believes  Christian Wiccans are both Christian and Wiccan.  In fact, most forms are true to neither Christianity nor Wicca, and it certainly cannot be true to both.


To avoid debate of exactly how one defines these religions, I turn to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary for the most general of definitions of the two faiths:

  • Christianity: “The religion derived from Jesus Christ, based on the Bible as sacred scripture, and professed by Eastern, Roman Catholic, and Protestant bodies.”  Its Concise Encyclopedia continues with the explanation: “Its principal tenets are that Jesus is the Son of God (the second person of the Holy Trinity), that God’s love for the world is the essential component of his being, and that Jesus died to redeem humankind.”

  • Wicca: “A religion influenced by pre-Christian beliefs and practices of western Europe that affirms the existence of supernatural power (as magic) and of both male and female deities who inhere in nature, and that emphasizes ritual observance of seasonal and life cycles.”


The Bible is rooted in the belief of a single deity, commonly referred to as God. There are no other acceptable deities. Wicca, on the other hand, involves the reverence of two deities minimally, a god and a goddess.  If you worship God alongside a goddess, then you are breaking the Christian commandment to worship only God, and you are denying his existence as the only God.  If you attempt to be a monotheistic Wiccan, you lose the polarity and unity of separate halves that is fundamental to Wicca.

The All attempts to reconcile the difference this way:

Many Wiccans (perhaps most) also believe that there is a single ultimate deity which/who is unknowable. A common Wiccan saying is that “All Gods are the ONE GOD.” This deity is sometimes referred to as “The All” or “The One” and is often visualized as having two aspects: a male facet who is called the God and a female component, the Goddess.   (source)

Not quite.

  • The saying is “All gods are one god.”  The inclusion of “the”, making it “All gods are THE one god,” is absolutely not a Wiccan belief.

  • The statement is not a Wiccan saying (it was coined by Dion Fortune, who died before Wicca even existed), although some employ it to explain their personal views on divinity.

  • There’s a second half to that statement, completely ignored here: “all gods are one god and all goddesses one goddess.”

  • The Christian God is not unknowable.

  • “The All” is a concept largely created and popularized by author Scott Cunningham.


At least some Traditional Wiccans recognize a concept known as the Dryghten, which is an impersonal power, an energy from which things came, but, again,that is not the Christian God.

Mary as Goddess

Most commonly, Christian Wiccans try to fit the Virgin Mary into the role of Goddess.  The problem is Mary isn’t a goddess in Christianity.  In fact, to elevate Mary to godhood destroys a vitally important facet of her. Her son, Jesus, acts as an intermediary between God and man through his dual nature of being both mortal and divine, and that nature is defined by his parentage: one mortal (Mary) and one divine (God the Father).

Worshiping a mortal as a goddess doesn’t work in Wicca either.  God and Goddess are equal.  God and Mary most certainly are not.


Sources of Sin

The concept of a savior is anathema to Wicca.  Salvation is necessary because of inherent flaws in humanity, traditionally brought about by the Original Sin of Adam and Eve.  Wicca does not accept that we can be tainted by mere existence. Any taint we might bear comes from our own choice of actions, not our nature.  We do not bear responsibility for the actions of others, and only the individual  can make right his or her personal transgressions.

Many other concepts are important although arguably not foundational, such as the existence of Satan.  In Christianity, Satan is an embodiment of evil, and supernatural powers within a Wiccan context are intimately part of nature. A Wiccan acknowledgment of Satan would imply that some part of nature is inherently evil, which they deny.

You can’t just take one theology, smack it down on top of another theology and say “close enough”.

Redefining Definitions

Are those definitions too rigid?  There are always exceptions, but the above points are very central and agreed upon by most.  Even so, most important here is the number of exceptions necessary to make this fusion work.

Trinitarian Wicca is the correct name of the tradition often generalized into a practice called Christian Wicca. Trinitarian Wicca is a path of American Wicca (or Non-British Traditional Wicca) that works exclusively with the Christian Pantheon. … There are no church trappings or conflicts with the Bible, because we work directly with the Gods and Goddesses; church dogma does not have a place in our ritual structure. Concepts such as the original sin, salvation, baptism, heaven, hell, and satan have no place in Trinitarian Wicca.  (Nancy Chandler Pittman as quoted at

Yes, some Christians debate the existence of Satan or Hell. But if you take out Satan and Hell and Original Sin and commandments for monotheism and the need for salvation, why are you calling whatever is left “Christian”?  The result is something new.  There’s nothing wrong with new, but it shouldn’t be packaged as something it isn’t.

Why People Attempt to be Both

There are four general scenarios where I find people attempt to be both Christian and Wiccan:

  • They believe in God and Jesus but want to practice magic and think you need Wicca to do that.

  • They want to be Wiccan (often because it sounds cool), but they’re afraid of going to hell if they change religion.

  • They believe in God and Jesus but are also attracted to certain things embraced by Wiccans but are by no means fundamental to Wicca.  You don’t need to be Wiccan in order to respect nature and experience the glory of God through it, for example.

  • They believe in God and Jesus but object to certain things within their church, such as inequality between genders or condemnation of homosexuality. I counsel such individuals to simply find a different church or denomination.


There is nothing wrong in being Christian.  If that is your path, embrace it.

The Origin of Christian Wicca

Christian Wicca is the brainchild of Nancy Chandler Pittman.  According to one of her old websites, her book, Christian Wicca: The Trinitarian Tradition, stems from five years of:

research and comparative studies of the Pagan Wheel of the Year, the Kabbalah, and the Gnostic Gospels. The overwhelming parallels made me wonder why no one else had written such a book for magickal practitioners who uphold the Wiccan Rede, but choose to not give up Jesus as Lord.

Problems here include

  • Nothing listed is actually Christian except accepting Jesus as Lord.

  • Kabbalah is an esoteric path of study within Judaism

  • The Gnostic Gospels are, well, Gnostic.  They floated around very early Christian communities but were rejected as contrary to the faith.  Considering Gnostic  teachings revolve around the soul attempting to escape the bonds of materiality, it’s quite contrary to Wicca as well.

  • Neither Wicca nor Christianity is a system of magical practice.  For that, you’d be looking for something like witchcraft or ceremonial magic.

  • The Rede says we can do harmless things freely.  It’s not something you “uphold,” and you don’t have to be Wiccan to agree with it, much less “give up Jesus as Lord.”


Biblical arguments are suspiciously missing here, perhaps because, in Pittman’s own words:

[m]ost of the information of any Female Deity or feminine affiliation with the Godhead is absent from the Holy Bible.


Correct.  Goddess figures are not a part of Christianity.  If you’re looking for a goddess, Christianity isn’t where you should be looking.  That’s not a flaw in the religion.  It’s simply a fact.

To throw out the authority of the Bible – and, indeed, replace it with texts from outside Christianity – yet continue to call oneself Christian employs a label without its substance. What Pittman is really offering is a new religion.

In short, Pittman exists in a Christianity largely of her own making.

The Old Religion

She explains the connection between Wicca and Christianity via the theory of the Old Religion, which has  been debunked for many decades.  Because Wicca is understood (by her) to be the modern form of the Old Religion, and the Catholic Church to merely be the Old Religion with a Christian veneer, Wicca and Christianity are therefore religious blood brothers, originating from a single source and therefore somehow compatible.

Even if they did come from the same source (and they don’t), that doesn’t make them compatible.  Christianity comes from Judaism, and Islam comes from both, but there are still fundamental differences between the three.

It is interesting to note that even a person identifying herself as both Christian and Wiccan still has a bias against Christianity. According to Pittman, the Old Religion naturally evolved into modern Wicca, but Christianity had to subvert the Old Religion by force and make fundamental concessions “in exchange for [the pagans] accepting the Christian male Trinity.”

Pittman herself defines a Christian simply as one who has a “personal relationship with Jesus and the Holy Trinity” while all but discounting Jesus’s accepted teachings:

Who determines that Wicca is not an acceptable method of worshiping the Holy Trinity? Do I trust my life and my spiritual soul to British Scholars [at?] the Court of King James?

Her specific mention of the King James Bible makes me wonder why she doesn’t just work from another translation of the Bible.


As for who determines if Wicca is an appropriate vehicle for honoring the Trinity…basic definition of words is all that is required.  Wicca has no Holy Trinity, and what it teaches is contrary to Christianity.  That clearly makes Wicca a poor vehicle.

In later versions of her website, Pittman explains that Trinitarian/Christian Wicca was never meant to be Christian.  Instead, it’s a Wiccan tradition influenced by Christianity, which is pretty contrary to her older website.  Regardless, the explanation really doesn’t change much: the Christian ideas she attempts to inject into Wicca don’t work well in Wicca.

Responsible Eclecticism

There is nothing wrong with combining certain Christian and Wiccan beliefs into something new. However, if you’re creating something new, why insist on labeling yourself something you no longer are? Christianity came from Judaism, but Christians don’t claim they’re Jews. If you believe the Trinity to be three separate figures, (Father, Son, Mother) that’s your right. But that is not a Christian belief. By insisting on being both Christian and Wiccan, you’ve committed yourself to two incompatible theologies.


Also, there’s certainly nothing wrong with bringing certain Christian concepts into your Wiccan practice or certain Wiccan concepts into Christian practice. But the choices should make sense just like any other belief system.  Can a Wiccan follow Jesus’s ethical teachings?  Absolutely. Can a Christian worship outdoors, creating their own sacred space?  Of course.  But neither of these situations results in a “Christian Wiccan”.

Christian Wicca

Wicca: Is It Wrong for Christians?

Is Wicca modern-day witchcraft or just a harmless collection of customs that respect nature? Does the Bible indicate if we should observe Wiccan holidays?

On the surface, many religious practices seem harmless. That is especially true of religious practices that point out our need to respect the natural order of things, such as planting crops, harvesting them, and then honoring our God-given bounty.


Many look at Wiccan celebrations this way. But a closer look at the underlying basis for these practices reveals a troubling history.


History of Wicca

The word Wicca is an Anglo-Saxon word meaning “wise one.” The word pagan is derived from the Latin paganus and means “people of the earth.” The blend of worship that is called by these names seems to have developed among people who were superstitious about the cycle of the year. Would the sun’s warmth return to enable crops to grow? Observing the return of the sun led some ancient farmers to tie their worship into the seasonal cycles. The people thanked the gods of nature for providing for their needs each year, and they supplicated their deities to remember them as the cold winter season descended on their villages.

Scott Cunningham, who authored over 50 books on Wicca and New Age religion, wrote the following about the goddess and the god honored in Wiccan practices: “The Goddess chose the Moon as her living symbol, and the God the Sun as his living symbol, to remind the inhabitants of Earth of their fashioners” (Scott Cunningham, Cunningham’s Book of Shadows: The Path of an American Traditionalist, 2009, p. 15).

The various celebrations observed in Wicca are called sabbats. Over the centuries, Norse, Teutonic and Celtic traditions met the pagan traditions of the Romans and Greeks and gradually formed into eight festivals. “The eight solar Sabbats represent the turning of the Wheel of the Year, and each honors a stage in the eternal life cycle of the Goddess and God” (Edain McCoy, Sabbats: A Witch’s Approach to Living the Old Ways, 2003, p. 4).

These eight festivals honor the sun god as the prime force in delivering light, warmth and, therefore, good crops to the earth’s inhabitants. One of these eight festivals even calls this god, the “god of light.” References to the sun god and the god of light should catch the attention of all Christians, as we will discuss later.

These eight festivals are the two solstices, the two equinoxes and the midpoints between each solstice and equinox. While the Wiccan names may not sound familiar to our ears, they have become traditional celebrations in our Western culture in festivals such as Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter and Halloween, among others.

Quoting again from Edain McCoy, “At [a] time of transition in the Church, pagans went into hiding … and began the task of veiling the ancient folklore and stories of the old deities in nursery rhymes and folk tales. … So when the Church’s distortions, threats, and coercions didn’t achieve the destruction of the old practices, the Church decreed new festivals to coincide with the Sabbats in order to supplant their influence and prominence in the popular mind. It is no secret that the birth of the Christian God, Jesus, was deliberately placed near the time of the birth of the pagan Sun Gods” (McCoy, p. 6).

She also wrote, “And don’t be disturbed if some of your [pagan] rituals look vaguely like modern, mainstream, religious practices. Remember that the old ways have been so smoothly adopted by the patriarchal religions and cultures that it is often startling when we analyze their origins. Sabbats were appropriated by the early Church in order to supplant the old pagan holidays” (p. 21, emphasis added throughout).

The wheel of the year celebrations

A summary of these eight pagan festivals gives us a clear picture of what is actually being celebrated. These holidays, some of which have been wholly incorporated into today’s Christianity, are obviously tied to the seasons of the sun.

  • Samhain (Halloween): This is the night when the old sun god dies. The veil between the spirit and human world is temporarily drawn aside, and the spirits are allowed to walk on the earth for this one night (McCoy, p. 23).

  • Yule (Christmas): The god who died at Samhain is reborn of a virgin goddess, a mother and child tradition where the sun god is reborn as a baby (McCoy, p. 53).

  • Imbolg or Imbolc or Lupercalia (Valentine’s Day): This festival honors the goddess turning the wheel of the year back to spring, and it honors the growing sun god, now a boy becoming a young man. At this celebration, the goddess is pictured as a bride who will become his consort (McCoy, pp. 87-90).

  • Ostara (Easter): On this equinox, or day of balance, it was believed that the goddess was able to meet her youthful sun god on equal terms and mate with him, becoming pregnant with next year’s sun god (McCoy, p. 110).

  • Bealtaine or Beltane (May Day): Celebrating the spring harvest, this festival honors the sun god as the primal fertility god and consort to the great mother earth (McCoy, p. 123).

  • Summer solstice (Midsummer): Represents the height of the sun god’s power as the hot summer days promote the growth of the fall harvest. This festival beseeched the sun god to produce a rich fall harvest (McCoy, pp. 149-150).

  • Lughnasadh (Lammas Day): This was the sabbat of first fruits of the fall harvest. “Lugh” was the name of the Celtic god of light (McCoy, pp. 173-174).

  • Mabon (Michaelmas): Mabon celebrates the autumn equinox. It pictures the defeat of the old god of light by his alter ego, the god of darkness. The old god of light is waning until Samhain when he will die (


The biblical backstory

Stripping back all of the folklore that is extant in these celebrations, the underlying theme is consistent—the worship of the sun god, or god of light. In these ancient celebrations, giving thanks for the crops and appeals for the return of warmth in spring are made to the sun, not to the true Creator God.

Delving even deeper into this religious symbolism, we see a spirit being other than God. This being was created as “a covering cherub,” a high-ranking angel. His Latin name was Lucifer, from the Hebrew word helel, meaning “morning star” (James Strong, The Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, 1981, “Lucifer”).

Satan, whose name means “adversary” or “accuser” (Spiros Zodhiates, ed., Complete Word Study Dictionaries, 2003), is the corrupted Lucifer. God did not create an evil Satan; Lucifer made himself evil by rebelling against God. God had made Lucifer with free will. Through pride, Lucifer corrupted his character to the point of ruin. He became evil, the enemy of God.

God inspired the prophet Isaiah to give us a glimpse into this ancient history. “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations! For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.’ Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, to the lowest depths of the Pit” (Isaiah 14:12-15).

Lucifer is transformed into Satan

The prophet Ezekiel was also inspired to write about Lucifer becoming Satan: “You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you. … You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, till iniquity was found in you. By the abundance of your trading you became filled with violence within, and you sinned; therefore I cast you as a profane thing out of the mountain of God; and I destroyed you, O covering cherub, from the midst of the fiery stones. Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor; I cast you to the ground” (Ezekiel 28:14-17).

(For more information about the fascinating story of how Lucifer rebelled to become an enemy of God, see “God vs. Satan,” “Satan Destroyed? How?” and “The Problem of Evil.”)

After Lucifer’s rebellion, God renamed him what he had truly become—a destroyer. God then ordered Satan (and the angels that joined him in his rebellion) restrained to the earth (Jude 1:6).

But Satan, never repenting of trying to seize God’s authority and worship, influenced humanity to think of him as the bringer of truth and light. The apostle Paul wrote that “Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14). An unwitting humanity was a ready target for Satan’s corrupt self-centeredness.

Focus on the sun

The sun, created and set in its place by the true God to provide light and warmth to our earth, was an essential part of everyday life for humankind.

Consider again what Scott Cunningham said about the spirit being we now know as Satan: “The God [chose] the Sun as his living symbol, to remind the inhabitants of Earth of their fashioners.”

Sun worship, Satan worship

Man’s inclination to worship the sun fit perfectly into the hands of the counterfeit “angel of light.” Sun worship became worship of the god of this age (2 Corinthians 4:4)—Satan!

Scripture says we should worship God and God alone. Jesus Himself said that we are never to worship Satan in any form: “Away with you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only you shall serve’” (Matthew 4:10). (Both God the Father and Jesus, the Son of God, are members of the God family and therefore worthy of worship. For more information, see “Who Is God?” and “Jesus, the Son of God” as well as the related articles on these pages.)

The early fathers of traditional Christianity, in an attempt to convert pagans, decided to syncretize or mix some pagan practices with Christian ideas. The result, as Edain McCoy noted above, is that today’s Christianity is a mixture of ancient pagan celebrations and biblical ideas. But the resultant worship is not of God; it is of the imitator god, Satan the devil. (See “Did the Early Christians Worship on Sunday?” and “Was the Sabbath Changed to Sunday?”)

Those who defend the mixing of non-Christian worship with Christian thought argue that this has “Christianized” formerly idolatrous rituals. What does God say about that argument? Is it possible to sanitize pagan worship practices? Does just saying that practices used for sun worship will now be used to worship the Son make the celebrations Christian?

God ends all debate!

God does not leave us to debate the answer. He gave His people clear instructions to avoid other religious practices.


He warned them not to “inquire after their gods, saying, ‘How did these nations serve their gods? I also will do likewise.’ You shall not worship the LORD your God in that way; for every abomination to the LORD which He hates they have done to their gods; for they burn even their sons and daughters in the fire to their gods. Whatever I command you, be careful to observe it; you shall not add to it nor take away from it” (Deuteronomy 12:29-32).

And God has not changed His thinking (see Malachi 3:6 and Hebrews 13:8).

Is your faith the same as that of the first-century Christians—or has your faith been compromised by unauthorized additions? Both history and the Bible leave no doubt that Wiccan practices are not for true followers of Christ.

Wicca: Is It Wrong for Christians?
What is Christian Science?

What is Christian Science?

Christian Science was begun by Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910), who pioneered new ideas about spirituality and health. Inspired by her own experience of healing in 1866, Eddy spent years in Bible study, prayer, and research of various healing methods. The result was a system of healing she dubbed “Christian Science” in 1879. Her book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, broke new ground in the understanding of the mind-body-spirit connection. She went on to found a college, a church, a publishing enterprise, and the respected newspaper “The Christian Science Monitor.” Because of its similarity to other groups, many believe Christian Science to be a non-Christian cult.

Christian Science teaches that God—Father-Mother of all—is completely good and wholly spiritual and that all God’s creation, including the true nature of every person, is the flawless spiritual likeness of the Divine. Since God’s creation is good, evils such as disease, death, and sin cannot be a part of fundamental reality. Rather, these evils are the result of living apart from God. Prayer is a central way to come closer to God and heal human ills. This differs from the Bible, which teaches that man is born in sin inherited from Adam’s fall and that sin separates us from God. Without God’s saving grace through the death of Christ on the cross, we would never be healed of the ultimate sickness—sin.

Rather than teaching that Jesus heals our spiritual sickness (see 
Isaiah 53:5
), Christian Scientists see Jesus’ ministry as their own paradigm for healing, believing it demonstrates the centrality of healing in regard to salvation. Christian Scientists pray to realize more of the reality of God and God’s love daily and to experience and help others experience the harmonizing, healing effects of this understanding.

For most Christian Scientists, spiritual healing is an effective first choice and, as a result, they turn to the power of prayer in lieu of medical treatment. Government authorities have occasionally challenged this approach, especially in circumstances when medical treatment is withheld from minors. However, there is no church policy mandating members' health-care decisions.

Christian Science has no ministers. Rather, the Bible and Science and Health act as pastor and preacher. Bible lessons are studied daily and read aloud on Sunday by two elected lay members of each local congregation. Christian Science churches also hold weekly testimonial meetings, at which congregation members relate experiences of healing and regeneration.

Of all the “Christian” cults in existence, “Christian Science” is the most inaccurately named. Christian Science is neither Christian nor based on science. Christian Science denies all the core truths of what makes a system “Christian.” Christian Science is, in fact, opposed to science and points to mystical new-age spirituality as the path for physical and spiritual healing. Christian Science should be recognized and rejected as the anti-Christian cult that it is.

What is Freemasonry, and what do Freemasons believe?

Freemasonry, Eastern Star, and other similar “secret” organizations seem to be harmless fellowship gatherings. Many of them appear to promote belief in God. However, Freemasonry, also sometimes called the Craft, does not have belief in the one true God in view; rather, each man must “act with courage, fidelity, and devotion to his God” (, accessed 11/15/22, emphasis added). Freemasonry teaches the existence of a “Supreme Being,” whoever that may be: the god of Islam, Hinduism, or any other religion will do. The unbiblical beliefs of Masonry are partially hidden by a supposed compatibility with the Christian faith. The following is a comparison of what the Bible says with what Freemasonry teaches:


Salvation from Sin:

The Bible’s View: Jesus became the sinner’s sacrifice before God when He shed His blood and died as the payment for the sins of all those who believe (Ephesians 2:8–9Romans 5:8John 3:16).

Freemasonry: The very process of joining a lodge requires apprentices to ignore the exclusivity of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Freemasonry focuses on good works in the pursuit of personal self-improvement: “By returning to lodge, witnessing the degrees, and becoming an active part of the Masonic community, a man can build himself into a better man” (ibid., accessed 11/15/22).


The View of the Bible:

The Bible’s View: The Bible is the Word of God (2 Timothy 3:161 Thessalonians 2:13). It is God-breathed and authoritative in all areas of life.

Freemasonry: The Bible is only one of seven commonly used Volumes of Sacred Law (VSLs), all of which are deemed equally important: “The Holy Book of any religion may be used as a VSL, provided that it teaches and its adherents believe in a Supreme Being” (, accessed 11/15/22). The Bible is an important book, but only as far as those members who claim to be Christians are concerned. The Bible is not considered to be the exclusive Word of God or God’s sole revelation of Himself.


The Doctrine of God:

The Bible’s View: There is only one God. To worship other gods or to call upon other deities is idolatry (Exodus 20:3). Paul spoke of idolatry as a heinous sin (1 Corinthians 10:14), and John said that idolaters will perish in hell (Revelation 21:8).

Freemasonry: All members must believe in a deity. Different religions acknowledge the same God, but they call Him different names. Freemasonry invites people of all faiths. Even if they use different names for the “Nameless One of a hundred names,” they are praying to the one God and Father of all. Manly Hall, a 33rd degree Mason, wrote, “The true Mason is not creed-bound. He realizes with the divine illumination of his lodge that as a Mason his religion must be universal: Christ, Buddha, or Mohammed, the name means little, for he recognizes only the light and not the bearer” (The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, p. 65, cited by Wise, R.,, accessed 11/15/22).


The Doctrine of Jesus and the Trinity:

The Bible’s View: Jesus is God in human form (Matthew 1:18–24John 1:1). Jesus is the Second Person of the Trinity (Matthew 28:19Mark 1:9–11). He is fully human (Mark 4:38Matthew 4:2) and fully divine (John 1:1–21420:28Acts 4:10–12). Christians should pray in Jesus’ name and proclaim Him before others (John 14:13–141 John 2:23Acts 4:18–20).

Freemasonry: There is no exclusivity in Jesus Christ or the Triune God who is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus is equated to persons in pagan religions: “The Hindus called him Krishna; the Chinese, Kioun-tse; the Persians, Sosiosch; the Chaldeans, Dhouvanai; the Egyptians, Horus; Plato, Love; the Scandinavians, Balder; the Christians, Jesus; Masons, Hiram” (The Kentucky Monitor, 1946, pp. XIV–XV, cited by, accessed 11/15/22).


Human Nature and Sin:

The Bible’s View: All humans are born with a sinful nature and need a Savior from sin (Romans 3:235:12Psalm 51:5Ephesians 2:1). Because of the fall, humanity has within itself no capacity for moral perfection (1 John 1:8–10Romans 1:18–25).

Freemasonry: Through symbols and emblems, Masons teach that man is not sinful but in a process of self-improvement. As Deputy Grand Master R. W. Donald Gardner Hicks, Jr., said, “The lesson we teach is that the Rough Ashler [a rough-cut stone] represents ourselves rude and imperfect by nature, but that the Perfect Ashler [a stone with smooth sides and square edges] is that state of perfection at which we hope to obtain, by a virtuous education, our own endeavors and the blessing of God” (“Masonry: Faith, Hope and Charity,” Proceedings, pp. 2004–94). Human beings possess the ability of moving from imperfection toward total perfection.


When a Christian takes the oath of Freemasonry, he is swearing to the following doctrines that God has pronounced false:

1. Salvation can be gained by man’s good works.
2. Jesus is just one of many equally wise prophets.
3. He approaches the lodge in spiritual darkness and ignorance (the Bible says Christians are children of the light).
4. The Great (or Grand) Architect of the Universe (GAOTU) is representative of all gods in all religions.


By swearing the Masonic oath and participating in the rituals of the lodge, Christians are perpetuating a false gospel. Even if the Christian Mason knows the truth and believes in Christ, other lodge members are trusting in Freemasonry’s plan of salvation to get to heaven. By his membership in a syncretistic organization, the Christian has severely compromised his witness.

Masonry contradicts the clear teaching of Scripture on numerous issues. As a result, a Christian should not be a member of any organization that has any connection with Freemasonry.

For more information, we recommend the resources available from Ex-Masons for Jesus.

What is Freemasonry and What do Freemasons believe?

 (Got Questions Ministries)

What is Freemasonry and what do Freemasons believe? Are Free Masons Christian, a Secret Society cult, or something else? In this video, Pastor nelson with Bible Munch compares what Christians believe to what Freemasons believe.


Curious about Bible Munch? Go check them out!

What is Freemasonry, and what do Freemasons believe?

What is the Eastern Star organization, and are they related to the Free Masons?

The Order of the Eastern Star (OES) is a secret society that is similar to that of the Masons. Both organizations work in concert, and many people belong to both groups. These organizations are shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Many believe Matthew 2:2 to be the guiding verse of the Order: “We have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him” (KJV).

The Order of the Eastern Star maintains that it is not a secret society. The group calls itself the largest worldwide fraternal organization. More than 500,000 men and women are members of the OES. The OES officially began in the mid-1800s in the United States. Dr. Rob Morris, the Poet Laureate of Masonry, organized the first Grand Chapter of the Order. Morris developed the rituals and creeds of the Order supposedly based on his belief in God and biblical stories. The OES began as a group for women who were related to the male Masons but now admits both genders as official members.

According to Eastern Star’s official website, the purposes of the organization are “Charitable, Educational, Fraternal and Scientific.” The Order supposedly promotes moral values and personal goodness, building “an Order which is truly dedicated to charity, truth and loving kindness.”

The purposes of the OES seem honorable at first glance, even biblically based. Why, then, is there so much secrecy? Jesus’ earthly ministry was very public. He did not shroud His purpose in mystery; He was open and honest with everyone regarding His teachings and lifestyle. He did not create a secret code word or handshake for a select few. He made Himself and His grace available for all, and still does (John 3:16).

The Order has several specific requirements that individuals must meet before they can be “adopted” into the OES family. Male candidates must be Masons, and women candidates must be related to a Mason in some way before they will be considered. Also, a candidate must have a belief in a “Supreme Being.” The official website says, “Members of all religions may belong to the Order of the Eastern Star. We only require a belief in a Supreme Being.” In contrast to this nebulous belief system, the Bible presents Jesus as the exclusive Savior and Lord. Acts 4:12 says, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”

There is a common belief that the Order of the Eastern Star is a Christian-based organization that simply observes traditions and rituals that support fraternal and historic bonds. However, the OES teaches some things that are at odds with biblical Christianity. Besides denying the exclusive nature of Christ’s salvation, the OES teaches that man is essentially good and places a heavy emphasis on good works and community service as a means of earning a relationship with the Supreme Being. Also, the group is cloaked in mystery and mysticism. First John 1:5 says, “This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.” There is no confusion or darkness in God; therefore, as His followers, we should disengage from sources of worldly darkness, mysteries, confusion, and compromise.

Many people join groups such as the Eastern Star and the Masons innocently, for reasons such as family tradition or a desire to make friends or belong to a community group. Those who join for such reasons may not have given much thought to the works-based theology of Eastern Star. The Bible commands us to “test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world” (1 John 4:1).

Philippians 4:8 says, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” A society that is “secret” and ambiguous in regard to its theology is not analogous with God’s Word, which is the embodiment of light and truth. A Christian should not be a member of any secret society or organization that has any connection with Freemasonry, and that includes Eastern Star.

Again, for more information, we strongly recommend Ex-Masons for Jesus.

What is the Eastern Star organization, and are they related to the Free Masons?

Freemasonry (JD Farag w/ Pastor Mac)

Topical teaching discussing the overall practice of Freemasonry and how many in this well-known fraternity claim to be Christians while serving another master. This teaching will examine the core beliefs of Freemasonry based on their doctrines, creeds, literature, and leadership. We will also look into rituals and rites that go directly against the word of God, as well as expose the fact that Freemasonry is a religion within itself. The hopes of this teaching is to warn all Christians of the subtle and destructive principalities that are deeply woven within Masonry. In the end, Christians should see that Freemasonry is not compatible with being a Christian.

The Secret Religion that Rules the World

God's Roadmap to the End

Very long, very disturbing, very true...

Zec 11:17 “Woe to the worthless shepherd, Who leaves the flock!
A sword shall be against his arm And against his right eye;
His arm shall completely wither, And his right eye shall be totally blinded.”

The Maze of Masonry - Should a Christian be a Mason?  By Dr. David R. Reagan


In the mid-1980’s I was holding a meeting at a large church in Lexington, Kentucky, when I received a phone call at my motel from one of the church members. The caller identified himself as one of our radio listeners. He said he had heard a broadcast of mine about Masonry, and he wanted to talk with me about it. He asked if he could come to my room for a visit, and I agreed.

When he arrived, he shared with me an incident that had happened at his church. One of the assistant pastors had been teaching a course on the cults. One Sunday morning as he concluded his lesson, he announced, “Next week we will conclude our study of the cults by taking a look at the Masons.”

My visitor said he was dumbfounded by this announcement. “I immediately protested,” he said. “I told him I was a Mason, and I did not consider the organization to be cultic in nature.”

“Well,” the teacher responded, “I really don’t know that much about it. I’m just presenting the material in my teacher’s manual.”


After discussing the matter back and forth for a few minutes, the teacher made an offer: “I’ll tell you what,” he said, “next week I’ll present my material and then I will give you half the class time to present your rebuttal.”

My visitor said he accepted the offer and went to work immediately studying Masonry.

I asked what he meant by “studying Masonry.”

He replied that although he had been a Mason many years, he knew almost nothing about the fundamental beliefs of the organization.

When I asked how that could be, he explained that he had simply bought each of his Masonic degrees without doing any study.

“What happened next?” I asked.

He said he started his research by reading the Kentucky Masonic handbook. “When I got to page 95, I put the book down, repented before God for ever becoming a Mason, took a hammer and beat my Masonic ring to a pulp, and then sent a letter of resignation to my lodge.”

“Wow!” I replied. “What in the world was on page 95?”

At that point, he handed me the handbook and told me I could keep it. I immediately turned to page 95 and found the following paragraph:

“Masonry makes no profession of Christianity… but looks forward to the time when the labor of our ancient brethren shall be symbolized by the erection of a spiritual temple… in which there shall be but one altar and one worship; one common altar of Masonry on which the Veda [Hinduism], Shastras [Buddhism], Sade [Astrology], Zend-Avesta [Zoroastrianism], Koran [Islam], and Holy Bible shall lie untouched by sacrilegious hands, and at whose shrine the Hindoo (sic), the Persian, the Assyrian, the Chaldean, the Egyptian, the Chinese, the Mohammedan, the Jew, and the Christian may kneel and with one united voice celebrate the praises of the Supreme Architect of the Universe.”

Notice how this paragraph equates the Bible with the pagan scriptures and then asserts it is possible to obtain salvation through any religion. In short, this paragraph refutes the Gospel which maintains that “there is salvation in no other name under heaven except the name of Jesus” (Acts 4:12).

How could any Christian give his allegiance to an organization whose beliefs make a mockery of the Gospel? And yet, thousands of professing Christians, even many pastors and elders, have done so by becoming Masons.

The Nature of Masonry: Fraternal Order or Religion?

Masonry is a fraternal, social, and service organization. But it is more. It is also a religious organization.

The Masons nearly always deny this in their public statements, but their official literature and their actions make it clear that Masonry is a religion. They require a belief in God — any god — as a condition of membership. They have published a Masonic Bible that contains special study guides. They conduct funerals for their members. Most important (as we shall see later), their official, non-public literature is filled with religious doctrine.

Coil’s Masonic Encyclopedia, considered to be the most authoritative and influential Masonic book today, states point blank that “Freemasonry is undoubtedly a religion.” In Albert G. Mackey’s Manual of the Lodge he says: “As Masons we are taught never to begin any great or important undertaking without first invoking the blessing and protection of deity, and this is because Masonry is a religious institution.” In another of his books, Mackey (considered the third most influential Masonic writer) declares that “the religion of Masonry is cosmopolitan and universal.”

The greatest Masonic writer of all times, Albert Pike, argued that “every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion; and its teachings are instruction in religion.” He further stated, “Masonry is… the universal, eternal, immutable religion, such as God planted in the heart of universal humanity.”

Personal Experience

Some personal experiences have convinced me that many Masons look upon the Masonic Order as their church, or perhaps more appropriately, as their ticket to Heaven.

This conclusion is based upon the letters I received from the wives of Masons during the 22 years I had a nationwide radio program (1980-2002). Every time I would broadcast a series of radio programs about Masonry, I would receive a flood of letters from wives expressing deep concern about their husbands’ involvement in the organization.

The letters read like a broken record. Over and over the same sentiment was expressed: “My husband is a Mason. He claims to be a Christian. Yet he never studies his Bible, rarely prays, and attends church with me only two or three times a year. But he never misses a Masonic meeting.”

Another experience that I vividly remember occurred at a church in Indiana in the late 1980’s. When I arrived to conduct a prophecy conference for them, I noticed a large chart in the foyer. A number of people were standing around studying the chart.

When I asked what it was all about, a man who introduced himself as one of the elders, explained that the pastor had called for a 24 hour prayer vigil at the church in behalf of the conference. On the chart were the names of dozens of people who had signed up to come to the church to pray for 30 minutes, day and night. I was impressed.

I turned to the elder and asked, “Where is your name on the chart?”

“Oh, it’s not there,” he said. “You see, last night was my Masonic lodge meeting, so I couldn’t be here to pray.”

The Nature of Masonry: Is it a Cult?

As we shall see, the Masonic Order has definite cultic characteristics, but it is not a classic cult because it does not require membership in it only, to the exclusion of all other groups or churches. In fact, Masons are encouraged to be an active member of a local church.


This distinctive feature of Masonry has given the organization far more influence within Christendom than all the recognized cults put together.

Rather than labeling Masonry a cult, I prefer to call it a false religion, and I think I can prove that assertion.

Church Prohibitions

Many Christian denominations have recognized the cultic nature of Masonry and have taken decisive steps to retard its influence among their members. For example, the Missouri Synod of the Lutheran Church prohibits Masons from becoming members of their church. Likewise, the Nazarene Church has banned from its membership any person who is a member of a secret organization like the Masons.

The Catholic Church has also taken a strong stand against Masonry. Ever since 1728 Catholics have been prohibited from joining the Masons. That stance was reaffirmed by the Vatican in 1984 with a pronouncement that any Catholic who joins the Masons is “in a state of grave sin and cannot partake in Holy Communion.”

The British Methodist Church also condemned Masonry at its General Assembly in 1985. The Assembly acted on a report of its Faith and Order Committee. That report, entitled “Freemasonry & Methodism,” outlined the occultic nature of Masonry in detail. The report concluded with these words: “There is a great danger that the Christian who becomes a Freemason will find himself compromising his Christian beliefs or his allegiance to Christ, perhaps without realizing what he is doing.”

Many other denominations, both in the United States and abroad, have passed resolutions condemning Masonry as un-Christian in nature. Groups here in America include the Wesleyan Methodist Church, the Assemblies of God, the Evangelical Mennonite Church, the Christian Reformed Church, the General Association of Regular Baptists, the Greek Orthodox Church, and the Presbyterian Church in America — among others.

The glaring omission, of course, is the Southern Baptists, and this is a very serious matter because many Southern Baptists, including pastors and deacons, are also Masons.

Many Southern Baptists who strongly oppose Masonry were able to get a resolution passed at their 1992 convention which asked their membership to avoid association with organizations that operate in secret and which espouse doctrines that conflict with clear biblical teaching.

Even though Masonry was not specifically mentioned in this resolution, its wording infuriated Masons, and they went to work to override it. Thousands of Christian Masons were encouraged to attend the 1993 convention. A special publication was issued that showed Baylor University officials on the cover wearing their Masonic regalia. The publication declared that “Masonry is perfectly compatible with the classic Protestant belief in justification by faith.”

During the interim leading up to the 1993 convention, a special committee studied the issue and released an incredible report in which it admitted that there were things about Masonry that were pagan, unscriptural, and in conflict with basic Christian beliefs, but recommended nonetheless that membership in the Masonic Order “be a matter of personal conscience.” The convention adopted this recommendation.

A Personal Observation

In light of the strong bans against Masonic membership that have been pronounced by many Christian denominations, I want to make one thing very clear before I proceed. I am not advocating that Masons be kicked out of their local churches. I know many fine Christian men who are Masons. Most of them are in the Masonic Order for business contacts or social purposes or because it is a family heritage. Most of them do not pay any attention to the organization’s religious teachings. In fact, most are probably ignorant of what Masonry teaches about God.

In other words, I believe it is possible for a person who is ignorant of Masonry’s religious teachings to be both a Mason and a Christian. But I do not believe a person can be an informed Mason and a committed Christian at the same time.

I have concluded that because of Masonry’s cultic characteristics and its totally false religious doctrines, a Christian who is a Mason can never grow to his full potential in Christ. For this reason, I believe that no Mason should be put in a position of leadership in a local church. How can any person serve effectively as a Christian spiritual leader when he has compromised his commitment to Christ by participating in a cult-like organization that promotes a false religion?

Cultic Characteristics

What are the cultic characteristics of Masonry? Two which cannot be denied by any Mason are the requirement of secrecy and the taking of oaths.

Masonry is a secret organization. Ask any Mason what goes on at his meetings, and he will start evading your questions. He is sworn to secrecy. This is a classic characteristic of cultic groups, and it is an attitude that stands in opposition to Scripture. The Bible says: Everyone who does evil hates the light and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God” (John 3:20-21).

The irony in all this is that, in actuality, the Masonic Order really does not have any secrets because thousands of men have come out of Masonry and have exposed all its “secrets” in many publications. These revelations have shed light on a second cultic feature.

Blood Oaths

Every Mason is required to take three blood oaths. For example, in the first degree of Masonry, as an Entered Apprentice, the person is required to place a curse on himself by swearing an oath that he will bind himself “under no less penalty than to have my throat cut across and my tongue torn out by the roots… so help me God.”

It is incredible that the name of God would be invoked in such a demonic oath, particularly when the Bible commands us not to take any oaths at all: “Do not swear at all… simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes’ and your ‘No’ be ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one” (Matthew 5:34-37).

At the second degree, the Fellow Craft level, the Mason swears “to have my left breast torn open and my heart and vitals taken from thence and thrown over my left shoulder… if ever I should prove willfully guilty of violating any part of this my solemn oath or obligation… so help me God.”

The third degree Master Mason swears “to have my body severed in two in the midst, and divided to the north and south, and my bowels burnt to ashes in the center, and the ashes scattered before the four winds of heaven… were I ever to prove willfully guilty of violating any part of this solemn oath… so help me God.”

No Christian has any business putting himself under such oaths, even if they are not taken seriously. God takes them seriously, and so does Satan.

Further, in the case of married men, these oaths create a barrier to the marriage relationship because they put the Mason under an obligation to refrain from revealing his Masonic activities to his wife.

Also, in these oaths, absolute allegiance is pledged to all fellow Masons, many of whom do not even confess Jesus as Christ. This violates Scripture, for we are commanded not to yoke ourselves with unbelievers, “for what fellowship does darkness have with light?” (2 Corinthians 6:14).

The Different Levels of Masonry

In addition to the three oaths above that are required of all Masons, there are many other demonic oaths that are required should a person desire to go further in Masonry.

Most Masons are content to remain a third degree, Master Mason. Few venture beyond that point because each degree thereafter is expensive to obtain. But those who desire to go further have two choices. They can either pursue the Scottish Rite which advances by numerical degrees, beginning with the fourth and ending with the 32nd (the 33rd degree is honorary). Or they can seek to achieve the degree of Knights Templar by following the York Rite and its named degrees.

Both a 32nd degree Mason and a Knights Templar are eligible to become a Shriner. The Shriners are the most conspicuous part of Masonry. They wear red fez hats and ride motorcycles in parades. They are commonly referred to by other Masons as “the party animals of Freemasonry.” Tom McKenney, who became one of the top leaders of Masonry before he found the Lord, states that the initiation ceremonies for Shriners are particularly childish, rowdy, and often vulgar and degrading.

Most people are not aware of the fact that the Shrine is the Islamic expression of Freemasonry, making it clearly anti-Christian. The full name is “Ancient Arabic Order, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine,” and everything about the Shrine is based on the Muslim faith and Arabic symbolism.

Other Demonic Oaths

All Shriners are required to take an oath in which they make several promises. They conclude the oath by saying that if they should ever break any of their promises, “may I incur the fearful penalty of having my eyeballs pierced to the center with a three-edged blade, my feet flayed, and… may Allah, the god of Arab Moslem and Mohammedan, the god of our fathers, support me to the entire fulfillment of the same, Amen.” This is said by the candidate while he is kneeling before a Muslim altar with his hand on the Koran!


The Scottish Rite tenth degree oath is also particularly demonic in nature. Notice how it commits the oath taker to commit murder, if necessary:

“I do promise and swear upon the Holy Bible never to reveal where I have received this degree… and in failure of this I consent to have my body opened perpendicularly and to be exposed for eight hours in the open air, so that the venomous flies may eat my entrails, my head to be cut off and put on the highest pinnacle of the world, and I will always be ready to inflict the same punishment on those who shall disclose this degree and break this obligation. So may God help and maintain me. Amen.”

When Tom McKenney was awarded the honorary 33rd degree at a special ceremony at the Masonic headquarters in Washington, D.C., he was required to drink wine from a skull and say, “May this wine I now drink become a deadly poison to me, as the hemlock juice drunk by Socrates, should I ever knowingly or willfully violate the same [his oath].”

One Christian writer expressed it well when he referred to Masonry’s “horrid oaths” and observed that they contain penalties which would “shame a common cannibal.”

Unscriptural Doctrines: Many Roads to God

Several doctrines taught by the Masons are particularly repulsive to the Word of God. One is that there are many ways to God. Consider, for example, this quote from Carl Claudy’s book, Introduction to Freemasonry: “In his private petitions a man may petition God or Jehovah, Allah or Buddha, Mohammed or Jesus; he may call upon the God of Israel or the Great First Cause. In the Masonic Lodge he hears petition to the Great Architect of the Universe, finding his own deity under that name. A hundred paths may wind upward around a mountain; at the top they meet.” By contrast, Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me…” (John 14:6).

In other words, Masonry teaches salvation through all religions, whereas the Bible teaches there is salvation in only one name under heaven — the name of Jesus (Acts 4:12).

Salvation by Works

Another unscriptural Masonic doctrine is salvation by works. Masonic literature is replete with references to being justified before God through good works.

For example, in the Kentucky Masonic handbook, the lambskin apron worn by Masons is described as a reminder “of that purity of life and conduct which is essential to gaining admission to the Celestial Lodge above, where the Supreme Architect of the Universe presides.” The Holman edition of the Masonic Bible contains a Masonic Creed that asserts that “character determines destiny.” The former Masonic Grand Chaplain of Pennsylvania summed it up this way:

“The philosophy of Freemasonry is to make man the master of his own destiny, to show him that there also is an immortality on earth brought by his actions; that he can, through his own efforts… inscribe his name in the ‘Book of Life.'”

This is a different Gospel, and as such, it is condemned by Paul in Galatians 1:8-9. The true Gospel is that we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus, and not through works (Ephesians 2:8-10).

Jesus is One of Many Saviors

A third unbiblical doctrine of Masonry relates to their view of Jesus. He is portrayed in Masonic literature as one of many Saviors. Consider this quote from the Kentucky handbook:

“All antiquity… believed in a future life… and in a Mediator or Redeemer… The belief was general that He was to be born of a virgin and suffer a painful death. The Hindus called him Krishna; the Chinese, Kioun-tse; the Persians, Sosiosch; the Chaldeans, Dhouvanai; the Egyptians, Horus; Plato, Love; the Scandinavians, Balder; the Christians, Jesus; the Masons, Hiram.”

As this paragraph indicates, Jesus comes across in Masonic literature as nothing more than one of many enlightened men. He certainly is not viewed as divine. Former Masonic leader, Jim Shaw, has written that in official Masonic doctrine, “Jesus is just a man. He is one of the ‘exemplars,’ one of the great men of the past, but not divine and certainly not the only means of redemption of lost mankind.”


In sharp contrast, the Bible teaches that Jesus was the unique and only begotten Son of God — that He was, in fact, God in the flesh (Philippians 2:1-9 and John 1:1-14).

One other thing — Masons are not allowed to pray in their lodges in the name of Jesus. Yet the Word of God says that Christians are to offer all prayers in Jesus’ name (Colossians 3:17).

A God Alien to the Bible

According to Coil’s Masonic Encyclopedia all men involved in Masonry must decide between the inferior Christian God and the true God of Masonry:

“Men have to decide whether they want a God like the ancient Hebrew Jahweh, a partisan, tribal God, with whom they can talk and argue and from whom they can hide if necessary, or a boundless, eternal, universal, undenominational, and international, Divine Spirit, so vastly removed from the speck called man, that He cannot be known, named, or approached.”

This quotation makes it clear that the God of Masonry, called The Great Architect of the Universe and symbolized by the all-seeing eye, is not the true God of the Bible. The Bible reveals that the creator of this universe is a triune God consisting of one God in three persons. The Bible further reveals that He is a Father God who desires intimate fellowship with His creation. He is anything but a “tribal God” who is aloof and unapproachable (Isaiah 57:15).

Although Masons are taught that the real name of God cannot be known because it has been lost, those who pursue the higher levels of Masonry are ultimately told that the secret name of the Masonic deity is Jabulon. This is an acronym for Jehovah, Baal (the ancient Canaanite god), and Osiris (an Egyptian mystery god). Can there really be any doubt that Masonry is steeped in paganism?


The Masonic Defense

Many Masons respond to these criticisms by observing that George Washington was a Mason and that fourteen of our Presidents have been Masons. But these facts are irrelevant. No one denies that many good and great men have been and are Masons.

Others defend the Masons by pointing out that many ministers are Masons. This too does not prove anything. Many ministers are also members of the apostate National Council of Churches, and many ministers are unsaved.

Another defense of Masonry is that it honors the Bible as God’s Word. The Standard Masonic Monitor maintains that the Bible is “the Great Light in Masonry” and even advises Masons to study it diligently. But this claim is highly misleading. In actuality, the Bible is officially designated as a piece of “lodge furniture.” In Utah, Masons place the Book of Mormon on their lodge altars. In India, the Hindu Vedras are placed on the altar, and in Muslim lands, the altar features the Koran.

The Masonic attitude toward the Bible is best summed up by an article that appears in the Masonic Bible that is published by Holman:


“Thus, by the very honor which Masonry pays to the Bible, it teaches us to revere every book of faith… joining hands with the man of Islam as he takes his oath on the Koran, and with the Hindu as he makes covenant with God upon the book that he loves best. For Masonry knows what so many forget, that religions are many, but Religion is one… Therefore, it invites to its altar men of all faiths knowing that, if they use different names for “the Nameless One of a hundred names,” they are yet praying to the one God and Father of all; knowing also, that while they read different volumes, they are in fact reading the same vast Book of the Faith of Man.”

What incredible blasphemy of God and His Holy Word!

Finally, Masons try to defend themselves by pointing to the good works of the Masonic Order. But again, no one denies that Masons do many good works. Their good works are just not relevant to the issue. Furthermore, the Bible tells us that we are to do our good works in the name of Jesus so that He will receive the honor and glory (Colossians 3:17).

The Real Issue

The real issue is Jesus Christ. He calls us to be open about our faith. The Masons operate in secret. Jesus calls us to refrain from taking oaths. The Masons require blood oaths. Jesus call us to do all things in His name, to His honor and glory. Masons do their good works in the name of Masonry and to the glory of “The Great Architect of the Universe.” The Word says Jesus is “the blessed and only potentate” (1 Timothy 6:14-15). Masons exalt their temple leaders by calling them spiritual titles like “Worshipful Master.” Jesus said He is the only way to God. Masons argue there are many roads to God.

If you are a Christian and a Mason, I believe you should repent of your involvement and denounce the Masonic oaths you have taken. You should ask God to forgive you for ever having taken the oaths. You should resign your Masonic membership and rededicate yourself to Jesus and Him only.

Then you should start spending the time you used to spend in Masonry in your local church working to expand the Kingdom of God.


Good News Concerning the Masons

Masonic membership within the United States has been diminishing rapidly.

In 1958 the number of Masons in the U.S. stood at 4.2 million, or 2.4% of the total population.

By the beginning of 2005 the American membership had dropped to less than 1.5 million, or 0.6% of the population.

Most Masons today are over the age of 50. The movement is obviously dying, and we can be thankful for that.

The Maze of Masonry - Should a Christian be a Mason? 

Can a Christian be a Democrat?

Ecclesiastes 10:2 The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. (NIV)

Democratic policies that are in complete opposition to Christian policies:

  • Abortion (Eugenics)

  • Sexual Immorality - LGBTQP+ policies, child mutilation (transgender surgeries), pornography taught to children in public schools 

  • Censorship (Elimination of free speech, hear only Satan's propaganda on almost all media)

  • Socialism / Welfare (Full dependance and worship of government for Satan's One-World Government)

  • Lawlessness - Defund police, free prisoners, remove death penalty, Bible-believing Christians now labeled as domestic terrorists

  • Open borders

  • Climate - Worship of Mother Earth instead of God

  • Transhumanism - We are now the Gods (See Biden's Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy

Can a Christian be a Democrat? Democratic Policies vs Christian Policies

The Democratic Party's War on Christianity

Today's Democratic Party is the greatest threat in American history to each and every one of those 280 million Christians. Why? Because the Party seeks, in the name of political correctness, to take God out of every aspect of our public lives

It all began on June 25th, 1962. The United States Supreme Court decided in Engel v. Vitale that a prayer approved by the New York Board of Regents for use in schools violated the First Amendment by constituting an establishment of religion.

The following year, in Abington School District v. Schempp, the Court found Bible readings in public schools also in violation of the First Amendment. (Religion and Politics)

These two landmark Supreme Court decisions started the war against the Christian religion in the US, because these laws effectively removed all mention of the Christian God from public schools.


Let’s move on to the presidential election of 2016.

John David Podesta Jr. is an American political consultant who began his service in the White House as the White House Staff Secretary and White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations for the Clinton Administration from January 20, 1993 until October 20, 1998. From October 20, 1998 until January 20, 2001, Podesta served as White House Chief of Staff to President Bill Clinton. From January 1, 2014 until February 13, 2015, Podesta served as Counselor to President Barack Obama. In 2016, Podesta became chairman of the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.

Podesta is currently the Chair and Counselor of the Center for American Progress (CAP), a left-wing think tank in Washington, D.C. that organizes violent protests in US major cities against white supremacists, Trump supporters and any ideology or cause the Democratic Party deems politically incorrect or conflicts with their definition of social justice.

During Podesta’s tenure as chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, his emails were hacked and released to the press. The hacked emails provided evidence of animosity toward Republican Catholics by Hillary’s top campaign staffers.


In an email from John Halpin, Center for American Progress fellow, to Clinton aide Jennifer Palmieri, Halpin noted several prominent conservatives were Catholics and accused them of “an amazing bastardization of the [Catholic] faith.”

Palmieri’s response was that wealthy people find conservatism more acceptable from Catholics than from Evangelicals.


Halpin said, “They must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations and must be totally unaware of Christian democracy.”

Palmieri responded: “I imagine they think it is the most socially acceptable politically conservative religion. Their rich friends wouldn’t understand if they became evangelicals.” (Politico)


Hobby Lobby owner David Green has been described by Forbes magazine as “the largest evangelical benefactor in the world”. He publicly maintains that his entire $5.1 billion empire belongs to God.

In September 2012, Hobby Lobby filed a lawsuit against the United States over regulations requiring employer-based healthcare to cover emergency contraceptives, stating: “The Green family’s religious beliefs forbid them from participating in, providing access to, paying for, training others to engage in, or otherwise supporting abortion-causing drugs and devices”.

Hobby Lobby argued that the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act served to protect their religious beliefs, therefore the application of the contraceptive mandate didn’t apply to them.

On June 30, 2014, the U.S. supreme court ruled 5-4 that Hobby Lobby and other “closely held” stock corporations could choose to be exempt from the law based on religious preferences, based on the Religious Freedom Restoration Act but not on the First Amendment to the Constitution.

Why did Hobby Lobby have to sue the federal government in the first place? The reason is because, in the minds of White House officials working in the Obama administration, religious freedom was seen as a form of discrimination and political incorrectness.


For example, the chairman of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission was quoted as saying, “The phrases ‚Äòreligious liberty’ and ‚Äòreligious freedom’ will stand for nothing except hypocrisy so long as they remain code words for discrimination, intolerance, racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, Christian supremacy or any form of intolerance.”


This is evidence that by 2016, religious freedom had become politicized in the platform of the Democratic Party. According to the Democratic politicians, one could only practice Christianity as long as it didn’t interfere with “gay rights” or “abortion rights.”

There is now a conflict in the Party between its Catholic members: Those who are taught that abortion is a sin, and those that toe the politically correct Party line of being pro-choice, who are Catholic in name only. At some point, the practicing Catholic Democrats are going to be forced into making a decision between their faith and their party.

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

This is why political correctness is not only the enemy of free speech, it is also a direct assault on religious freedom because it prohibits “the free exercise thereof” and thus, the 1st Amendment of the Constitution.

Under the Obama administration, the Democratic Party forced taxpayers to fund abortions, even if it violated their conscience. This is another example of President Obama and the other left-wing Democrats stripping American Christians of their religious freedom. There can be no doubt that Obama and the Democratic Party members knew that all practicing Christians are pro-life when they passed that legislation.

Under the Obama administration, Democratic politicians sought to eliminate public funding from Christian colleges, making it harder for poor and minority students to attend. They created “hate lists” of Christian and Catholic schools.

The Democratic politicians also threatened to deny Christian schools their tax-exempt status and their accreditation. They also sought to remove all Christian and Catholic colleges from the NCAA. Thus far, they have been unsuccessful in that effort.

However, as we all know, the Democrats have been able to insert politics into the NFL, giving them a much more public platform than the NCAA to exhibit their intolerance of the US’s traditional Judeo-Christian heritage as well as showing disrespect towards the American flag, which is iconic of the brave soldiers who fought and gave their lives to keep that heritage intact.

Under Obama, Democratic Party

Under Obama, Democratic Party politicians censored pastors’ sermons, fired public officials because of what they wrote in a Bible study, and punished bakers, florists, and wedding photographers with massive fines, simply for wanting to run their businesses according to their Christian beliefs.

Politicians within the Democratic Party were treating Christians like criminals while telling them they can practice their faith quietly within the walls of their own homes and churches, but they had better not let their Christian faith be seen in public.

The Democratic line hasn’t changed. Their message to every American Christian is: “Sure, you can go to church, but don’t you dare bring those beliefs outside the confines of that building. Don’t you dare allow those beliefs to govern your behavior outside of your place of worship.”

This is further evidence that the Democratic Party is continuing in their attempts to destroy the ability of practicing Christians to live their faith, to exercise their right to serve God as they are taught in the Bible.

What happened to the Democratic Party’s support of the great social reformers like George Washington, Martin Luther King Jr., William Wilberforce, and Harriet Tubman, who all made their impact on society because of their Christian faith?

It is hypocritical for the Democratic Party to preach to Republicans how great these men were while simultaneously stamping out the public practice of Christianity through legislation and political correctness.

On Thursday, 10/27/2016, before he was elected president, Donald Trump met with over 30 religious leaders from across the country to discuss religious freedom issues.


The meeting covered the history of religion and the role of traditional morality in shaping our country, the importance of protecting religious freedom for churches, schools, businesses, non-profits, international religious freedom and reaffirmed the Judeo-Christian heritage that used to be taught in our public schools: The belief that God has blessed the United States of America, and that in so doing, the US can have the ability to bless all other nations.

Trump was attentive, inquisitive and at the end of the meeting, committed to protecting religious freedom and our Judeo-Christian heritage.

After reconfirming his commitment to protecting the rights of pastors to speak freely from the pulpit, Trump closed by saying: “Under my leadership, this will all change. The religious freedom of Americans will be protected and strengthened.”

It seems that the Democratic Party’s intolerance of Christianity has also spread to the left-wing national news media. Joy Behar apologized Tuesday, 03/13/2018, after saying that mental illness was the reason why Christians say that Jesus Christ talks to them, in remarks made on her TV show “The View” last month about Vice President Mike Pence.

Behar made those arrogant, conceited remarks on 02/13/2018, during a discussion that touched upon Pence’s Christianity. “It’s one thing to talk to Jesus,” Behar said. “It’s another thing when Jesus talks to you. That’s called mental illness, if I’m not correct—hearing voices…My question is, can he [Mike Pence] talk to Mary Magdalene without his wife in the room?”

There are nearly 280 million Christians in the United States, the largest Christian population in the world. The motto of the United States of America, established in a 1956 law signed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, is “In God We Trust”.

Today’s Democratic Party is the greatest threat in American history to each and every one of those 280 million Christians. Why? Because the Party seeks, in the name of political correctness, to take God out of every aspect of our public lives. In their attempt to limit religious freedom, the Democratic Party is attacking the very foundation that has made America the greatest nation that has ever existed on the planet.

The Democratic Party's War on Christianity


The Democratic National Committee has taken its stand, and it’s against orthodox Christianity. It passed a resolution on August 17, 2019 calling for the Party to be more inclusive toward non-believers. On its own that’s not remarkable. But the document also strongly denounces Christian belief and action.

The key paragraph:

Those most loudly claiming that morals, values, and patriotism must be defined by their particular religious views have used those religious views, with misplaced claims of “religious liberty,” to justify public policy that has threatened the civil rights and liberties of many Americans, including but not limited to the LGBT community, women, and ethnic and religious/nonreligious minorities …


The party’s hostility toward Christian beliefs and values was clear enough before. Putting it on paper this way, however, raises the message to another level.

Trying to Put Christianity on the Defensive

The Democrats want to see Christians on the defense. And they’re good at putting us there. They have special skill with scare words. Even the simple word “particular” makes us look small, small-minded, and off in an intellectual corner somewhere. Of course none of that is true.

They put “religious liberty” in scare quotes, as if the concept of it weren’t in all America’s founding conversations, and in the first paragraph of the Bill of Rights. They speak, too, of “civil rights,” “liberties,” and “minorities.” America has sacralized these words, hardly ever stopping to ask when they apply, and when they’re nice-sounding words that don’t belong where they’re being used.

The Worldview Divide Behind This

And there’s no simple response to this. That’s not because the answer is unclear, but because so much needs explaining to get it across. We live in different worlds, as it were. When a party takes aim at the Western world’s moral foundation, it’s no longer making mere political statements. This is a worldview statement.

In the Democrats’ world, “civil rights” are no longer endowed by our creator. They’re human products, human inventions. Gay marriage is example number one: It became a right when five Supreme Court justices said it was.

In the Democrats’ world, everything is about sex, race, “equality,” or economics, in that order. But economics in their world is all about sex, race, and “equality,” too, so forget I mentioned it.

In the Democrats’ world, things are simple. Elsewhere in the resolution, for example, they say, “immigrants make American society stronger.” How black-and-white can you get? Could it be that not every immigrant makes us stronger?

Politics and Religion

The saying goes, “Religions should keep out of politics;” but this is politics failing to return the favor. Democrats are poking deep into religion here. Religion should feel free to answer.

Again, though, this isn’t just about religion. It’s about Dems’ entire view of reality — a view that in many ways stands directly against a biblical view.

Christianity gets criticized for aligning with the Republican Party. I’m not comfortable with that myself. There’s great danger in tying ourselves to any political group. But what choice do Democrats leave us now? There are only two major parties. One of them has made its stand. It’s against us. We can’t vote Democrat and hold to our Christian values and beliefs.

Let me repeat that: We can’t vote Democrat and hold to our Christian values and beliefs. That doesn’t mean we have to agree with everything our president does. It doesn’t even mean we have to be Republicans. But for all the options seemingly open to Christians, one of them is shut tight, at least for now — by Democrats’ own decision.

Bible Banned and Labeled as "Hate Speech!"

Bible Banned and Labeled as Hate Speech! (

Michael Marcavage, director of Repent America, faces up to 15 months in jail and a $2,800 fine for reading from the Bible at his local borough council meeting.  He is a resident of Lansdowne, Pennsylvania, which is the first community in Delaware County to have an open homosexual in public office.  Michael attended the July 21st borough council meeting to share from the Bible his opposition to the council's agenda of attracting more homosexuals to Lansdowne.  During the public comment/question period, Michael was ordered not to read from the Bible by the president of the council, who stated that God's Word is "hate speech."  Michael was then physically removed from the room and ordered out of the building.  Prior to this, he was struck by one of the council members, and further assaulted by the Lansdowne police chief.  After being told he is not being charged with any crime, Michael was telephoned the next day by the police chief and informed that he is being charged with "disrupting a public meeting" and "disorderly conduct." 


Summary: Michael Marcavage, director of Repent America, faces up to 15 months in jail and a $2,800 fine for reading from the Bible at his local borough council meeting.  He is a resident of Lansdowne, Pennsylvania, which is the first community in Delaware County to have an open homosexual in public office.  Michael attended the July 21st borough council meeting to share from the Bible his opposition to the council's agenda of attracting more homosexuals to Lansdowne.  During the public comment/question period, Michael was ordered not to read from the Bible by the president of the council, who stated that God's Word is "hate speech."  Michael was then physically removed from the room and ordered out of the building.  Prior to this, he was struck by one of the council members, and further assaulted by the Lansdowne police chief.  After being told he is not being charged with any crime, Michael was telephoned the next day by the police chief and informed that he is being charged with "disrupting a public meeting" and "disorderly conduct." 

~ Read Michael's narrative of the incident by clicking here.

~ Read the Philadelphia Gay News article concerning the incident by clicking here.

~ Read Michael's column:  Exposing Lansdowne Borough Council's UnGodly Agenda

Action is needed before the Bible is banned from all public meetings and labeled as "hate speech."  

Bible Banned and Labeled as "Hate Speech!"

Biden’s Public Enemies List: Are Christians Domestic Terrorists?

The policies and practices of the Obama administration arguably represented the greatest threat to religious freedom our nation has ever experienced.  In this regard, President Joe Biden is without question Obama 2.0.  On his first day in office, President Biden directed his national security team to lead a comprehensive review of domestic terrorism, which he views as “the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.”  Not letting a crisis to go to waste, the impetus for this urgent assessment was ostensibly the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot. During his April 2021 joint address to Congress, President Biden declared “white supremacy is terrorism” labeling it “the most lethal terrorist threat to our homeland today.” On June 15th, the White House released the “first ever” National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism

So, who are these alleged domestic terrorists which pose such an existential threat to our democracy?  The U.S. Government’s report identifies two categories of “bad” guys. First, there are “the racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists and networks whose racial, ethnic, or religious hatred leads them toward violence….[who] focus their violence towards…persons of color, immigrants, Jews, Muslims, other religious minorities, women and girls, LGBTQI+ individuals, or others.” Second, there are the “anti–government or anti–authority violent extremists…who take steps to violently resist government authority or facilitate the overthrow of the U.S. Government based on perceived overreach….[and] may be motivated to violence by single-issue ideologies related to abortion….”

To put it simply, according to the Biden Administration, all Bible-believing Christians who have religiously informed perspectives on human sexuality (marriage, LGBTQI+, etc.) and/or who are passionately opposed to the killing of innocent babies in utero (abortion) are potential domestic terrorists. This verbal trickery became possible because some very clever liberal elite snowflakes have quite intentionally and maliciously redefined faith-informed and reasoned disagreement with their sexually permissive worldview as “hate.” And strong “hate” almost invariably leads to violence. Ergo, Christians are “domestic terrorists.” By self-servingly labeling truth hate, they have effectively silenced a large swath of timid believers whom, though commanded to speak the truth in love (Eph. 4:15), really do not like being called names. 

The report’s same intellectually lazy name-calling, marginalization and demonization of dissenters applies also to anyone who is legitimately concerned about the size and scope of government control and its overreach (i.e. unconstitutional COVID-19 restrictions).  Bam! They may be terrorists too.  But by that measure, our founding fathers should posthumously be labeled domestic terrorists for participating in the American Revolution and writing “unhinged” government-limiting documents like the Federalist Papers.

Suddenly, Biden has helped us to finally realize what depraved criminal thugs they were for expressing such “terroristic” ideas in the Declaration of Independence as: “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” Based on the left’s “logic,” Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and John Adams were clearly “domestic terrorists.” Our nation was purportedly founded by a group of rank terrorists (and we must all now repent)! Or so the malevolent Marxists want you to believe. 

So, what is really going on here? 

President Biden has created an enemies list—and made it public.  But this is not something we should ever tolerate in America. It is fundamentally inimical to freedom and liberty. This is what tyrannical dictators do. This oppressive and freedom chilling behavior is precisely what the Bill of Rights, especially the First Amendment, is designed to prevent. Ideas have consequences. Bad ideas create victims. This report is chock-full of spectacularly bad ideas. 

But the government’s list of criminal offenders, even by its own definition of domestic terrorism is woefully under inclusive. Federal law defines “domestic terrorism” as “activities that involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion, or to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.”  But by this definition, is not ANTIFA clearly a domestic terrorist organization? And what about aggressive elements of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, who encouraged violence, arson, and looting? Does anyone remember the “peaceful protests” of 2020, the 19 deaths, and the billions of dollars of damage done? The fruit of their extreme beliefs and violent actions are clear.  But the media has run interference for these affinity groups, which clearly meet the left’s own definition of domestic terrorism.  Ironically, however, it’s the radical Marxists leftists who are the ones that really want to deconstruct overthrow and replace everything that is good, true and beautiful in our democratic republic (See Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals). They are the true enemies of freedom and democracy and must be opposed. 

Taken as a whole, the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism is little more than Biden’s slick and sophisticated public enemies list. This report continues and expands the coordinated name-calling strategy of lazy leftists to defamatorily label anyone with whom they disagree, on virtually any issue, not only as “hateful,” but as “racist.” This is a cheap trick employed to avoid any discussion on the merits of ideas. But a careful reading of the report reveals that Biden’s enemies are not limited to actual racist “White Supremacists” but also include conservatives, libertarians, Trump enthusiasts, small-government Republicans, pro-lifers, people who resisted COVID-19 restrictions, Christians, and other religious adherents (devout Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and Hindu’s). It is not even limited to those who commit actual violence in the furtherance of their beliefs.  Essentially, “domestic terrorists” are now anyone with strong personal beliefs that do not perfectly align with the extreme, increasingly Marxist, far left wing of the Democratic party and those who may at some point take action on those beliefs in a way that the Biden administration deems “violent.” 

It should go without saying that the vast majority of Bible-believing Christians are not racists, as we believe all people are all unique and valuable, created in the image of God, and because Christ calls us to be “one new man” in Him. Neither is it accurate or fair to mislabel the Bible’s perspectives on human sexuality as “hateful.” But those details and distinctions apparently don’t at all matter now that Biden has lumped us all in with David Duke and the KKK (But isn’t that discriminatory stereotyping, by the way?). Are Christians not worthy of the left’s dispensations of the gifts diversity, inclusion and tolerance along with everyone else? Apparently not. 

President Joe Biden is certainly no moderate.  When his former boss President Obama ominously warned us that he wanted to “fundamentally transform America,” we should have paid more attention.  Biden’s words and actions thus far demonstrate that he is not much of an independent thinker, but is rather a puppet for the far left wing of the Democratic party—which is increasingly overtly dominated by overtly Marxist ideology. 

Exhibit A here may be that the government’s plan to fight domestic terrorism includes identifying and rooting out government employees who may pose a “domestic terrorism” threat, including in law enforcement and the U.S. military.  Also chilling is Biden’s promise to work with tech companies to eliminate “terrorist content” online.  And they are throwing money at the “problem.” 


The U.S. Justice Department has made domestic terrorism its top priority and has allocated $100 million in additional resources to U.S. Attorneys’ offices and the FBI field offices to combat domestic terrorism.  But any attempt to stop threats before they mature into actions is a difficult task.  Indeed, predicting precisely who will turn strong ideological beliefs into violent acts is likely a fool’s errand, and only really works in science-fiction movies like Minority Report.  

Meanwhile, back here in the real world, Biden’s DNI report and its goals are a direct frontal assault on the freedom of conscience and are clearly designed to suppress the freedom of thought, speech and the free exercise of religion—because no sane person wants to be labeled a “domestic terrorist.” But if we have any desire to maintain our free republic, this totalitarian effort should be stopped before it gains any traction, not encouraged. Peaceful resistance to government overreach is not a crime. Dissent is not violence. 

Differences of opinion should not be criminalized. Certainly nearly all Americans of good conscience would likely agree that punishing actual violent crimes is the proper role of good government.  However, history teaches us that government is at its worst and becomes the ugliest when it alone decides which ideas are orthodox, and aggressively shames and threatens to punish all dissenters—not for actually being violent, but merely because they dissented (committing thought crimes).  Tragically, that is precisely what it appears that Biden and his Thought Police are doing here. Ironically, Biden’s totalitarian approach may drive some peace and freedom loving Americans to believe that a new American revolution is needed. 

For his part, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland has been quite busy doing damage control by trying to explain how Joe Biden’s approach does not necessarily trample on the civil rights of citizens.  To his credit, Garland promised, “We are focused on violence, not ideology.” Garland further explained, “In America, espousing a hateful ideology is not unlawful.  We do not investigate individuals for their First Amendment protected activities.” Good luck walking that tightrope, Mr. Garland. As we all learned in law school, the freedom of speech is violated not only when the government forcibly stops speech, but even when its threats chill speech. Even if not aggressively enforced, that is precisely what Biden’s report will do. 

Biden’s sweeping, overbroad, vague, and anti-religious public enemies list is fundamentally inconsistent with democratic principles, ordered liberty and the First Amendment. It is the epitome of coercive government abuse of power, almost certain to result in civil rights violations. In fact, perhaps it should be listed in the dictionary as part of the definition of Orwellian. As a constitutional attorney who cherishes the freedom of speech and religious free exercise, I can think of nothing more chilling than Biden’s National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism.  I have to wonder, am I now somehow a “domestic terrorist” for writing this? 

Biden’s Public Enemies List: Are Christians Domestic Terrorists?

Framing Christians as Domestic Terrorists

The Pelosi, Schumer, Sanders, AOC, Soros, Biden, Harris Democrats now want to turn the nation’s Capital into a fortress and build a wall. The irony is they refuse to finish building a wall on our southern border, but they’ve now found a way to manufacture another false flag. They are using the events on January 6 to spread the narrative that American citizens who oppose their awful policies are dangerous.


The razor-wire fence around the Capitol in Washington D.C. is a sobering reminder of what’s happening to our freedom in America. Big government is separating from we the people.

The Left is lobbying for a permanent Capitol wall. More Democrats have recently suggested Trump supporters be re-educated or deprogrammed. A few weeks ago, the New York Times published one of many alarming articles. This one was titled, “The Capitol Insurrection Was as Christian Nationalist as It Gets.”

Socialists and globalists have already convinced people that Christianity is intolerant and patriotism is divisive. But we must not allow the left to turn our love for God and respect for our country into something shameful, wrong, or dangerous.

Missouri Senator, Josh Hawley recently shared his concerns about what the left is laying the groundwork for to divide Americans and use the Capitol breach to frame all Christians, conservatives, Republicans, and freedom-loving citizens as domestic terrorists or right-wing extremists.

Last week on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Hawley said this:

“I’m concerned that they continue to treat the January 6 catastrophe, that criminal riot as an excuse to seize power, to control more power, to step on people’s Second Amendment rights to take away their First Amendment rights.” Now, we’re hearing about a domestic war on terror. I mean, what’s that going to be? An excuse to go rifle through the e-mails and bank statements and personal messages of law-abiding Americans? I mean, this is very, very frightening stuff. And what Pelosi and the Democrats are doing here trying to consolidate power, it’s dangerous.”

The left is known for never letting a good crisis go to waste and this is no different. But to suggest they need a military-style barrier around the U.S. Capitol is a bit much – even for the Pelosi power elites.


According to reports there are 7,000 National Guard soldiers and airmen who will stay another month in the city, and 5,000 troops will remain a the Capitol indefinitely. How do they justify this political theater and taxpayer spending? In part, the Democrat media covers for them.

There was never a threat of violence or lawlessness last year at hundreds of Trump MAGA rallies across the country, but it seems the left conveniently ignores the mayhem of Biden Harris voters looting and burning private and public buildings in Washington, D.C., and in many other U.S. cities throughout the summer!

Dozens were killed, hundreds of police officers injured, and about $2 billion dollars of property damage was done. Attacks on federal buildings in Portland cost $2.3 million. And the Democrat media described the chaos as “mostly peaceful protests.” And yet, they harshly criticized President Trump at the time for deploying federal agents to reinforce outnumbered police forces in D.C.


In an op-ed last week, Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins, whose office is near the Capitol building, reminded people about the rioters in D.C. who lit fires and taunted police officers every night leading to orchestrated violence. The left also ignores the mob that surrounded and attacked Sen. Rand Paul, his wife, and other Republicans following President Trump’s RNC speech.

Most of us remember property owners responding to rioters smashing windows and looting stores by boarding up doors and windows with plywood and hiring security as many businesses did in cities across the U.S. We also remember the praise from most Democrat leaders for those expressing their frustrations and “exercising their First Amendment Rights.”

Tony Perkins also made a very interesting observation. He explains: 

The anticipation of leftist violence after Election Day from a Trump reelection victory led many establishments to board up. However, Joe Biden was elected and the boards started coming down. The actions of property owners suggest they sensed the left was satisfied and would not return to their burning and looting. However, if you walk by the Capitol [today], you’d think the threat is greater than ever.


Actually, you can’t even get close to the Capitol. Eight-foot fencing topped by razor-wire cordons off streets up to four blocks away. Around the clock, National Guard members in military fatigues with automatic weapons stand at 20-yard intervals. The Pentagon is now projecting that the federal government will spend $483 million in security costs at the U.S. Capitol. It’s a scene worthy of a third-world dictatorship, not the United States of America.

Welcome to Checkpoint Pelosi’s latest power grabbing stunt. Most Americans aren’t buying it, and many see through the hypocrisy of the double standard Democrats.

These people want a very different America. Beware the globalist infiltration in government and the social justice infiltration in the church. The enemy is within: enemies of God, biblical values, truth, and our freedoms. To them, this is about a Marxist coup.


But Democrats have forgotten that the U.S. Congress is the People’s House. Under the First Amendment, Americans have had and always should have the right to enter the U.S. Capitol, to visit their representatives and senators, and to petition the government.


Cheryl Chumley writes for the Washington Times and warns that the next stage of the left’s agenda is to categorize and take down Trump supporters, patriots, Christians, and conservatives by condemning Christian Nationalism. Be watching for this. Don’t let the left redefine this phrase. Chumley stated:

“Christian Nationalism is all about Founding Father visions for this country — the ones that say our guiding principles are those rooted in Judeo-Christianity; the ones that say America is indeed exceptional because America was indeed blessed by God at the beginning; the ones that say this country did indeed have a covenant with God, called the Mayflower Compact; the ones that say it’s this basic beginning that led to all the greatness that America was, is, and truly will be.”

It is not a sin to be proud of America and want the country to prosper, but our freedoms are slipping away and forces of darkness are advancing. We must stay engaged, friends because we are in a truth war. Let’s keep raising awareness, stop the redefining of words and deconstruction of our history.

Framing Christians as Domestic Terrorists

Why do the Democratic party oppose God and the Bible?

The Democrats support things that God is against, and they are against things that God supports.

Let's take a look at their mindset and their policies.

In the Bible God said that a man should not lay with another man, as he would a woman, God said that sin is an abomination.

(Not only do the Democrats support men laying with men, they embrace and endorse two men getting married. They oppose God on this issue ).

In the Bible God said let every man have his own wife, that is God definition of a family.

(The Democrats oppose God definition of family also, the Democrats say that there's no such thing as traditional families, they say that women marrying women should be seen as a normal family).

The Democrat states of California and New Jersey has passed a law requiring that all schools teach about the gay and lesbian lifestyle, and parents have no say so in the matter.


In 2019 a Democrat politician running for president got on national television and said that if the church don't support gay marriage, then they should lose their tax exempt status.   

In the Bible God said that he formed life in the womb, God said that he knew you before you came out of your mothers womb.

(The Democrats opposes God on this issue also, the Democrats say that life doesn't began in the womb. They say that a baby in the mothers womb is not a life, they say this to justify killing babies in the womb).

Democrats are now saying that men and women controls the climate, and NOT GOD. Do you see what Satan is doing?


In 1962 six liberal Democrat judges on the Supreme Court-----ruled that prayer in school was unconstitutional, and their ruling banned prayer and the reading of the Bibles in public schools. The one Supreme judge that voted to keep prayer in school was Republican judge Justice Potter Stewart. He was the one dissenting vote.  

In 1963, a Democrat controlled Supreme Court banned having Bibles in schools.

(The Democrats oppose school prayer, they were the main ones that fought against prayer and Bibles in school).


But today the Democrats are the ones that support the transgender lifestyle in schools.

For the last several years the Democrats have been saying that if a little boy feels like he's a girl then he should be allowed to use the girls bathroom.

Everyone of us that's making an effort to obey and follow God.

God gave us eyes to see and he gave us a brain and we can all see that the Democratic party, is a political party that is in opposition to God and the Bible.

In 2012 at their convention the Democratic party took the name of God out of their platform.   

To show their ULTIMATE disrespect for God and the Bible, Democrat endorse same sex marriage, Democrat  politicians even march in gay parades. Showing their support for something that God condemned.

Why do the Democratic party oppose God and the Bible?

How a Biden presidency would unleash Christian persecution

‘Christians must register to vote, and vote in huge numbers this November to forestall a Democrat take-over of our Country and serious erosion, if not annihilation of our Religious Liberty’

September 29, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – A November 2020 election producing Democrat majorities in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U. S. Senate, with Joe Biden winning the presidency, will place Christian institutions which abide by the moral teachings of Moses and/or Jesus of Nazareth in peril.  In all likelihood, such religious institutions would incur severe penalties, at the very least loss of their tax exemption, unless they participate in, collaborate with, and support the homosexual agenda of the LGBTQ+ Human Rights Campaign, and the child-killing business of Planned Parenthood.  

These two radical organizations seek to make dissent from their radical agenda subject to possible criminal or civil penalties.   


A Democrat majority in Congress, already unanimously on record in favor of the so-called “Equality Act,” (H. R. 5), if assisted by Joe Biden in the White House, would ensure passage of this heinous act which adds “sexual orientation and gender identity” (SOGI) to the federal, U.S. Civil Rights Act, thus treating “discrimination” against LGBTQ+ in the same manner as discrimination against racial minorities.  Vice-President Biden has promised to sign the Equality Act in his first 100 days as president.  Donald Trump said he opposed the Equality Act in March 2019.  The 2020 Democratic Platform pledges to enact the Equality Act (see page 42). 


Nearly every area of life in American will be affected by enactment of this benign-sounding law.   

The “Equality Act” would remove Church and Private School Tax Exemptions:  The Sexual Orientation and Gender (SOGI) provisions of the Equality Act will end the tax exemptions of Christian schools, churches, adoption agencies, food kitchens, homeless shelters, hospitals and any of its charitable services if they fail to conform to the LGBTQ+ and abortion agenda.   

Any church or private school which refused to hire persons who engage in sodomy and other same-sex behaviors, or who support abortion, even though it violates church teaching, will be held to be in violation of the Act.  Businesses run by Christians or those who believe in Natural law, who fail the implement the LGBTQ+/abortion agenda, will be fined, just as they would be for engaging in racial discrimination.  

Certain employment provisions, similar to elements of the Equality Act (H. R. 5) have already been held constitutional in the June 2020 Supreme Court decision, Bostock v. Clayton.   Justice Alito, in his dissent specifically cited the Equality Act:

“the Court has essentially taken H. R. 5’s provision on employment discrimination and issued it under the guise of statutory interpretation … the majority attempts  …  to reassure those who oppose same-sex marriage that their rights of conscience will be protected.  …  I assume that those who cling to old beliefs will be able to whisper their thoughts in the recesses of their homes, but if they repeat those views in public, they will risk being labeled as bigots and treated as such by governments, employers, and schools.”  


Those who insist the First Amendment guarantee of religious liberty would trump the Equality Act, should consider that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), considered a “super statute” displacing the normal operation of other federal laws, was purposely excluded from the Equality Act so that RFRA could not be used to defend religious liberty claims.  Architects of the Equality Act want absolutely no religious rights or conscience protections left intact. 

Private or Christian schools which simply separate boys and girls in classrooms, or which refuse to enroll “transgendered” students, or which do not provide unisex locker rooms, showers, or changing areas, or churches which ordain male-only clergy would be compelled to change their policies under the Equality Act or lose their tax-exempt status, and possibly their ability to fulfill compulsory school attendance laws of the states.  

The federal “Equality Act” passed the Democrat-run House but stalled in the Republican-run Senate:  The Equality Act passed the House of Representatives on May 17, 2019.  Every Democrat who voted (228), voted yes.  Eight Republicans voted yes, and 173 Republicans voted no.  Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was asked by Senator Tammy Baldwin, who openly claims to be a Lesbian, to bring up the “Equality” Act for Senate consideration.  Her June 16, 2020 letter was signed by all 47 Senate Democrats as well as Republican Senator Collins of Maine.  Senator McConnell has so far declined to take up the “Equality Act.”  If Democrats win the Senate, you can be sure the “Equality Act” will pass the Senate and then be sent to the President for his signature.  Ultimately, the President will determine the fate of the Equality Act. 

Attempting to interfere with the exercise of conscience by Christians is exactly the intent of the Equality Act.  LGBTQ+ and pro-abortion leftists offer a choice of apostasy or persecution.  But we have another choice:  Oppose every candidate for Congress who supports the Equality Act and urge others to do the same.

Many churches and public policy organizations oppose the Equality Act:

The U.S. Catholic bishops opposed the Equality Act, in a March 20, 2019 letter to Congressmen:   

“The Equality Act puts …  at risk … the First Amendment freedoms of speech, association, conscience, and religious exercise. …” 


“… would remove women and girls from protected legal existence … the Act also fails to recognize the difference between the person — who has dignity and is entitled to recognition of it — and the actions of a person, which have ethical and social ramifications.”


“… would force … health care professionals to perform certain treatments and procedures associated with “gender transition” against their best medical or ethical judgment with respect to a patient.” 

“… contains no firm criteria for “gender identity,” which creates a path for potential emotional or physical harm against individuals, particularly in highly personal sex-segregated spaces such as restrooms and locker rooms.  …” 

“… would force … charitable services to either violate their principles or shut down …  shelters would be required to house vulnerable, sometimes traumatized, women with biological men. … foster care and adoption agencies would be expected to place children with same-sex partners, regardless of some birth mothers’ wishes and children’s best interests.”   

The Heritage Foundation stated the Equality Act’s SOGI provisions: 

“ … would empower the federal government to impose punishments on citizens who dissent from SOGI ideology, including medical professionals, parents, women and girls, businesses, and charities. … The bill would also take away the authority of local communities to determine who is allowed in single-sex facilities and whether biological men and boys are allowed to join women’s and girls’ sports teams.”

“ … parents will be unable to find therapeutic support for their gender dysphoric children that does not involve automatic affirmation and medical intervention. … the bill labels talk therapy to address gender dysphoria as a form of ‘discrimination.’  Professional counselors could be compelled to affirm same-sex marriage and transgender ideology in their work.”

“Creative professionals … who understand that humans are born male or female, and who believe that marriage means a union between one man and one woman, could be compelled to use their artistic gifts to create custom goods and services for events that violate their consciences, such as sex-change celebrations and same-sex marriages. …”

“… employees and employers could be compelled to use ‘preferred pronouns’ according to gender identity. … people would be forced by law to refer to a man as ‘she’ or a woman as ‘he,’ or a person as ‘they’ or ‘ze’ or ‘fae’ – or anything else someone desires.”

The Heritage Foundation also noted that Virginia public school French language teacher, Peter Vlaming, was fired even though he tried to accommodate a “transgender” student without violating his Christian faith. 

“He used the student’s new name to avoid upsetting the student, but refrained from using pronouns altogether in the student’s presence to avoid speaking against his belief that God created human beings male and female.  ‘I’m happy to avoid female pronouns not to offend because I’m not here to provoke … but I can’t refer to a female as a male, and a male as a female in good conscience and faith.’

The Family Research Council (FRC) notes that penalties for violating the Equality Act’s SOGI requirements would include hiring, 


“… someone ill-fitted for the business or specific position being offered. They could be mandated to pay back wages and benefits, attorney’s fees, expert witness fees, court costs, and compensatory and punitive damages.  Compensatory damages include paying for the out-of-pocket expenses … Punitive damages would be … For employers with 15-100 employees … $50,000. … 101-200 employees … $100,000 … 201-500 employees … $200,000 … more than 500 employees … $300,000.” (FRC, April, 2019, issue brief, IF19D01)

The National Right to Life Committee concludes that the Equality Act (H. R. 5) would mandate tax paid abortion, and eliminate individual and institutional conscience clauses that now allow medical personnel to refuse to perform or assist at abortions:

“… the Equality Act, contains language that could be construed to create a right to demand abortion from health care providers, and likely would place at risk the authority of the government to prohibit taxpayer-funded abortions.  

“… when Congress has addressed discrimination based on sex, rules of construction have been added to prevent requiring funding of abortion or nullifying conscience laws. No such rule of construction is contained in H.R. 5.

“… the Equality Act would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (CRA) by defining ‘sex’ to include ‘pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition. … abortion is regarded as a related medical condition.

“ … a related medical condition shall not receive less favorable treatment than other physical conditions.


“…States administering Medicaid, could be could be considered an ‘establishment that provides health care,’ funding restrictions, including the Hyde Amendment, will be put in jeopardy.” 

All U.S. House amendments offered to “neuter” the Equality Act failed:  Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee proposed amendments to H. R. 5 that would have exempted biological females from being forced to compete against biological males in sports;  shield health care providers from being compelled to affirm an individual’s subjective sense of gender identity;  protect parents’ legal rights to direct the medical care of their children; and allow the Religious Freedom Restoration Act's conscience and religious liberty protections to apply, which would have allowed medical personnel to refuse involvement with abortion.  All of these amendments failed, clearly demonstrating that Equality Act proponents intend to impose the most extreme applications of the Act’s S OGI laws. 

Christians must register to vote, and vote in huge numbers this November to forestall a Democrat take-over of our Country and serious erosion, if not annihilation of our Religious Liberty:  If Christians fail to register to vote or fail to urge other like-minded persons to register and vote in the 2020 election, secular statists intent on imposing their LGBTQ+ agenda and expanding the killing of children waiting to be born, will be emboldened.  Truly if we love our neighbor we must not only pray, but also take direct action.  

Opponents of Christianity and Natural Law have already sued the Little Sisters of the Poor to force them to pay for contraception and abortion-causing drugs.  They hope to use taxes especially from those opposed to abortion to fully subsidize the killing of children waiting to be born.  They have sued to bankrupt business owners and shut down small businesses that choose to not celebrate sodomy marriage.  They are willing to deny childless heterosexual couples the ability to adopt or foster children unless they agree with the LGBTQ+ or pro-abortion agenda.  They seek to compel religious adoption agencies to place children with same-sex couples, despite the existence of secular agencies already doing this.  Religious adoption agencies have already closed in some states, rather than be forced to violate their beliefs.  Religious hospitals are being sued to provide abortion and to perform “sex-change” surgeries, against their religious beliefs.

Christians, and all men of good will who believe in Natural Law, can prevent these and other bleak consequences by praying unceasingly and registering to vote and voting only for candidates for President, the U.S. House and U.S. Senate who will vote NO on the Equality Act.  Democrats overwhelmingly support the Equality Act while Republicans overwhelmingly oppose it. 

SOGI Laws require persecution of Christians:  In 2020 Virginia State legislator, Delegate Marcus Simon (D), spoke in favor of a state equivalent of the federal Equality Act: 

“I’ve actually looked at the [unlimited punitive damages] language … and I think it’s actually doing exactly what we intended for it to do.  If you don’t want to be subject to unlimited punitive damages, don’t discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.”


“I mean, this wasn’t meant to be a non-punitive bill. We created a private right of action for a reason. And so I think that the bill accomplishes exactly what it’s intended to do …”  

The Virginia Family Foundation noted that in 2018, the same Delegate Simon stated on another SOGI bill, (which failed because the Democrats were in the minority at that time): 

“There are certain sincerely held religious beliefs which are so discriminatory that we don't give them the protection of the law, and this is one of those cases.”

The Virginia Family Foundation commented:  SOGI bills are not,

“about commerce or fairness or tolerance. They’ve made it abundantly clear time and time again that they intend to punish and even destroy ANYONE – even churches, schools and religious nonprofits – who will not bow the knee to the god of sexual ‘freedom.’”

When the Democrats gained control of the Virginia state legislature, they also removed every pro-life legal protection and health regulation that had taken decades to pass under Republican majority leadership.   We can expect the same on the federal level if Democrats sweep the Congress and the Presidency.

Democrats seek permanent Majority status:  Even if President Trump were able to nominate and secure Supreme Court nominees equal to Moses and Mother Teresa, that alone would not protect us from the ravages of the Equality Act if the Democrats have a clean sweep of the House, the Senate and the Presidency!   

The Marxist leadership of the Democrat Party in Congress appears to be planning to expand the size of the Supreme Court up to 15 Justices and to add at least one or possibly two states (District of Columbia and possibly Puerto Rico) to the Union.  Hillary Clinton received 92.8% of the popular presidential vote in 2016 and won DC’s three Electoral College votes.  Donald Trump received 4.1% of the vote.  Adding these two “states” would increase Leftist Democrat power by adding up to four more Democrat Senate seats, enough to ensure control of future judicial nominations to lower courts and the Supreme Court.  The goal: to permanently hold majority power.  


If Democrats hold a majority in the House, win the Senate and win the White House in 2020, Leftist attorneys will become the Supreme Court judges who will interpret the laws that a Leftist Democrat Congress passes, starting with the Equality Act.

Democrats also intend to pack the Court:  Furious about President Trump’s nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to replace deceased Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Democrat politicians are discussing increasing the size of the U.S. Supreme Court to counter the effect of Trump’s presumably conservative nominee.  Again, if Democrats keep their majority in the House, win control of the Senate and Presidency, there will be no check on the Democrats’ plan to consolidate unrestrained power.

The Atlantic reports that court packing is supported by Senator Ed Markey (MA), House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (NY), former bartender Congresswoman Occasio-Cortez (NY), Senate Democrat Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (NY) as well as Democrat Senators Kamala Harris, (Joe Biden’s running mate), Elizabeth Warren, Mazie Hirono, and Kirstin Gillibrand.  


The court packing plan has been discussed in recent years by Democrats, but Justice Ginsburg’s death has refocused interest on the proposal.   The Supreme Court is the only federal court required by the Constitution, and the number of Justices is left up to Congress, with the current number of nine Justices set in 1869 under President Grant. That number has not changed since then, although President Franklin Roosevelt did try to pack the Supreme Court with up to 15 Justices in order to gain judicial approval of his policies.

FDR’s 1936 election was a landslide, and 76 of the 96 members of the Senate were Democrats at the time he proposed his court packing plan.  Roosevelt sent his proposed “Court Reform bill” to Congress on February 5, 1937, to allow the President to add up to six Justices, for a total of 15 Justices on the Supreme Court.  He submitted the proposal because many of his New Deal laws had been deemed “unconstitutional” by the Court.  Despite his popularity, he was criticized for attempting to destroy the independence of the federal Judiciary. 

The overwhelmingly Democrat-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee wrote a highly negative report on Roosevelt’s S.1392:   


“It applies force to the judiciary and in its initial and ultimate effect would undermine the independence of the courts.  It violates all precedents in the history of our government and would in itself be a dangerous precedent for the future.

The theory of the bill is in direct violation of the spirit of the American Constitution and … would permit alteration of the Constitution without the people’s consent or approval; it undermines the protection our constitutional system gives to minorities ad is subversive of the rights of individuals.

This is the first time in the history of our country that a proposal to alter the decision of the court by enlarging its personnel has been so boldly made. … Let us now set a salutary precedent that will never be violated. … 

We recommend rejection of this bill as a needless, futile, and utterly dangerous abandonment of constitutional principle.  …


It is a measure which should be so emphatically rejected that its parallel will never again be presented to the free representatives of the free people of America.” [Senate Report No. 711, 75th Congress, 1st Sess., (1937)]

Roosevelt’s bill was eventually rejected.  Later in 1937, when Associate Justice Willis Van Devanter retired, Roosevelt was able to replace him with New Deal cheerleader and sitting U.S. Senator from Alabama.  His name was Hugo Black, someone who had “excellent” democratic credentials for the time!  Justice Black was a member of the Ku Klux Klan.  He was, none-the-less, confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The irony of Democrats reviving FDR’s failed Court Packing plan in the wake of Justice Ginsburg’s death is that she herself opposed it!  An NPR interview disclosed that Justice Ginsburg: 

“does not favor proposals put forth by some Democratic presidential candidates who have advocated changing the number of Supreme Court justices if the Democrats win the presidency. …”

" ‘Nine seems to be a good number.  It's been that way for a long time,’ she said, adding, ‘I think it was a bad idea when President Franklin Roosevelt tried to pack the court.’”

Supreme Court Justices have been threatened by Democrat Senate Minority Leader:  Democrat Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (NY) threatened Justices of the Supreme Court in March, 2020, while speaking to abortion supporters near the Supreme Court building in D.C.  In very crude language, pointing to the Supreme Court building, Schumer declared:  

“I want to tell you, Gorsuch; I want to tell you, Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

This was a bare-knuckled threat against sitting Justices of the Supreme Court who were hearing an abortion case: Decide in favor of abortion or face unspecified retribution.

NBC News noted

“In a highly unusual written statement issued late Wednesday, (Justice) Roberts said, “Statements of this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangerous.”   

President Pro Tem of the Senate, Republican Senator Charles E. Grassley, stated, 

“At best it was an injection of partisan politics into a process that should be immune to them, … At worst, it was a threat targeting two sitting members of the Supreme Court.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) stated, 

“There is nothing to call this except a threat.  And there is absolutely no question to whom it was directed. Contrary to what the Democratic Leader has since tried to claim … He literally directed the statement to the Justices, by name…. The Minority Leader of the United States Senate threatened two Associate Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court. Period. There’s no other way to interpret that.” (Sen. McConnell, Congressional Record, Remarks, 3/05/2020)

Democrats will select radical judges:  The Democrat Party Platform for 2020 states,

“Our courts should reflect our country.  … We will nominate and confirm federal judges who have diverse backgrounds and experiences, including as public defenders, legal aid attorneys, and civil rights lawyers.”  [Democrat Platform p. 38]  

The Democratic Party recognizes the need for structural court reforms to increase transparency and accountability. ” [Democrat Platform p. 58]

While President Trump has been candid, disclosing the names of more than 40 potential nominees for federal courts, including for the U.S. Supreme Court, Democrat Presidential candidate, Joe Biden, has not revealed one name despite claiming his administration would be transparent.  He has only disclosed the gender and racial attributes of a potential Supreme Court nominee: “Biden is committed to naming a black woman to the Supreme Court.” (The Hill, 6/12/20).   

Democrat leaders including Senator Dick Durbin (IL), Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (RI), Senator Debbie Stabenow (MI), and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (NY) have counseled Joe Biden to not disclose his judicial picks.  One can only conclude that nominees would be so radical, their names would cause political backlash. 

In addition to Court packing, the Democrats want to pack Congress:  The Democrat Party’s 2020 Platform states they want to make the District of Columbia the 51st state with two Senators and at least one Congressman representing them. According to a Washington Post story,  

“In the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests, a committee reporting to D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D) called Tuesday to “remove, relocate or contextualize” the Jefferson Memorial and the Washington Monument.”  

If the District of Columbia became the 51st state, they could more easily accomplish this goal.

The Democrat Party 2020 Platform, pages 58-59, states: 

“It’s time to stop treating the more than 700,000 people who live in our nation’s capital as second-class citizens. The residents of Washington, D.C. pay more per capita in federal income taxes than any state in the country—and more in total federal income tax than 22 states—and yet the District has zero voting representatives in the U.S. Congress. …   Democrats unequivocally support statehood for Washington, D.C., so the citizens of the District can at last have full and equal representation in Congress and the rights of self-determination.”   

The supposed claim of “lack of representation” could be easily solved by enacting a law to return to Maryland the portion of the District of Columbia Maryland donated to the federal government to form the District of Columbia.  Current D.C. residents would be represented by the two Maryland Senators; with reapportionment following on the 2020 Census, they could have another Member of Congress added to represent them in 2022.  In the mid 1800’s, Virginia received back the portion of land it had donated to the federal government to form D.C., now Arlington and Alexandria.

Of course, the Democrats would not be satisfied with equal representation as part of the State of Maryland, because they just want more voting power in Congress!  

Democrats talk “impeachment” of President Trump yet again:  On ABC’s “This Week” program, September 20, 2020, host George Stephanopoulos interviewed Speaker Nancy Pelosi asking what Democrats could do if President Trump and the Republican Senate pursued the nomination of a replacement for Justice Ginsburg.

George Stephanopoulos:

“So what can you do then?  Some have mentioned the possibility if they try to push through a nominee in a lame duck session that you and the House can move to impeach President Trump or Attorney General Barr as a way of stalling and preventing the Senate from acting on this nomination.”  

Speaker Pelosi: 

“Well, we have our options. We have arrows in our quiver that I’m not about to discuss right now …”

The real Constitution, as opposed to whatever constitutional “arrows” Nancy Pelosi claims she has access to, states, 

“The President … shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. [U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 4]

The Democrat Speaker of the House may not use “impeachment” to harass the President or to block the nomination of a judge the Democrats oppose.  Further, the Constitution does provide that the President, 

“… by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Judges of the Supreme Court …” [U.S. Constitution., Art. II, Sect. II, Para ii]

Speaker Pelosi proposes to impeach the President for carrying out his duty under the Constitution!  Remember:  Marxist Democrats like Speaker Pelosi do not abide by the rule of Law!  They pursue their goals using any means they choose, including character assassination of opponents.

A supreme irony is that Mr. Biden passes himself off as a man of faith, sometimes even talking about carrying his rosary.  No matter his claims of personal piety, Mr. Biden would advance policies that create litigation nightmares designed to bankrupt and annihilate Christian businesses and institutions and subject individual Christians to various forms of persecution including mandated sexual attitude restructuring, denial of licenses and/or certifications for certain professions or businesses if they follow the morality taught by Moses and Jesus.  

The policy consequences of Democrat-supported legislation such as the Equality Act, cannot be overstated and must be understood, especially by Christians who for a variety of reasons, may not be registered to vote or do not intend to vote in November 2020.  


No candidate or political party is without flaws, but the very real consequences of a Democrat sweep of both houses of Congress and the presidency can be avoided if all Christians, especially those who believe in Natural Law, convince other like-minded individuals to register to vote and vote in the upcoming election and ask their friends across the country to do the same.  To not act in the face of such overwhelming consequences of Democrats gaining more power, is to choose to do nothing to stop Marxist Democrats from increasing the power of the secular state at the expense of religious tolerance and liberty.   


The current Democrat party is not the party of our parents or grandparents.  To protect our personal religious liberties and those of our children, Christians cannot vote for candidates like Joe Biden, or Members of Congress who call themselves Democrats but support radical Marxist policies. 

How a Biden presidency would unleash Christian persecution
Can a Christian be a Democrat?

Can a Christian be a Democrat?

Can a Christian be a Democrat?

It’s not fun to write so plainly on an issue like this. I don’t mean to cause division or stir up hard feelings. However, I do think that it is necessary to be plain and speak clearly, in a spirit of love, on issues that are important and that have real-life impact on peoples lives. Many ministers speak so vaguely and carefully that I have found that people on both sides of a moral issue feel as though the preacher is supporting their view and condemning the other. And while this serves to keep feelings from being hurt, it does nothing to further the truth or to bring about the change that truly helps people.


First of all, I would like to be clear that I have no commitment to any political party. I am a Christian, and every bit of my political views are formed through the lens of my Bible. As of right now, I feel like I can be both a Christian and a Republican without any contradiction. If that changes, then Republican will go, but not Christian. However, I do not think that one can be a Christian in the truest since of the word and also be a Democrat voter (if he is fully aware of Democrat policies). There are fundamental beliefs at the core of the Democratic Party that are at odds with Biblical truth. Of course, I know that many people call themselves Christian who are Democrat voters. But I must humbly suggest that they are either misinformed or have embraced an unbiblical ‘Christianity.’

Now before I get into the issues that make ‘Democrat’ incompatible with ‘Christian,’ I want to answer an objection is likely to come up. The common objection I hear is that it is hypocritical for Christians to support a man as immoral as Donald Trump has been. 

But here is my answer to that objection. The point of politics and government is to put policies and laws into place that have real-life implications on regular people. If I lived in the 19th century, and it happened that I was deciding between voting for a man who was found to have an adulterous affair in the past, but was against slavery, or another man, of whom there was no apparent immorality, but supported slavery, I would choose the former. Not because I approved of adultery, but because slavery is too important of an issue to withhold my vote. 

Furthermore, even if the candidate that supported slavery held some views that I agreed with and would like to see implemented, and even if he was a ‘Christian’ and the other man an atheist, I would vote for the atheist that supported emancipation over the ‘Christian’ who did not. 

My ultimate desire would be to have a good and godly man as president of the United States. And in the primaries in 2016, I voted for a man whom I felt best fit that description. However, when it was apparent that the man I voted for was not going to be the Republican candidate, but that Donald Trump was, I was faced with the option of voting for a business shark known for his licentious lifestyle, Hillary Clinton, or not voting at all. 

And, indeed, it was difficult. But for the reasons I will mention hereafter, I hesitantly voted for Donald Trump. And now, looking back, I’m glad that I did.

The Democratic Party

People on the left are sometimes referred to as ‘bleeding heart liberals.’ I think this is a good term for most ordinary people who are Democrats. They are generally the kind of people who will take you in after you’ve been hurt, make you some chicken noodle soup, and sit and listen while you vent your feelings. Most Democrats that I know feel that the Democratic Party best represents the people in life who have been hurt, cast out, abused, and forsaken. And because of this, and because they feel like Republicans are the party of the oppressors, they are extremely passionate about politics, even to the point of massive and constant demonstrations in the streets. And while all this might seem like a good thing, a wider view must be taken. 

In life, there are things that are intrinsically good and intrinsically bad. Things that are good will always produce life, and things that are bad, death. God has outlined those things for us in the Bible. We all want to be that person that takes in the wounded and applies the balm, but what do we do if we find that the wounded one is engaging in behaviors that are hurting themselves and others? Do we continue to nurse them into destruction, or do we speak difficult words that will ultimate help them if followed?

The truth is that everyone has to draw the line somewhere. Even though liberals love to care for the wounded and hurt, they will also draw the line. The question is not if the line should be drawn or not, but where to draw it. Humanity has historically drawn that line further and further away from where God draws it. And when it comes to the Democratic Party, they have drawn the line the furthest away. This is why democrats seem to be the more compassionate of the two parties. It’s not that they care more, it’s just that they are willing to embrace behaviors that God does not approve of. And while true Christians are ever ready to embrace even the vilest of sinners with compassion and love, they must come with a humble heart, ready to repent.

Policies that Christians CANNOT accept

The Bible speaks on many things, but not everything. The Bible doesn’t tell us what type of government to have, how long a presidential term should be, how much taxes should be, or whether or not it is constitutional to force people to wear a mask. These things are all up for debate with no one being intrinsically right or wrong. There are many such things like this in government. However, there are some policies that intersect with biblical truth. They are not up for debate.

As far as I know, there are no policies in the Republican platform that directly violates Biblical mandates. If I’m wrong, correct me. There are certainly Republicans who are bad, immoral people. There are certainly Republicans who are not Christians. But I am unaware of any republican policies that are immoral, per se. And I often challenge people on this. I say, “Show me republican policies that are in place, or even proposed, that are immoral, racist, bigoted, misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic, etc.” No one has. If they did, I’d be opposed to those policies.

In contrast, the Democratic Party not only embraces immoral and unbiblical policies, but also celebrates them. Support for these policies is not restricted to outliners, but is core to their beliefs as a political party. As a Christian, it is impossible to be a supporter of these policies and a follower of Christ. Nor can a person vote Democrat and ignore these issues, claiming to not be a one issue voter; for if you vote democrat, you vote for these unbiblical policies, for they are embedded into the Democratic Party. 


The Policies

I will briefly outline each of the political issues that most intersect with Biblical mandates, and what the scripture has to say. They are:

  1. Abortion

  2. LGBT+ policies

  3. Censorship

  4. Welfare

  5. Death Penalty



What the Bible says: “if harm [comes to the baby], it shall be life for life” – Exodus 21:22-25

What Democrats say: “Democrats will always protect sexual and reproductive health and rights. We believe that comprehensive health services, including access to reproductive care and abortion services, are vital to the empowerment of women and girls.” – Democrat Party Platform, 2020

Abortion should be at the top of every Christian’s priority list. Abortion is certainly one of the most grievous sin of our nation. Not only is does our nation care little now for the command of God to enjoy sexual relations in the context of a marriage only, but many of those who break this command seek to do away with its consequences by killing a child made in the image of God. 

And that’s the big issue here. Is the child that is in the womb a child, a person? If it is not, then abortion should be no big deal, with no reason to make it ‘rare.’ But if it is, then abortion is the grossest crime and vilest human rights abuse of our time. Out of all people who are the most innocent and most vulnerable, it is those who are growing in the womb of their mother. 

So what’s the answer? Is it a person in the womb or is it not? Do they have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? or are they to be treated as the slaves once were, when many argued that they also were not really people?

The Bible prescribes the death penalty to a man who hurts a pregnant woman in such a way that kills the child (Exo 21:22-25 – stay away from liberal mis-translations like the RSV). It sounds to me like God sees the baby in the womb as a child, not a blob of flesh. If this is true, how can we support a party that not only permits abortion, but actively strives to make it free and available at all times, even to minors without parental consent? 

Abortion is disgustingly EVIL. An innocent baby is literally torn apart inside the womb of her mother. How is this ever ok? It’s not. Not if it’s a child–which it is.

LGBT+ Activism

What the Bible says: “For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another…” – Romans 1:26-27

What Democrats say: “We will amplify the voices of LGBTQ+ persons around the world.” “We will…ban harmful ‘conversion therapy’ practices.” – Democrat Party Platform, 2020

A new litmus test has arisen among democrats as to whether a person is good or bad. If a person supports LGBT+ they are good, if they don’t, they are bad. Period. 

I’ve discovered this as I have discussed the gospel with hundreds of people over the last few years out on the streets and online. I’ve found many people will engage with me in conversation until LGBT issues arise. As soon as they find that I hold a Biblical stance on the matter, they instantly throw me into the ‘bad’ pile. 

Once, while discussing abortion, I was dismantling the absurd idea that conservatives only care about children in the womb and not after they are born. I brought up the hundreds of pregnancy care centers around the US and big organizations like Samaritan’s Purse, Operation Blessing, and the Salvation Army, that have helped millions. But she dismissed all the good they have done by her LGBT litmus test saying, “yeah, but they don’t support LGBT rights.”

Honestly, if I could pick one issue to take out of the Bible, I would pick this issue. I really, really, reallywould rather not talk about it. It’s just the hardest thing for a preacher to talk about right now. I don’t want to be hated. I don’t want to be called a homophobe. I just want to share the love of Jesus with people. 

But the truth is that the Bible does speak on this issue. God knows the hurt that homosexual behavior brings upon people and culture. I know people would argue against that, but if it didn’t bring hurt and pain, God would not have forbid it. 

We, as followers of Christ, have been called to be faithful to the Word of God no matter what the current culture dictates to us. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego would not bow to the cultural demands of their day, we must not bow either. LGBT+ activism is an abomination in the eyes of God, a spit in His face. When LGBT+ activists walk together in parades declaring that they are proud of behaviors that God calls sinful, they ‘store up for themselves wrath on the day of judgment’ (Romans 2:5). ‘Though they join hand-in-hand,’ the Bible says, ‘they shall not go unpunished’ (Proverbs 11:21).

Of course, this fact does not take away our responsibility to show love and compassion and respect to all people, including the LGBT+. We are in no way to discriminate against them by refusing to provide goods or services to them in anyway. The only time we must object is when they ask us to promote or celebrate their lifestyle. As God-fearing people, we cannot. We must strive to please God and not man.

But this often upsets the LGBT+ crowd. Many Democrats become so enraged over this subject that they will destroy your life and livelihood over it. They will sue and boycott your business. They will malign you. They will kick you off social media. They will expose your physical address, hoping that someone might pay you a visit. And if they get enough power, you can be sure that laws will be passed to punish those that even suggest that homosexuality is an unacceptable lifestyle choice.

If Democrats obtain enough power, they will institute a nation-wide ban on what they call ‘conversion therapy.’ This broad category certainly includes Christian ministries that desire to help those who struggle with unwanted same-sex attractions. Democrats will, in effect, criminalize true Christianity, for we are to, like Peter, preach that men should ‘Repent, and be converted…’ (Acts 3:19).

This is why it is outrageous for any Christian to thrown in their lot with the Democratic Party. Those who do are helping to seal the doom of true Christians in this country, and God is watching. 


What the Bible says: “Cry aloud, spare not; Lift up your voice like a trumpet; Tell My people their transgression, And the house of Jacob their sins.” – Isaiah 58:1

What Democrats say: “Democrats believe that freedom of religion and the right to believe—or not to believe—are fundamental human rights. We will never use protection of that right as a cover for discrimination.” – Democratic Party Platform, 2020 

In a shockingly dangerous trend, more and more voices are being silenced that buck against beliefs held by leftist Democrats. Democrats claim to be champions of free speech and freedom of religion, but only if you do not violate what they call ‘discrimination.’ Public Universities are striving to implement ‘safe spaces,’ forbid controversial speakers to their campuses, and limit free speech on public grounds. I know this personally, for if I have been reprimanded by police for preaching just three feet onto the campus of the University of Delaware.

It is also well-know that social media, controlled by democratic sympathizers, has routinely silenced voices that they find ‘dangerous.’ And while it could be argued that these businesses are private enterprises, with the freedom to do what they want, it reflects a broader mentality that will easily emerge in public life if Democrats get enough power. 

This is already a fact of life for countries like the United Kingdom. What used to be a bastion for free speech now has laws that punish those who dare stand up and preach against what the Bible outlines as immoral. A simple google search will find this to be true. 


If you don’t think Democrats will do the same here in American, your head is in the sand. By voting for Democrats, you can be assured that you put in jeopardy those who boldly declare the truth of the gospel and limit the scope in which sinners can hear and be saved.



What the Bible says: “If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.” – 2 Thessalonians 3:10

What democrats say: “Democrats will increase funding for food assistance programs, including SNAP, WIC, and school meals.” – Democrat Party Platform, 2020

Democrats pride themselves on having a monopoly on compassion and kindness. Former president Barak Obama once expressed this sentiment: “Kindness covers all of my political beliefs.”

Part of an expression of that kindness is generous welfare for our poor. Now let me be clear, I am not opposed to welfare or food stamps or free school meals. But when I am opposed to, and every Christian should be opposed to, is incentivizing idleness.

Our current welfare system provides great opportunity for abuse. This abuse not only is extremely wasteful of taxpayer dollars, but it hurts the communities it is trying to help. When Paul told the Thessalonians that ‘if anyone will not work, neither shall he eat,’ he wasn’t railing against moochers. Instead, he was seeking to restore the dignity that work brings. He knows that some people need a kick in the rear sometimes to get them on their way. The average human can go weeks without food. Missing a couple of meals isn’t going to hurt anyone. Instead, that hungry belly will motivate a man to get up and get to work.

This is why I am for a welfare plan that promotes and rewards those who work and discriminates against those who refuse to work. I’m fine with helping people who are honestly seeking work or who don’t quite make enough money at their job to cover all of their bills. But we should all be against the idea of those who stay home and do nothing, yet received thousands in cash and food benefits. 

The government currently incentivizes sloth by provided a huge amount of welfare benefits for those who meet the right conditions. These conditions included making under a certain amount of money, having children out of wedlock, and staying un-married–all things that keep people in poverty. We will never bring people out of poverty by incentivizing things that keep people in poverty. 

Democrats probably know this, but by demonizing those who are for welfare reform and promising more free-bees, they secure for themselves a solid voting base. In other words, they keep the poor poor so they can be in power, all the while making themselves look like the compassionate ones. It’s sickening, and we all should be against it. 

Death Penalty

What the Bible says: “For [the government] is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil.” – Romans 13:4

What Democrats say: “Democrats continue to support abolishing the death penalty.” – Democratic Party Platform, 2020

In yet another display of leftist ‘compassion,’ Democrats have declared themselves opponents of the death penalty. This, once again, has the appearance of humanity and compassion, but only results in a greater amount of suffering. By opposing the death penalty, only more death will result. 

The world may argue about this issue back and forth, but we have a precise word from God on why the death penalty is important: it prevents future crime. By not using the death penalty (or using it incorrectly) we will have more murders, more rapes, and more kidnappings. 

“you shall put away the evil from among you. And those who remain shall hear and fear, and hereafter they shall not again commit such evil among you. Your eye shall not pity: life shall be for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot..” – Deuteronomy 19:19-21

Why do you think God specifically commanded the government to show no pity when exercising judgment? Is it because God is just outrageously barbaric? No, it is because of the temptation to thwart justice by showing judicial compassion to those who should not receive it, to the detriment of society. If government allows emotional softness to rule rather than justice, evil will prevail. And you can be sure, that if Democrats rule (or anyone soft on crime), crime will get worse and worse. More people will be hurt, raped, and killed. However, if we do death penalties the right way (i.e. publicly and swiftly), criminals will see their buddies perish and rethink their life choices. 

(It must be remembered that the ‘sword’ is for government use only. This is clear in scripture. In no way is any Christian justified in using violence or vigilantism. “Eye for an eye” is for the government. “Turn the other cheek” is for everyone else.)


I don’t not think this to be an exhaustive list of reasons a Christian must not be a Democrat voter. But I do think it is more than enough for an honest Christian to see that it is unthinkable to support a party who has so lifted up its heel against their Creator. None of the reasons I have proposed has anything to do with ‘demanding our rights’ or ‘keeping the government out of our business.’ While those things might have their place for discussion, the points I am raising has everything to do with Biblical fidelity only. Can this party be reconciled with Biblical truth or can it not? We must ask this question about every political party that we choose to support. It may be that one day we are unable, in good conscience, to support any prominent party. Let’s pray that day doesn’t come. However, as of now, I am persuaded that being a member of the Republican party, despite its faults and flawed members, can be harmonious with being a God-fearing Christ-follower. I cannot say the same about the Democratic Party.

Do you vote Democrat? Why? I pray that you would consider the things I have shown from the Democratic Party. They are not hidden, but plainly written as their agenda. Don’t throw your lot in with them. They murder the innocent, praise the immoral, silence the truth, enslave the poor, and rescue the guilty. Is this the kind of people a Christian can walk with?

I know that politics are not the answer to the problems we face. The gospel is, and the church should be focused on that. But we also must understand that playing our part in government is essential. If the church was united, there would be no need for a blog like this. We could all go silently to the ballot box and cast our votes. Unfortunately, there are many mixed messages. I pray that this blog can bring some clarity, in a spirit of love, to those who are seeking the truth. Thanks for reading.

Can You Be Christian and a Democrat?

Quick answer: Of course! But that's the wrong question so read on.

So I've heard some folks really don't like Trump. I get it. He's a proud and unrepentant adulterer, says he's a Christian who's never repented (two mutually exclusive positions), has called about 70 people names just during this primary cycle, and exhibits the emotional maturity of an eight-year-old bully in his speech and on twitter. One anti-Trump hashtag that has made the rounds is #MakeAmerica8Again.

But then I've heard Christian folks say, if he's the nominee, they'll vote Democrat. Which brings up an important question: can you be a Christian and vote Democrat?

Important: I'm not a Republican and this is not an endorsement of the Republican Party OR Donald Trump. I have no love for the establishment of that party.

Now before you get whacked out that a pastor is talking about politics, remember, the Word of God intersects with ALL areas of life.


There was another country where the pastors refused to talk about politics — Germany circa 1933-1945. Christian pastors thought that political parties shouldn't be mentioned — too messy and "earthy," while they were more "kingdom" minded. They praised Jesus in church while Jews were slaughtered in concentration camps.

Except for a small number of pastors. The most famous and politically radical member, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, is considered a hero today. He was hung for plotting to kill Hitler. Talk about a political move. Praise God for him! And how evil are those pastors who refused to "sully" themselves in politics.

So — I have no problem discussing politics and faith in areas where lives are actually at stake, and I hope you'll understand why by the time you're done reading.

So back where we started — can you be a Christian and vote Democrat?

Of course!

That's like asking if a person can be a convicted ax murderer and a Christian. Karla Fay Tucker seemed to prove that's possible. Can a person be a Mary Kay consultant and a Christian? I'm pretty sure Mary Kay is. There are all kinds of things a person can do — both sinful and morally neutral, and still be a Christian. Can a person talk about walls and still be a Christian? Sorry…the Pope said no and he's as wrong as he can be, and as far from the Gospel of Jesus Christ as he can be on this (hint: God told Nehemiah to build a wall).


A person can be a Democrat and be a Christian. Nothing else I have ever said or will say should be interpreted to contradict that.


But I ALSO believe that's 100% the wrong question.

The right question is: SHOULD a Christian be a Democrat?

You tell me — how bad does a group have to become for it to be wrong to be part of it? Would it be wrong to be in the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazi) in 1940 Germany as they are slaughtering Jews? Of course!

But what if a party's official platform endorsed the ending of not just six million lives, but 57 million? Would that be bad enough to say it's wrong to be in it?

Consider the Democratic Party and Abortion:

To be a "Democrat" means that you have embraced with whatever support you give the party the Holy Grail, the Great Sacrament, the One-Thing-That-Cannot-Be-Argued in the Democratic Party. And that is abortion on demand, for any reason, all the time, any place, up to the second of birth, as much as possible.


Reminder! — I'm not saying you should be a Republican. I'm not one. Their weakness has kind of made me ill over the last couple of years.

It's actually very easy to objectively prove that the Democratic Party aids in the taking of more human life by any means than the other party — with political will, with lawmaking, with court appointments and with dollars given to the abortion industry.



1. The Democratic Party has one dominant sacrament. 

Abortion. Any time, any place, any age woman, at any point in the pregnancy. No other issue more defines the party or is more important than abortion. It has cost 57 million lives since 1974. Real lives. Real babies.

2. Since the 1970s, The Democratic Party has ONLY appointed justices to the Supreme Court who vigorously support abortion as an inalienable right for all women at all times 

(The other party has tried to appoint only pro-life judges and has appointed possibly five who oppose abortion as a right —  Rehnquist, Thomas, Scalia, Alito, and Roberts).

3. The Democratic Party savagely and violently attacks, defames and seeks to destroy by any means any Supreme Court candidate who might be pro-life. 

Why? For the sin of being pro-life, i.e., Clarence Thomas, Sam Alito, Ted Kennedy's famous speech defaming Robert Bork.


4. The Democratic Party will not let ANY pro-life members of the party speak during its national conventions.

Intolerant in the extreme.

5. The Democratic Party demands that 100% of its presidential candidates be pro-abortion.


You have NEVER seen a pro-life Democrat candidate for President in your lifetime. Isn't that bizarre? Polls show only 40% of the country is pro-choice while 50% is pro-life. But not ONE pro-life candidate. Wow.

6. Candidates that switched from pro-life to pro-choice include Jimmy Carter, Senator Dick Durbin (didn't run but he wanted to be a big deal for a while), former Representative Richard Gephardt, Representative Dennis Kucinich, the (non)Reverend Jesse Jackson, and Al Gore.


All pro-life until they sold their souls for a chance at power. Click here to read a particularly eloquent defense of life by Jesse Jackson, before he abandoned these very views to be accepted by the Democratic Party as a Presidential candidate. It's a little over half way down the page.

7. The Democratic Party fights any and all limitations designed to save the life of babies who survive an abortion.

8. The Party's currently leader, the President, is the most virulently anti-life candidate in our history.


He voted against the "born alive" act that would protect the life of a baby who survives an abortion. He was actually to the left of NARAL on this. That's hard to pull off.


9. This last number needs to be separate because it's a particularly vicious and racist evil. The Democratic Party and current candidates actively (and I'd say rabidly) support Planned Parenthood — a racist organization founded by eugenicist, Margaret Sanger. She hated black people and wanted to get rid of them.

Ever wonder why 79% of Planned Parenthood clinics are in minority neighborhoods (and just think of that — 79% of all their abortion clinics!)? Because, in founding Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." So from the beginning, the clinics were put in minority neighborhoods. If you're going to exterminate a people, you've got to be close to where they live.

The results are astounding. While black Americans make up only 12.6% of the population, since 1973 they've made up 37% of all abortions. Abortion has reduced the black population by 30%. More than any other ethnic group (although Hispanic abortions are also wildly disproportional to their overall representation in the country (you can read more here)).

So from those nine reasons, it's very clear that objectively, the Democratic Party is responsible for, and proudly claims responsibility for, 57 million lives taken in abortion.  The Democratic Party collectively yawned when videos were released showing Planned Parenthood folks talking about selling baby parts. More humans lives have been lost through abortion than in any Republican military action or by capital punishment or by gun violence or starvation or racism (all the reasons a person might give for voting Democrat).

On lives taken — the Democratic Party win hands down.

And I get it. If Donald is the Republican candidate, who knows what he will do? But he has said he's pro-life (I know! He doesn't even say that in a really good way!). But he's also surrounded himself with folks who are pro-life. But with the information above, you KNOW what Democratic Party will do. They will continue to put judges in place that will expand abortion rights even further than they are now, and guarantee that abortion will continue unrestricted for another 20 to 40 years. They will continue to fund Planned Parenthood. And they will continue to push and promote their Holy Grail, their Great Sacrament, their great Non-Negotiable — unfettered abortion up to the moment of birth.

So you decide — what reason could a Christian give for being a part of a group that actively fights for the ability to kill the most vulnerable in our society?

Can You Be Christian and a Democrat?

Should a Christian be a Republican or a Democrat?

As a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit organization, Got Questions Ministries is not allowed to endorse political parties or candidates. We can, however, speak for or against certain political issues. In all actuality, though, few political issues are truly spiritual issues. As an example, we may prefer lower taxes, but the Bible does not endorse low taxes; all it says is that we are to pay our taxes honestly (Matthew 22:15-21Romans 13:6-7). Taxes and many other issues (social security, universal healthcare, education funding, immigration, energy/environment, etc.) are not spiritual issues the Bible explicitly addresses. As a result, Christians can in good conscience have disagreements on these issues.

Generally speaking, Republicans/conservatives prefer smaller government and more individual freedom, while Democrats/liberals/progressives prefer more governmental oversight of society and the economy. Conservatives argue for capitalism, that is free, for the most part, from governmental control, while liberals/progressives have more socialistic tendencies in regards to the government’s role. The Bible does not explicitly endorse either capitalism or socialism. God has given governments the freedom to have as much authority as is needed to fulfill their God-given roles of enforcing justice and building order in society (Romans 13:1-7). So, in regards to the size and scope of government, Christians can be libertarian, conservative, liberal, or progressive. None of those persuasions are inherently evil or ungodly. The argument should be over which system best enables the government to fulfill its God-given role.

Politically conservative Christians will argue that as governments get bigger and more powerful, personal freedom decreases, and if left unchecked, government will bloat itself into a controlling, authoritarian, and oppressive dictatorship. Historically speaking, there is much evidence to support this argument. Liberals/progressives will argue that the government should be greatly involved in providing social services, caring for the poor, sick, orphans, widows, unemployed, etc., pointing to Scriptures such as James 1:27. If these social services result in more governmental control, liberals/progressives are willing to make that sacrifice. Conservatives argue that the more freedom a society/economy has, the more prosperous it becomes. Liberals/progressives argue that some prosperity should be sacrificed for the “greater good.” So, while one economic/societal/political system may be “better,” neither is inherently evil/immoral/sinful. Both systems have strengths and weaknesses, and, historically speaking, both systems have proven themselves capable of fulfilling the basic biblical responsibility of government.

While issues such as the size/scope of government and economic systems are not explicitly addressed in Scripture, there definitely are some political issues the Bible does address, such as abortion (Genesis 1:26-279:6Exodus 21:22-25Psalm 139:13-16Jeremiah 1:5) and gay marriage (Leviticus 18:22Romans 1:26-271 Corinthians 6:9). For the Bible-believing Christian, abortion is not a matter of a woman’s right to choose. It is a matter of the life or death of a human being made in God’s image. Endorsing gay marriage is giving approval to a lifestyle choice the Bible condemns as immoral and unnatural. Therefore, Bible-believing Christians should support issues/candidates that are pro-life and should support issues/candidates that oppose gay marriage and uphold the biblical/traditional understanding of marriage. Whether these two issues should trump all other issues is a matter of personal conviction.

The Bible teaches that a leader in the church should be a godly, moral, ethical person (1 Timothy 3:1-13Titus 1:6-9). This should apply to political leaders as well. If politicians are going to make wise, God-honoring decisions, they must have a basic morality and worldview on which to base the decisions they are going to have to make. So if there is a clear moral distinction between candidates, as Christians, we should choose the more moral, honest, and ethical of the candidates.

No matter who is in office, whether we voted for them or not, whether they are of the political party we prefer or not, the Bible commands us to respect and honor them (Romans 13:1-71 Peter 2:13-17). We should also be praying for those placed in authority over us (Colossians 4:21 Thessalonians 5:17). We do not have to agree with them, or even like them, but we do have to honor and respect them. Politics is always going to be a difficult issue for Christians. We are in this world but are not to be of this world (1 John 2:15). We can be involved in politics, but we should not be obsessed with politics. Ultimately, we are to be heavenly minded, more concerned with the things of God than the things of this world (Colossians 3:1-2). As believers in Jesus Christ, we are all members of the same political party—monarchists who are waiting for their King to return (Revelation 19:11-16).

Should a Christian be a Republican or a Democrat?

No such thing as a ‘Christian Democrat’ - The party is now so extreme that no follower of Christ can align with it

I spent well over 30 years of my career in higher education, and for most of that time, I enjoyed a good debate with my peers. As a conservative, I was often in the minority, but that didn’t impede mutual respect, nor did it hinder friendships. Political differences were stark, but nearly all of them boiled down to disputes over means and not ends. All of us, for example, agreed that child care was a good thing.

I just believed the nuclear family, fatherhood and traditional values were the solution, while my more liberal friends argued for more government programs. Progressives and conservatives shared the same goal; we just disagreed on how to get there. Democrats and Republicans alike dreamed of a new Jerusalem. No one championed Sodom. We challenged each other’s politics but never questioned one another’s biblical faith. Those days are gone.

This past week Matt Walsh posted the following comments on Twitter. “The Democrats have settled on their closing argument: ‘Vote for us so that we can castrate children, use your money to pay for abortions, and put pornography in the schools. If you don’t vote for us, then you are a Nazi and democracy will die.’ Fascinating political strategy.” In these few words, Mr. Walsh highlighted a sad and sobering fact: The Democrat party is now so extreme that no serious follower of Christ can align with it. There is no longer any such thing as a “Christian Democrat.”

No matter what your political stripes, if you have an ounce of honesty left in your soul, you have to admit that today’s Democratic Party is no longer a party that any thoughtful Christian, whether they be Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, evangelical or mainline Protestant, can support.

Consider these simple facts.

Today’s Democrats have elevated abortion on demand above all else. First trimester, second trimester, third trimester, or even five seconds before birth, it doesn’t matter. The party has made it very clear: A mother’s right to kill her child and Planned Parenthood’s right to sell that infant’s heart, liver, kidneys and lungs for profit, is the highest test of political loyalty. Forget child care; child sacrifice is now the highest good of those who goose-step with President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in their march to fundamentally transform our country and our culture.

And lest you think that infanticide is the only thing today’s Democrats care about, this party of all things antithetical to biblical faith has made it explicitly clear that they are far from being proponents of just one issue. Today’s followers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and California Gov. Gavin Newsom are much more multifaceted than that. No one can accuse them of playing a one-string banjo. Not only do they believe in the moral superiority of dismembering babies, but they also champion the righteousness of castrating your boys and sexually mutilating your girls.

The hypocritic oath — what’s that? Today’s Democrats are much more interested in empowering witch doctors to cut off your son’s penis or remove your daughter’s breasts than they are in protecting your children from such blatant butchery. One has to wonder if Goebbels smiles from hell at the experiments that not even he dared to try.

But physical mutilation isn’t the end of it. What about the evisceration of young minds and souls? Today’s Democrats tell us that pictures of men having oral sex with minor-age boys and graphic depictions of a father raping his daughter are examples of some of the best literature available on “diversity, equity and inclusion.” Hyperbolic, you say? Well, check your school library for Maia Kobabe’s “Gender Queer” and Toni Morrison’s “The Bluest Eye” if you want to learn more about what today’s Democrats define as social and emotional learning (SEL) for your 12- and 13-year-old sons and daughters.

I used to concede that there were many Christian Democrats, but I no longer believe this to be true. Why?

Well, it was Jesus himself who said, “If anyone causes one of these little ones … to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

Castrating our sons? Mutilating our daughters? Killing our babies? Normalizing pornography in our schools? If these things don’t fall under Christ’s definition of “causing little ones to stumble,” I don’t know what does. Call me crazy but defining yourself as a follower of Christ while he’s tying a millstone around your neck seems just about as nuts as pretending you care about children while you cut off their functioning organs and corrupt their innocence with porn.

Christian? I don’t think so. “Outside are the dogs … the sexually immoral, the murderers … and everyone who loves and practices falsehood. I, Jesus, have sent My angel to give you this testimony for the churches.” (Revelation 22:15).

No such thing as a ‘Christian Democrat’ - The party is now so extreme that no follower of Christ can align with it
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